1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wyola, Big Horn, Montana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Montana > Big Horn County > 1940 Census of Wyola

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AarstadClearance born about 1926
AarstadDare born about 1886
AarstadDelbert born about 1940
AarstadDella born about 1899
AarstadDon born about 1923
AarstadEarl born about 1935
AarstadGlenn born about 1937
AarstadHenry born about 1920
AarstadJean born about 1929
AarstadRichard born about 1934
AdamsElenora born about 1930
AdamsElla born about 1925
AdamsFrank born about 1918
AdamsHenry born about 1894
AdamsJohn born about 1928
AdamsRamona born about 1936
AdamsRubtte* born about 1893
AgeeGeorgia born about 1890
AmunsonBarbara born about 1915
AmunsonEdwin born about 1913
AmunsonLa Vera born about 1935
AmunsonMona born about 1939
AngelLeatrice born about 1937
ArborgastDonald born about 1927
ArborgastGalas born about 1896
ArborgastGeorge born about 1856
ArborgastLois born about 1929
ArborgastWilliam born about 1885
ArndtFred born about 1888
ArnoldEdgar born about 1882
ArnoldLucile born about 1884
AstfordDick Rborn about 1935
AstfordGer??? born about 1902
AstfordShelmer born about 1931
AstfordValma born about 1909
AstlefordCarol born about 1939
AstlefordDale born about 1931
AstlefordEmma born about 1906
AstlefordLeon born about 1937
AstlefordRamona born about 1929
AstlefordRobert born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerEarl born about 1898
BakerVeda Hborn about 1896
BarbowJean born about 1905
BarrettJames born about 1936
BarrettNevada born about 1901
BarrettVerion born about 1912
BayaceBen born about 1912
BayaceTeb?? born about 1898
BearalltimeBertha born about 1893
BearalltimeMary born about 1928
BearalltimeSancer born about 1930
BeardavidwalhRoy born about 1928
BeiverMary born about 1919
BelkenAnn born about 1893
BelkenBenjamin born about 1879
BelkenEdith born about 1883
BenbrookRay born about 1938
BenbrookRichard born about 1928
BenbrooksCarol born about 1936
BenbrooksCharles born about 1937
BenbrooksDonald born about 1930
BenbrooksMae born about 1905
BenbrooksOrlin born about 1907
BenbrooksWilliam born about 1933
BerryEdward born about 1908
BerryMavreen born about 1933
BerryMildred born about 1910
BerryNanette born about 1938
BlackhawkAngela born about 1885
BlackhawkEdith born about 1908
BlackhawkEli born about 1880
BlackhawkFeral born about 1926
BlackhawkKeith born about 1931
BlackhawkRose Mborn about 1924
BloorLoyd born about 1900
BoydJohnson born about 1887
BoyerBen born about 1912
BoyerOlinda born about 1913
BrassMaggie born about 1902
BridgerCora born about 1912
BridgerDaniel born about 1930
BridgerOlde born about 1934
BridgerWilliam born about 1908
BrittainEvelyn born about 1913
BrittainMelvin born about 1912
BrittainThomas born about 1924
BrockWilliam Gborn about 1893
BrothersonAnna Maeborn about 1927
BrothersonHerbert born about 1909
BrothersonNannetta born about 1912
BrownEthel born about 1922
BrownFrances born about 1920
BrownHarold born about 1915
BrownJim born about 1890
BrownLola born about 1891
BrownMaxine born about 1926
BrownMurrey born about 1917
BrownRalph born about 1932
BrownRobert born about 1901
BrownWilliam born about 1867
BruserEverett born about 1881
BurresFern born about 1939
BurresMary born about 1919
BurresRobert born about 1909
BurtonJames born about 1861
BurtonLela born about 1910
BusseySam born about 1889
ByoskiBetty Jborn about 1927
ByoskiJohn born about 1885
ByoskiJohn born about 1923
ByoskiKate born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaleyJohn born about 1918
CaleySylvia born about 1894
CaleyWilliam born about 1885
CampbellEmily born about 1876
