1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lewisville, Forsyth, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Forsyth County > 1940 Census of Lewisville

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDoris Tayborn about 1932
AdamsE Edwardborn about 1896
AdamsHugh Gborn about 1930
AdamsLaura Sborn about 1935
AdamsLeo Fborn about 1931
AdamsMary born about 1904
AdamsSam Eborn about 1934
AdamsW Mahlonborn about 1938
AlbartyBarbara Ruthborn about 1926
AlbartyIra Deweyborn about 1925
AlbartyJefferson Lborn about 1877
AlbartyLona born about 1884
AlbartyMims born about 1921
AlbertBessie born about 1886
AlbertClaudie born about 1910
AlbertThomas Jborn about 1893
AldridgeFrances Mborn about 1924
AldridgeMabel born about 1927
AldridgeMary born about 1873
AldridgeSidney Tborn about 1868
AldridgeThomas Cborn about 1893
AldridgeWalter Hborn about 1908
AllenEdna born about 1922
AllgoodDorothy born about 1926
AllgoodGeneva born about 1899
AllgoodHerman Gborn about 1934
AllgoodJene born about 1932
AllgoodJoan born about 1937
AllgoodRuth born about 1919
AllgoodWilliam Jborn about 1897
AllgoodWilliam J Jrborn about 1929
AlsbaughAlice Aborn about 1931
AlsbaughGrover Wborn about 1934
AlsbaughMary born about 1907
AlsbaughRuth born about 1926
AndersonCarrie born about 1899
AndersonCharles Hborn about 1928
AndersonCrawley born about 1895
AndersonEstell born about 1922
AndersonGrady born about 1930
AndersonGrover born about 1934
AndersonJohnny born about 1919
AndersonKatherine born about 1917
AndersonMargarett born about 1920
AngelEmma born about 1882
AngelGarl born about 1908
AngelHobert born about 1898
AngelWilliam Eborn about 1883
AnthonyBobby Rborn about 1933
AnthonyDella born about 1901
AnthonyEdgar born about 1896
AnthonyJ Turnerborn about 1894
AnthonyJames Scottborn about 1933
AnthonyJosephine born about 1928
AnthonyLora born about 1894
AnthonyMaceo born about 1923
AnthonyOdessa born about 1932
AnthonyRay born about 1930
AnthonyRoy Jborn about 1930
AnthonySylvester born about 1925
AnthonyWillie Mborn about 1939
ArmstrongCharles born about 1913
ArmstrongErnestine born about 1920
ArterBuford born about 1926
ArterLilly Aborn about 1891
ArterPaul born about 1927
AshleyBetty born about 1859
AshleySalley born about 1901
AversonSarrah born about 1873
AyersCallie born about 1931
AyersEllis born about 1913
AyersEmme* born about 1892
AyersEthel born about 1925
AyersHoldman born about 1923
AyersJosee born about 1928
AyersSidney born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyArtelia born about 1921
BaileyFrank Tborn about 1900
BaileyFrank T Jrborn about 1926
BaileyGoldie born about 1901
BaileyJack Lborn about 1928
BaileyLee Tborn about 1930
BaileyNathan Mborn about 1937
BarkerAlta born about 1890
BarkerDock born about 1891
BarkerLillie Maeborn about 1927
BarkerMamey born about 1911
BarkerSybil born about 1929
BarkleyCarrie born about 1879
BarrAnnie born about 1927
BarrCasby Fborn about 1900
BarrCosby F Jrborn about 1923
BarrJellie born about 1904
BarrKenneth born about 1929
BarrWilliam Gborn about 1935
BaudleGertrude born about 1901
BaudleJohn Sborn about 1882
BawmanSam born about 1865
BeauchampAnnie born about 1912
BeauchampBurnice born about 1936
BeauchampCarl born about 1926
BeauchampClarence born about 1930
BeauchampClyde born about 1917
BeauchampEdna born about 1887
BeauchampEdna born about 1918
BeauchampGaye born about 1940
BeauchampGladys born about 1923
BeauchampJohn Sborn about 1895
BeauchampLinda born about
BeauchampLucy born about 1927
BeauchampNoama* born about 1922
BeauchampOdell born about 1935
BeauchampOdell Sborn about 1908
BeauchampPaul born about 1921
BeauchampRobert born about 1919
BeauchampRonald born about 1936
BeauchampRuth born about 1921
BeauchampSally born about 1899
BeauchampSidney born about 1939
BeauchampThelma born about 1912
BeauchampWalter born about 1924
BeauchampZack Aborn about 1886
BeckBobby Jborn about 1932
BeckClifton born about 1926
BeckHenry born about 1928
BeckJesse born about 1923
BeckJimmie born about 1937
BeckNancy born about 1931
BeckNannie born about 1901
BeckNoah Wborn about 1897
BeckNoah W Jrborn about 1922
BeckSammie born about 1935
BeckWelma born about 1929
BecknerJohn Eborn about 1868
BecknerPeniniah Eborn about 1869
BennettEthel born about 1908
BennettJa* Jr born about 1927
BennettJashua* born about 1894
BennettLois born about 1931
BillingBettie born about 1926
BillingFrances born about 1933
BillingHenry born about 1919
BillingLilly Hborn about 1892
BindleyCharles Bborn about 1880
BinghamFloyd born about 1878
BinghamMaggie born about 1881
BinkleyAddie born about 1876
BinkleyArlington Jborn about 1895
BinkleyCarl born about 1925
BinkleyCharles born about 1939
BinkleyCora born about 1884
BinkleyDavid Aborn about 1877
BinkleyEdna born about 1915
BinkleyEllis Cborn about 1912
BinkleyFannie born about 1916
BinkleyHerbert Tborn about 1917
BinkleyJ Andrewborn about 1870
BinkleyJames Mborn about 1919
BinkleyJohn Dborn about 1908
BinkleyJohn Fborn about 1907
BinkleyJoseph Hborn about 1922
BinkleyJoyce Leeborn about 1935
BinkleyMartin Fborn about
BinkleyMary Eborn about 1924
BinkleyMary Susanborn about 1867
BinkleyMitzel born about 1926
BinkleyPeter Mborn about 1863
BinkleyVerna born about 1914
BinkleyW Davidborn about 1937
BinkleyW Thomasborn about 1908
BinkleyW Thomasborn about 1909
BinkleyWilliam Dborn about 1903
BinkleyWilliam Gborn about 1870
BlackAmanda born about 1854
BlackArlyne born about 1925
BlackBerton born about 1904
BlackBessie born about 1899
BlackCarlos born about 1906
BlackD Leeborn about 1915
BlackF Clydeborn about 1885
BlackFannie born about 1906
BlackGeneva born about 1925
BlackJames born about 1915
BlackJames Eborn about 1894
BlackJohn Gborn about 1892
BlackLillian Rborn about 1937
BlackLillie born about 1884
BlackLucile born about 1918
BlackMarjory Lborn about 1927
BlackMary born about 1903
BlackMary Elizabethborn about 1922
BlackMildred born about 1936
BlackRobert Aborn about 1939
BlackW Josephborn about 1911
BlackWilliam Tborn about 1878
BlackWillie Gborn about 1910
BlakeAlex born about 1918
BlakeElizabeth born about 1889
BlakeHubert born about 1923
BlakeLouise born about 1927
BlakeWilliam Aborn about 1889
BodfordAlice born about 1870
BodfordBarbara Jborn about 1935
BodfordHarrice Gborn about 1931
BodfordRosa Lauborn about 1932
BodfordSallie born about 1910
BodfordWilliam born about 1910
BodfordWilliam Gborn about 1937
BoggsBellie born about 1930
BoggsRobert Mborn about 1898
BoggsRosa born about 1903
BoggsThomas Gborn about 1923
BonerBlanche born about 1904
BonerBurt Aborn about 1894
BonerNancy born about 1933
BowmanGoel born about 1904
BowmanLeoid* born about 1936
BowmanLeslie born about 1925
BowmanLevi born about 1929
BowmanNancy born about 1898
BowmanRuby born about 1923
BoyerCharles born about 1874
BoyerEthel born about 1913
BoyerGrace born about 1911
BoyerHenry born about 1906
BoyerHenry Jr born about 1939
BoyerJaheph* born about 1908
BoyerKenneth born about 1911
BradshawJames born about 1890
BrandLillian born about 1890
BrandonAlberta born about 1921
BrandonBetty Loeborn about 1932
BrandonBillie born about 1937
BrandonClyde born about 1930
BrandonFrank born about 1895
BrandonFrank Jr born about 1920
BrandonGilbert born about 1935
BrandonLouise born about 1924
BrandonLucinda born about 1902
BrandonMelba Jean*born about 1939
BrandonRobert born about 1926
BrandonWillis born about 1922
BraswellMarion Aborn about 1899
BraswellOudree* born about 1903
BrewerBarbara born about 1937
BrewerCharles born about 1929
BrewerEmery born about 1901
BrewerEmery Jr born about 1929
BrewerHenry Cborn about 1913
BrewerJoseph Dborn about 1938
BrewerMarian born about 1923
BrewerMildred born about 1914
BrewerSalley born about 1901
BrewerTherman born about 1938
BruceAnnie born about 1899
BruceFaye born about 1936
BruceHazel born about 1900
BruceHouise born about 1925
BruceNorman born about 1923
BruceVirginia born about 1927
BryantCosephine born about 1913
BryantEllen born about 1878
BryantHellen born about 1901
BryantHellen born about 1930
BryantL Heartt Jrborn about 1927
BryantL Heartt*born about 1900
BryantLouis Aborn about 1874
BullardEdithe born about 1925
BullardFannie born about 1891
BullardIda born about 1863
BullardJahnaie born about 1927
BullardSidney born about 1888
BullardSophia born about 1922
BullardVirginia born about 1929
BullardWill Jborn about 1859
BunceCharles born about 1925
BunceMargaret born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CambellDoris born about 1923
CambellNellie born about 1900
CampbellAnna Pborn about 1923
CampbellBetty Jeneborn about 1936
CampbellGeraldine born about 1937
CampbellHelen born about 1930
CampbellIsaac born about 1894
CampbellIsaac Jr born about 1924
CampbellJames born about 1928
CampbellJames Pborn about 1928
CampbellLillian born about 1939
CampbellLucy Bborn about 1902
CampbellMary Bellborn about 1932
CampbellMattie born about 1914
CampbellPaul Sborn about 1926
CampbellPearl born about 1896
CampbellPeggy Annborn about 1934
CampbellWilliam born about 1937
CampbellWilliam Lborn about 1924
CampbellZeddie Cborn about 1908
CanterAline born about 1925
CanterBetty born about 1902
CanterC Leeborn about 1874
CanterDavid born about 1936
CanterDorthery born about 1926
CanterFred Sborn about 1902
CanterGeorge born about 1918
CanterGuy born about 1922
CanterHenry born about 1904
CanterIrine born about 1925
CanterJames Sborn about
CanterJohn Fborn about 1905
CanterLester born about 1910
CanterLindon born about 1934
CanterMartha born about 1927
CanterMary born about 1907
CanterNancie born about 1882
