1940 U.S. Federal Census of Spring Creek in Prairie County, Prairie, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Prairie County > 1940 Census of Spring Creek in Prairie County

A Surnames B Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AshleyDarlene Aborn about 1939
AshleyIra Rborn about 1909
AshleySusan Eborn about 1914

B Surnames

BankesJoseph Gborn about 1872
BastaAnna Mborn about 1874
BastaCharles Wborn about 1913
BlankHenry Jborn about 1899
BuckleyMark born about 1904
BuckleyPetrena born about 1905
BuechlerFred born about 1887
BuechlerMatilda born about 1889
BuechlerOtto born about 1924
BuechlerRaymond born about 1926
BuechlerRuth born about 1929

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E Surnames

ElbardAnna born about 1936
ElbardDaniel born about 1888
ElbardElmer born about 1916
ElbardHarry born about 1921
ElbardJohn born about 1918
ElbardLinda born about 1924
ElbardMary born about 1894

F Surnames

FeightToye born about 1917
FoughtWilliam born about 1874

G Surnames

GaubAlbert born about 1939
GaubAllen born about 1940
GaubAlvin born about 1931
GaubArnold born about 1936
GaubBertha born about 1901
GaubChristian born about 1905
GaubChristina born about 1874
GaubEdith born about 1939
GaubEdward born about 1929
GaubEleanor born about 1933
GaubErvin born about 1930
GaubEsther born about 1939
GaubG Gottliebborn about 1904
GaubH Berthaborn about 1926
GaubHarold born about 1937
GaubHenry born about 1911
GaubHilda born about 1910
GaubJacob born about 1901
GaubJoe born about 1907
GaubLeo born about 1932
GaubLorraine born about 1934
GaubLydia born about 1910
GaubMagdelene born about 1906
GaubMarion born about 1934
GaubMelinna born about 1927
GaubPauline born about 1916
GaubRueben born about 1930
GaubRuth born about 1933
GaubShirley born about 1919
GaubWilliam born about 1927
GebhardtChristine born about 1910
GebhardtLuella born about 1936
GebhardtRichard born about 1907
GebhardtWilburt born about 1930
GibhardtMary Mborn about 1913
GoplenChristine Bborn about 1896
GoplenCloe Mborn about 1923
GoplenDonna Aborn about 1928
GoplenLouis Eborn about 1903
GoplenVaughn Sborn about 1926
GuentherBetty born about 1929
GuentherDonald born about 1924
GuentherDoris born about 1922
GuentherEugene born about 1932
GuentherPen born about 1893
GuentherRobert born about 1927

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H Surnames

HaidleAllen born about
HaidleAnnette born about 1910
HaidleBernice born about 1933
HaidleFred born about 1914
HaidleFreda born about 1919
HaidleGottleib born about 1902
HaidleLery born about 1937
HaidleWilliam born about 1932
HallBessie Mborn about 1884
HallIsaac Cborn about 1873
HaughianDaniel Vborn about 1908
HaughianJerome Mborn about 1913
HaughianJohn Hborn about 1909
HaughianLeo Tborn about 1915
HaughianMargret Hborn about 1920
HaughianSusan born about 1888
HuehnFreda Gborn about 1917
HuehnGladys Dborn about 1936
HuehnGust Jr born about 1916
HuehnMarian Dborn about 1939
HulhanekVincent born about 1882

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I Surnames

IrionAndrew born about 1932
IrionChristina born about 1895
IrionMorris born about 1924
IrionSamuel born about 1891
IrionTheodore born about 1919

J Surnames

JilgerWalter Rborn about 1911

K Surnames

KalmbackAdam born about 1885
KalmbackAnna born about 1883
KalmbackElsie born about 1920
KalmbackJohn born about 1918
KalmbackLinda born about 1926
KalmbackMartha born about 1924
KarstenMay born about 1876
KarstenWilliam Cborn about 1878
KelliElsie born about 1914
KelliJacob born about 1887
KelliMatilda born about 1892
KeuhnIna Cborn about 1938
KeuhnSamuel born about 1914
KeuhnTillie Cborn about 1916
KeuhnWayne Sborn about 1935
KoehlAugust born about 1909
KoehlEdna born about 1939
KoehlLawrence born about 1936
KoehlMartha born about 1909
KranzlerFredrica born about 1881
KranzlerJohn born about 1880
KranzlerRichard born about 1916
KranzlerVirginia born about 1920
KreagerBernie Eborn about 1926
KreagerEunice Lborn about 1928
KreagerInez Iborn about 1904
KreagerLeonard Rborn about 1901

