1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ransom, Columbus, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Columbus County > 1940 Census of Ransom

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMary Annborn about 1915
AdamsMary Cborn about 1882
AdamsRobert born about 1912
AkermanLaura born about 1913
AlfordNicy born about 1887
AllenAddie born about 1890
AllenAllie Bessborn about 1923
AllenAngelia born about 1932
AllenBetty Annborn about 1939
AllenBobbie Mborn about 1935
AllenCharlie born about 1909
AllenCharlie Jr born about 1935
AllenDora born about 1880
AllenDorothy born about 1930
AllenEarnest born about 1937
AllenEarnestine born about 1934
AllenEthel born about 1923
AllenFrances born about 1928
AllenGeraldine born about 1936
AllenIrene born about 1931
AllenIsabell born about 1900
AllenJack Wborn about 1929
AllenJoseph born about 1938
AllenLemuel born about 1892
AllenLillian born about 1927
AllenMadelyn born about 1925
AllenMaggie born about 1917
AllenMarguerite born about 1932
AllenMary born about 1926
AllenMary Eborn about 1905
AllenMattie born about 1894
AllenRilda born about 1843
AllenSamuel Jborn about 1873
AllenT Henryborn about 1884
AmenttJohn born about 1883
AndinosLuvenia born about 1872
AndrewsA Ruthborn about 1931
AndrewsAl born about 1930
AndrewsAlphair born about 1933
AndrewsAvie Lborn about 1918
AndrewsCharles Dborn about 1930
AndrewsCharles Lborn about 1883
AndrewsClyde born about 1921
AndrewsCurtis Wborn about 1939
AndrewsDortha born about 1928
AndrewsE Hubertborn about 1912
AndrewsEllen born about 1898
AndrewsEthel born about 1882
AndrewsFrank born about 1875
AndrewsGeorge Tborn about 1920
AndrewsH Allieborn about 1886
AndrewsHerbert Jr born about 1938
AndrewsHerman Mborn about 1919
AndrewsIda born about 1925
AndrewsJerome born about 1923
AndrewsJohn Lborn about 1913
AndrewsLena Mborn about 1925
AndrewsLevana born about 1939
AndrewsMartha Jborn about 1861
AndrewsMckinley born about 1898
AndrewsMiamma born about 1901
AndrewsMillie born about 1840
AndrewsMinnie born about 1933
AndrewsVelire born about 1936
AndrewsVinetta born about 1918
AndrewsWillis born about 1932
ApplewhiteAlonzo born about 1891
ApplewhiteAngela born about 1925
ApplewhiteB Fborn about 1880
ApplewhiteCharles born about 1885
ApplewhiteElla Mborn about 1892
ApplewhiteEugene Lborn about 1883
ApplewhiteGrady Cborn about 1902
ApplewhiteJannie born about 1885
ApplewhiteLillian Jr born about 1930
ApplewhiteLilly born about 1893
ApplewhiteMartha Mborn about 1880
ApplewhiteMaxine Dborn about 1925
ApplewhiteMyrtle born about 1918
ApplewhitePaul born about 1919
ApplewhiteRay born about 1898
ApplewhiteRobert Cborn about 1886
ApplewhiteSlade born about 1919
ApplewhiteSlade Jr born about 1937
ApplewhiteThomas born about 1927
ApplewhiteThomas Eborn about 1882
ApplewhiteVera Sborn about 1915
ApplewhiteViola born about 1864
ApplewhiteWilliam Hborn about 1891
ApplewhiteWilliam Nborn about 1939
AvartAustin born about 1897
AvartBobbie born about 1935
AvartCora Leeborn about 1932
AvartGeraldine born about 1928
AvartMack born about 1905
AvartNettie born about 1903
AvartVila Mborn about 1925
AvartWeldon born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaddyRobert born about 1894
BallardAlfragious born about 1939
BallardHartie born about 1922
BallardJesse Leeborn about 1928
BallardLouise born about 1919
BallardPearlie born about 1935
BallingerA Gordonborn about 1916
BallingerAvagay born about 1920
BallingerGeorge Lborn about 1910
BallingerHerman Eborn about 1900
BallingerLela Mborn about 1886
BallingerLuther Mborn about 1883
BallingerSarah born about 1905
BallingerVirgeta Lborn about 1921
BarnesAnnie born about 1877
BarnesDavid Wborn about 1931
BarnesJames Lborn about 1936
BarnesSidney born about 1873
BarnhardtAgnes Annborn about 1933
BarnhardtClarkie Pborn about 1906
BarnhardtJohn Jborn about 1906
BarnhardtS Worthborn about 1935
BarsBarbara Jborn about 1939
BarsC Addisonborn about 1899
BarsC Elleryborn about 1928
BarsCarolyn Jborn about 1933
BarsDorothy Dborn about 1923
BarsJ Durhangborn about 1936
BarsL Belleborn about 1902
BarsLavenia born about 1926
BarsM Leeborn about 1930
BeanHarry Fborn about 1914
BeanRubie born about 1913
BeckerBettie born about 1924
BeckerDonald born about 1925
BeckerFrances born about 1924
BeckerHarold born about 1922
BeckerHarriett born about 1931
BeckerJessie born about 1897
BeckerKattie born about 1900
BeckerR Cborn about 1896
BeckerR Iborn about 1897
BeckwithJohn Wborn about 1887
BeckwithMary Aborn about 1888
BennemanJolly born about 1907
BennemanWilliam born about 1908
BennettVera born about 1917
BensonAlva born about 1862
BensonBonnie born about 1937
BensonCharles Wm Iborn about 1940
BensonCora born about 1870
BensonD Jborn about 1913
BensonDonald born about 1933
BensonDora born about 1917
BensonDorothy born about 1924
BensonEllen born about 1896
BensonFannie born about 1904
BensonGrace born about 1915
BensonHouston Dborn about 1937
BensonJames Eborn about 1932
BensonMae born about 1915
BensonMary Iborn about 1934
BensonNance born about 1893
BensonNathan Aborn about 1931
BensonTina born about 1934
BensonV Lborn about 1899
BensonVan L born about 1936
BensonVerna born about 1936
BibbsBeatrice born about 1921
BibbsCarrie Dborn about 1933
BibbsEdna Mborn about 1919
BibbsElouise Vborn about 1936
BibbsJ Lemuelborn about 1896
BibbsJohn Tborn about 1928
BibbsLindberg born about 1931
BibbsPearlene born about 1924
BibbsRodie born about 1926
BibbsRosa born about 1901
BlakeAlice Sborn about 1935
BlakeBarbara Annborn about 1940
BlakeBeulah born about 1920
BlakeCatherine born about 1920
BlakeClay born about 1918
BlakeFrances Gborn about 1930
BlakeH Clay Jrborn about 1939
BlakeIlla Maeborn about 1928
BlakeIsham born about 1882
BlakeJenny born about 1887
BlakeJohn Fborn about 1871
BlakeJoseph Wborn about 1933
BlakeSimmons Maeborn about 1932
BlakeThelma born about 1904
BlakeThomas Wborn about 1929
BlanksCharles Tborn about 1922
BlanksDorthy Mborn about 1927
BlanksIdell born about 1924
BlanksM Berniceborn about 1929
BlanksMary Eborn about 1892
BlanksOscar born about 1870
BlanksSarah born about 1918
BlantonObed Dborn about 1886
BlizzardCharles Hborn about 1892
BlizzardCharles H Jrborn about 1929
BlizzardGeorge Wborn about 1901
BlizzardJoseph Cborn about 1937
BlizzardLucy born about 1906
BlizzardMargie Aborn about 1935
BlizzardMary Cborn about 1866
BlizzardMary Hborn about 1924
BlizzardS Hborn about 1857
BoltonMarjorie born about 1927
BordeauxA Aborn about 1869
BordeauxAlton born about 1895
BordeauxArthur Jborn about 1929
BordeauxAustin Leeborn about 1924
BordeauxAvery Cborn about 1940
BordeauxBernice born about 1902
BordeauxBetty born about 1927
BordeauxBeulah Leeborn about 1937
BordeauxBilly born about 1939
BordeauxD Jborn about 1866
BordeauxEdward Fborn about 1912
BordeauxElizabeth born about 1897
BordeauxEllis born about 1933
BordeauxElsie born about 1919
BordeauxElvin born about 1928
BordeauxF Curtisborn about 1932
BordeauxFrench born about 1903
BordeauxHattie born about 1897
BordeauxHazel born about 1909
BordeauxHerbert born about 1931
BordeauxHillard born about 1939
BordeauxHomer Mborn about 1908
BordeauxHorace born about 1925
BordeauxHubert Hborn about 1931
BordeauxJ Cborn about 1914
BordeauxJ Mborn about 1864
BordeauxJames Wborn about 1927
BordeauxJay born about 1906
BordeauxJohn Fborn about 1938
BordeauxJosepha born about 1938
BordeauxKate born about 1875
BordeauxLofton born about 1911
BordeauxLois born about 1922
BordeauxMabel Cborn about 1934
BordeauxMarion Aborn about 1929
BordeauxMarlon born about 1935
BordeauxMary born about 1906
BordeauxMary born about 1915
BordeauxMary Eborn about 1920
BordeauxMarylain born about 1934
BordeauxMaxie born about 1938
BordeauxMildred born about 1931
BordeauxNancy born about 1934
BordeauxOrvis born about 1936
BordeauxRalph born about 1927
BordeauxRichard born about 1908
BordeauxRoy born about 1932
BordeauxSadie Maeborn about 1906
BordeauxSarah born about 1876
BordeauxTylon born about 1927
BordeauxW Fborn about 1901
BordeauxW Tborn about 1910
BordeauxWillie Mborn about 1908
BordeauxWm born about 1897
BowenAlma Lborn about 1930
BowenBeulah Mborn about 1921
BowenCline Eborn about 1936
BowenGrasie Gborn about 1933
BowenHazell born about 1939
BowenHerman Tborn about 1916
BowenIsauara born about 1911
BowenJames born about 1888
BowenJames Davidborn about 1939
BowenJames Sborn about 1927
BowenLevi Eborn about 1937
BowenMark Eborn about 1901
BowenMary born about 1939
BowenMary Eborn about 1930
BowenNami born about 1913
BowenRaymond Aborn about 1940
BowenRoy Fborn about 1936
BowenWilliam Mborn about 1932
BoydJames born about 1886
BoydMary Eborn about 1892
BradleyEstell born about 1921
BradleyLewis born about 1920
BradyMinnie born about 1882
BradyWinnie Mborn about 1924
BressEdward born about 1887
BressElla Mborn about 1928
BressEuler Gborn about 1939
BressHattie Lborn about 1938
BressJames Aborn about 1936
BressJohn born about 1905
BressLillian Aborn about 1935
BressLillie Bborn about 1910
BressLillie Mborn about 1906
BressWillie Eborn about 1908
BrewerAlbert born about 1917
BrewerElizabeth born about 1917
BrewerEugene born about 1936
BrewerLacy born about 1915
BrewerOdis Leeborn about 1937
BrewerOzona born about 1918
BrockmanJames Hborn about 1919
BrownAddie Pborn about 1919
BrownAdron Lborn about 1885
BrownAlene born about 1920
BrownAlfred born about 1918
BrownAlonzo born about 1938
BrownAmelia born about 1876
BrownAnnie Mborn about 1909
BrownAnnie Mborn about 1921
BrownArchie born about 1894
BrownArchie Jr born about 1917
BrownAugusta Rborn about 1937
BrownAuli Jborn about 1924
BrownCallie Rborn about 1939
BrownCarrie born about 1923
BrownCelerle Bborn about 1938
BrownCharles Hborn about 1890
BrownCharlie born about 1872
BrownClara Mborn about 1932
BrownClarra Lborn about 1938
BrownCollie born about 1929