CampbellHenry born about 1870
CastteCora born about 1883
CastteErnest born about 1877
ChamberlinDorothy born about 1914
ChamberlinJames Jan??born about 1914
ChapmanBetty born about 1908
ChapmanGrace born about 1933
ChapmanHelen born about 1935
ChapmanHilda born about 1882
ChapmanWilliam born about 1878
ChapmanWilliam born about 1901
ChapmanWilliam born about 1938
ChawsonGladys born about 1918
ChawsonMitchell born about 1916
CherieAudrey born about 1920
CherpinMike born about 1922
ChilesAnna born about 1862
ChristansonCleris born about 1880
ChristansonVinnie born about 1886
ClarkGlenn born about 1901
ComstockJosephine born about 1884
ComstockRoy born about 1886
ComstockVergil born about 1908
CookEmma born about 1891
CookLoyd born about 1891
CookRobert born about 1925
CossittFrancis born about 1925
CossittJaunita born about 1928
CossittJimmie born about 1929
CossittLester Aborn about 1922
CossittVirla born about 1894
CossittWilliam born about 1926
CoxMerle* born about 1920
CriswellLloyd born about 1877
CullentsonBlanche born about 1893
CullentsonJean born about 1927
CullentsonJean born about 1928
CullentsonJuana born about 1859
CullentsonKayle born about 1924
CullentsonKeith born about 1893
CvelbarRudolph born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlEdwin born about 1908
DahlEl??e born about 1903
DarstadAlice born about 1931
DavisAuthur Rborn about 1884
DavisGlenn born about 1919
DavisMollie born about 1883
DaylightAlice born about 1922
DaylightArren born about 1936
DaylightBlanch born about 1930
DaylightDiela born about 1886
DaylightIda born about 1888
DeckerAda born about 1917
DeckerElbert born about 1888
DeckerLawra born about 1889
DidlotHoward born about 1912
DillonCharles born about 1916
DillonDe Witt born about 1938
DillonDelbert born about 1908
DillonLawra born about 1936
DillonLoraine born about 1917
DillonPhobe born about 1915
DillonRosa born about 1937
DillonRosella born about 1920
DonohoeCarter born about 1888
DonohoeCay born about 1921
DonohoeDella born about 1895
DonohoeIrene born about 1928
DonohoePaul born about 1924
DonohoeWest born about 1926
DooreJemmie born about 1922
DorfeyPhillip born about 1897
DoyleMargaret born about 1877
DoyleThomas Jborn about 1871
DriftwoodEdna born about 1928
DriftwoodGeneveive born about 1910
DriftwoodHarvey born about 1920
DriftwoodLucy born about 1891
DriftwoodMary born about 1926
DriftwoodStephen born about 1881
DriftwoodSteven born about 1921
DritwoodElizabeth born about 1912
DritwoodFlora born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EckhardtLena born about 1919
EckhardtLoretta born about 1939
EckhardtWilliam born about 1914
EspartLucille born about 1881
EspartVon born about 1911
EssexNetina born about 1910
EssexWesley born about 1909

F Surnames

FarmanMargaret born about 1914
FarmanMargaret born about 1938
FarmanPaul born about 1914
FarmanPaula born about 1939
FisherRichard born about 1919
FisherRichard born about 1940
FisherWilma born about 1924
FoltyCarl born about 1892
FoltyCarl born about 1916
FoltyDonald born about 1934
FoltyFrank born about 1935
FoltyLena born about 1895
FoltyLynn born about 1918
FoltyMabel born about 1922
FoltyRachael born about 1925
FoltyRobert born about 1932
FoltyRuth born about 1926
ForydiceAllen born about 1905
ForydiceAllen born about 1937
ForydiceHelen born about 1935
ForydiceMarion born about 1912
FowlerAddon born about 1864
FowlerBlanch born about 1936
FowlerEarnestine born about 1867
FowlerFerd born about 1901
FowlerMary born about 1937
FowlerMuriel born about 1915
FoxGillard born about 1918
FrenchCassine Cborn about 1887
FrenchEtta born about 1891
FrenchLetter born about 1918
FulmerJean born about 1920
FulmerMargaret born about 1927