CanterNancy born about 1936
CanterNannie born about 1909
CanterNellie born about 1920
CanterRichard born about 1938
CarpenterJames born about 1926
CarpenterRichard born about 1922
CarterAlbert born about 1925
CarterAline born about 1938
CarterAllie born about 1908
CarterAlma born about 1937
CarterBarbara born about 1933
CarterCarata born about 1908
CarterClay Hborn about 1895
CarterClay Jr born about 1931
CarterDoris born about 1939
CarterEarl Pborn about 1898
CarterEthel born about 1917
CarterGrace born about 1915
CarterHarrold Tborn about 1939
CarterJames Mborn about 1876
CarterLois born about 1934
CarterMary Sborn about 1921
CarterNellie born about 1900
CarterRay Mborn about 1918
CarterRobert Rborn about 1937
CarterThomas Bborn about 1915
CaseyCarolyn born about 1939
CaseyDonal born about 1913
CaseyElizabeth born about 1919
CaseyGerald Wborn about 1911
CaseyJosnne born about 1936
CaseyKenneth born about 1936
CaseyStella born about 1911
CaudleAnnie born about 1911
CaudleCharles Eborn about 1935
CaudleLacie born about 1909
CaudleLoyd Cborn about 1931
CaudleSarrah born about 1930
CaudleThomas Eborn about 1902
ChapellMildred born about 1921
ChittyBettie Lauborn about 1923
ChittyCharles Eborn about 1902
ChittyJannie born about 1904
ChurchHubert born about 1925
ClaytonA Grantborn about 1872
ClaytonAlbert born about 1905
ClaytonDella born about 1870
ClaytonHenry Tborn about 1887
ClaytonJennie born about 1898
ClaytonMargaret born about 1880
ClaytonMargarett born about 1938
ClaytonMildred Eborn about 1907
ClaytonTherman born about 1924
ClaytonWilliam Hborn about 1921
ClaytonWilliam Wborn about 1898
ClineAlvin born about 1925
ClineElizabeth born about 1923
ClineEmmer born about 1898
ClineGrace born about 1930
ClineLeo born about 1933
ClineLuthur born about 1890
ClingmanSarah born about 1876
ClingmanWill born about 1876
CohenCharles Lborn about 1938
ColeFannie born about 1914
ColeHarold born about 1937
ConerAlbert Wborn about 1863
ConerCasper Nborn about 1903
ConerDorthy M Aborn about 1875
ConerElizabeth Gborn about 1869
ConerOllie Eborn about 1907
ConerPeggy Anneborn about 1933
ConnerBillie Ilaborn about 1928
ConnerClarence born about 1923
ConnerClaude born about 1890
ConnerClyde born about 1930
ConnerRuth born about 1887
ConradAlbert Bborn about 1921
ConradAsa Oborn about 1910
ConradClaudia born about 1912
ConradClaudia born about 1938
ConradClinton born about 1924
ConradDella Maeborn about 1932
ConradDortha born about 1925
ConradEdward Rborn about 1927
ConradElizabeth born about 1919
ConradEugene Mborn about 1892
ConradFannie born about 1893
ConradFrances born about 1928
ConradFrank Eborn about 1921
ConradFred Allenborn about 1924
ConradJames Aborn about 1919
ConradJohn Eborn about 1917
ConradJohn Leeborn about 1935
ConradJonnie Leeborn about 1906
ConradL Virgeniaborn about 1925
ConradMary Eugeneborn about 1927
ConradMildred born about 1928
ConradNancy born about
ConradOmer born about 1889
ConradOtes Oborn about 1934
ConradRuby born about 1898
ConradRuth born about 1926
ConradSamuel Rborn about 1918
ConradTransa* born about 1922
ConradWalter Leeborn about 1925
ConradWilliam Kborn about 1923
CoseyClarke born about 1933
CoseyFerry Aborn about 1916
CoseyJames Aborn about 1920
CoseyOdessa born about 1888
CoseyRichard Wborn about 1926
CraftCarl Lborn about 1903
CraftCarl L Jrborn about 1933
CraftCharles Mborn about 1884
CraftCynthia Annborn about 1864
CraftDarrel born about 1937
CraftDasie born about 1879
CraftDonald Hborn about 1937
CraftDora born about 1906
CraftDoris born about 1920
CraftDorothy May*born about 1939
CraftEdith born about 1914
CraftEdna born about 1906
CraftEdwin born about 1931
CraftEffie born about 1891
CraftEliza born about 1876
CraftEunice born about 1933
CraftFletcher born about 1907
CraftFloid born about 1931
CraftFranis* born about 1938
CraftGilbert born about 1926
CraftGurney born about 1898
CraftGurney Jr born about 1921
CraftHallie born about 1912
CraftHobert Mborn about 1934
CraftHurbert born about 1926
CraftJ Henryborn about 1903
CraftJ Henry Jrborn about 1922
CraftJames born about 1939
CraftJoanne born about 1938
CraftJohn born about 1937
CraftJohn Tborn about 1855
CraftJoseph born about 1918
CraftJosephine born about 1917
CraftKinneth born about 1928
CraftLaurea born about 1887
CraftLilley born about 1868
CraftLucie born about 1912
CraftLucile born about 1912
CraftNina born about 1928
CraftNola born about 1898
CraftRamond born about 1934
CraftSpincer born about 1905
CraftSpincer Jr born about 1935
CraftT Albertborn about 1869
CraftWalter Aborn about 1894
CraftWilma born about 1917
CraftWorth born about 1927
CraterEdna born about 1928
CraterFrances born about 1921
CraterHubert born about 1919
CraterMillard born about 1898
CraterNancy born about 1933
CraterRoy born about 1931
CraterRuth born about 1924
CraterViola born about 1905
CraverBarbara born about 1939
CraverClarence Eborn about 1933
CraverOma Maeborn about 1905
CraverRalph Nborn about 1930
CraverRobert born about 1905
CraverSherley born about 1936
CraverVerginia Mborn about 1928
CullerKatherine born about 1925
CullerLadal born about 1880
CullerLauson born about 1848
CullerLelia born about 1904
CullerOscar Jborn about 1895
CullerTerry Aborn about 1940
CumboMarvin Fborn about 1896
CumboMary Sborn about 1901
CumbyJohn Tborn about 1866
CumbyLuna born about 1879
CumbyThomas born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaltonDave born about 1897
DaltonDon Fborn about 1919
DaltonEleanor born about 1937
DaltonFranklin born about 1937
DaltonGeorge born about 1917
DaltonIda born about 1929
DaltonMonroe born about 1923
DaltonRobert born about 1935
DaltonRosa born about 1931
DaltonVirginia born about 1921
DaltonWilliam Dborn about 1887
DaltonWorth born about 1927
DauthitDonald born about 1930
DauthitMadie born about 1924
DauthitMary Eborn about 1936
DauthitRolland born about 1932
DauthitRuby born about 1927
DauthitRussel born about 1921
DauthitSallie born about 1893
DauthitW Turnerborn about 1892
DavisMalissa born about 1887
DavisVirjan born about 1924
DavisWill Hborn about 1872
DeltonDon Fborn about 1890
DeszerneHarvey born about 1911
DeszerneHattie born about 1917
DeszerneViolet Rborn about 1937
DickersonJames born about 1918
DickersonLaura born about 1879
DickersonR Bruceborn about 1922
DickersonWalter Gborn about 1879
DinkensAdelene born about 1925
DinkensDorothy born about 1915
DinkensEdna born about 1920
DinkensJack Aborn about 1927
DinkensKatherine born about 1923
DinkensLaura born about 1890
DinkensRobert Lborn about 1914
DonevantHazel born about 1915
DonevantJerry born about 1936
DonevantLincoln born about 1914
DonevantRosa Leeborn about 1938
DorseAnnie born about 1924
DorseAnnie Pearlborn about 1886
DorseBenson born about 1921
DorseBiddie born about 1893
DorseElizabeth born about 1920
DorseGrover Tborn about 1887
DorseShirley Sueborn about 1924
DorseSusie born about 1892
DorseTerry born about 1917
DorseW Henryborn about 1893
DorseWorth Gborn about 1925
DorsettE Richardborn about 1939
DorsettEdgar Rborn about 1916
DorsettLois born about 1920
DotyHirman born about 1858
DoubChas Bborn about 1862
DoubErnest Rborn about 1900
DoubEthel born about 1898
DoubFlora Francesborn about 1900
DoubFrancis born about 1931
DoubHarrold Lborn about 1922
DoubJennie born about 1868
DoubLaura born about 1858
DoubMargaret born about 1899
DoubMelville Bborn about 1896
DoubPeggie born about 1926
DouthetJoe Aborn about 1896
DouthetNonnie born about 1908
DouthetRoland born about 1926
DouthitCardel born about 1911
DouthitHellen born about 1924
DouthitJoseph Wborn about 1888
DouthitMallie born about 1892
DouthitMattie born about 1920
DouthitPayne born about 1922
DouthitPeggy Anneborn about 1933
DullAlma born about 1904
DullBettie born about 1934
DullColeen born about 1933
DullDallas born about 1928
DullDora born about 1885
DullEd born about 1876
DullEdna born about 1931
DullEtta born about 1908
DullEtta Mayborn about 1928
DullFlora born about 1896
DullFrank born about 1931
DullGeorge Wborn about 1895
DullGrady born about 1928
DullH Deweyborn about 1896
DullHarold born about 1929
DullHenry Jborn about 1894
DullHobert born about 1930
DullJack born about 1932
DullJames born about 1926
DullJohn Hborn about 1860
DullJohn Wborn about 1871
DullJune born about 1932
DullKatheleen born about 1926
DullLee Royborn about 1929
DullLeoma born about 1900
DullLessie born about 1914
DullLillian born about 1895
DullLillie born about 1896
DullLouis Wborn about 1902
DullLouis Jr born about 1926
DullLouise born about 1924
DullMarvin Dborn about 1912
DullMary born about 1871
DullMary born about 1889
DullMary Ruthborn about 1930
DullNancy born about 1933
DullNora born about 1897
DullPerry born about 1928
DullRaleigh born about 1898
DullRichard Hborn about 1903
DullRobah A Jrborn about 1927
DullRuth born about 1909
DullThelma born about 1910
DullW Hendersonborn about 1863
DwinBettie born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasleyJames Sborn about 1889
EasleyJames S Jrborn about 1936
EasleyMinnie Sborn about 1890
EdwardsIsabell Mborn about 1874
EdwardsRalph born about 1918
EdwardsWilliam Jborn about 1870
EllisCharles born about 1888
EllisCharles Jr born about 1932
EllisFrances Jborn about 1904
EllisFrank born about 1932
EllisLeonard born about 1931
EllisNoah Sborn about 1905
EllisStella born about 1892
EllisWilliam born about 1937
EssexEron born about 1913
EssexLillian born about 1916
EssexNancy born about 1938
EvansJames born about 1935
EvansJohn born about 1910
EvansJohn Jr born about 1934
EvansRobert born about 1937
EvansVivian born about 1903