BrownDelbert Lborn about 1925
BrownDella born about 1883
BrownDorthy Mborn about 1933
BrownEarl Lborn about 1939
BrownEarnestine born about 1923
BrownEd born about 1870
BrownEd Hborn about 1926
BrownEddie born about 1901
BrownEddie Tborn about 1937
BrownElizah born about 1908
BrownEllis Jborn about 1926
BrownElvera born about 1916
BrownEmmett born about 1925
BrownEssie born about 1919
BrownEthel Lborn about 1900
BrownEthel Mborn about 1926
BrownEugene born about 1921
BrownEugene born about 1927
BrownEula born about 1918
BrownEzekil born about 1888
BrownFrances born about 1921
BrownFrancis born about 1910
BrownFred born about 1910
BrownFred Dborn about 1936
BrownFred Lborn about 1939
BrownGeorge Cborn about 1913
BrownGeorge Dborn about 1884
BrownGeorge Hborn about 1927
BrownGeorgia born about 1937
BrownHannah born about 1925
BrownHarvey born about 1921
BrownHattie Mborn about 1933
BrownHattie Pborn about 1910
BrownHazell born about 1924
BrownHenry Dborn about 1871
BrownHerbert born about 1914
BrownHerikiah born about 1912
BrownJacob born about 1874
BrownJames born about 1896
BrownJames born about 1930
BrownJames Aborn about 1917
BrownJames Cborn about 1939
BrownJames Hborn about 1871
BrownJanie born about 1923
BrownJannie born about 1902
BrownJennett Mborn about 1939
BrownJohn Dborn about 1880
BrownJohn Dborn about 1927
BrownJohn Davisborn about 1888
BrownJohn Pborn about 1913
BrownJohn Wborn about 1918
BrownJohnie Bborn about 1888
BrownJulia born about 1885
BrownKatie Rborn about 1924
BrownKizzie Pborn about 1939
BrownLallie born about 1898
BrownLena Mborn about 1940
BrownLeo born about 1920
BrownLeroy born about 1927
BrownLester born about 1897
BrownLetha born about 1893
BrownLewis Eborn about 1939
BrownLillie Bellborn about 1919
BrownLouise Jborn about 1893
BrownM Floydborn about 1921
BrownMabel born about 1919
BrownMack Mborn about 1920
BrownMaggie born about 1898
BrownMaggie born about 1910
BrownMaggie Lborn about 1930
BrownManah born about 1890
BrownMarshall Lborn about 1931
BrownMartha Aborn about 1890
BrownMarvin Eborn about 1931
BrownMary born about 1920
BrownMary Lborn about 1918
BrownMary Lborn about 1924
BrownMildred born about 1913
BrownMiles Dborn about 1912
BrownMoses born about 1917
BrownNathan Hborn about 1929
BrownNathaniel born about 1927
BrownNepolin born about 1900
BrownOdessa Lborn about 1925
BrownOla Mborn about 1936
BrownPearlie Lborn about 1894
BrownQuassie Mborn about 1892
BrownRay Pborn about 1928
BrownRaymond Lborn about 1929
BrownRida born about 1913
BrownRilla born about 1909
BrownRobert Lborn about 1928
BrownRoland Rborn about 1938
BrownRosa Lborn about 1889
BrownRubie born about 1918
BrownRudolph Tborn about 1922
BrownSadie Maeborn about 1936
BrownSamuel born about 1914
BrownSamuel Aborn about 1933
BrownSanford born about 1929
BrownSarah Jborn about 1894
BrownShirley born about 1939
BrownSterlin born about 1934
BrownTheldo born about 1935
BrownThomas born about 1883
BrownThurman Mborn about 1940
BrownVeer born about 1915
BrownVirginia born about 1919
BrownW Aricborn about 1871
BrownWalter Lborn about 1931
BrownWannie born about 1907
BrownWillie born about 1910
BrownWillie Dborn about 1886
BrownWillie Mborn about 1919
BrownWillis born about 1929
BrownWilma Eborn about 1934
BryantAnnie born about 1885
BryantAnnie born about 1916
BryantB Edwardborn about 1938
BryantCatherine born about 1901
BryantD Jamesborn about 1874
BryantDavid born about 1908
BryantDavid born about 1919
BryantDonnie born about 1920
BryantDoris born about 1920
BryantDorothy born about 1938
BryantDudley born about 1904
BryantDuran born about 1926
BryantEarl Fborn about 1936
BryantEssie Mborn about 1932
BryantFred born about 1912
BryantFred Dborn about 1900
BryantFred Jborn about 1924
BryantFred Jr born about 1935
BryantGeorge Wborn about 1930
BryantGoldie born about 1905
BryantHellen born about 1913
BryantHenry born about 1906
BryantJames born about 1908
BryantJames Aborn about 1929
BryantJames Dborn about 1935
BryantJames Eborn about 1909
BryantJennette Eborn about 1933
BryantJenny born about 1868
BryantJuanita born about 1936
BryantLaura Mborn about 1928
BryantLemuel born about 1900
BryantLemuel Wborn about 1935
BryantLen born about 1932
BryantLittie born about 1913
BryantLucy born about 1876
BryantMabell Lborn about 1924
BryantMagdaline born about 1939
BryantMargarett Lborn about 1938
BryantMargie born about 1927
BryantMarie born about 1926
BryantMars born about 1901
BryantMartha Mborn about 1919
BryantMary Eborn about 1931
BryantMary Jborn about 1929
BryantPauline born about 1917
BryantRichard born about 1889
BryantRichard Wborn about 1939
BryantRobert Eborn about 1937
BryantRosa Bborn about 1891
BryantSarah born about 1854
BryantSophia born about 1875
BryantSylvia born about 1906
BryantVirginia born about 1877
BryantWesley born about 1880
BryantWilliam born about 1877
BullardAndrew Jborn about 1891
BullardBenjamin Fborn about 1939
BullardClay born about 1882
BullardElizabeth Mborn about 1883
BullardEugene Cborn about 1914
BullardEugene Yborn about 1937
BullardFrench Wborn about 1892
BullardGeorge Wborn about 1937
BullardHarold Lborn about 1928
BullardHorace born about 1931
BullardIda Fayeborn about 1934
BullardJames Aborn about 1933
BullardJesse Fborn about 1909
BullardMargaret Pborn about 1919
BullardMildred Kborn about 1905
BullardMinnie born about 1898
BullardNewton Wborn about 1939
BullardRebecca Bborn about 1937
BullardRobert Sborn about 1931
BullardRody Leeborn about 1912
BullardRosalie born about 1913
BullardRupert Aborn about 1927
BullardTheodore born about 1907
BullardThresa Maeborn about 1934
BullardVirginia born about 1920
BullardVivian Rborn about 1932
BullardWalter Rborn about 1894
BullardWilliam Rborn about 1927
BullockEsther Hborn about 1918
BullockJesse Eborn about 1918
BullockJohn Aborn about 1927
BullockMollie born about 1897
BullockYvonne born about 1935
BuntleEthel Bborn about 1915
BurneyArchie Rborn about 1893
BurneyArtie Burinborn about 1933
BurneyCarrie born about 1938
BurneyCosstello born about 1936
BurneyFlossie born about 1926
BurneyJ Henryborn about 1875
BurneyJ Henryborn about 1898
BurneyJ Nolisborn about 1906
BurneyMaurie born about 1874
BurneyMax Fborn about 1932
BurneyPauline born about 1912
BurneyRoland born about 1931
BurneySissiretta born about 1927
BurneySmyrne born about 1898
BurneyTheodore Rborn about 1903
BurnsAl Oborn about 1918
BurnsE Noraborn about 1895
BurnsGeraldine born about 1927
BurnsJosie born about 1873
BurnsLela Gborn about 1913
BurnsRobert Gborn about 1877
BurnsSusan Cborn about 1921
BurnsThomas Eborn about 1914
BurnsW Bakerborn about 1928
ButlerAllie born about 1896
ButlerAmoret Sborn about 1927
ButlerArline born about 1926
ButlerCharles Tborn about 1931
ButlerJohn Wborn about 1925
ButlerJohnson Wborn about 1928
ButlerMary Mborn about 1929
ButlerMyrtle Maeborn about 1934
ButlerRuth Rborn about 1898
ButlerW Jborn about 1877
ButlerZara born about 1884
ButlerZara Jr born about 1919
ByrantCora Lborn about 1930
ByrantJohn Lborn about 1933
ByrantOlivia Mborn about 1925
ByrantOllie born about 1925
ByrdArchie Eborn about 1890
ByrdArdsley born about 1918
ByrdArthur Ledborn about 1925
ByrdC Mackborn about 1887
ByrdCecil Mborn about 1927
ByrdClarra Rborn about 1933
ByrdCurtis Tborn about 1923
ByrdElbert born about 1920
ByrdJames Cborn about 1928
ByrdJames Dborn about 1920
ByrdJames Lborn about 1938
ByrdListon born about 1900
ByrdMary Jborn about 1893
ByrdMattie born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallahanAvis born about 1925
CallahanHattie born about 1901
CallahanNeal born about 1923
CallihanAlonzo born about 1926
CallihanC Lborn about 1882
CallihanJohn Cborn about 1927
CampbellAlexander born about 1889
CampbellAnn Eborn about 1862
CampbellBeulah Iborn about 1928
CampbellFaddell born about 1886
CampbellMary Cborn about 1910
CapleAnnie born about 1884
CarrDelma Eborn about 1936
CarrHattie Mborn about 1938
CarrellEarnest born about 1933
CarrellL Baileyborn about 1887
CarrellLenois born about 1936
CarrellLettie Mborn about 1916
CarrellOllin Dborn about 1914
CarrellQ Clydeborn about 1927
CarrellRoy born about 1930
CarrellThomas Dborn about 1918
CarrellVirgie Dborn about 1926
CarrollA Dewitborn about 1920
CarrollAnnie Lborn about 1925
CarrollBilly Sborn about 1910
CarrollCharles Rborn about 1928
CarrollCharlie Mborn about 1898
CarrollDonald Leeborn about 1926
CarrollDorothy Eborn about 1930
CarrollDorris born about 1928
CarrollElmer born about 1927
CarrollElsie born about 1924
CarrollEstell born about 1885
CarrollEsther Mborn about 1925
CarrollFrances Lborn about 1933
CarrollGrover Cborn about 1882
CarrollHarlie born about 1922
CarrollInez born about 1933
CarrollJ Cborn about 1894
CarrollJohn Eborn about 1923
CarrollJohn Wborn about 1885
CarrollLeo Sborn about 1892
CarrollMaggie born about 1920
CarrollMartha Bborn about 1932
CarrollNellie Lborn about 1899
CarrollPauline born about 1922
CarrollRobert born about 1919
CarrollRobert Rborn about 1931
CarrollRosa born about 1894
CarrollRosie born about 1899
CarrollSarah Lborn about 1922
CarrollSiron born about 1924
CarrollSnowden born about 1884
CarrollTom Rayborn about 1930
CarrollWorth born about 1931
CarterCarrie born about 1907
CarterHelen Gborn about 1935
CarterL Clydeborn about 1925
CarterLuther born about 1880
CarterMargaret Mborn about 1928
CarterRichard born about 1931
CashwellCharles Sborn about 1931
CashwellHarriett Eborn about 1914
CashwellHellen born about 1937
CashwellJames Aborn about 1933
CashwellJesse Bborn about 1936
CashwellThighee born about 1912
CasperFretta Mborn about 1912
CasperLeroy born about 1912
ChampionBlanche born about 1906
ChampionBobbie Lborn about 1939
ChampionDoney born about 1898
ChampionJennie Eborn about 1914
ChampionJoe Fborn about 1936
ChampionJoe Lborn about 1903
ChampionLinwood born about 1918
ChampionLula Jborn about 1939