FulmerWillber born about 1888
FultonDavina born about 1916
FultonRosalie born about 1938
FultonWilliam born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GandiAretonia* born about 1877
GarciaFrank born about 1882
GarciaJohn born about 1931
GarciaManuel born about 1928
GarciaRaymond born about 1930
GeorgeEverett born about 1937
GeorgeKendall born about 1911
GeorgeLawra born about 1916
GilbertEdither born about 1928
GilbertLiny born about 1884
GilbertVirginia born about 1926
GilbertWilliam born about 1880
GilbertWilson born about 1913
GondonEdna born about 1910
GondonThomas born about 1928
GookedarmJosephine born about 1933
GraciaAndrew born about 1901
GraciaAndrew born about 1933
GraciaCrus* born about 1931
GraciaDellina born about 1932
GraciaDomingo born about 1910
GraciaEva?? born about 1938
GraciaFrank born about 1929
GraciaIda born about 1901
GraciaLinda born about 1939
GraciaPete born about 1905
GraciaPete born about 1935
GraciaRachael born about 1934
GraciaRaymond born about 1937
GrahamAlberta born about 1933
GrahamBillie born about 1925
GrahamBoyd born about 1924
GrahamCharles born about 1926
GrahamCristal born about 1927
GrahamLetta born about 1904
GrahamPeter Wborn about 1901
GrahamRuth born about 1900
GrahamTillman born about 1930
GrahamViolet born about 1923
GrahamWilliam born about 1897
GreenOrville born about 1915
GreenShirley born about 1922
GreenboughDoris born about 1910
GreenboughFrank born about 1904
GreenboughGary born about 1937
GreenboughMertte born about 1938
GressPete born about 1911
GrossCarl born about 1892
GrossCarlene born about 1920
GrossErle born about 1932
GrossFrank born about 1899
GrossGenevieve born about 1927
GrossHazel born about 1907
GrossLucille born about 1892
GrossMattie born about 1870
GrossWilliam born about 1935
GrrellAllen born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagarDavid born about 1938
HagarEvrett born about 1925
HagarFay born about 1904
HagarHarold born about 1927
HagarOscar born about 1899
HagarPhyllis born about 1936
HagarRuth born about 1933
HaggarEdwin born about 1910
HalenRobert born about 1913
HammettAlice born about 1928
HammettBlanche born about 1895
HammettIva Belleborn about 1936
HammettJohn born about 1881
HammettJohn born about 1927
HammettLee born about 1930
HammettOlive born about 1922
HammettRoberta born about 1924
HanbyJohn born about 1889
HanbyTone born about 1858
HardingThomas born about 1910
HardyFrances born about 1899
HardySalvester born about 1897
HarmanEffie born about 1903
HarmanHarold born about 1897
HarmsFred born about 1902
HarrieGrover born about 1892
HarrisEsther born about 1863
HassDorthy born about 1860
HattonFrances born about 1912
HawisJosephine born about 1930
HawisMary born about 1893
HawleyMildred born about 1904
HaworthMerl born about 1925
HaworthRobert born about 1887
HayesGertrude born about 1901
HeadyMabel born about 1920
HeadyRaymond born about 1916
HermanAnna born about 1908
HermanAnna born about 1925
HermanBarbara born about 1934
HermanBernice born about 1939
HermanElla Maeborn about 1936
HermanJoe born about 1933
HermanMartin born about 1930
HermanMike born about 1928
HermanRete born about 1900
HillCloude born about 1910
HillJosephine born about 1915
HolbertDouglas born about 1930
HolbertEdward born about 1905
HolbertElizabeth born about 1928
HolbertFrances born about 1926
HolbertJames born about 1924
HolbertMary born about 1903
HolemanDonald born about 1937
HolemanElenor born about 1932
HolemanElizabeth born about 1935
HolemanHarold born about 1933
HolemanWilliam born about 1880
HoltryFrance Aborn about 1921
HoltryInfant born about 1940
HoltryRay born about 1917
HopperBoyd born about 1927
HopperCharlie born about 1896
