1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wing, Blaine, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Blaine County > 1940 Census of Wing

A SurnamesH SurnamesM Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesK SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesL Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAlbert Aborn about 1882
AndersonCarl Gborn about 1886
AndersonCharles born about 1888
AndersonCharles Eborn about 1918
AndersonClarence Gborn about 1932
AndersonElvina Bborn about 1891
AndersonEvelyn Vborn about 1928
AndersonHannah Pborn about 1897
AndersonHelen Mborn about 1923
AndersonJohn born about 1888
AndersonMarie Aborn about 1892
AndersonNorman Wborn about 1920
AndersonPalmer Cborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BensonEdith Lborn about 1910
BensonGeorge Eborn about 1902
BensonLeon born about 1934
BensonLeslie born about 1930
BensonViola born about 1929
BerrisHenry Cborn about 1892
Bevolden??? Leroyborn about 1925
BevoldenAustin born about 1886
BevoldenAustin Pborn about 1921
BevoldenChester Nborn about 1919
BevoldenClara Aborn about 1888
BevoldenClifford Oborn about 1924
BevoldenLyle Jborn about 1929
BevoldenMarion Hborn about 1933
BevoldenMildred Iborn about 1927
BoardmanCharity Aborn about 1925
BoardmanChester Aborn about 1885
BoardmanChester A Jrborn about 1930
BoardmanEileen Lborn about 1921
BoardmanJessie Lborn about 1937
BoardmanSophie Tborn about 1900
BolsteadAndrew born about 1862
BolsteadAnna born about 1872
BolsteadLeander Mborn about 1897
BoydThomas Aborn about 1915

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C Surnames

CrallAnn born about 1915
CrallCharles Bborn about 1911
CrallRichard Pborn about 1932
CrallRobert Hborn about 1937
CrallWilliam Jborn about 1940

E Surnames

EricksonHarvey Bborn about 1935

G Surnames

GorsuchWalter Cborn about 1881

H Surnames

HayneChristian Dborn about 1872
HayneChristine Cborn about 1877
HayneWilliam Jborn about 1907
HiggensJanet born about 1917

I Surnames

IrwinClayton born about 1884
IrwinRose Jborn about 1889

J Surnames

JohnsonDonald Rborn about 1924
JohnsonElvin Cborn about 1922
JohnsonGordon Lborn about 1928
JohnsonHelen Mborn about 1926
JohnsonHilda Sborn about 1887
JohnsonJohn Kborn about 1917
JohnsonKnute born about 1883
JohnsonNorman Lborn about 1930
JohnsonReuben Rborn about 1918
JohnsonVictor Hborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KlunglandBetty Dborn about 1931
KlunglandCarl Dborn about 1940
KlunglandCarl Lborn about 1893
KlunglandCarol Eborn about 1934
KlunglandElsie Lborn about 1928
KlunglandErma Tborn about 1905
KosselberCaroline Cborn about 1918
KosselberLetha Cborn about 1937
KosselberRichard Gborn about 1906
KrossHarlen Lborn about 1929
KrossHilda Cborn about 1898
KrossLewis Eborn about 1889

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L Surnames

LindquistEley Rborn about 1917
LindquistFrank Lborn about 1872
LindquistSophie born about 1879

M Surnames

McGillvroyGordon born about 1920
McGillvroyMalcolm born about 1882
MejieClayton Eborn about 1922

R Surnames

RafterElsie born about 1886
RafterMargaret Jborn about 1927
RafterOrdway Cborn about 1914
RafterRichard Hborn about 1922
RafterWilliam Gborn about 1872

S Surnames

SchmidtRudolph Jborn about 1880
SchrubbeEdward Cborn about 1889

W Surnames

WapnerCharles Mborn about 1902
WapnerGenevieve Hborn about 1918
WapnerJohn Fborn about 1940
WapnerMichael Cborn about 1939
WingAlma Pborn about 1893
WingPaul Hborn about 1929
WingWalker Jborn about 1887
WingWallie Gborn about 1924
WoeppelEmil Cborn about 1904
WoeppelFlorence Aborn about 1913
WoeppelKenneth Eborn about 1940
WoeppelLewis Cborn about 1931
WoeppelRaymond Fborn about 1933
WoeppelVictor Lborn about 1935

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