ChampionMagoline born about 1936
ChampionVandi born about 1899
ChapmanHarrie born about 1915
ChestnutLeon Hborn about 1922
ChestnutOdessa born about 1901
ClarkHattie born about 1910
ClarkSusan Aborn about 1925
ClayAlma born about 1925
ClayBernard born about 1935
ClayCallie born about 1899
ClayEarl born about 1929
ClayFred born about 1927
ClayNorman born about 1932
ClayterAnnie Sborn about 1932
ClayterCurtis Hborn about 1939
ClayterGoin born about 1903
ClayterGoin Eborn about 1930
ClayterHilda Gborn about 1936
ClayterRetha born about 1908
ClayterWilliam Hborn about 1929
ClemmonsAlfred Eborn about 1930
ClemmonsAmanda Vborn about 1901
ClemmonsBeatrice born about 1926
ClemmonsBodger born about 1894
ClemmonsElgeria born about 1935
ClemmonsGeorge Wborn about 1932
ClemmonsOpalgray born about 1928
ClemmonsRoger Dborn about 1937
CochranBernetta Wborn about 1919
CogginsBernice born about 1935
CogginsCharles born about 1887
CogginsCharles Jr born about 1929
CogginsDavid born about 1917
CogginsHattie born about 1897
CogginsMary Ettaborn about 1937
CogginsRosevelt born about 1932
CogginsTheyado born about 1939
CogginsWillie Bellborn about 1933
ColeAaron born about 1884
ColeArther born about 1917
ColeArthur Maeborn about 1936
ColeClide Aborn about 1930
ColeDavid born about 1912
ColeFoster born about 1932
ColeJames born about 1935
ColeJames Lborn about 1933
ColeJohanie born about 1924
ColeLetha born about 1927
ColeMary born about 1885
ColeMary born about 1899
ColeNathaniel born about 1921
ColeShirley Mborn about 1938
ColemanCora Bellborn about 1898
ColemanDallas born about 1939
ColemanDonald Jborn about 1931
ColemanFaye born about 1937
ColemanFletcher born about 1921
ColemanHettie Bellborn about 1920
ColemanMagdaline born about 1928
ColemanWalter Jborn about 1896
ColemanWarren Gborn about 1923
CollinsAlkiah born about 1871
CollinsAnnie Rborn about 1878
CollinsBennett born about 1930
CollinsEsther Lborn about 1910
CollinsGeorge Lborn about 1926
CollinsMaggie Eborn about 1882
CollinsMagnolia born about 1890
CollinsOscar born about 1887
CollinsPersoney Cborn about 1877
CollumBulah Aborn about 1934
CollumDaniel Wborn about 1919
CollumEvelyn Pborn about 1923
CollumJanie Cborn about 1891
CollumJohn Gborn about 1923
CollumJohn Tborn about 1884
CollumLester Aborn about 1912
CollumOliver born about 1926
CollumSamuel born about 1931
ColmanCallie born about 1923
ColmanDorothy born about 1931
ColmanHenry born about 1919
ColmanJulius born about 1933
ColmanMillie Maeborn about 1938
ColmanNellie Lborn about 1898
ColmanOtis Cborn about 1888
ColmanRufus born about 1929
CongletonA Lillianborn about 1924
CongletonAnnell born about 1936
CongletonClyde Lborn about 1906
CongletonDonald Mborn about 1930
CongletonF Eloiseborn about 1926
CongletonFranklin born about 1939
CongletonG Tomborn about 1902
CongletonGeorge T Jrborn about 1929
CongletonMayina born about 1933
CongletonR Sborn about 1897
CongletonSarah born about 1934
CongletonSudie born about 1908
CongletonVirginia Dborn about 1884
CongletonZonnie Eborn about 1896
ConnorAnnie Tborn about 1911
ConnorIrvin Tborn about 1936
ConnorJoan Ettborn about 1937
ConnorL Vborn about 1899
ConnorLouis born about 1939
CooperJohn Dborn about 1922
CooperPaul Jborn about 1917
CooperRay born about 1918
CoostonBonnie born about 1924
CoostonEdrie Fborn about 1901
CoostonGeorge Sborn about 1883
CoostonJames Wborn about 1925
CoreJoseph Aborn about 1901
CoreMary Eborn about 1908
CoreMary Jborn about 1933
CoreNancy Cborn about 1936
CourtneyMargaret Mborn about 1913
CrawfordCharles born about 1925
CrawfordDewey born about 1898
CrawfordElsie Nborn about 1893
CrawfordL Jborn about 1894
CrawfordLeonard born about 1923
CrawfordMammie born about 1922
CrawfordMargaret born about 1933
CrawfordMelvin born about 1928
CrawfordWillie Mborn about 1891
CrawfordWillie P Jrborn about 1913
CreechAmanda born about 1895
CreechAmanda Le born about 1927
CreechElizabeth born about 1922
CreechFranklin Dborn about 1936
CreechHenry Fborn about 1880
CreechMargrett born about 1925
CreechWalter Jborn about 1889
CroomHubert born about 1922
CroomMary Lborn about 1887
CroomW Hborn about 1884
CrooneMarcelin Eborn about 1927
CrooneMary Aborn about 1932
CrooneNessie Lborn about 1897
CroonePatricia Mborn about 1924
CrooneTroy Wborn about 1894
CrooneTroy W Jrborn about 1929
CurleyFred born about 1898
CurleyLillian born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleAnnell born about 1939
DaleCharles born about 1919
DaleEdison born about 1922
DaleEdna born about 1919
DaleEzra born about 1928
DaleHaron born about 1925
DaleJ Mborn about 1890
DaleLena Eborn about 1900
DaleLilly born about 1922
DaleLinwood Eborn about 1938
DaleM Jamesborn about 1889
DaleMabell Mborn about 1930
DaleMagdalene born about 1919
DaleMammie born about 1892
DaleMargaret born about 1926
DaleRachel born about 1939
DaleRetha Mborn about 1932
DaleRobert born about 1931
DaleSalathiel Jborn about 1928
DaleTheodore born about 1914
DaleVera Maeborn about 1921
DaleVirginia born about 1917
DaleWarren born about 1922
DanielAnna Rborn about 1939
DanielAugusta Vborn about 1919
DanielAvance born about 1937
DanielBertha Mborn about 1918
DanielBeverly Lborn about 1879
DanielCarla born about 1915
DanielCharlie Bborn about 1912
DanielClaudia Mborn about 1924
DanielElgervan born about 1938
DanielElizabeth born about 1881
DanielEtta Fborn about 1878
DanielGeorge Cborn about 1939
DanielGeorge Hborn about 1911
DanielGeorge Wborn about 1875
DanielIrene born about 1922
DanielJohn Hborn about 1939
DanielJohnnie born about 1927
DanielSusan Jborn about 1851
DanielThelma born about 1921
DanielTobie born about 1887
DanielWilliam born about 1912
DavesLucy born about 1865
DavisIrvine born about 1930
DavisMary Kborn about 1916
DavisRaymond born about 1915
DavisRoy born about 1914
DavisSarah born about 1927
DavisViola Bborn about 1892
DavisWilliam Lborn about 1928
DavisWilliam Mborn about 1880
DessnanIziah born about 1927
DewA Lborn about 1861
DewFaye Eborn about 1936
DewGrace Byrlborn about 1933
DewJ Lborn about 1912
DewJames L Jrborn about 1940
DewM Ettaborn about 1878
DewMary Cborn about 1915
DewRobert Eborn about 1940
DewRoy Rborn about 1902
DewS Elizabethborn about 1915
DewSylvia born about 1938
DewalJ Pborn about 1907
DewalLouise Cborn about 1913
DicksonAllie born about 1920
DicksonEdith Mborn about 1933
DicksonGe Peborn about 1905
DicksonGeorge Pborn about 1866
DicksonIda born about 1880
DicksonJohn Oborn about 1910
DicksonLizzie born about 1923
DicksonOscar born about 1936
DicksonRodelphus born about 1929
DicksonSallie born about 1911
DicksonTheola born about 1935
DicksonVertta born about 1931
DicksonWillie Genneborn about 1938
DixonSarah Lborn about 1925
DosiaAllen Dborn about 1902
DosiaAllen Jr born about 1930
DosiaBulah Mborn about 1926
DosiaCaroline born about 1908
DosiaEstell born about 1928
DubarBadie born about 1895
DubarJames born about 1927
DubarPennell born about 1926
DubarSilas born about 1885
DuncanA Hborn about 1896
DunhamMargaret born about 1918
DunhamMurry born about 1923
DunhamRoberson born about 1913
DunhamThomas born about 1915
DunmoreShadie Kborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EagleEarnest born about 1930
EagleLula born about 1895
EakinsJohn Rborn about 1914
EavensJulia Reaborn about 1937
EavensMary Wborn about 1910
EckardJack born about 1921
EdwardsAnne Lborn about 1930
EdwardsBessie Lborn about 1929
EdwardsDaisy Mborn about 1888
EdwardsDaniel born about 1931
EdwardsGeneva born about 1914
EdwardsHector Hborn about 1878
EdwardsKelly born about 1908
EdwardsMary Eborn about 1933
EllisAlbert Fborn about 1920
EllisElizabeth born about 1882
EllisFrank born about 1872
EllisJ Wrightborn about 1880
EllisM Lillieborn about 1878
EverettAmoret born about 1922
EverettBernice born about 1928
EverettDe Lola born about 1932
EverettEdna born about 1924
EverettElizabeth born about 1925
EverettErnest Hborn about 1931
EverettHerbert born about 1934
EverettIrene born about 1896
EverettJames born about 1924
EverettJohn Tborn about 1896
EverettJohn Wborn about 1896
EverettJohn Jr born about 1927
EverettJuanita born about 1938
EverettMaggie born about 1908
EverettNathaniel born about 1933
EverettRoscoe born about 1936
EverettRoy born about 1939
EverettWillie born about 1934
EzellAlbert born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FagerA Hborn about 1874
FannyRebecka born about 1877
FannyduvalC Cborn about 1873
FannyduvalElizabeth born about 1914
FannyduvalHattie Leeborn about 1891
FannyduvalJeannette born about 1918
FannyduvalMarion born about 1923
FannyduvalRachel born about 1873
FannyduvalRudolph born about 1928
FannyduvalThelma born about 1910
FannyduvalWarren born about 1921
FannyduvalWilber born about 1910
FarleyAgustus born about 1880
FelanerH Cborn about 1881
FennellF Aborn about 1854
FennellLeola born about 1923
FieldsBertha born about 1920
FieldsClarence born about 1919
FieldsElenor born about 1930
FieldsGeorge Pborn about 1919
FieldsLarodell born about 1927
FieldsMary born about 1897
FieldsPressy born about 1923
FieldsThomas born about 1917
FieldsWillison born about 1884
FlowersAnnie Bborn about 1921
FlowersCarrie Oborn about 1928
FlowersCharlie Wborn about 1880
FlowersGeorge Oborn about 1936
FlowersHellen Vborn about 1920
FlowersJanie Lborn about 1925
FlowersKenneth Pborn about 1930
FlowersLillian Eborn about 1934
FlowersN Rebeccaborn about 1893
FlynnCurtis born about 1927
FlynnIra born about 1876
FlynnMelba born about 1922
FordAlex Lborn about 1897
FordC Alexborn about 1920
FordLoretta born about 1899
FoyleAnnelle born about 1936
FoyleArcher born about 1918
FoyleBernice born about 1929
FoyleCapuous born about 1922
FoyleCellie born about 1926
FoyleDaniel born about 1887
FoyleDorothy born about 1928
FoyleJames born about 1925
FoyleLilly born about 1930
FoyleLizzie born about 1890
FoyleNellie born about 1934