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F Surnames

FaringtonAlice born about 1929
FaringtonArtie born about 1899
FaringtonBaxter born about 1894
FaringtonKinneth born about 1939
FaringtonMary born about 1925
FaringtonRobert born about 1927
FeltsClarice born about 1907
FeltsWilliam Sborn about 1905
FeshMattie born about 1879
FoglemanWilliam Gborn about 1898
FonsonRosa born about 1884
FonsonWilliam Mborn about 1876
FosterAlbert Gborn about 1901
FosterCalvin Bborn about 1925
FosterGeneva born about 1923
FosterGrady Lborn about 1929
FosterLeona born about 1922
FosterMaude born about 1903
FoyJoe Fborn about 1936
FoyLilly born about 1909
FoyPatsey Mborn about 1938
FoyWilliam Tborn about 1901
FranklinBennie born about 1922
FranklinComilla born about 1922
FranklinEdith born about 1924
FranklinHazel born about 1921
FranklinJoseph born about 1930
FranklinMaggie born about 1865
FranklinMary born about 1927
FranklinN Stanleyborn about 1929
FranklinNoah born about 1860
FranklinWalter born about 1892
FranklinWalter Jr born about 1924
FranklinWorth born about 1926
FreemanMillie born about 1867
FryJ Wesleyborn about 1900
FryJ Wesley Jrborn about 1924
FryJoseph born about 1925
FryMary Louiseborn about 1939
FryMinne Inezborn about 1930
FryMonroe born about 1927
FrySallie born about 1916
FryeDallas born about 1917
FryeEugene born about 1939
FryeKathleen born about 1921
FulkMary Aborn about 1921
FulkMaud Cborn about 1902
FulkT Wakeborn about 1896
FulkThos Wborn about 1923
FulpEdward born about 1890
FulpThomas Wborn about 1859
FultonAlcia born about 1930
FultonArmando born about 1930
FultonCharles born about 1924
FultonDavid born about 1935
FultonElmer born about 1886
FultonJulia born about 1893
FultonRebecka born about 1926
FultonRomelia born about 1933
FultzEdna born about 1897
FultzJ Ferdinandborn about 1875
FultzMaurice born about 1925
FultzRosa Leeborn about 1923
FultzWilma born about 1924
FurchesDora born about 1875
FurchesGeorge Wborn about 1873
FurchesJames Cborn about 1940
FurchesLeo born about 1939
FurchesLeona born about 1916
FurchesRobert Cborn about 1913
FurchesRobert Jborn about 1936
FurchesThelma born about 1937
FurchesTheodria born about 1912

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G Surnames

GardnerLouise Gborn about 1916
GardnerTom Oborn about 1913
GardnerTommy born about 1936
GaubBernice Bborn about 1916
GaubEdell Bborn about 1916
GaubEmma born about 1872
GaubJohn Wborn about 1892
GilesAlex born about 1907
GilesElla born about 1909
GilmerMamie born about 1917
GlenAlle Maeborn about 1918
GlenH Allenborn about 1920
GlenJerdie born about 1903
GlenLouise born about 1936
GlenMary born about 1852
GlenVenus Cborn about 1902
GlennGertrude born about 1896
GlennHabert Pborn about 1924
GlennLindsay born about 1916
GlennWilliam Aborn about 1885
GodsonElla Mborn about 1912
GodsonWilliam Wborn about 1902
GrahamBeryl Eborn about 1920
GrahamDavid born about 1923
GrahamFrances born about 1932
GrahamGordon born about 1927
GrahamGrank Cborn about 1888
GrahamMarian born about 1922
GrahamOlive born about 1883
GrayGleen born about 1936
GreenDaisy born about 1904
GreenJames Eborn about 1893
GreenJames Rborn about 1927
GreenJohn Eborn about 1931
GreenNina Gborn about 1930
GreenRoger Fborn about 1933
GreenRuth Eborn about 1938
GriffinAgnes born about 1871
GriffinD Worthborn about 1934
GriffinDavis born about 1864
GriffinEffie born about 1908
GriffinHubert Hborn about 1905
GriffithHarold born about 1913
GriffithLillie born about 1913
GriffithSpinah born about 1935
GroseBertha born about 1900
GroseC Ernestborn about 1918
GroseCarl Tborn about 1894
GroseDoyle Cborn about 1931
GroseGolbert Lborn about 1935
GroseHazel born about 1923
GroseHorrace Mborn about 1926
GroseOdell Hborn about 1922
GroseOlin Lborn about 1924
GroseT Elmerborn about 1927