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L Surnames

LamerJohn born about 1918
LeeckElizabeth born about 1876
LundElmer born about 1898
LundKatherine born about 1906
LundLeo born about 1900
LundRonald born about 1933

M Surnames

MacioroskiAlex born about 1880
MacioroskiAlice born about 1892
MacioroskiAlice Mborn about 1925
MacioroskiBarbara Wborn about 1930
MacioroskiChester Vborn about 1918
MacioroskiEdward born about 1906
MacioroskiJimmy Sborn about 1934
MacioroskiJosephine born about 1927
MacioroskiPeter Jborn about 1919
MacioroskiRoy born about 1932
MacioroskiTomas Wborn about 1929
MacioroskiTony Aborn about 1923

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O Surnames

OhareThomas Jborn about 1890

R Surnames

RennPaul born about 1917
RennTom born about 1883
RossaAlbert born about 1897
RuetherChrist born about 1889
RuetherHerbert born about 1913
RuetherMagdalene born about 1890
RuetherMagdalene born about 1914
RuetherMartha born about 1922
RuetherRuebon born about 1920
RuffChristina born about 1892
RuffClarence born about 1932
RuffEdward born about 1892
RuffJohn born about 1891
RuffLillain born about 1919
RuffPauline born about 1898
RuffRaymond born about 1919

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S Surnames

SachmanAlvin born about 1925
SachmanBenjaman born about 1923
SachmanEsther born about 1918
SachmanJacob born about 1881
SachmanMagdeline born about 1928
SachmanRachael born about 1921
SachmanSelemenia born about 1883
SachmanWalter born about 1926
SageBeckley Dborn about 1901
SchmidtAlvin born about 1929
SchmidtEdna born about 1935
SchmidtEdward born about 1917
SchmidtGottfired born about 1894
SchmidtGottlief born about 1921
SchmidtLorraine born about 1932
SchmidtMarian born about 1937
SchmidtOttilia born about 1897
SchmidtRichard born about 1927
SchmidtThomas born about 1923
SchottDavid born about 1914
SelzeEdna born about 1923
SelzeElla born about 1925
SelzeElnora born about 1926
SelzeEmma born about 1904
SelzeHenryx born about 1889
SirAnton born about 1882
SirAnton Jr born about 1912
SirAntonia born about 1885
SirFrank born about 1918
SirJerry born about 1910
StephensRobert Rborn about 1926
StrobelAlbert born about 1917
StrobelBarbara born about 1913
StrobelBerta born about 1884
StrobelBertha born about 1919
StrobelD Johnborn about 1910
StrobelDale born about 1939
StrobelDaniel born about 1880
StrobelDonald born about 1931
StrobelElizabeth born about 1936
StrobelFernie Elaineborn about 1940
StrobelFlorence born about 1937
StrobelFred born about 1877
StrobelFredrica born about 1892
StrobelG Gborn about 1887
StrobelMarvin born about 1935
StrobelOscar born about 1915
StrobelRuth born about 1922
StrobelTheodore born about 1908
StrobleDavid born about 1923
StrobleDorothy born about 1888
StrobleG Fborn about 1905
StrobleHarold born about 1933
StrobleHelen born about 1931
StrobleMariam born about 1924
StrobleRachael born about 1928
StrobleReuben born about 1918

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T Surnames

TompsonIvan born about 1887
TularskiDorthy born about 1881
TularskiFrank Fborn about 1919
TularskiHarry Rborn about 1914
TularskiPeter Pborn about 1916

U Surnames

UlrichAdolf born about 1889
UlrichAdolf born about 1920
UlrichChristina born about 1888
UlrichElmer born about 1925
UlrichGarfield born about 1921
UlrichGottleib born about 1912
UlrichIrvin born about 1918
UlrichLenoria born about 1917
UlrichLily born about 1938
UlrichMaria born about 1932
UlruchChristina born about 1865
UlruchKaren born about 1939
UlruchLousie born about 1905
UlruchRoy born about 1936
UlruchRudolph born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungquistClarence Rborn about 1890
YoungquistDean Eborn about 1923
YoungquistDelma Gborn about 1893
YoungquistRoy Rborn about 1917

Z Surnames

ZimbachRudolph born about 1920

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