FreemanAlex born about 1920
FreemanAnnie Maeborn about 1929
FreemanCatherine Lborn about 1936
FreemanCharles Gborn about 1919
FreemanClifton born about 1922
FreemanDavid born about 1925
FreemanDosia born about 1891
FreemanEdward born about 1920
FreemanEunice born about 1900
FreemanGeorge Wborn about 1939
FreemanGolden born about 1886
FreemanHenry Wborn about 1885
FreemanJ Walterborn about 1874
FreemanJames born about 1872
FreemanJames born about 1921
FreemanJames Aborn about 1914
FreemanJames Wborn about 1870
FreemanJanie born about 1914
FreemanJohn Aborn about 1915
FreemanJohn Wborn about 1939
FreemanLucille Wborn about 1921
FreemanLucy born about 1927
FreemanMacie Mcdborn about 1939
FreemanMaggie born about 1921
FreemanMark born about 1924
FreemanMary born about 1901
FreemanMattie Eborn about 1919
FreemanPauline born about 1927
FreemanPearl Mborn about 1913
FreemanRobert Fborn about 1912
FreemanThomas born about 1921
FreemanVivian Hborn about 1938
FreemanW Dborn about 1916
FreemanW Henryborn about 1892
FreemanWesley born about 1927
FreemanWesley Mborn about 1925
FulkCleo Sborn about 1932
FulkGeorge born about 1885
FulkGeorge born about 1927
FulkRosa Annaborn about 1895
FulkRosella born about 1924
FulkSusan Jborn about 1921
FultonDoris born about 1922
FultonJunior born about 1916
FultonLillie Jborn about 1931
FultonM Louiseborn about 1918
FultonMarvin born about 1890
FultonMary Aborn about 1935
FultonNorman Rborn about 1933
FultonTillie born about 1885
FurrCalm Vborn about 1933
FurrClaradin born about 1909
FurrRoy Eborn about 1931
FurrZeb Vborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaineyAmanda born about 1890
GaineyHelene born about 1932
GaineyJ Hborn about 1882
GaineyJames Pborn about 1926
GaineyLester born about 1880
GaineyW Thalleyborn about 1927
GeorgeCal born about 1888
GeorgeLeola born about 1888
GeraldAileen born about 1926
GeraldArnett born about 1892
GeraldHarlie born about 1922
GeraldM O'dellborn about 1939
GeraldNettie born about 1895
GibbFanny born about 1881
GibbWilliam Hborn about 1868
GillamClemmie born about 1896
GillamDavid Aborn about 1886
GillamMarie born about 1923
GlissonBarbara Eborn about 1939
GlissonMary Fborn about 1905
GlissonRobert Gborn about 1907
GoreArnold born about 1932
GoreElla Maeborn about 1936
GoreElton born about 1930
GoreHenry born about 1928
GoreJoseph born about 1934
GoreLula Marieborn about 1927
GoreRoss born about 1907
GoreThelma born about 1938
GoreZuella born about 1897
GowanPlat Dborn about 1873
GowanViola born about 1869
GrahamAllen born about 1917
GrahamAnnie Bborn about 1907
GrahamBarney born about 1931
GrahamCarline born about 1930
GrahamDaisy Bborn about 1912
GrahamIsaac born about 1890
GrahamJames Aborn about 1933
GrahamLonvader born about 1926
GrahamMary Lborn about 1895
GrahamMiles born about 1928
GrahamMinnie born about 1924
GrahamRetha born about 1927
GrahamStella Mborn about 1935
GrahamSylvester born about 1891
GrahamWilliam Tborn about 1931
GrahamWoodrow born about 1933
GrangeAllice Jborn about 1926
GrangeSarah Jborn about 1883
GravesWinnie born about 1918
GreenJohn Fborn about 1937
GreenLena born about 1919
GreinerCarl born about 1872
GreinerFreddie born about 1919
GreinerKaroline born about 1883
GreinerWillie born about 1911
GreyardRuth born about 1918
GriceDavid born about 1903
GriceL Thomasborn about 1900
GriceLeroy Tborn about 1924
GriceLydia Gborn about 1903
GriceMattie born about 1870
GriceT Anneborn about 1926
GrinerHenry born about 1916
GrinerLa Vada Mborn about 1917
GrossAllie Reaborn about 1923
GrossCarl born about 1918
GrossClio born about 1926
GrossEula Marieborn about 1929
GrossFrank Jborn about 1889
GrossFrank J Jrborn about 1916
GrossLetha born about 1896
GroverChancy born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagerBernice born about 1927
HagerElla Maeborn about 1911
HagerFanny Maeborn about 1933
HagerGilbert born about 1904
HagerIda Leeborn about 1936
HagerLorene born about 1932
HallBernice born about 1917
HallBessie Lborn about 1932
HallColon born about 1903
HallEdna born about 1904
HallJames born about 1926
HallMargarett born about 1930
HallRaymond born about 1927
HallRichard born about 1914
HallowayCharles Eborn about 1914
HallowayCharles E Jrborn about 1935
HallowayEstell born about 1914
HallowayEsther Eborn about 1940
HallowayEvelyn Gborn about 1938
HallowayLilly born about 1879
HallowayR Lborn about 1885
HamptonEtta Jborn about 1891
HamptonJohn Eborn about 1870
HamptonLewis born about 1926
HardeeAline born about 1931
HargrovesCecil born about 1921
HargrovesMae born about 1916
HargrovesMary Eborn about 1885
HarrelsonL Dborn about 1880
HarrelsonMinnie born about 1904
HarterMinnie Bborn about 1898
HawkinsAddie Leeborn about 1902
HawkinsJohn Dborn about 1880
HawkinsMinnie born about 1910
HawkinsStagy born about 1900
HawkinsZonie born about 1878
HearstRosa Leeborn about 1911
HeathBearna Aborn about 1905
HeathBelvin Aborn about 1929
HeathCarey Lborn about 1897
HeathClayton Lborn about 1939
HeathElvin Rborn about 1932
HeathForest Tborn about 1935
HeathJennie Rborn about 1927
HeathLenna Mborn about 1901
HeathMabel Leaborn about 1925
HeathMarshall Rborn about 1934
HeathMattie Reaborn about 1925
HeathMyrtle Oborn about 1937
HeathVelma Mborn about 1930
HeinglJohn Fborn about 1876
HeinglKatie Dellborn about 1909
HelburnA Marieborn about 1930
HelburnMammie born about 1900
HelburnMary Fborn about 1925
HenryAnnie born about 1901
HenrySusan born about 1868
HerringA Gborn about 1889
HerringFrances Gborn about 1923
HerringLula born about 1884
HilburnA Aborn about 1883
HilburnEdell born about 1893
HilburnEugene born about 1916
HilburnGraham born about 1927
HilburnLa Vada Mborn about 1894
HinyardAnnie Kborn about 1874
HinyardJames Hborn about 1863
HinyardJames Wborn about 1910
HinyardM Lilaborn about 1914
HinyardS Albertborn about 1908
HobbsBlanche Hborn about 1880
HobbsEmma Reaborn about 1919
HobbsFaye born about 1932
HobbsGeorgia Sborn about 1898
HobbsL Rborn about 1880
HobbsLillian born about 1918
HobbsR Gordonborn about 1914
HobbsWalter Lborn about 1887
HobbsWalter L Jrborn about 1920
HollomanJennie Eborn about 1875
HollomanWilliam Dborn about 1875
HollomanWilliam Eborn about 1922
HooperCalvin Hborn about 1916
HooperCarrie born about 1893
HooperRichard born about 1928
HooperWilliam born about 1919
HudsonAnnie born about 1913
HudsonEddie born about 1918
HudsonGarret born about 1912
HudsonGeorgianna born about 1884
HudsonMildred born about 1926
HufhamBilly born about 1929
HufhamFloyd born about 1924
HufhamJ Sborn about 1903
HufhamJames born about 1923
HufhamJoyce Lborn about 1928
HufhamLessie Mborn about 1900
HufhamNoah Dborn about 1938
HufhamRhoda Vborn about 1908
HufhamTheodore Eborn about 1904
HufhamVern Lborn about 1934
HufhamW Mborn about 1893
HufhamWanda Maeborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAnnabell born about 1919
JacksonDavid born about 1896
JacksonFred Dborn about 1922
JacksonIda born about 1900
JacksonIda Leeborn about 1929
JacksonMcduffy born about 1926
JacksonWalter born about 1915
JacksonWilliam Dborn about 1920
JacobClemmon Lborn about 1924
JacobJohn Hborn about 1888
JacobJosephine born about 1885
JacobThomas Tborn about 1922
JacobsAlexander Jr born about 1934
JacobsAlfonzo born about 1937
JacobsClarence Cborn about 1895
JacobsCornelius Rborn about 1922
JacobsD Ellisborn about 1894
JacobsDalceda Aborn about 1856
JacobsDavid Jborn about 1900
JacobsEdna Vborn about 1925
JacobsEdward Eborn about 1932
JacobsElla Bborn about 1928
JacobsElla Cborn about 1929
JacobsEric born about 1936
JacobsErnest Jborn about 1935
JacobsFoster born about 1933
JacobsHellen Mborn about 1934
JacobsJames Aborn about 1886
JacobsJames Tborn about 1929
JacobsJohn Aborn about 1914
JacobsJohn Hborn about 1911
JacobsJohn Mborn about 1933
JacobsLenzie Mborn about 1930
JacobsLizzie born about 1914
JacobsMadoline born about 1934
JacobsMaggie born about 1890
JacobsMary Dborn about 1914
JacobsMary Eborn about 1935
JacobsMaurice Wborn about 1904
JacobsMinnie Aborn about 1907
JacobsPearlie born about 1908
JacobsRachel Dborn about 1927
JacobsRebecca Eborn about 1931
JacobsSylvester born about 1916
JacobsWilliam Hborn about 1886
JanesLucy born about 1915
JarmanE Haywoodborn about 1909
JarmanRuth born about 1913
JarmanSarah Fborn about 1873
JohnsonAlex born about 1917
JohnsonBeulah Lborn about 1905
JohnsonClara Mborn about 1899
JohnsonClyde Mborn about 1903
JohnsonDavid Eborn about 1930
JohnsonDelwin Pborn about 1926
JohnsonDoris born about 1925
JohnsonEdward born about 1916
JohnsonEleanor born about 1930
JohnsonFlorida born about 1896
JohnsonHazel Cborn about 1930
JohnsonHilton Gborn about 1936
JohnsonInez born about 1910
JohnsonJ Allenborn about 1906
JohnsonJ Mborn about 1903
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1939
JohnsonJessie Pborn about 1917
JohnsonJoseph born about 1931
JohnsonLester born about 1912
JohnsonLois born about 1920
JohnsonLouis Mborn about 1934
JohnsonM Tborn about 1893
JohnsonMary Allenborn about 1931
JohnsonMary Bborn about 1932
JohnsonMary Fayeborn about 1933
JohnsonMerle born about 1928
JohnsonMina Lborn about 1901
JohnsonMyrtle Dborn about 1939
JohnsonNorene born about 1927
JohnsonRobert Sborn about 1938
JohnsonRoyce Mborn about 1929
JohnsonThorp born about 1918
JohnsonTylon Clydeborn about 1932
JohnsonW Cborn about 1851
JollyD Chesterborn about 1881
JollyElizabeth Rborn about 1924
JollyEmma Mborn about 1922
JollyGeorgia Eborn about 1898
JollyMary Lborn about 1926
JonesBen Jborn about 1875
JonesEmily born about 1894
JonesJames born about 1916
JonesWilliam Fborn about 1877
JuneganFlorence born about 1886
JusticeBetty born about 1922
JusticeMabel born about 1924
JustinCharlie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaesterCarl Hborn about 1924
KaesterHerman Wborn about 1875
KaesterMinda Bborn about 1886
KarugM Elizabethborn about 1874