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H Surnames

HabeFred born about 1897
HabeIda born about 1874
HabeLillion born about 1904
HadgesCarbett * Jborn about 1902
HadgesCarlett Jr born about 1934
HadgesHester born about 1932
HadgesSallie born about 1902
HaldenCharlie born about 1868
HaldenJennie born about 1861
HalderCharles Wborn about 1933
HalderClara born about 1906
HalderEdward Wborn about 1930
HalderGray Eborn about 1927
HalderHarvey Hborn about 1905
HalderJames Lborn about
HalderJames Wborn about 1937
HalderMabel born about 1909
HalderMildred Eborn about 1928
HalderOdell Hborn about 1925
HalderRoy Lborn about 1933
HamiltonElla born about 1874
HamiltonJames born about 1882
HarbinAdeline born about 1916
HarbinAlbert Cborn about 1916
HarbinDaniel Lborn about 1881
HarbinNelia born about 1895
HarbinNorma Jeanborn about 1939
HarbinWatler Rborn about 1919
HardinBruice Allenborn about 1939
HardinBruice* born about 1911
HardinClara born about 1915
HardingH Gradeyborn about 1895
HardingMartha born about 1889
HardingVirgel born about 1876
HarperAlbert born about 1896
HarperAlbert Gborn about 1922
HarperAndrew born about 1911
HarperAndrew Bborn about 1886
HarperAndrew Jr born about 1921
HarperAnnie born about 1870
HarperAvor born about 1918
HarperBarbara Gborn about 1930
HarperBettie born about 1907
HarperBettie born about 1908
HarperBetty Jeneborn about 1930
HarperBilly born about 1931
HarperBlanche born about 1918
HarperBruce born about 1932
HarperBulah born about 1905
HarperClaudie born about 1888
HarperDora born about 1867
HarperDora born about 1907
HarperElisha Aborn about 1864
HarperEllen born about 1867
HarperEllen Eborn about 1925
HarperEthel born about 1920
HarperEugene born about 1907
HarperEugene Cborn about 1924
HarperEula born about 1929
HarperEva Nellborn about 1934
HarperEvola born about 1914
HarperFlora born about 1934
HarperFrances Pborn about 1928
HarperFred Pborn about 1903
HarperGary Lborn about 1939
HarperGrace born about 1923
HarperHelen born about 1928
HarperIrine born about 1916
HarperJames Eborn about 1906
HarperJoanne born about 1936
HarperJohn Bborn about 1905
HarperJohn Bborn about 1916
HarperKatie born about 1934
HarperLaura born about 1914
HarperLeota born about 1935
HarperLois born about 1936
HarperLouis born about 1901
HarperLouis Sborn about 1924
HarperLuthur Fborn about 1910
HarperMamie born about 1878
HarperMargaret born about 1904
HarperMary Eborn about 1932
HarperMax Bborn about 1929
HarperMaxine born about 1934
HarperMertie born about 1908
HarperMillard born about 1906
HarperMillard Jr born about 1929
HarperMonrow born about 1909
HarperNancy born about 1938
HarperNell born about 1908
HarperPatricia born about 1936
HarperPaul born about 1915
HarperPeggy born about 1914
HarperRichard born about 1939
HarperRobert Sborn about 1932
HarperRuth born about 1914
HarperSam born about 1936
HarperShirley born about 1914
HarperThelma born about 1914
HarperVirginia born about 1865
HarperVirginia born about 1918
HarperWalter born about 1882
HarperWilborn born about 1927
HarperWill Lborn about 1886
HartJames Pborn about 1914
HartJettie Cborn about 1936
HartMartha born about 1938
HartMattie born about 1915
HassBabbie Royborn about 1935
HassMamie Mborn about 1903
HassP Cletusborn about 1895
HauserA Frankborn about 1875
HauserAlice born about 1920
HauserAlma Jborn about 1877
HauserArchi?? D Aborn about 1874
HauserBessie born about 1888
HauserBessy* born about 1914
HauserCharles Sborn about 1931
HauserDora born about 1874
HauserDoris born about 1919
HauserDorothy born about 1922
HauserElizabeth born about 1938
HauserEllene born about 1917
HauserFlora born about 1876
HauserFloyd Wborn about 1901
HauserFred Jborn about 1902
HauserGladys born about 1912
HauserJ Leeborn about 1879
HauserJames born about 1924
HauserJames Wborn about 1870
HauserJoel Bborn about 1872
HauserJohn Hborn about 1876
HauserKenneth ?born about 1938
HauserLillie born about 1885
HauserMartin Leeborn about 1925
HauserMyrtie born about 1885
HauserNancy born about 1934
HauserOra born about 1890
HauserRebeca born about 1939
HauserS Kayborn about 1914
HauserShelby born about 1910
HauserT Woodroeborn about 1919
HauserThomas Wborn about 1881
HauserW Frankborn about 1885
HauserW Rayborn about 1939
HauserW Thomasborn about 1874
HauserWilbur born about 1914
HawkinsMildred born about 1911
HawkinsRogers born about 1914
HaynesCarolyn Anneborn about 1936
HaynesGladys born about 1892
HaynesJ Lawrenceborn about 1925
HaynesJames Fborn about 1893
HaynesKenneth Cborn about 1923
HaynesMary Lillianborn about 1921
HeardHuda born about 1886
HegeAldine born about 1928
HegeAlma born about 1922
HegeDella Maeborn about 1930
HegeEllen Vborn about 1862
HegeEtta born about 1896
HegeGladys born about 1920
HegeGrace born about 1896
HegeHilda born about 1926
HegeJohn Wborn about 1876
HegeJohn W Jrborn about 1925
HegeNell born about 1932
HegeSam Bborn about 1894
HenaleyCora born about 1894
HensleyArvel born about 1930
HensleyDorthery* born about 1937
HensleyElla born about 1932
HensleyFred born about 1904
HensleyGeneva born about 1916
HensleyGrace born about 1905
HensleyMarvin born about 1928
HermanAnn born about 1934
HermanElizabeth born about 1901
HermanFred born about 1937
HermanHans born about 1896
HermanJames born about 1922
HermanMargerate born about 1931
HermanRobert born about 1935
HermanWilliam born about 1932
HernBill born about 1928
HernBobbie born about 1924
HernByron born about 1905
HernGoldie born about 1904
HernJackie born about 1935
HernJames Gborn about 1939
HernJane born about 1933
HernMartha Lav*born about 1938
HernRichard born about 1926
HernRobert born about 1930
HiattAustin Hborn about 1892
HiattCarnelius born about 1925
HiattLelia born about 1892
HiattLindgburg* born about 1927
HickmanHawdard* born about 1904
HickmanHoward Jr born about 1933
HickmanRichard born about 1935
HickmanRuby born about 1912
HicksBeatrice born about 1924
HicksCharles born about 1917
HicksClinton born about 1919
HicksClyde born about 1920
HicksGeniver born about 1915
HicksHarvey born about 1930
HicksIda born about 1881
HicksJ Lutherborn about 1891
HicksJ Luther Jrborn about 1927
HicksJacob born about 1875
HicksJacob Jr born about 1922
HicksJames Wborn about 1915
HicksJettie born about 1925
HicksJohn Wborn about 1908
HicksLelia born about 1894
HicksMabel born about 1909
HicksMarie born about 1922
HicksMarind born about 1908
HicksMary born about 1873
HicksMary born about 1911
HicksPetter Loisborn about 1931
HicksRalph Mborn about 1907
HicksRalph Jr born about 1939
HicksWilliam Jborn about 1910
HillArthur Lborn about 1913
HillDulo Lborn about 1875
HillElizabeth born about 1937
HillEsther born about 1901
HillJohn born about 1932
HillJohn Henryborn about 1898
HillLaire born about 1916
HillLucile Lborn about 1915
HillPhoeb Janeborn about 1876
HillWilbur Lborn about 1935
HillWilliam Cborn about 1939
HireBonnie born about 1935
HireClyde born about 1920
HireElie born about 1930
HireFrances born about 1887
HireFrank born about 1913
HireGlenn Fborn about 1897
HireIrine born about 1929
HireMozelle born about 1925
HirePauline born about 1912
HireRay born about 1928
HireRoy born about 1923
HireSidney born about 1887
HireZora born about 1897
HolbrookIda born about 1882
HolbrookNola born about 1926
HolbrookRobert Oborn about 1885
HoldenRobert Jborn about 1903
HoldenRobert Jr born about 1923
HoldenVesta born about 1905
HolderAndrew Jborn about 1909
HolderC Thomasborn about 1897
HolderCharles Fborn about 1891
HolderClyde Hborn about 1913
HolderConrad born about 1914
HolderCora born about 1877
HolderCullie Mborn about 1911
HolderDavid Lborn about 1935
HolderDonnie born about 1907
HolderDora Joanneborn about 1940
HolderDorothy born about 1916
HolderDorothy born about 1925
HolderElery born about 1873
HolderElla born about 1898
HolderElla born about 1911
HolderErvin Cborn about 1911
HolderEugene born about 1939
HolderFay born about 1926
HolderFlossie born about 1896
HolderFrank born about 1931
HolderFrank Tborn about 1935
HolderFred born about 1934
HolderGeorge born about 1907
HolderGladys born about 1920
HolderGrady born about 1931
HolderHobert born about 1928
HolderHoward born about 1922
HolderJack born about 1928
HolderJimmie born about 1930