HopperDale Oborn about 1938
HopperMartha born about 1915
HoweBobbie born about 1939
HoweElrine born about 1938
HoweJames born about 1932
HowePerry born about 1905
HoweRichard born about 1930
HoweThllie born about 1907
HubbittLewis Cborn about 1885
HubbittPerry born about 1888
HumpreyBowbrty* born about 1913
HumpreyDorothy born about 1916
HumpreyDorothy born about 1937
HuppmanTheodore born about 1862
HurtmanHenry born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IronAlice born about 1923
IronIris born about 1926
IronRuby born about 1921
IronTed born about 1922

J Surnames

JackGladys born about 1901
JackMartha born about 1930
JackRabbit Walterborn about 1890
JacobsMartha born about 1881
JacobsThomas born about 1918
JesenFloyd born about 1901
JesenGlenn born about 1932
JesenInez born about 1934
JesenVirginia born about 1912
JohnsonAlbert born about 1891
JonesEvelyn born about 1928
JonesHerbert born about 1905
JonesInya born about 1905
JonesPhyllis born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

Kallenback born about 1857
KateBeverly born about 1927
KateEvangeline born about 1922
KateHuldaly born about 1897
KateJohn Aborn about 1896
KellerThomas born about 1906
KellereMary born about 1924
KellyClara born about 1939
KellyDonna born about 1929
KellyElizabeth born about 1927
KellyJames born about 1891
KellyJulia born about 1909
KellyJulia born about 1932
KellyLois born about 1937
KellyPartrck born about 1935
KeysorIda born about 1915
KeysorJohn born about 1913
KishnerMark born about 1908
KolstaChi?? Mborn about 1889
KolstadBetty born about 1925
KolstadJack born about 1928
KolstadJohn born about 1902
KolstadLela born about 1907
KukielkaAlberta born about 1907
KukielkaEdith born about 1938
KukielkaGeorgia born about 1908
KukielkaGerold born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaforgeBenson born about 1920
LaforgeBetty born about 1921
LaforgeDaniel born about 1905
LaforgeElizabeth born about 1925
LaforgeEmma born about 1923
LaforgeEmma born about 1923
LaforgeFranks born about 1921
LaforgeFrences born about 1898
LaforgeGilbert born about 1925
LaforgeJames born about 1876
LaforgeJosephine born about 1877
LaforgeMabel born about 1913
LaforgeOlive born about 1892
LaforgeThomas born about 1884
LaforgeWilliam born about 1896
LaforgeWillomean born about 1932
LalerElias born about 1860
LalerElias Pborn about 1869
Lapp??? born about 1911
LappWinifred born about 1923
LavendureFrank born about 1881
LavendureFreddy born about 1937
LavendureJoe born about 1909
LavendureMeorda born about 1919
LavendureRose born about 1882
LavendureShirley born about 1939
LehmanDean born about 1935
LehmanDora born about 1909
LehmanFred born about 1885
LeisCleander born about 1903
LeisLoy born about 1930
LeisMary born about 1907
LeisViolet born about 1933
LewisBessie born about 1895
LindAlfred born about 1918
LindAlice born about 1884
LindElsie born about 1929
LindJohn Jr born about 1909
LindJohn Sr born about 1884
LindMolly born about 1910
LindRalph born about 1930
LindRiesie* born about 1922
LindWilliam born about 1890
Little born about 1869
LittleBessie born about 1936
LittleElizabeth born about 1932
LittleGladys born about 1938
LittleJoseph born about 1871
LittlePearl born about 1918
LittleWest Jackborn about 1907
LittleWest Maryborn about 1870
LittlelightBeverly born about 1937
LittlelightSandra born about 1936
LorsenBernice born about 1904
LorsenGeorge born about 1900
LuckettGrace born about 1885
LuckettLyle born about 1924
LuckettWilliam born about 1883
LuckettWilma born about 1922
LuiseApalo?? born about 1918
LyonsBernard born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldCurtis born about 1912
MailberAllen born about 1939
MailberBernard born about 1938