KeaDorthy Bborn about 1924
KeaFred born about 1870
KeaHenrietta born about 1880
KeaMartha Jborn about 1868
KeaQuinney born about 1875
KeaThomas born about 1920
KeatonHenry born about 1903
KeatonHerbert Jr born about 1932
KeatonLela Mborn about 1907
KeatonRufus Rborn about 1935
KeatonThomas Jborn about 1930
KeithEdith born about 1930
KeithElduce born about 1928
KeithJames Dborn about 1936
KellyBetty Leeborn about 1921
KellyBurris born about 1923
KellyEarnest Cborn about 1927
KellyElsie Rborn about 1934
KellyFloyd born about 1929
KellyG Dborn about 1888
KellyGeorge Tborn about 1925
KellyHarry Lborn about 1885
KellyHattie Bborn about 1879
KellyHenry Mborn about 1879
KellyJ Hborn about 1850
KellyJulia born about 1887
KellyJunior Hborn about 1930
KellyLena Maeborn about 1908
KellyNina born about 1901
KellyPearl born about 1928
KellyR Bessieborn about 1935
KellyRaymond born about 1930
KellyRobert Dborn about 1921
KellyRosie Lborn about 1938
KellySam born about 1927
KellyThurman born about 1934
KellyVan born about 1896
KellyWade born about 1931
KelonW Vanceborn about 1912
KennedyDorothy born about 1922
KennedyEmma Lborn about 1877
KennedyJohn Nborn about 1912
KennedyRalph born about 1876
KeziahCharles Tborn about 1927
KeziahJames Tborn about 1925
KeziahRobert Lborn about 1923
KingA John Kingborn about 1884
KingAddie Eborn about 1884
KingEates Mborn about 1921
KingFrederick born about 1918
KingHatcher born about 1858
KingLula Jborn about 1902
KingMollie born about 1909
KingOliver born about 1910
KitchenE Kathleenborn about 1936
KitchenJames Aborn about 1899
KitchenVicotria born about 1905
KnowlesElla born about 1887
KranickGeorge Pborn about 1909
KranickRuth Cborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacewellEddie Lborn about 1935
LacewellIrene born about 1930
LacewellJames Eborn about 1928
LacewellLester born about 1932
LainerCatherine born about 1916
LainerWilliam born about 1939
LainerWillie born about 1905
LaneArchie Mborn about 1896
LaneBrady Pborn about 1892
LaneFloyd born about 1929
LaneMarie born about 1917
LaneNeal Aborn about 1925
LaneNelson born about 1933
LaneR Lemuelborn about 1923
LaneRuth Eborn about 1921
LanierMallie Vborn about 1877
LaohleyJames Wborn about 1873
LaohleyLizzie Jborn about 1878
LarkinArlean born about 1915
LarkinAudrey Fborn about 1933
LarkinDonald born about 1934
LarkinEdgar born about 1909
LarkinEdward born about 1905
LarkinEnnis Guyborn about 1936
LarkinG Robertborn about 1937
LarkinKatie Annborn about 1940
LarkinsAaron Mborn about 1882
LarkinsAnna born about 1879
LarkinsAudrey Eborn about 1940
LarkinsBarlow born about 1888
LarkinsBulah born about 1920
LarkinsDavid Dborn about 1932
LarkinsDonald Jborn about 1939
LarkinsEssie Cborn about 1889
LarkinsHenrietta born about 1875
LarkinsJulie Mborn about 1939
LarkinsLucile born about 1918
LarkinsMazie Vborn about 1936
LarkinsMinnie Mborn about 1886
LarkinsN Ednaborn about 1908
LarkinsOscar Lborn about 1907
LarkinsOscar Jr born about 1919
LarkinsPender Lborn about 1937
LarkinsRedelia born about 1915
LarkinsRoy born about 1921
LarkinsWilliam born about 1910
LeeAlex Aborn about 1935
LeeBettie Jborn about 1887
LeeElla born about 1928
LeeElton Cborn about 1931
LeeJohn Gborn about 1904
LeeNathan born about 1933
LeeNellie born about 1910
LeeNellie Mborn about 1939
LeeRobert Dborn about 1927
LeeStacy born about 1935
LeeW Solomanborn about 1887
LennanAlbert born about 1925
LennanBoyd born about 1921
LennanEthel born about 1907
LennanMary Ruthborn about 1939
LennanO Eborn about 1898
LennanReba born about 1934
LennonAlice Eborn about 1887
LennonAlice Eborn about 1939
LennonAndrew Hborn about 1879
LennonBert born about 1916
LennonC Stancilborn about 1909
LennonCharles S Jrborn about 1937
LennonE Juanitaborn about 1916
LennonElla Mborn about 1879
LennonG Ireneborn about 1919
LennonG Mborn about 1884
LennonGeorgia Aborn about 1883
LennonHorace born about 1919
LennonJ Pborn about 1908
LennonJ Sborn about 1919
LennonJ Tborn about 1921
LennonJohn Cborn about 1922
LennonJohn Pborn about 1939
LennonLuther born about 1876
LennonM Isabellborn about 1917
LennonMary born about 1918
LennonMeta Cborn about 1885
LennonNancy Jborn about 1935
LennonPaul Mborn about 1911
LennonR Sborn about 1880
LennonS Judsonborn about 1923
LeonardMary born about 1872
LesterLeta born about 1918
LewisA Fborn about 1923
LewisB Maltonborn about 1924
LewisBernice born about 1930
LewisCharles Aborn about 1927
LewisDoris born about 1935
LewisEdna Bborn about 1900
LewisIva born about 1921
LewisJohn Tborn about 1935
LewisMammie born about 1892
LewisMammie Lborn about 1926
LewisMartha Aborn about 1933
LewisOpal born about 1920
LewisVirginia Mborn about 1932
LewisW Hborn about 1894
LewisWilliam H Jrborn about 1920
LittleCatherine Bborn about 1921
LittleHellen Mborn about 1939
LittleRosty Rborn about 1913
LloydAnnie Mborn about 1897
LloydDavid Jborn about 1878
LloydDouglas born about 1904
LloydZonnie born about 1906
LongJarvis Wborn about 1926
LongMary Jborn about 1885
LongMildred Eborn about 1928
LongNoah born about 1920
LongQuinney born about 1915
LongThomas Jborn about 1880
LoveAmanda Bborn about 1884
LoveEdward Dborn about 1913
LoveM Jamesborn about 1920
LowellChristina born about 1920
LowellZettiokiah born about 1920
LyanEmoline born about 1889
LyanHomer born about 1917
LyanJoe born about 1877
LyanLenell born about 1938
LyanSusie born about 1914
LyanVelma born about 1937
LyonsHarry born about 1912
LyonsHarry Jr born about 1937
LyonsRose Stellaborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaceCarylin born about 1924
MainerJames Aborn about 1889
MainerLizzie Jborn about 1884
MalparsHenry born about 1897
MalparsL Beatriceborn about 1908
MalparsM Yatesborn about 1912
MalpassA Mborn about 1878
MalpassAda Cborn about 1912
MalpassAdran Eborn about 1915
MalpassAlfred Rborn about 1937
MalpassAlonzo born about 1915
MalpassAnnie born about 1904
MalpassAshford born about 1920
MalpassBennie Cborn about 1913
MalpassBernia born about 1923
MalpassCarrie Aborn about 1874
MalpassCarry born about 1913
MalpassD Jamesborn about 1912
MalpassDave born about 1884
MalpassDora born about 1916
MalpassEarnest Wborn about 1939
MalpassEllen born about 1895
MalpassElton born about 1920
MalpassEsther born about 1923
MalpassEve born about 1881
MalpassEvelyn born about 1934
MalpassFlorence born about 1885
MalpassGeorge Cborn about 1939
MalpassGertrude born about 1922
MalpassHerman born about 1925
MalpassInez born about 1917
MalpassJames Lborn about 1933
MalpassL Lborn about 1892
MalpassL Wborn about 1885
MalpassLloyd Eborn about 1923
MalpassLorena born about 1898
MalpassLucie born about 1922
MalpassLydia born about 1905
MalpassMaggie Bellborn about 1928
MalpassMary Eborn about 1925
MalpassMason Bellborn about 1931
MalpassPearlie born about 1930
MalpassRayford born about 1925
MalpassSidney born about 1926
MalpassThelma born about 1918
MalpassThelma Lborn about 1939
MalpassThomas born about 1932
MalpassThomas Eborn about 1937
MalpassVerna born about 1931
MalpassWadur Lborn about 1935
MalpassWentworth born about 1918
MalpassWinfred born about 1921
MalpassWinnie Maeborn about 1917
MammieLee born about 1921
MankAbram born about 1930
MankInez born about 1931
MankJohn Hborn about 1923
MankZeron born about 1928
MantzJames Oborn about 1902
MantzJames Tborn about 1936
MantzLela Mborn about 1938
MantzLila Mborn about 1910
ManualJennie born about 1898
MarksA Hborn about 1868
MarksCatherine born about 1931
MarksHelen Cborn about 1927
MarksHilda Mborn about 1906
MarksHilda Marieborn about 1938
MarksJohn Aborn about 1929
MarksMary Leeborn about 1873
MarksR Anonborn about 1901
MarksR Donaldborn about 1933
MarksWilliam Cborn about 1926
MarshallLonnie born about 1897
MathewsLela born about 1921
MaultsbyAhraim born about 1924
MaultsbyClarkie Cborn about 1903
MaultsbyHaynes Fborn about 1900
MaultsbyHerman Fborn about 1933
MaultsbyJames Fborn about 1926
MaultsbyJoseph Jborn about 1939
MaultsbyKenneth Fborn about 1937
MaultsbyLucy Cborn about 1935
MaultsbyRachel Iborn about 1928
MaultsbyRobert Tborn about 1931
MayersAnna Mborn about 1920
MayersJosephine born about 1912
MayersKenneth born about 1919
MayersMarilyn Lborn about 1933
MayersMax born about 1875
MayersMax Fborn about 1911
MayersNarisa Dborn about 1937
MayersSadie Dborn about 1904
MayersThomas born about 1921
MayersWilliam Hborn about 1925
MaynorArchie born about 1906
MaynorArchie Mborn about 1940
MaynorLinda Lborn about 1937
MaynorMarieda born about 1933
MaynorOla born about 1913
MaynorOllie Mborn about 1931
MaynorRosie Lborn about 1927
McCallonPearlie Mborn about 1919
McCallonRobert born about 1913
McClellanDaniel Hborn about 1937
McClellanDorothy Mborn about 1933
McClellanEugene Kborn about 1935
McClellanFrank born about 1900
McClellanJohn Fborn about 1932
McClellanJosephine born about 1911
McClellanRuth Pborn about 1939
McCrimonJesse born about 1913
McCrimonSadie Pborn about 1917
McDougalElnora born about 1927
McDougalWillie Hborn about 1929
McDowellLena born about 1906
McDowellToney born about 1905
McGowanVenus born about 1840
McKayDella born about 1877
McKayGladys Hborn about 1913
McKayMarshall Lborn about 1934
McKayMingo Mborn about 1912
McKaySousina born about 1870
McKoyAnnabell born about 1934
McKoyCarrie born about 1887
McKoyJerome born about 1932
McKoyKing Wborn about 1917
McKoyTrudie Bellborn about 1916
McLaughlinAlice born about 1921
McLaughlinAlice Pborn about 1884
McLaughlinCarolyn born about 1927
McLaughlinElizabeth born about 1924
McLaughlinFred born about 1912
McLaughlinHoward born about 1923
McLaughlinLouise born about 1915
McLaughlinMarvin born about 1920
McLaughlinRosa Leeborn about 1907
McLoydAnnie Mborn about 1927
McMikleMaggie born about 1882
McNeilAnnie born about 1909
McNeilBenjamin Tborn about 1894
McNeilColeman Jborn about 1933
McNeilElla Rborn about 1907
McNeilFamous Cborn about 1910