HolderJohn Fborn about 1904
HolderJoseph born about 1926
HolderJulia born about 1909
HolderKathrine born about 1932
HolderLola Maeborn about 1912
HolderMarvin Aborn about 1891
HolderMatthew born about 1906
HolderMildred born about 1925
HolderMildred born about 1928
HolderNora born about 1903
HolderPearl born about 1908
HolderRaymond S*born about 1933
HolderRaymond Tborn about 1873
HolderRoxie born about 1901
HolderRufus Eborn about 1900
HolderSid Mborn about 1886
HolderVirginia born about 1927
HolderWalter Rborn about 1902
HolderWalter Jr born about 1937
HollemanAuthur born about 1900
HollemanAuthur Jr born about 1926
HollemanBetty Eborn about 1926
HollemanElizabeth born about 1901
HollemanHenry born about 1933
HonesAllen born about 1920
HonesThomas Eborn about 1916
HoodingCharlie born about 1935
HorperEverett Lborn about 1894
HorperMary born about 1908
HowardRaymond born about 1872
HuffmanBurton Aborn about 1890
HuffmanMaggie born about 1877
HughesAugusta born about 1908
HughesMary Louiseborn about 1937
HughesRacole* born about 1926
HughesRichard born about 1933
HutchensDonel born about 1938
HutchensFred born about 1917
HutchensMildred born about 1916
HutchinsAdeline born about 1922
HutchinsBabby born about 1925
HutchinsDelfhi* born about 1926
HutchinsEliza born about 1902
HutchinsEvola born about 1915
HutchinsFoster Pborn about 1913
HutchinsGeorge born about 1893
HutchinsGertha born about 1892
HutchinsHarrison Hborn about 1895
HutchinsJames born about 1924
HutchinsMabel born about 1894
HutchinsMargaret born about 1920
HutchinsNancy Jborn about 1933
HutchinsOdria born about 1923
HutchinsPauline born about 1925
HutchinsRobert Leeborn about 1928
HutchinsRoy Aborn about 1931
HutchinsShirley Anneborn about 1930
HutchinsWilma born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesAdelaid born about 1902
JamesAudrey born about 1922
JamesAvery born about 1926
JamesWalter Aborn about 1900
JarvisCarolyn born about 1938
JarvisHarrold born about 1923
JarvisJames Eborn about 1851
JarvisJohn Jborn about 1891
JarvisKate born about 1897
JarvisRaymond born about 1925
JarvisTennyson born about 1920
JarvisThermond born about 1928
JesterBessie born about 1899
JesterCharlie born about 1923
JesterGraham born about 1919
JesterHarding born about 1920
JesterMartin born about 1925
JesterMartin Eborn about 1894
JesterMary born about 1927
JesterPeggy Louborn about 1930
JesterVira Pearlborn about 1933
JinninsDanial born about 1939
JinninsFoy Hborn about 1932
JinninsGuyn* born about 1908
JinninsLany born about 1936
JinninsMelba born about 1912
JinninsPaul born about 1917
JinninsRex born about 1936
JinninsUna Roalborn about 1913
JohnsonAndrew born about 1916
JonesAlbert born about 1933
JonesAlborn Gborn about
JonesAlec Pborn about 1896
JonesAnn born about 1933
JonesAnna Willaborn about 1890
JonesAnnie born about 1895
JonesAnnie Eborn about 1932
JonesBarbara born about 1940
JonesBarbera born about 1939
JonesBeatrice born about 1902
JonesBulah Vborn about 1896
JonesCarrie Aborn about 1887
JonesCecil Cborn about 1925
JonesClara born about 1907
JonesDavid born about 1938
JonesDiesy* Cborn about 1935
JonesDonel born about 1937
JonesDorothy born about 1928
JonesDorothy born about 1933
JonesEdward born about 1880
JonesEdyth born about 1922
JonesEldred Eborn about 1897
JonesEldred Jr born about 1922
JonesElizabeth born about 1882
JonesElizabeth born about 1928
JonesEmile born about 1899
JonesErnest Aborn about 1906
JonesEsther born about 1916
JonesEsther born about 1923
JonesFaith born about 1927
JonesFrances born about 1932
JonesFrank Mborn about 1925
JonesFurdnan born about 1903
JonesGriffith born about 1911
JonesH Monroeborn about 1937
JonesHarold Sborn about 1929
JonesHattie born about 1925
JonesHenry Mborn about 1910
JonesIda Graceborn about 1925
JonesJ Lenierborn about 1887
JonesJ Samuelborn about 1920
JonesJames born about 1912
JonesJessie J Jrborn about 1925
JonesJohn Wborn about 1879
JonesKeith ?born about 1927
JonesLanette born about 1938
JonesLela Eborn about 1934
JonesLeon Rborn about 1860
JonesLeona born about 1929
JonesLeroy born about 1938
JonesLillian born about 1916
JonesLillie Mborn about 1898
JonesLissely born about 1911
JonesMargaret born about 1921
JonesMargery born about 1928
JonesMarion born about 1928
JonesMary Ellenborn about 1880
JonesMimie born about 1913
JonesMrs Jocie born about 1887
JonesNancy Loe*born about 1923
JonesPaul born about 1932
JonesPauline born about 1930
JonesPhilip Rborn about 1929
JonesPleas Mborn about 1890
JonesRachel Leeborn about 1937
JonesRay born about 1935
JonesRaymond born about 1933
JonesRobert Mborn about 1934
JonesRoy born about 1939
JonesSarah born about 1900
JonesThomas Dborn about 1926
JonesVance born about 1912
JonesViolet born about 1901
JonesVirgil Sborn about 1918
JonesWill Hborn about 1888
JonesWilliam born about 1916
JonesWilliam born about 1936
JonesWilliam Rborn about 1923
JonthonH Turnerborn about 1938
JonthonJettie born about 1915
JonthonMelvin born about 1915
JoynesJones born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeatonCarroll Infont*born about 1939
KeatonFrancis born about 1921
KeatonFrancis Mborn about 1873
KeatonJohnnie born about 1938
KeatonMinnie Bborn about 1880
KeatonOllie born about 1917
KeatonWalter Lborn about 1917
KeatonWyley Rborn about 1920
KeetonBoby Gborn about 1937
KetnerCarl Lborn about 1892
KetnerCartie born about 1918
KetnerCatherine born about 1882
KetnerCecil born about 1914
KetnerCharlie Eborn about 1930
KetnerCharlie T Iborn about 1903
KetnerClaude born about 1918
KetnerDelia Eborn about 1891
KetnerElizabeth born about 1929
KetnerFrances born about 1928
KetnerFred born about 1912
KetnerGlenn born about 1930
KetnerHerman born about 1924
KetnerJohn Fborn about 1872
KetnerLucy born about 1903
KetnerLulus born about 1882
KetnerNathaniel born about 1891
KetnerOdell born about 1926
KetnerPaul Fborn about 1908
KetnerRuth born about 1911
KetnerVerna born about 1933
KetnerWilliam born about 1922
KigerElizabeth born about 1922
KigerRobert Wborn about 1939
KigerWilliam S Jrborn about 1920
KimbroughAlma born about 1938
KimbroughAnna born about 1896
KimbroughAnnie born about 1900
KimbroughAnnie Maeborn about 1930
KimbroughClarence born about 1919
KimbroughClay born about 1939
KimbroughHenry born about 1921
KimbroughIrene born about 1924
KimbroughLena born about 1928
KimbroughLeo born about 1923
KimbroughMary born about 1918
KimbroughMattie born about 1925
KimbroughMattie Pearlborn about 1917
KimbroughNancy born about 1937
KimbroughPearl born about 1932
KimbroughRay born about 1921
KimbroughRobert born about 1903
KimbroughRoy Wborn about 1925
KimbroughRuby born about 1923
KimbroughSamuel Eborn about 1937
KimbroughVirginia born about 1935
KimbroughWalter born about 1936
KimbroughWilliam ?born about
KinneyAubrey born about 1908
KinneyAudrey born about 1937
KinneyJohn Jborn about 1874
KinneyMattie Eborn about 1873
KinneyWillie born about 1913
KinnleyMinnie born about 1866
KirkCora Eborn about 1890
KirkDaniel born about 1924
KirkJones Eborn about 1883
KoubGeorge Leeborn about 1934
KoubGrady born about 1901
KoubJuneita born about 1936
KoubMattie born about 1902
KoubNannie Lborn about 1933
KoubNettie Ireneborn about 1938
KoubShelby Wborn about 1939
KoubSusie Janeborn about 1932
KoubWilliam Cborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandrethRuby born about 1913
LandrethW Hermanborn about 1910
LangGeorgie Eborn about 1887
LangJames Sborn about 1881
LangleyHarrold Gborn about 1939
LashmentAgusta born about 1896
LashmentCarrie born about 1862
LashmentJulius born about 1892
LashmentRobert born about 1934
LashmetAddie born about 1891
LashmetHenry Hborn about 1889
LashmetJack Lborn about 1929
LasleyAlvesta born about 1898
LasleyCharles Mborn about 1898
LasleyCharles M Jrborn about 1925
LasleyFannie Mborn about 1872
LasleyGlen Eborn about 1933
LasleyMattie born about 1901
LasleyW Rayborn about 1901
LasleyWilliam Rborn about 1931
LawrenceDorothy born about 1927
LawrenceFannie born about 1895
LawrenceJames Cborn about 1892
LawrenceMary born about 1900
LawrenceRobert Hborn about 1889
LawsonAllie Maeborn about 1923
LawsonAlpha born about 1926
LawsonBeatrice born about 1888
LawsonEdward born about 1913