MailberDoris born about 1916
MailberWalker born about 1913
MalebearHerold born about 1927
MartinJames born about 1917
MartinRalph born about 1939
MartinRath born about 1918
MasonJohn born about 1881
MaxwellFrank born about 1867
MaxwellNettie born about 1863
McCaigMildred born about 1908
McCaigRuth born about 1939
McCaigWilliam born about 1916
McCaigWilliam born about 1938
McCornickAlla born about 1871
McFarklandMary Annborn about 1906
McFarklandMerrill born about 1906
McFarklandRaymond born about 1938
McFarklandRobert born about 1937
McGroverDonald born about 1914
McGroverMary born about 1918
McKineyDonald born about 1896
McKineyKathrine born about 1923
McKnightCharlie born about 1890
McKnightRada born about 1899
McKnightRobert born about 1932
McMarterAlex born about 1888
MedianArchie born about 1929
MedianCharlotte born about 1923
MedianElel born about 1921
MedianFrank born about 1924
MedianHazel born about 1906
MedianHons Frankborn about 1904
MedianJewel born about 1934
MedianViolet born about 1927
MichellMerlyn born about 1919
MichellRoy born about 1897
MillerPauline born about 1887
MitchelRalph born about 1910
MitchellAlex born about 1883
MitchellEdith born about 1882
MitchellMaryetta born about 1862
MobergDorothy born about 1893
MobergGrant born about 1873
MocabeeBeverly born about 1938
MocabeeCecil born about 1933
MocabeeFance born about 1940
MocabeeFinley born about 1912
MocabeeFrancis born about 1936
MocabeeRuba born about 1915
MonroeJessie born about 1902
MonroeVaughan born about 1906
MontgomeryAlice born about 1872
MontgomeryAlttia born about 1904
MontgomeryAlva born about 1898
MontgomeryCharlie born about 1878
MorganEdward born about 1924
MorganJennie born about 1899
MorganJohn Dborn about 1926
MorganJunior born about 1922
MorganMargaret born about 1927
MossDavid born about 1900
MossMariben born about 1936
MossMarjorie born about 1909
MurcockMildred born about 1889
MurdockAllene born about 1915
MurdockCharles born about 1937
MurdockIllis born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeedenEthel born about 1922
NeedenWilliam born about 1919
NelsonDalbert born about 1916
NevelClyde born about 1913
NevelIda born about 1919
NevelWilliam born about 1937

O Surnames

OneilJoe born about 1884
OngelMae born about 1912
OngelWelhard Mborn about 1912
OngelWillie Maeborn about 1935
OttemIva born about 1902
OttemJacob born about 1894
OwensPatrick born about 1894

P Surnames

PackHenry Aborn about 1885
ParkerGerold born about 1917
ParkerHoward born about 1901
ParkerRuth born about 1895
ParkerWray born about 1921
PatersonAllen born about 1922
PatrickDaniel born about 1919
PaustianCleris born about 1913
PaustianEther born about 1917
PeckPally born about 1931
PeckZella born about 1905
PetersGeorge born about 1897
PetersGeorge born about 1935
PetersMaelba born about 1904
PowersAlice born about 1925
PowersAlice born about 1938
PowersBruce born about 1930
PowersCarol born about 1919
PowersCharles born about 1921
PowersIrene born about 1896
PowersIva Bborn about 1897
PowersJane born about 1921
PowersJohn born about 1920
PowersMary born about 1926
PowersNellie born about 1898
PowersRaymond born about 1924
PowersThomas born about 1890
PranteHayel born about 1896
PranteWilliam born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReadingEmil born about 1937
ReadingEthel born about 1916
ReadingLawrence born about 1912
RedmanCaroline born about 1935
RedmanKarey born about 1911
RedmanRobert born about 1938
RedmanStene Kborn about 1940
RedmanThelma born about 1913
RedwolfAngelia born about 1936
RedwolfAngeline born about 1936
RedwolfBetty born about 1938
RedwolfCharlie Zborn about 1901
RedwolfDeris born about 1939