McNeilHattie Mborn about 1919
McNeilLennell Jborn about 1935
McNeilLorentz Gborn about 1935
McNeilMary Lborn about 1925
MeanJoyce Mborn about 1934
MearsAlbert born about 1903
MearsBeatrice born about 1925
MearsCarrie born about 1910
MearsDorothy born about 1922
MearsJohn Fborn about 1905
MearsMammie born about 1913
MearsTylor Vborn about 1925
MearsWillie Jborn about 1928
MerrittA Maggieborn about 1893
MerrittA Ruthborn about 1906
MerrittCarylon born about 1938
MerrittE Vborn about 1898
MerrittHenry Bborn about 1923
MerrittIviry Cborn about 1928
MerrittJ Wborn about 1880
MerrittJames born about 1908
MerrittLloyd Sborn about 1932
MerrittMary born about 1892
MerrittRichard born about 1927
MerrittSally born about 1870
MerrittSanford born about 1922
MerrittThomas born about 1917
MerrittWilliam Eborn about 1924
MerrittWilliam Mborn about 1884
MesselBetty Lborn about 1932
MillerAdolph born about 1939
MillerBarbara Annborn about 1933
MillerClarra Mborn about 1937
MillerDagin Bellborn about 1920
MillerE Lborn about 1897
MillerEleanor Dborn about 1937
MillerFlossie born about 1922
MillerHettie Mborn about 1919
MillerHouston born about 1927
MillerJesse Lborn about 1934
MillerLawrence born about 1912
MillerLeta Vborn about 1900
MillerLilly Maeborn about 1936
MillerOdell Bborn about 1918
MillerSadie Lborn about 1914
MillerSarcie Aborn about 1870
MillerSillerwesse born about 1939
MillinorCarl Dborn about 1933
MillinorClarice born about 1920
MillinorFrances born about 1900
MillinorJ Hborn about 1881
MillinorJohn Wborn about 1916
MillinorMarie Janeborn about 1939
MillinorMary Ettaborn about 1930
MillinorVivian born about 1927
MillinorWilliam Eborn about 1910
MillinorWillie E Jrborn about 1932
MillinorYvonne born about 1937
MillsAdolphus Eborn about 1884
MillsAlma born about 1930
MillsAnnie Bborn about 1926
MillsBettie Mborn about 1933
MillsCatherine born about 1938
MillsDaniel born about 1939
MillsDorothy born about 1924
MillsEvelyn born about 1927
MillsGeorge Eborn about 1936
MillsGeorgie Gborn about 1905
MillsIrvin Wborn about 1932
MillsJohn Wborn about 1933
MillsKatie Gborn about 1934
MillsKenneth born about 1938
MillsLela born about 1904
MillsMartha Mborn about 1930
MillsMary Jborn about 1930
MillsMildred Annborn about 1934
MillsNora born about 1895
MillsPearl born about 1908
MillsRuth born about 1928
MillsTilow Vborn about 1934
MillsWilber born about 1903
MillsWilliam Aborn about 1936
MintzBertha Lborn about 1924
MintzElva born about 1929
MintzEmeline born about 1896
MintzEmma Ireneborn about 1934
MintzJohn born about 1896
MintzJohnny born about 1935
MintzLouise born about 1931
MintzMarshall born about 1919
MintzRuby Jborn about 1937
MintzT Lawsonborn about 1922
MintzWilliam Hborn about 1895
MintzWilliam Lborn about 1930
MitchellA Lenaborn about 1913
MitchellAnnie Rborn about 1893
MitchellE Juanitaborn about 1939
MitchellHannah born about 1871
MitchellJames Bborn about 1892
MitchellNorma Mborn about 1927
MontgomeryHerikiah born about 1920
MontgomeryIrene born about 1922
MontgomeryMary Eborn about 1939
MooreArrell Lborn about 1936
MooreBertha Lborn about 1938
MooreBobby Rayborn about 1939
MooreChristian born about 1868
MooreClarence Hborn about 1929
MooreD Lborn about 1906
MooreDavid Eborn about 1935
MooreDavid Sborn about 1936
MooreEdna born about 1907
MooreElizabeth born about 1930
MooreG Hay Revborn about 1933
MooreJ Bborn about 1908
MooreJackson Bborn about 1931
MooreJocelyn born about 1925
MooreJudson born about 1916
MooreLessie Lborn about 1933
MooreLessie Lborn about 1934
MooreM Edithborn about 1922
MooreMartha born about 1911
MooreMona Eborn about 1890
MooreNellie born about 1919
MooreRosie Leeborn about 1915
MooreW Jborn about 1887
MorrisJennie Nborn about 1915
MorrisJohn born about 1883
MorrisJohn Mborn about 1910
MorrisJohn M Jrborn about 1935
MorrisKatherine born about 1881
MunerGeorge born about 1922
MunnAndrew Dborn about 1932
MunnAnnie Mborn about 1933
MunnGarey born about 1897
MunnLilllie born about 1899
MunnMccary born about 1889
MunnMcleane born about 1920
MunnOree born about 1917
MunnQueen Eborn about 1928
MurphyAbraham born about 1933
MurphyAnnie Leeborn about 1898
MurphyArchie born about 1923
MurphyFrank Jborn about 1919
MurphyFrank Mborn about 1896
MurphyJames Aborn about 1917
MurphyMargaret born about 1926
MurphyMildred Fborn about 1918
MurphyMiriam born about 1931
MurphySusie Jborn about 1928
MurrayChristina born about 1928
MurrayElla born about 1913
MurrayJames born about 1929
MyersAnnie Leeborn about 1914
MyersBetty Annborn about 1935
MyersJames Dborn about 1913
MyersJames Jr born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewtonAllie born about 1907
NewtonClarence born about 1906
NixonArthur born about 1892
NixonLizzie born about 1890
NorrisEvelyn born about 1902
NorrisF Cborn about 1901

P Surnames

PageAda Vborn about 1915
PageAlfred Eborn about 1915
PageAlfred E Jrborn about 1936
PageAttie born about 1866
PageAttie Lborn about 1922
PageD Claudborn about 1924
PageDavid Cborn about 1939
PageE Eborn about 1897
PageEllis Wborn about 1921
PageIrma Hborn about 1918
PageJoyce Mborn about 1926
PageMarjorie born about 1921
PageMary Eborn about 1888
PageMary Rborn about 1937
PageMary Sborn about 1901
PageSamuel Dborn about 1933
PageW Claudborn about 1887
ParishMary Dborn about 1880
ParkerAgnes born about 1927
ParkerDaisy born about 1913
ParkerNora born about 1922
PaskerE Eborn about 1870
PatrickCharles Jr born about 1908
PatrickCharlie Hborn about 1885
PatrickChristine born about 1939
PatrickDaisy Leeborn about 1932
PatrickDosia born about 1927
PatrickEtta Maeborn about 1926
PatrickEva Maeborn about 1928
PatrickFrances born about 1933
PatrickJames born about 1910
PatrickJannie Maeborn about 1931
PatrickJohn Leeborn about 1898
PatrickJulia born about 1890
PatrickJulia Annborn about 1934
PatrickLe Roy born about 1938
PatrickLinda born about 1916
PatrickLizzie born about 1900
PatrickLucy born about 1907
PatrickMack born about 1924
PatrickMaggie Wborn about 1910
PatrickNettie born about 1892
PatrickPhough Lborn about 1938
PatrickRebecca born about 1916
PatrickRosie Leeborn about 1933
PatrickSadie Bellborn about 1934
PatrickStephen born about 1906
PatrickVald Eborn about 1916
PatrickWesley born about 1922
PatrickWillie born about 1908
PatrickWillie Dborn about 1936
PatrickWillie Jr born about 1936
PatterBernie born about 1920
PatterCallie born about 1883
PatterGeorge born about 1922
PatterHannah Aborn about 1875
PatterJames Sborn about 1865
PatterJohn Mborn about 1868
PaytonIsabell born about 1933
PaytonJohn born about 1886
PaytonSusan born about 1895
PearsonIlla born about 1910
PearsonJ Dborn about 1906
PetersonA Dborn about 1914
PetersonA Rborn about 1882
PetersonAndrew born about 1883
PetersonB Oldieborn about 1894
PetersonBarbara Aborn about 1939
PetersonBertha Lborn about 1919
PetersonBilly born about 1932
PetersonBobbie Lborn about 1938
PetersonCalvin born about 1929
PetersonCarl Hborn about 1887
PetersonCarlton Gborn about 1932
PetersonCarry Sborn about 1923
PetersonCharles Lborn about 1931
PetersonD Jeromeborn about 1918
PetersonE Hborn about 1908
PetersonE Mborn about 1884
PetersonEthline born about 1924
PetersonEunice born about 1926
PetersonHanson Eborn about 1906
PetersonJ Hborn about 1888
PetersonJane Gborn about 1939
PetersonJennings Rborn about 1897
PetersonLeona born about 1924
PetersonLois born about 1926
PetersonLouis born about 1938
PetersonM Norwoodborn about 1916
PetersonMadeline born about 1925
PetersonMae born about 1885
PetersonMargie Lborn about 1924
PetersonMary Eborn about 1866
PetersonMary Eborn about 1919
PetersonMary Fernerborn about 1931
PetersonMaxine born about 1928
PetersonMinnie Iborn about 1896
PetersonNellie Eborn about 1894
PetersonNorine born about 1919
PetersonOdell born about 1920
PetersonRoberta born about 1891
PetersonRuth born about 1923
PetersonSadie born about 1889
PetersonSusie Hborn about 1910
PetersonThelma Gborn about 1922
PetersonVernell born about 1935
PetersonVintson Jr born about 1939
PetersonViola born about 1917
PetersonVirtson born about 1918
PetersonVivian Lborn about 1920
PetersonWarena born about 1904
PickerrellCharles Dborn about 1910
PickerrellE Dickeyborn about 1936
PickerrellLeola Cborn about 1912
PickerrellNancy Cborn about 1938
PierceMabel Iborn about 1909
PierceW Aborn about 1909
PollandBenjamin Fborn about 1933
PollandIsrael born about 1926
PollandPirda born about 1932
PollandTimothy Bborn about 1894
PollandTimothy B Jrborn about 1923
PorterAngella born about 1937
PorterChristina born about 1897
PorterClemmon born about 1926
PorterDavie born about 1930
PorterEugene born about 1921
PorterJohn Eborn about 1896
PorterJohnny born about 1919
PorterLawrence born about 1936
PorterLetha born about 1923
PorterLloyd born about 1911
PorterLouella born about 1916
PorterLula Mborn about 1925
PorterMares born about 1932
PorterMartha Aborn about 1872
PorterMattie born about 1939
PorterMurrel born about 1935
PorterNathaniel born about 1935
PorterPauline born about 1914
PorterWillie born about 1907
PorterWillie Gborn about 1933
PotterBonnie Raeborn about 1939
PotterElwood born about 1912
PotterErnest born about 1928
PotterFerby Cborn about 1880
PotterGeraldine born about 1932
PotterJesse Maeborn about 1911
PotterM Cborn about 1880
PotterM Lolaborn about 1907
PotterMary Hborn about 1926
PotterMathew Wborn about 1892
PotterNorwood born about 1934
PotterRetta Maeborn about 1937
PotterRichard born about 1935
PotterW Mathews Jrborn about 1925
PowellBertha born about 1900
PowellJames Aborn about 1893
PriceBert Dborn about 1891
PridgeonElizabeth Gborn about 1910
PridgeonGrace Kborn about 1883
PridgeonH Wooduffborn about 1906
PurvisAda born about 1883
PurvisShepard Lborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinceJohn Rborn about 1860
QuinceKatie born about 1892

R Surnames

RathvilleDara born about 1901