LawsonEmma born about 1920
LawsonErnest born about 1889
LawsonMae born about 1908
LawsonPansey born about 1912
LawsonRamond born about 1937
LawsonRomie born about 1911
LawsonRuby Leeborn about 1931
LemonsFrances born about 1928
LemonsFuchia* born about 1912
LemonsJimmey born about 1934
LemonsWilliam born about 1903
LesterAlfred born about 1936
LesterFrank Hborn about 1892
LesterGrace born about 1893
LesterLouie born about 1932
LesterMary born about 1917
LevensNina Mborn about 1903
LevensRobert Cborn about 1896
LevensRobert C Jrborn about 1922
LevensWilliam Gborn about 1932
LibesJulia Bborn about 1869
LidesDovie* born about 1893
LinebackDewey born about 1900
LinebackJulia Cborn about 1871
LinebackLillian born about 1900
LinebackRobert born about 1869
LinkBertha born about 1909
LinkClifford born about 1937
LinkColleen born about 1934
LinkHubert born about 1905
LionsBetty born about 1878
LionsD Albertborn about 1873
LivengoodC Williamborn about 1905
LivengoodCharles born about 1879
LivengoodLamer Leeborn about 1926
LivengoodLaurea born about 1882
LivengoodLucy born about 1929
LivengoodRosser born about 1903
LongAudrey born about 1924
LongHugh born about 1922
LongworthAndrew born about 1876
LongworthBetty born about 1879
LongworthBeulah born about 1882
LongworthEstelle T*born about 1916
LongworthJohn Wborn about 1938
LongworthP Mainborn about 1878
LongworthSeldon born about 1860
LongworthWilliam Aborn about 1912
LovingoodWillard born about 1918
LumleyLillian born about 1904
LumleyLinda Annborn about 1931
LumleyMathlan born about 1900
LumleyMathlan Jr born about 1927
LumleyRobert Mborn about 1933
LuperAvery Jr born about 1920
LuperAvery* born about 1895
LuperDavid born about 1927
LuperDorthay* born about 1922
LuperEdithe born about 1921
LuperEllen born about 1860
LuperSam born about 1920
LuperSusey born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabeEstes born about 1899
MabeJack born about 1886
MabeJames Dborn about 1932
MabeMary born about 1931
MartelClara Fborn about 1887
MartelFrank Cborn about 1884
MartinBertha born about 1881
MartinEmma born about 1877
MartinFrances born about 1926
MartinJosephine born about 1906
MartinSallie born about 1911
MartinT Shermenborn about 1904
MartinT Shermer Jrborn about 1931
MartinWalter Hborn about 1874
MartinWilliam Hborn about 1880
MaserCorrie born about 1890
MaserGlen Pborn about 1926
MaserRichard Eborn about 1928
MaserSidney Tborn about 1884
MaserSidney T Jrborn about 1923
MashGale born about 1939
MashJohnsie born about 1922
MashPaul born about 1919
MastersClarence Jborn about 1888
MastersErnest Lborn about 1925
MastersVera born about 1894
McAlileyIda born about 1884
McAlileyWilliam born about 1868
McBrideAlice born about 1925
McBrideBethel born about 1901
McBrideBetty Janeborn about 1928
McBrideCarolyn born about 1939
McBrideEdward Sborn about 1928
McBrideElizabeth born about 1916
McBrideEthel born about 1913
McBrideEvelyn born about 1930
McBrideFrances born about 1923
McBrideG Gradyborn about 1890
McBrideH Lutherborn about 1874
McBrideHarold Vborn about 1910
McBrideHellen born about 1919
McBrideHenry Aborn about 1888
McBrideHomer born about 1926
McBrideHugh Lborn about 1921
McBrideIda Maeborn about 1939
McBrideJennie born about 1887
McBrideJunita born about 1938
McBrideL Wesleyborn about 1920
McBrideLenville born about 1919
McBrideLula born about 1895
McBrideMargaret born about 1890
McBrideMary Griffithborn about 1916
McBrideNancy born about 1895
McBrideNancy Anneborn about 1935
McBridePaul Kborn about 1930
McBrideRalph Aborn about 1924
McBrideRichard Hborn about 1926
McBrideSusan born about 1877
McBrideW Arthurborn about 1920
McBrideW Gradyborn about 1918
McBrideW Walterborn about 1884
McBrideWarren Dborn about 1921
McBrideWilliam Aborn about 1890
McCrimmonJohn Hborn about 1893
McCrimmonJohn Holmesborn about 1919
McCrimmonMacie born about 1900
McInnisAnna Galeborn about 1939
McInnisGrace Mborn about 1913
McInnisJohn Aborn about 1910
McInnisJohn Wborn about 1936
McKnightCarrie born about 1884
McKnightElsie born about 1925
McKnightJohn born about 1922
McKnightL Belleborn about 1888
MeltonCecil Hborn about
MeltonFannie born about 1914
MeltonHaywood Lborn about 1910
MeltonHoward born about 1937
MeltonRay born about 1932
MeltonRogers born about 1938
MeserLawrence Rborn about 1927
MeserNellie born about 1928
MeserNellie Graceborn about 1908
MeserNorman Wborn about 1933
MeserThomas Lborn about 1902
MessictCorrie born about 1932
MessictNellie born about 1910
MessictPauline born about 1928
MessictWalter Pborn about 1904
MetsingerLelia born about 1912
MetsingerLewey born about 1930
MetsingerMarvin Tborn about 1910
MetzJerry born about 1895
MetzMamie born about 1911
MichaelGlenn Eborn about 1905
MichaelNina Glennborn about 1930
MichaelSarah born about 1909
MiddletonMary born about 1919
MillerAlbert born about 1919
MillerBurley born about 1927
MillerCarrie born about 1866
MillerCorol born about 1936
MillerDella born about 1895
MillerEdith born about 1894
MillerGlen born about 1922
MillerHarley Dborn about 1887
MillerIsiah born about 1872
MillerJoseph born about 1914
MillerJoseph Cborn about 1886
MillerLeon born about 1932
MillerMarcell born about 1924
MillerMark born about 1926
MizeElla Mayborn about 1924
MizeGeneva born about 1903
MizeJohn Leroyborn about 1930
MizeLuther Iborn about 1931
MizeMary Lucileborn about 1937
MizePearl Elizabethborn about 1934
MizeTroy Wborn about 1928
MizeWilliam Mborn about 1902
MockAddie born about 1853
MockAllen born about 1919
MockAnabel born about 1904
MockAnna born about 1893
MockAuther Cborn about 1910
MockAuthor Cborn about 1874
MockBalfour born about 1898
MockBalfour Jr born about 1927
MockBetty born about 1900
MockBlake born about 1923
MockC Odellborn about 1913
MockDicie born about 1898
MockDoris born about 1918
MockDucy Cborn about 1940
MockDwight born about 1905
MockEllen born about 1863
MockEugene born about 1933
MockEverett Cborn about 1903
MockFrances born about 1908
MockFred born about 1937
MockGeorge born about 1934
MockGladys born about 1909
MockGray born about 1918
MockJasper W Jrborn about 1930
MockJean Rileyborn about 1931
MockJoseph Wborn about 1888
MockJulia Annborn about 1932
MockKaty Leeborn about 1921
MockLilley born about 1879
MockLizzie born about 1917
MockMarvin born about 1882
MockMary Eborn about 1921
MockMaryanna born about 1925
MockNewsom Pborn about 1898
MockPhilip Hborn about 1917
MockRonda born about 1916
MockSallie born about 1879
MockSarah Ruthborn about 1934
MockStella born about 1908
MockVoughan born about 1913
MormanCarl Cborn about 1922
MormanClarence Bborn about 1924
MormanDallas Rborn about 1927
MormanDolly born about 1893
MormanFreddie born about 1934
MormanWilburn Eborn about 1931
MormanZ Clevelandborn about 1889
MoserBelle born about 1881
MoserBettie Lauborn about 1926
MoserDorothy born about 1934
MoserElizabeth born about 1911
MoserFred Dborn about 1922
MoserHattie born about 1890
MoserHenry Jborn about 1917
MoserHerbert Lborn about 1916
MoserHorace born about 1918
MoserJ Howardborn about 1914
MoserLillie born about 1883
MoserLois Jborn about 1932
MoserMachon* born about 1929
MoserMargie born about 1927
MoserMildred born about 1906
MoserRobert Hborn about 1891
MoserSallie born about 1880
MoserShirley born about 1929
MoserThurman born about 1921
MoserTroy Mborn about 1922
MoserWalter Kborn about 1915
MoserWalter Lborn about 1882
MoserWilda Ruthborn about 1924
MotsingerGilbert born about 1919
MotsingerLouise born about 1916
MullicanElla born about 1873
MullicanIda born about 1904
MullicanJames Cborn about 1931
MullicanLula born about 1910
MyersBetty born about 1933
MyersCharlie Rborn about 1900
MyersEmma Leeborn about 1926
MyersEthel born about 1895
MyersEugene Dborn about 1932
MyersHubert born about 1926
MyersJosephine born about 1929
MyersJulie born about 1923
MyersLucile born about 1924
MyersMary born about 1927
MyersRaeford born about 1930
MyersRuth born about 1934
MyersThelma born about 1905
MyersWilliam ?born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewsomeMinnie born about 1921
NifongClyde Rborn about 1906
NifongCordelia born about 1927
NifongJacob born about 1935
NifongMary born about 1905
NifongMortha born about 1932
NifongRoy born about 1929