RedwolfEdward born about 1911
RedwolfGuanita born about 1915
RedwolfJulia born about 1910
RedwolfOtta born about 1934
ReidWilliam born about 1875
RiplettCarl born about 1886
RiplettClyde born about 1924
RiplettEsther born about 1926
RiplettHowgard born about 1921
RiplettKenneth born about 1916
RiplettNellie born about 1887
RiplettRichard born about 1930
Ripley??? born about 1883
RipleyAlfred born about 1885
RipleyBabbie born about 1933
RipleyBill born about 1932
RipleyClifford born about 1921
RipleyElma born about 1930
RipleyEva born about 1930
RipleyGladys born about 1900
RipleyLinnie born about 1864
RipleyLouise born about 1926
RipleyMadonna born about 1936
RipleyWartie born about 1891
RiversA??lia born about 1894
RobinsonBessie born about 1880
RobinsonErnest born about 1880
RomeniceDorothy born about 1908
RomeniceJames born about 1918
RomeniceKaren Rborn about 1938
RomireBert born about 1878
RomireHattie born about 1873
RomireJean born about
RoppeCora born about 1931
RossetteMary born about 1905
RossetteRoger born about 1900
RuckieJohn born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SavageDorothy born about 1917
SchockBert born about 1891
SchockBlanch born about 1902
SchroedenDean born about 1933
SchroedenEdward born about 1871
SchroedenLeslie born about 1905
SchroedenLeslie born about 1929
SchroedenMildred born about 1901
SchroederJohn born about 1900
SchroederVirginia born about 1913
SchubelingAnna Mborn about 1937
SchubelingFreda born about 1918
SchubelingWillam born about 1916
SchuttyeArthur born about 1895
SchuttyeMargaret born about 1895
ScottBernita born about 1937
ScottBetty born about 1929
ScottDouglas born about 1905
ScottEvelyn born about 1912
ScottFreehard* born about 1890
ScottHerbert born about 1937
ScottJohn born about 1934
ScottLa Vern born about 1910
ScottLillian born about 1936
ScottLiya born about 1871
ScottNancy born about 1939
ScottShe??ma born about 1927
ScottThomas born about 1910
ScottWilliam born about 1939
SeigHoward born about 1918
SharkJohn born about 1897
SharonBetty born about 1932
SharonBilly born about 1932
SharonCharlotte born about 1900
SharonJessie born about 1891
SharonLe Toy born about 1918
SharonMartin born about 1930
SharonPhilip born about 1924
SharonRay Oborn about 1926
SharonRobert born about 1934
SheetsAlbert Jborn about 1884
SheetsMargaret born about 1885
ShepeBonnie born about 1932
ShepeLe??? born about 1905
ShepeSylvia born about 1907
ShibbyClarence Bborn about 1872
ShillingerDwane born about 1938
ShillingerFanice born about 1939
ShillingerMaine born about 1916
ShillingerPaul born about
ShillingerVirgil born about 1917
ShirleyJohn born about 1930
ShirleyLillian born about 1900
ShirleyMaxine born about 1929
ShirleyRobert born about 1899
ShreneJohn born about 1885
ShreneJohn Rborn about 1936
ShreneValens Bborn about 1926
ShreneVenus born about 1904
SmithFe???dela born about 1921
SmithFloyd born about 1921
SmithGlenn born about 1939
SmithHayel born about 1924
SmithMabel born about 1886
SmithMarion born about 1937
SmithPaul born about 1917
SmithRandall born about 1915
SmithRobert born about 1875
SmithRuby born about 1918
SmithWanda born about 1918
SowersGay born about 1900
SowersGrey born about 1932
SowersMary born about 1901
SowersPatty born about 1924
SpragueAlviva born about 1914
SpragueBobbie born about 1933
SpragueGeorge born about 1935
SpragueNorma born about 1937
SpragueSidney born about 1910
SpriggsBobby born about 1926
SpriggsClifford born about 1905
SpriggsEdgar Mborn about 1919
SpriggsEdger born about 1901
SpriggsEmma born about 1886
SprinceClaude born about 1862
SprinceFrank born about 1894
SprinceGertrude born about 1877
StarnnaJohn Sborn about 1911
StevensHenry born about 1889