RathvilleVirginia Dborn about 1933
RathvilleWillie born about 1921
RaulsConie Eborn about 1884
RaulsMadie Iborn about 1918
RaulsMike born about 1880
RaulsMike Jborn about 1920
RaulsWilliam Lborn about 1910
ReavesBlanche born about 1892
ReavesFrank born about 1929
ReavesFred Sborn about 1933
ReavesJ Aborn about 1891
ReavesLeon Hborn about 1925
ReavesRuby born about 1921
ReddickWilliam born about 1871
ReevesBeatrice born about 1935
ReevesDavid born about 1914
ReevesDoris Fborn about 1935
ReevesGertrude born about 1914
ReevesHorace born about 1925
ReevesJaunita born about 1931
ReevesLe Roy born about 1929
ReevesLois born about 1927
ReevesOwen born about 1889
ReevesRoxie born about 1903
ReevesShirlie Fayeborn about 1937
ReevesSylvia born about 1937
RegisterE Vborn about 1879
RegisterRuth born about 1890
ReynoldsB Sborn about 1882
ReynoldsIda Fborn about 1879
ReynoldsIda Leeborn about 1906
RichElizabeth Pborn about 1909
RichLuther Cborn about 1906
RichLuther C Jrborn about 1932
RichRadford born about 1938
RicheEllen born about 1882
RicheJ Mborn about 1885
RicheWill born about 1927
RileyCharles Hborn about 1910
RileyHenry Lborn about 1936
RileyMartha Jborn about 1910
RileyRobert Nborn about 1938
RileySquire born about 1891
RileyVirginia born about 1916
RileyWillie Sborn about 1935
RobersonJulia born about 1869
RobertsAnna Maeborn about 1900
RobertsE Lborn about 1897
RobertsEnnis born about 1927
RobertsFarney Wborn about 1924
RobertsFloyd Eborn about 1927
RobertsHerman born about 1923
RobertsIrvin born about 1925
RobertsJoe Wborn about 1894
RobertsMarjorie born about 1935
RobertsMyrna Hborn about 1930
RobertsMyron Hborn about 1930
RobertsNorma born about 1938
RobertsPiceola born about 1902
RobertsRoy Aborn about 1932
RobertsRupert Aborn about 1901
RobertsS Vernonborn about 1923
RobertsSusie Aborn about 1897
RobertsThebla born about 1930
RobertsThesia born about 1934
RobertsTylon born about 1932
RobertsWillard Fborn about 1917
RobinsonBeverly Aborn about 1930
RobinsonEvelyn born about 1889
RobinsonRuth Oborn about 1934
RobinsonSam born about 1889
RobinsonThelma born about 1914
RobinsonWilliam Vborn about 1937
RodgersAlice born about 1905
RodgersEthel Leeborn about 1914
RodgersLillian born about 1922
RodgersMary Aborn about 1871
RodgersMaude born about 1876
RodgersS Cborn about 1914
RogersHalen Pborn about 1887
RowellBennings born about 1922
RowellElla born about 1890
RowellJake born about 1866
RowellJoe born about 1902
RowellJohn born about 1895
RowellJohn Tborn about 1932
RowellKattie born about 1895
RowellThomas born about 1928
RowellVander born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersNelson born about 1875
SandersWilliam Hborn about 1931
SaulterAddie born about 1914
SaulterArthur Jborn about 1893
SaulterCornelius born about 1886
SaulterDorthy Lborn about 1928
SaulterElouise born about 1928
SaulterEtta born about 1892
SaulterHarriett Aborn about 1892
SaulterHattie born about 1892
SaulterHerbert born about 1918
SaulterJ Alexborn about 1878
SaulterJ Paulborn about 1865
SaulterJames Hborn about 1925
SaulterMarjorie born about 1922
SaulterRichard born about 1897
SaulterWilliam Lborn about 1932
SaundersCarrie born about 1863
SaundersMack born about 1868
ScullyAlex Vborn about 1910
ScullyMary Annborn about 1912
SellersMarie Eborn about 1930
SellersRoland Rborn about 1926
SharpAlice Cborn about 1925
ShawA Marieborn about 1929
ShawBarbara born about 1933
ShawBenjamin Lborn about 1923
ShawBlanchie born about 1907
ShawCarrie Eborn about 1873
ShawCarrie Nborn about 1926
ShawDorris born about 1936
ShawDorris Mborn about 1934
ShawEmma Jborn about 1905
ShawEvangeline born about 1928
ShawFred Dborn about 1896
ShawFred D Jrborn about 1931
ShawGeorge born about 1903
ShawGeorge Fborn about 1915
ShawGladys born about 1931
ShawHarrell Lborn about 1939
ShawHarry born about 1933
ShawHelen born about 1939
ShawHerbert born about 1932
ShawHubert born about 1937
ShawIrene born about 1880
ShawJ Benjaminborn about 1899
ShawJ Henryborn about 1872
ShawJ Wesleyborn about 1875
ShawJanie Mborn about 1934
ShawJesse born about 1901
ShawJohn W Jrborn about 1915
ShawJoyce born about 1939
ShawL Theodoreborn about 1936
ShawLee Rayborn about 1922
ShawLennie Tborn about 1912
ShawLillie Dborn about 1882
ShawMargarett born about 1929
ShawMary Eborn about 1911
ShawMary Eborn about 1914
ShawMary Eborn about 1927
ShawMary Lborn about 1919
ShawMollie Gborn about 1915
ShawNeicy Lborn about 1935
ShawNora born about 1903
ShawPerry born about 1924
ShawRaymond born about 1927
ShawRobert Fborn about 1910
ShawRobert Tborn about 1879
ShawRudolph born about 1938
ShawSandy Shawborn about 1936
ShawSarah Bborn about 1931
ShawShaw Euniceborn about 1903
ShawSherman born about 1927
ShawWallis Wborn about 1890
ShawWilliam Hborn about 1931
ShawWillie Bborn about 1925
ShowAlfonzo Iborn about 1935
ShowArchie Dborn about 1910
ShowJohn Mborn about 1933
ShowMartha born about 1912
SimmonsBetty Maeborn about 1940
SimmonsCarlino born about 1937
SimmonsGeorge born about 1886
SimmonsGordon born about 1934
SimmonsHenry born about 1922
SimmonsHerbert born about 1939
SimmonsJames born about 1936
SimmonsJohn born about 1902
SimmonsJohn Jr born about 1929
SimmonsLizzie born about 1911
SimmonsMamie born about 1900
SimmonsMary born about 1927
SimmonsRobert born about 1924
SimmonsWilber Rborn about 1931
SimmonsWilliam born about 1932
SimpsonAdna born about 1914
SimpsonAlma Lborn about 1934
SimpsonEdward Bborn about 1908
SimpsonFrancis born about 1908
SimpsonGladys Mborn about 1928
SimpsonHenry born about 1927
SimpsonHerbert Lborn about 1930
SimpsonHerman born about 1936
SimpsonJames born about 1900
SimpsonJames Bborn about 1917
SimpsonJames Cborn about 1932
SimpsonJesse born about 1912
SimpsonMamie born about 1880
SimpsonRobert born about 1920
SimpsonRubie born about 1926
SimpsonWillie Lborn about 1938
SingletaryDoris born about 1938
SingletaryM Glennborn about 1935
SingletaryOra born about 1913
SingletaryR Jborn about 1900
SliverMinnie born about 1882
SmithCharles born about 1870
SmithDelman born about 1930
SmithEdward born about 1925
SmithElizabeth born about 1876
SmithEllen born about 1919
SmithFrances Sborn about 1920
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1933
SmithHenry Dborn about 1878
SmithIda Leeborn about 1933
SmithIrene born about 1928
SmithJ Wborn about 1892
SmithJames Aborn about 1883
SmithJesse born about 1922
SmithJessie born about 1887
SmithJewell born about 1939
SmithJoseph Cborn about 1919
SmithJulia Fayeborn about 1936
SmithLeon born about 1917
SmithMargaret born about 1925
SmithMary Jborn about 1900
SmithPaul Rborn about 1918
SmithPauline born about 1927
SmithPiercy Aborn about 1932
SmithRaymond born about 1930
SmithSusie born about 1920
SmithThomas born about 1928
SmithThomas Mborn about 1938
SmithThurman born about 1937
SmithWilliam Fborn about 1924
SmithWillie Mborn about 1922
SpearsEmmette Dborn about 1930
SpearsHenry born about 1892
SpearsMatilda born about 1890
SpiveyA Mborn about 1887
SquireMary Leeborn about 1915
StakleyJohn Wborn about 1911
StakleyLissie born about 1918
StakleyMary Leeborn about 1937
StakleyWoodrow born about 1939
StricklandAlex born about 1917
StricklandJennie Reeborn about 1915
StricklandLeta Sborn about 1921
StricklandQ C Jrborn about 1918
StricklandShirley Eborn about 1939
StricklandWilliam born about 1912
StubbsAda Lborn about 1892
StubbsCarl born about 1919
StubbsJ Edesonborn about 1924
StubbsJohn Aborn about 1879
StubbsLesley born about 1922
SuggsFrances born about 1875
SuggsHorace born about 1927
SullivanC Eborn about 1872
SullivanCarrie Mborn about 1903
SullivanCharles Cborn about 1935
SusionsLeta Vborn about 1870
SuttonAdell born about 1923
SuttonAl Bborn about 1939
SuttonAnnie Bborn about 1927
SuttonEmma born about 1887
SuttonEmma Vborn about 1921
SuttonH Lausborn about 1934
SuttonJames born about 1936
SuttonJanie Lborn about 1927
SuttonJoe born about 1879
SuttonJohn born about 1873
SuttonJohn born about 1933
SuttonJohn Cborn about 1924
SuttonJohn Jborn about 1919
SuttonJosephine born about 1882
SuttonL Rossborn about 1901
SuttonLessie Mborn about 1909
SuttonLloyd Lborn about 1930
SuttonLola Rborn about 1898
SuttonMary Jborn about 1903
SuttonMary Rborn about 1926
SuttonMclaney born about 1911
SuttonMinerva Jborn about 1932
SuttonNathan Jborn about 1939
SuttonPearl Aborn about 1907
SuttonRebecca Jborn about 1879
SuttonRoss Mborn about 1936
SuttonRoy Nborn about 1928
SuttonSteven born about 1882
SuttonT Milesborn about 1910
SuttonWade Lborn about 1905
SuttonWilliam Cborn about 1899
SuttonWilliam Cborn about 1930
SuttonWillie Pborn about 1930
SykesDonnie Lborn about 1935
SykesIrene born about 1901
SykesRoy born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorMary born about 1858
ThomasCaroline Aborn about 1892
ThompsonA Leroyborn about 1932
ThompsonA Susieborn about 1898
ThompsonCharles Hborn about 1929
ThompsonG Maxborn about 1926
ThompsonWinnie Mborn about 1923
TroyBernard born about 1931
TroyElla Rayborn about 1934
TroyGrace Mborn about 1933
TroyJames born about 1913
TroyJames Jborn about 1931
TroyJoe born about 1939
TroyJohn Hborn about 1896
TroyKatherine born about 1936
TroyKing Dborn about 1938
TroyLossie born about 1905
TroyLucille born about 1928
TroyM Dborn about 1900
TroyMaggie born about 1898
TroyMcdonald born about 1927
TroyRosa Bborn about 1917
TroySally born about 1875
TurnerA Woodrowborn about 1920
TurnerBertha born about 1889
TurnerEvander Bborn about 1922
TurnerH Benjaminborn about 1924
TutusHampton born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VernerEdward born about 1928
VernerFred Dborn about 1930
VernerInez born about 1921
VernerJames Sborn about 1893
VernerLucy born about 1894
VernerNathan born about 1934
VernerWarley born about 1918
VernerWille born about 1912
VinerCharlie Henryborn about 1916
VinerJannie born about 1882