O Surnames

OgburnAnna born about 1891

P Surnames

PartlowAmelia born about 1910
PartlowClyde born about 1905
PartlowJames born about 1925
PattersonAlma born about 1909
PattersonBright Lborn about 1904
PattersonElla born about 1880
PattersonJames Dborn about 1938
PattersonMariha Annaborn about 1937
PattersonPeggy Carolynborn about 1939
PeacockErnest Vborn about 1894
PeacockErnestine born about 1927
PeacockLilly Cborn about 1894
PeekMrs Jennin born about 1872
PegramAlta born about 1936
PegramBahyette* born about 1933
PegramBernice born about 1925
PegramFaye born about 1926
PegramHattie Maeborn about 1924
PegramHelen born about 1929
PegramHester born about 1924
PegramIda born about 1892
PegramJames Hborn about 1896
PegramJohn Mborn about 1889
PegramJohn W Jrborn about 1920
PegramLeo born about 1930
PegramMabel born about 1927
PegramMaud born about 1912
PegramPearl born about 1901
PegramRobert born about 1898
PegramThomas Wborn about 1891
PegramWanda Lao*born about 1928
PegramWilliam born about 1934
PendryJames Tborn about 1882
PerrymanBilly born about 1935
PerrymanJaff Iborn about 1888
PerrymanLouise born about 1907
PhelpsThelma born about 1917
PhilipsAshley Wborn about 1893
PinnixBonnie born about 1934
PinnixFrank born about 1906
PinnixHazel born about 1914
PinnixNancy born about 1933
PlemmonCrawford Gborn about 1902
PlemmonCrawford G Jrborn about 1927
PlemmonMaggie born about 1882
PlemmonMargaret Lborn about 1935
PlemmonMerritt born about 1876
PlemmonPearl born about 1907
PlemmonRaymond Lborn about 1932
PlemmonVirginia Mborn about 1923
PlemmonW?edroe Wborn about 1918
PlemmonWyoming born about 1921
PlylerLois born about 1912
PlylerPhillip born about 1938
PlylerWilliam Bborn about 1908
PoindexterBetty Jeanborn about 1931
PoindexterBobby Leeborn about 1927
PoindexterEdithe Lborn about 1911
PoindexterEthel Mborn about 1922
PoindexterEvelin born about 1929
PoindexterJ born about 1862
PoindexterLillie born about 1872
PoindexterMaggie born about 1897
PoindexterSherley born about 1936
PoindexterViolet Rborn about 1924
PoindexterWill Sborn about 1896
PoindexterWilliam Jr born about 1926
PontslerBarbara born about 1937
PottsBetty born about 1934
PottsHazel Nborn about 1909
PottsJ Frankborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReddingD Paulborn about 1903
ReddingDorothy Mayborn about 1933
ReddingJames Dborn about 1925
ReddingJohn Aborn about 1930
ReddingMetta born about 1903
ReddingPauline born about 1923
ReensEula born about 1924
ReensEunice Eborn about 1921
ReensNina born about 1899
ReensWillis born about 1926
ReensWyatt born about 1929
ReichJewel Oborn about 1917
ReichLillian born about 1919
ReichLillie born about 1874
ReichMargaret born about 1884
ReichWilliam Wborn about 1861
RetreeEllie born about 1883
RetreeGeorge Eborn about 1877
RetreeHerman born about 1926
RetreeJ Henryborn about 1917
RetreeMargaret born about 1921
RetreeNorman born about 1928
RetreeWilliam born about 1924
ReynoldsAnnie born about 1904
ReynoldsBayard born about 1881
ReynoldsBessie born about 1883
ReynoldsDaniel Fborn about 1908
ReynoldsDavid born about 1883
ReynoldsDorothy born about 1918
ReynoldsEichard Mborn about 1940
ReynoldsFrank Tborn about 1906
ReynoldsGalloway born about 1904
ReynoldsGilbert Mborn about 1911
ReynoldsHerbert born about 1915
ReynoldsLamb Aborn about 1875
ReynoldsLouise born about 1911
ReynoldsLura Eborn about 1876
ReynoldsLynne born about 1939
ReynoldsMarshel born about 1876
ReynoldsRosmary born about 1918
ReynoldsRuth born about 1924
ReynoldsThomas Aborn about 1911
RichMargaret born about 1933
RichStella born about 1914
RichW Spencerborn about 1904
RichWilliam Sborn about 1938
RickerNancy born about 1919
RickerWilliam Lborn about 1917
RidingsBracie born about 1903
RidingsDavies* born about 1898
RidingsEveala* born about 1927
RidingsGeorge born about 1929
RidingsHazel born about 1925
RidingsIna Maeborn about 1933
RidingsJerry born about 1931
RidingsJohn Tborn about 1898
RidingsJohnny born about 1926
RidingsMarvin born about 1936
RidingsMary born about 1927
RidingsMary Eborn about 1905
RidingsPearl born about 1939
RidingsSandy born about 1924
RidingsTray born about 1926
RidingsWalter Aborn about 1890
RidingsWalter A Jrborn about 1924
RoachJohn Aborn about 1928
RobertsMary Aborn about 1851
RobertsonCarl Jborn about 1918
RobertsonMarcelle born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SainDorthy born about 1939
SainEugene born about 1936
SainNova born about 1909
SainThomas E ?born about 1907
SappJames born about 1934
SappLester born about 1932
SappMaggie born about 1891
SappMarvin Hborn about 1912
SappOliver Mborn about 1862
SappRosa born about 1883
SappSidney Sborn about 1876
SappZala Vborn about 1915
ScottElizabeth born about 1894
ScottMary Elizabethborn about 1928
ScottR Ernestborn about 1893
ScottRuth born about 1933
ScottWildred born about 1924
SeatsCarrie born about 1912
SeatsEthel born about 1893
SeatsFrances born about 1929
SeatsHugh born about 1926
SeatsJoseph born about 1920
SeatsMary Edithborn about 1931
SeatsNellie born about 1910
SeatsSidney Hborn about 1913
SeatsSidney Nborn about 1874
SeatsWilliam born about 1925
SeatsWooth born about 1933
SedberryMildred born about 1914
SheetsAnna Mildredborn about 1916
SheetsAnnie born about 1896
SheetsBetty Jeneborn about 1936
SheetsCharles Lborn about 1887
SheetsClarence born about 1924
SheetsClaud Eborn about 1905
SheetsDavid Rborn about 1898
SheetsDavid Jr born about 1927
SheetsEdith born about 1924
SheetsEllen born about 1933
SheetsEllen born about 1939
SheetsEugenie born about 1918
SheetsFrank Mborn about 1907
SheetsGeorge Hborn about 1901
SheetsGerald born about 1938
SheetsGilbert born about 1934
SheetsHarold born about 1939
SheetsHarrison born about 1940
SheetsHerman born about 1922
SheetsHoward born about 1939
SheetsHugh Cborn about 1874
SheetsJacqualyn* born about 1937
SheetsJemmy born about 1936
SheetsJerry born about 1939
SheetsKate born about 1901
SheetsKaty Leeborn about 1928
SheetsLaura Vborn about 1901
SheetsLelia born about 1923
SheetsLoyce born about 1925
SheetsLuna born about 1904
SheetsMarie born about 1939
SheetsMatthes* born about 1899
SheetsMax Wborn about 1939
SheetsMelvin Gborn about 1912
SheetsNelda Lawborn about 1933
SheetsRichard born about 1934
SheetsRobert Wborn about 1928
SheetsStella born about 1882
SheetsStella born about 1903
SheetsWalter Mborn about 1892
SheetsWalter Jr born about 1925
SheetsWillena born about 1926
SheetsWilliam born about 1887
SheetsWilliam Tborn about 1932
SheltonA Royborn about 1903
SheltonAugusta born about 1874
SheltonChas Eborn about 1896
SheltonClaudie born about 1873
SheltonFrances born about 1936
SheltonHazel born about 1916
SheltonJohn Hborn about 1872
SheltonNonnie born about 1897
SheltonNora born about 1912
SheltonSanford Eborn about 1861
SheltonSarah born about 1916
ShoafBlanche born about 1922
ShoafClarence born about 1927
ShoafLillie born about 1894
ShoafMabel born about 1924
ShoafOscar born about 1929
ShoafWilliam Pborn about 1897
ShoreDoris born about 1920
ShoreEunice born about 1918
ShoreHessy Jborn about 1898
ShoreLouise Nborn about 1897
SimpsonCarolyn Boonie*born about 1939
SimpsonDermott Dborn about 1918
SimpsonDorsey born about 1919
SimpsonDurand born about 1922
SimpsonGrace born about 1892
SimpsonMary born about 1920
SimpsonMildred born about 1921
SimpsonMyrtle born about 1892
SimpsonRoba Graceborn about 1917
SimpsonRobot* Wborn about 1882
SimpsonRonald born about 1926
SimpsonRoy Eborn about 1893
SisemoreGernie born about 1891
SlateAlice born about 1904
SlateDavid born about 1939
SlateEstell born about 1930
SlateFrank born about 1929
SlateHenry born about 1927
SlateHobert born about 1928
SlateJane born about 1935
SlateMarvin born about 1902
SlateWilliam born about 1925
SlaterBilly Rborn about 1936
SlaterBoyd born about 1902
SlaterClara born about 1909
SlaterDororthy born about 1931
SlaterG Guitherborn about 1906
SlaterH Everetteborn about 1908
SlaterIda born about 1907
SlaterLucile born about 1933
SlaterMaggie born about 1884
SlaterPeggy born about 1939
SmithAlec Mborn about 1865
SmithCharles born about 1929
SmithEdward Aborn about 1863
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1908
SmithGrace Inezborn about 1937
SmithIsibell Mborn about 1870
SmithJunita born about 1935
SmithNancy Lborn about 1939
SmithPearl Eborn about 1919
SnowConrad born about 1931
SnowJ Gradyborn about 1910
SnowJennie Bellborn about 1861
SnowKinneth born about 1935
SnowLola Fae*born about 1940
SnowOla Maeborn about 1940
SnowRuby Sborn about 1908
SnowRufus born about 1873
SpainhaurDallas born about 1935
SpainhaurFlora born about 1905
SpainhaurFred born about 1926
SpainhaurGlenn born about 1934
SpainhaurJames born about 1925
SpainhaurMarvin born about 1901
SpainhaurMildred born about 1928
SpainhaurPaul Rayborn about 1931
SpainhaurThelma born about 1930
SpaughCharles born about 1869
SpaughClaud Cborn about 1902
SpaughFrank Pborn about 1928
SpeasJ Woodborn about 1912
SpeasJohnnie born about 1915
SpeasPatricia Aborn about 1937
SpoughAlma born about 1875
SprinkleBarbera Eborn about 1940
SprinkleCarolyn Jborn about 1935
SprinkleCleonette Dborn about 1901
SprinkleClyde Eborn about 1916
SprinkleDolores born about 1935
SprinkleEva Bellborn about 1909
SprinkleHazel born about 1919
SprinkleLillian born about 1913
SprinkleMable Eborn about 1922
SprinkleNell born about 1896
SprinkleSallie born about 1873
SprinkleSallie born about 1889
SprinkleWill Hborn about 1886
SprinkleWilliam Sborn about 1911
SrawAgenes born about 1885
SrawEdith born about 1926
SrawJack Tborn about 1876
StalerDora Leiborn about 1891
StalerEvan Cborn about 1918
StalerFlossie born about 1926
StalerGrace born about 1929
StalerJohn Gborn about 1887
StalerMahaley born about 1921
StalerRay Lborn about 1931
StansburyClyde Pborn about 1916
StansburyHellen born about 1918
StansburyKathrine born about 1939
StewartAnnie Louborn about 1935
StewartCarl born about 1934
StewartCharlie born about 1930
StewartDorthary born about 1932
StewartEmer born about 1872
StewartEtta born about 1911
StewartGladys born about 1908
StewartHenry Wborn about 1914
StewartJohn Hborn about 1868
StewartJohn Wborn about 1874
StewartLillian Mborn about 1924
StewartLindsay born about 1905
StewartMary born about 1890
StewartMary born about 1899
StewartMary Eborn about 1865
StewartMyley born about 1880
StewartRalph born about 1926
StewartRay Wborn about 1936
StewartRobert Lborn about 1939
StewartRosa born about 1913
StewartRoxie Eborn about 1937
StewartRuby born about 1928
StewartTom Eborn about 1890
StewartTom E Jrborn about 1923
StimpsonMinnie born about 1879
StimpsonSprings born about 1875
StineEthel born about 1921
StrupA Bettyborn about 1915
StrupLeo Gborn about 1906
StrupeCarrie born about 1906
StrupeDoris Sueborn about 1931
StrupeEllis Rborn about 1909
StrupeMartha Ellenborn about 1871
StrupeMinnie born about 1883
StrupePaul Aborn about 1877
StrupePearl Vborn about 1904
StrupeRichard born about 1936
StrupeRobert born about 1936
StyersMilly Anneborn about 1854

