1940 U.S. Federal Census of Otter Creek, Sweet Grass, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Sweet Grass County > 1940 Census of Otter Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames G Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AuslandLewis born about 1875

B Surnames

BeckLamont Iborn about 1919
BlakeleyCarolyn Iborn about 1906
BlakeleyCarrie Hborn about 1887
BlakeleyCharles born about 1882
BlakeleyClara Lborn about 1926
BlakeleyColleen Mborn about 1933
BlakeleyDorothy Eborn about 1939
BlakeleyHelen Rborn about 1937
BlakeleyJack Pborn about 1929
BlakeleyJames Eborn about 1931
BlakeleyMary Mborn about 1855
BlakeleyPerry born about 1908
BowenViolet born about 1881
BowmanArlene born about 1939
BowmanEdith Bborn about 1907
BowmanJerome Eborn about 1935
BowmanWilliam Cborn about 1906
BremanGeorge born about 1912
BruffeyMargaret Oborn about 1912
BruffeyPearl Cborn about 1882
BruffeyPrimus Aborn about 1875
BruffeySonfa Lborn about 1939
BruffeyWard Eborn about 1907

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C Surnames

ClarkHarriet Mborn about 1882
ClarkHarris Bolandborn about 1922
ClarkJohn Fborn about 1878
ClarkNathaniel Bborn about 1922
CookOliver born about 1916
CosgriffFrancis Sborn about 1936
CosgriffJo Robertborn about 1896
CosgriffKaia born about 1900
CosgriffRalph Eborn about 1926
CosgriffRobert Lborn about 1923

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E Surnames

EartmanElla born about 1876

G Surnames

GileJesse born about 1909
GrosfieldAbraham Eborn about 1878

K Surnames

KirwanCharlotte born about 1872
KoontzDollie born about 1881
KoontzWade born about 1875
KremperBetty Jborn about 1933
KremperBilly Jborn about 1939
KremperChloe born about 1911
KremperJohn born about 1895
KremperMary Dborn about 1934
KremperMike born about 1898

L Surnames

LavoldAletta born about 1868
LavoldBen Sborn about 1861
LavoldBernice Aborn about 1922
LavoldCalvin Hborn about 1925
LavoldEleanore Mborn about 1924
LavoldGeorge Mborn about 1905
LavoldHelen Aborn about 1896
LavoldKnate born about 1896
LavoldStanley born about 1892
LavoldSylvester Nborn about 1898
LeamerFrank born about 1880
LopatkeWalter Fborn about 1881

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M Surnames

McCordFannie Wborn about 1890
McCordLee born about 1891
MitchellVirginia born about 1916

N Surnames

NoorheesIva Vborn about 1901

P Surnames

PetrickJulia born about 1872

R Surnames

RaislandBen Jborn about 1921
RuddAlfred Bborn about 1935
RuddFrances Mborn about 1914
RuddJoyce Mborn about 1933
RuddMarian Jborn about 1937
RuddOtis Lborn about 1935
RuddStanley born about 1907
RuddWalter Sborn about 1933

S Surnames

SandageForest born about 1918
SandageMae born about 1883
SandersEdna Pborn about 1917
SandersLeroy Hborn about 1938
SandersMitzi Sborn about 1939
SandersSylvia Cborn about 1939
SlaghWilliam Jborn about 1888
SlaghWinnie born about 1892
SongstadBelinda born about 1896
SongstadMartin Jborn about 1897

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W Surnames

WatsonAlex born about 1894
WatsonMargaret born about 1895
WatsonWilliam Gborn about 1923
WebberElla born about 1877
WebberFlorence Eborn about 1930
WebberFrank Sborn about 1866
WebberKatie Fborn about 1910
WebberPatricia Mborn about 1932
WebberRoy Sborn about 1902
WesterveltEthel born about 1889
WesterveltLewis Aborn about 1890
WesterveltLola born about 1921
WesterveltMilo born about 1916
WesterveltPaul born about 1925
WestreEmma Mborn about 1927
WestreJacob Bborn about 1898
WestreM Joanborn about 1937
WestreMary Mborn about 1903
WestreThea Mborn about 1931
WhitcheadMary born about 1846
WrightEarl born about 1896
WrightHazel Mborn about 1895

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