VinerLouise born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellAletha born about 1925
WaddellAlma Jborn about 1928
WaddellBalah Mborn about 1921
WaddellBessie born about 1900
WaddellCostella Aborn about 1931
WaddellDorris Nborn about 1933
WaddellEd Mborn about 1919
WaddellGeorge Eborn about 1921
WaddellGeorge Hborn about 1892
WaddellHelen Oborn about 1927
WaddellIrene born about 1931
WaddellJames Aborn about 1922
WaddellJohn Hborn about 1917
WaddellLorrie Lborn about 1939
WaddellMars Aborn about 1926
WaddellMarvin Eborn about 1935
WaddellMary Aborn about 1900
WaddellMary Dborn about 1929
WaddellMary Eborn about 1924
WaddellMeypphie Lborn about 1926
WaddellPearl born about 1936
WaddellRachel Vborn about 1933
WaddellRoger Rborn about 1918
WaddellTheola Lborn about 1932
WaddellWilliam Tborn about 1923
WaddellWillie born about 1895
WalkerElla born about 1905
WalkerKing Dborn about 1929
WalkerLucille Mborn about 1922
WalkerM Eborn about 1903
WalkerM Fborn about 1860
WalkerMartha born about 1924
WalkerMittie Lborn about 1887
WalkerRobert Hborn about 1927
WalkerRobert Jborn about 1886
WallaceCharles Vborn about 1938
WallaceDudley born about 1917
WallaceEsther born about 1911
WallaceLizzie Jborn about 1884
WallaceLizzie J Jrborn about 1920
WallaceRaley Bborn about 1936
WallaceRoley born about 1912
WallaceTommie born about 1923
WallaceWilliam Lborn about 1883
WallaceWillis L Jrborn about 1915
WallsFrances Mborn about 1926
WardAlex born about 1881
WarnerCurtis Jborn about 1916
WarnerDaisy Iborn about 1921
WattsAlvin born about 1938
WattsAnnie born about 1901
WattsB Bborn about 1903
WattsBruce born about 1932
WattsHannah born about 1930
WattsJohn Rborn about 1928
WattsJoyce born about 1935
WattsLila Maeborn about 1922
WattsOlive born about 1939
WattsRichard born about 1925
WebbAlex born about 1897
WebbAlex Jr born about 1927
WebbAnnabell born about 1907
WebbAnnaliza born about 1870
WebbBerthel born about 1887
WebbDallie born about 1907
WebbEarnest born about 1937
WebbEmma Ruthborn about 1935
WebbEunice born about 1907
WebbEvelyn born about 1935
WebbFrank born about 1892
WebbFrankie Lborn about 1935
WebbFred Dborn about 1901
WebbFred Dborn about 1937
WebbG Currieborn about 1904
WebbGeorge born about 1932
WebbGladys Eborn about 1923
WebbGrace Maeborn about 1930
WebbHannah born about 1871
WebbHelen born about 1920
WebbHenry Mborn about 1895
WebbHettie born about 1898
WebbHorace born about 1933
WebbJ Andrewborn about 1928
WebbJackson born about 1884
WebbJames born about 1910
WebbJonah born about 1918
WebbLetha born about 1929
WebbLeza born about 1934
WebbLinwood Gborn about 1928
WebbLissie Jborn about 1867
WebbLois born about 1937
WebbLuisa born about 1900
WebbM Aliceborn about 1897
WebbMabel born about 1917
WebbMagdaline born about 1939
WebbMartha Rborn about 1874
WebbMartha Vborn about 1931
WebbMary born about 1925
WebbMary Eborn about 1871
WebbPearl Wborn about 1918
WebbPhillip Rborn about 1935
WebbPullard born about 1905
WebbRayfield Rborn about 1933
WebbRoger born about 1922
WebbRufus born about 1924
WebbRussell born about 1900
WebbRuth born about 1924
WebbSadie born about 1935
WebbSadie Bborn about 1939
WebbSusie born about 1906
WebbThomas born about 1928
WebbThomas Hborn about 1925
WebbVirginia born about 1899
WebbWalter born about 1905
WebbWilliam Jborn about 1889
WebbWillie Iborn about 1897
WebbWillie Maeborn about 1919
WebrhohnAlbert born about 1904
WebrhohnAlbert Jborn about 1926
WebrhohnH Ettaborn about 1869
WebrhohnIrene born about 1909
WebrhohnMargaret Fborn about 1931
WebrhohnMary Eborn about 1933
WebrhohnThomas Eborn about 1936
WebrhohnWilliam Jborn about 1928
WellsAlice born about 1908
WellsAnnie Mborn about 1928
WellsClyde Wborn about 1911
WellsD Edisonborn about 1925
WellsD Wborn about 1870
WellsEdward Bborn about 1901
WellsFlorence born about 1916
WellsH Cecilborn about 1904
WellsHarvey born about 1927
WellsHaywood born about 1923
WellsHelen Janiceborn about 1938
WellsIra Bborn about 1875
WellsJohn born about 1897
WellsJohnny Fborn about 1919
WellsLetha born about 1931
WellsLilly born about 1887
WellsLilly Maeborn about 1933
WellsMary Hborn about 1912
WellsMary Jborn about 1877
WellsOctavia born about 1913
WellsOra B Jrborn about 1916
WellsR Gborn about 1905
WellsRobert Jborn about 1936
WellsRudolph born about 1929
WellsSamuel born about 1927
WellsSarah born about 1925
WellsWillie Jborn about 1923
WhiteAlice Aborn about 1929
WhiteAnnie born about 1893
WhiteBertha Rborn about 1904
WhiteCharles Rborn about 1937
WhiteG Wborn about 1893
WhiteGladis Cborn about 1933
WhiteJulia Fborn about 1939
WhiteKatherine born about 1900
WhiteLacy Hborn about 1924
WhiteMarshall Mborn about 1902
WhiteMary Hborn about 1930
WhiteThelma Lborn about 1923
WhiteThomas Mborn about 1928
WhiteWilliam Hborn about 1926
WhitfieldHerbert born about 1928
WilkersonAbbie Jborn about 1896
WilkersonAdams born about 1889
WilkersonJesse Rborn about 1888
WilkersonJohn Mborn about 1926
WilkersonMargaret born about 1870
WilkersonMinnie Lborn about 1894
WilkinsAgnes born about 1907
WilkinsAlbert born about 1917
WilkinsBernice born about 1934
WilkinsBillie Annborn about 1935
WilkinsBurdy born about 1933
WilkinsCarl Vernerborn about 1937
WilkinsClarence Tborn about 1913
WilkinsDewey born about 1901
WilkinsGeneva born about 1938
WilkinsIsaac born about 1922
WilkinsJenaree born about 1936
WilkinsJimmie born about 1937
WilkinsJohn Eborn about 1919
WilkinsKatie Cborn about 1917
WilkinsLou Jborn about 1892
WilkinsM Lewisborn about 1909
WilkinsMarion born about 1903
WilkinsMarion Lborn about 1939
WilkinsMary Annborn about 1940
WilkinsMiles Fborn about 1877
WilkinsMinnie born about 1876
WilkinsPearl Cborn about 1914
WilkinsPreston born about 1905
WilkinsThomas born about 1935
WilkinsViola born about 1917
WilkinsW Faydeneborn about 1934
WilkinsWalla born about 1910
WilkinsWilliam Leeborn about 1932
WillettsNellie Wborn about 1917
WilliamsAlex born about 1873
WilliamsAllice Lborn about 1923
WilliamsAnnie Mborn about 1920
WilliamsArchie born about 1913
WilliamsArzara born about 1920
WilliamsBarbra born about 1929
WilliamsBenjamin Fborn about 1937
WilliamsBerry Eborn about 1922
WilliamsBetty Leeborn about 1926
WilliamsCallie born about 1937
WilliamsCarrie Bborn about 1924
WilliamsCarson Fborn about 1893
WilliamsCharles born about 1904
WilliamsCharles Jr born about 1926
WilliamsChristbell born about 1931
WilliamsClarra Lborn about 1936
WilliamsElizabeth Jborn about 1918
WilliamsEllis Sborn about 1919
WilliamsFannie Rborn about 1929
WilliamsFoster Lborn about 1927
WilliamsGeneva born about 1894
WilliamsGeneva born about 1935
WilliamsGilda born about 1939
WilliamsGladdis Pborn about 1931
WilliamsGladys Aborn about 1916
WilliamsGrace Eborn about 1913
WilliamsIsaac Fborn about 1885
WilliamsIsaac F Jrborn about 1932
WilliamsJames Tborn about 1936
WilliamsJames Vborn about 1912
WilliamsJeanett Aborn about 1939
WilliamsJerry Cborn about 1939
WilliamsJoseph Wborn about 1870
WilliamsJulius Rborn about 1921
WilliamsJunie Mborn about 1910
WilliamsLester Wborn about 1927
WilliamsLillian Mborn about 1925
WilliamsMabelle born about 1928
WilliamsMaggie born about 1877
WilliamsMaggie Hborn about 1891
WilliamsMarie Bborn about 1938
WilliamsMary born about 1910
WilliamsMary born about 1931
WilliamsMary Lborn about 1877
WilliamsMelleree born about 1934
WilliamsMiriam born about 1931
WilliamsMozetta born about 1928
WilliamsRachel Aborn about 1923
WilliamsSadie Bborn about 1925
WilliamsSadie Gborn about 1925
WilliamsSallie born about 1908
WilliamsSolomon born about 1884
WilliamsThomas born about 1918
WilliamsThomas Jr born about 1937
WilliamsThurman Nborn about 1922
WilliamsViola born about 1922
WilliamsonBulah born about 1928
WilliamsonClinton born about 1932
WilliamsonDamas Fborn about 1886
WilliamsonDan Cborn about 1927
WilliamsonDennis Fborn about 1931
WilliamsonForest born about 1900
WilliamsonGrady born about 1939
WilliamsonGrover born about 1936
WilliamsonKatherine born about 1929
WilliamsonLester born about 1931
WilliamsonLonia Cborn about 1892
WilliamsonLouie born about 1921
WilliamsonMarvin born about 1935
WilliamsonRuth born about 1907
WillsAlbert born about 1924
WilsonF Jborn about 1909
WilsonJames born about 1891
WilsonMaggy Maeborn about 1906
WilsonMartha Nellborn about 1931
WilsonMary Blancheborn about 1928
WilsonRoy Mborn about 1901
WilsonW Lborn about 1872
WinnDaniel born about 1883
WiseAdaline born about 1903
WiseAnnie Rborn about 1925
WiseDavid born about 1933
WiseEdna Eborn about 1931
WiseEugene born about 1939
WiseFlossie Jborn about 1899
WiseLe Roy born about 1923
WiseLucy Lborn about 1908
WiseLutus born about 1902
WiseM Dellaborn about 1904
WisePalmar born about 1929
WisePearl Mborn about 1926
WiseTilon Fborn about 1934
WitherspoonEli born about 1876
WitherspoonEli Jborn about 1922
WitherspoonKing born about 1927
WitherspoonMattie born about 1891
WitherspoonPirlean born about 1929
WitherspoonVivian born about 1924
WoolardAndrew Dborn about 1862
WoolardHarold Wborn about 1905
WoolardIda Fborn about 1874
WortmanI Aborn about 1910
WortmanIva A Jrborn about 1938
WortmanMinnie Lborn about 1916
WortmanRebecca Rborn about 1936
WrightNellie born about 1900
WrightSarah Jborn about 1912
WrightThomas born about 1883
WyattD Fborn about 1919
WyattKenneth born about 1938
WyattLilly born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBeaulah born about 1932
YoungBlanche born about 1925
YoungCatherine born about 1900
YoungCharles born about 1895
YoungDoretha born about 1922
YoungDorothy Maeborn about 1929
YoungElnora born about 1920
YoungElnora born about 1921
YoungFoster born about 1935
YoungGladys born about 1927
YoungGolda Lborn about 1939
YoungKellop born about 1939
YoungRobert born about 1937
YoungRudolph born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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