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerJennie born about 1890
TannerJohn Eborn about 1881
TaylorAddie born about 1919
TaylorAnnie born about 1911
TaylorAnnie Maryborn about 1921
TaylorBlondy born about 1925
TaylorCarrie ?born about 1886
TaylorDallas Cborn about 1885
TaylorEvan Aborn about 1907
TaylorFrancis born about 1933
TaylorGray Eborn about 1912
TaylorGuy Aborn about 1915
TaylorJemmy Wborn about 1937
TaylorJessie Sueborn about 1939
TaylorNancy Eborn about 1903
TaylorPaul Pborn about 1924
TaylorPearl born about 1891
TaylorRuby born about 1935
TaylorWalter Gborn about 1940
TaylorZardriah* born about 1887
TedderAlexander born about 1936
TedderAnnie born about 1927
TedderBetty born about 1934
TedderBeulah born about 1898
TedderElizabeth born about 1923
TedderMelvin Kborn about 1920
TedderPansy born about 1931
TedderRobert Eborn about 1938
TedderW Ernestborn about 1894
TedderWilliam Eborn about 1918
TensleyLaura born about 1930
TensleyLuther born about 1912
ThompsonAhelma born about 1925
ThompsonAmanda born about 1852
ThompsonBessie born about 1895
ThompsonBurney born about 1896
ThompsonElsie born about 1903
ThompsonErnest Vborn about 1918
ThompsonJoann born about 1939
ThompsonThelma born about 1919
ThrushGlen Eborn about 1923
ThrushMillie born about 1900
ThrushWilliam Gborn about 1880
TilleyDurell born about 1868
ToddClaude born about 1914
ToddDavid born about 1938
ToddLinville born about 1939
ToddOphelia born about 1918
ToddRosa born about 1873
TransonAllen Lborn about 1939
TransonGrace born about 1906
TransonJames Tborn about 1931
TransonMarjory born about 1927
TransonMary Anneborn about 1933
TransonWilliam born about 1934
TransonWilliam Mborn about 1907
TrivetteNell Hborn about 1916
TrivetteThomas Fborn about 1911
TuckerAlice born about 1915
TuckerBetty born about 1936
TuckerDoris born about 1934
TuckerEarl born about 1921
TuckerLarry Jborn about 1911
TuckerMarie born about 1932
TuckerMary born about 1910
TuckerWalter born about 1909
TuttleClyde born about 1931
TuttleEdward born about 1940
TuttleFlossie born about 1896
TuttleJohn Wborn about 1915
TuttleLouis born about 1917
TuttleMamie born about 1895
TuttleMary Ellenborn about 1865
TuttlePansie born about 1916
TuttleWilliam Aborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VoglerEdward Mborn about 1867
VoglerElnore born about 1914
VoglerIsibell born about 1896
VoglerLillie born about 1884
VoglerLouis born about 1911

W Surnames

WagenerFrances born about 1877
WagenerWalter Rborn about 1859
WagenerWalter R Jrborn about 1919
WagonerBettie Lborn about 1930
WagonerDelia born about 1913
WagonerDora born about 1870
WagonerH Allenborn about 1925
WagonerJoe born about 1900
WaldenCornelia born about 1879
WallAda born about 1890
WallJ Allenborn about 1924
WallRay born about 1913
WallRoscoe Dborn about 1926
WallaceBlanche born about 1905
WallaceSidney Gborn about 1903
WalterJames born about 1923
WaltonClara born about 1872
WardenDallas born about 1904
WardenDallas Gborn about 1931
WardenGeorgia born about 1937
WardenIris born about 1940
WardenMargarett born about 1933
WardenOla born about 1905
WardenRamond born about 1928
WardenViolet born about 1926
WarnerClifton born about 1894
WarnerClifton born about 1912
WarnerDorthey born about 1923
WarnerElizabeth born about 1877
WarnerHellen born about 1927
WarnerHomer Bborn about 1903
WarnerJames born about 1925
WarnerJohn Wborn about 1881
WarnerJonah Lborn about 1868
WarnerJosephine born about 1920
WarnerLillie born about 1887
WarnerLola born about 1917
WarnerLorena born about 1910
WarnerLula born about 1895
WarnerMamie born about 1878
WarnerMildred born about 1916
WarnerMrs W Lborn about 1868
WarnerVernon born about 1927
WarnerVina born about 1899
WarnerVirginia born about 1923
WatkinsErma born about 1910
WatkinsLois born about 1936
WatkinsRichard Cborn about 1901
WatkinsValeria born about 1905
WatkinsWalter Tborn about 1910
WatkinsWill Hborn about 1876
WestMary Ellenborn about 1911
WestWilliam Lborn about 1912
WhitfieldBerta born about 1880
WhitleyDelois born about 1936
WhitmanA Louisborn about 1932
WhitmanBillie born about 1939
WhitmanClyde Hborn about 1895
WhitmanClyde H Jrborn about 1940
WhitmanDorothy born about 1937
WhitmanEliza Aborn about 1876
WhitmanEmiline born about 1878
WhitmanFlora born about 1898
WhitmanFrances Aborn about 1935
WhitmanMartha born about 1866
WhitmanMartha born about 1877
WhitmanMartha Jborn about 1928
WhitmanMary Eborn about 1923
WhitmanMozelle born about 1921
WhitmanPearl Mborn about 1937
WhitmanRay born about 1914
WhitmanRoger Gborn about 1922
WhitmanRuth born about 1916
WhitmanSpencer Gborn about 1921
WhitmanWilliam Mborn about 1920
WilliamsAda born about 1880
WilliamsAlfred born about 1891
WilliamsAlfred Cborn about 1925
WilliamsBlanche born about 1913
WilliamsCatherine born about 1936
WilliamsErnest born about 1918
WilliamsEtha born about 1894
WilliamsJo Annborn about 1937
WilliamsLewis Jborn about 1879
WilliamsMargaret born about 1923
WilliamsMargaret Hborn about 1879
WilliamsMary Vborn about 1932
WilliamsNellie born about 1884
WilliamsPauline born about 1930
WilliamsRichard born about 1919
WilliamsRuby born about 1921
WilliamsW Hollings Worthborn about 1906
WilliamsW Smithborn about 1875
WilliamsWillie Gborn about 1927
WilliamsZ Vanceborn about 1912
WinfreyClarence Hborn about 1901
WinfreyEthel born about 1903
WinfreyRaymond Hborn about 1926
WinslowElizabeth born about 1904
WinslowKay born about 1937
WinslowSidney born about 1939
WinslowSydney Sborn about 1905
WishonAnnie born about 1907
WishonAuthur born about 1895
WishonEthel born about 1910
WishonGrover Cborn about 1887
WishonJean born about 1926
WishonJoseph born about 1922
WishonMartha Annborn about 1937
WishonWade born about 1925
WishonWocia born about 1893
WoatenDorthary* born about 1925
WoatenMary born about 1894
WoodBessie born about 1887
WoodJ Luthurborn about 1876
WoodLillian born about 1908
WoodMargarett born about 1877
WoodNoah born about 1912
WoodThomas Hborn about 1880
WoodWilliam Mborn about 1902
WrightAllen born about 1939
WrightAudrey born about 1924
WrightDollas born about 1932
WrightEmmer born about 1874
WrightHarold born about 1929
WrightHarry born about 1933
WrightInez born about 1898
WrightJohn Dborn about 1922
WrightLoyd born about 1935
WrightLucile born about 1923
WrightNancy born about 1937
WrightOlin Lborn about 1872
WrightOnie born about 1928
WrightParales born about 1915
WrightRoy born about 1936
WrightSeymour born about 1897
WrightWilliam Hborn about 1902
WrightWilliam H Jrborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaterMartin Lborn about 1897
YaterOtis born about 1915
YoungChannie born about 1880
YoungEd born about 1911
YoungJohn born about 1872
YoungJosaphine born about 1921
YoungNellie born about 1907
YoungThomas Rborn about 1914
YoungVirginia Maeborn about 1937
YowBarker* Geneborn about 1936
YowCarl Hborn about 1909
YowConelia born about 1911
YowDelmar born about 1932
YowDewey born about 1913
YowElmer Gborn about 1904
YowFloid born about 1920
YowFlora born about 1888
YowMartha born about 1848
YowMary born about 1929
YowMaude born about 1898
YowOdell born about 1930
YowRuby born about 1927
YowSpinner born about 1917
YowSusie born about 1903
YowVirginia born about 1927

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