StevensIcey born about 1878
StewartCerise born about 1911
StewartFrancis born about 1913
StewartMarvin born about 1936
StewartMitchell born about 1934
StewartThomas born about 1933
StoneDora born about 1911
StoneJess born about 1906
SwansonElmar born about 1910
SweetBlanche born about 1892
SweetRay born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarkerCurtis born about 1917
ThomasClara born about 1916
ThomasDavid born about 1939
ThomasRobert born about 1916
ThomtonDale born about 1918
TschirgiFrank born about 1907
TschirgiMargaret born about 1918
TuckerBud born about 1886
TuckerDora born about 1931
TuckerJunior born about 1928
TuckerStela born about 1903
TurkeyJoseph born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValleyRoy born about 1924

W Surnames

WalkerCharles born about 1923
WalkerGladys born about 1920
WalkerHarold born about 1911
WalkerRoger born about 1939
WallGeorge born about 1914
WallIvy born about 1920
WallaceFrances born about 1884
WaltersHarry Dborn about 1905
WarrisDewey born about 1899
WarrisDick born about 1931
WarrisFrances born about 1928
WarrisKathleen born about 1909
WarrisKathleen born about 1938
WarrisPhilip born about 1934
WartenJosephine born about 1913
WartenPatrick born about 1937
WartenSaben Thomasborn about 1909
WaycesAbe born about 1932
WaycesBarbara born about 1934
WaycesChester born about 1898
WaycesMars Anneborn about 1936
WaycesMildred born about 1905
WefidtRalph born about 1913
WellsDixie Annborn about 1939
WellsJames Aborn about 1903
WellsLee born about 1885
WellsMarie born about 1908
WestsonAllen born about 1909
WhanClara born about 1896
WhanDorothy born about 1922
WhitemanBlake born about 1913
WhitemanEvangelina born about 1935
WhitemanJarry born about 1934
WhitemanStella born about 1914
WiedmanElizabeth born about 1866
WiekliffMattie born about 1876
WileyClay Hborn about 1882
WileyEdmond born about 1870
WileyEdmond born about 1911
WileyJack born about 1931
WileyMary born about 1894
WileySahel Rborn about 1936
WileyZora born about 1883
WilliamsCleotoe* born about 1930
WilliamsDorothy born about 1909
WilliamsHarold born about 1906
WilliamsMale?? born about 1935
WilliamsMarion born about 1917
WilliamsMarlin born about 1939
WilliamsShe?? born about 1932
WilsonBurner born about 1937
WilsonLyle born about 1905
WintermuteHe?? born about 1908
WintermuteRuth born about 1920
WiseCarol born about 1918
WiseLee born about 1917
WiseWendell born about 1938
WkamCecil born about 1916
WkamQunice* born about 1917
WkamRonnie born about 1937
WoodleyHelen born about 1938
WoodleyKenneth born about 1903
WoodleyLucille born about 1904
WoodsAlva born about 1910
WoodsOscar Cborn about 1894
WoodsSigna born about 1933
WookAugust Cborn about 1887
WookCarl born about 1923
WookFlorence born about 1904
WookIngeberg born about 1887
WynkoopHazel born about 1897
WynkoopLaurel Mborn about 1890
WynkoopMelvin born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbottFranklin born about 1915
YarbottVirginia born about 1921
YearArthur Rborn about 1884
YellowAndrew born about 1935
YellowBruce born about 1932
YellowCaroline born about 1932
YellowConstance born about 1935
YellowCordelia born about 1926
YellowCyras born about 1936
YellowElizabeth born about 1923
YellowEva Lborn about 1933
YellowIrene born about 1895
YellowJael Thomasborn about 1903
YellowJail Broneborn about 1892
YellowKenneth born about 1925
YellowLewis born about 1921
YellowMade born about 1859
YellowNeoma born about 1929
YellowRudolph born about 1919
YellowSusue born about 1902
YellowVirginia born about 1930
YellowWilliam born about 1914
YellowmuleLucy born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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