1940 U.S. Federal Census of Western Prong, Columbus, North Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Carolina > Columbus County > 1940 Census of Western Prong

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AtkinsonJessie born about 1939
AtkinsonJuanita born about 1938
AtkinsonOlive born about 1907
AtkinsonW Cborn about 1910

B Surnames

BabsonA Jborn about 1930
BabsonBelle born about 1897
BabsonCharles born about 1922
BabsonDorothy born about 1940
BabsonEthel born about 1912
BabsonGrover born about 1884
BabsonHelen born about 1933
BabsonJohn born about 1906
BabsonJohn Livisborn about 1939
BabsonRobert Earlborn about 1934
BabsonVernell born about 1928
BabsonVernon born about 1931
BaldwinBettie Annborn about 1932
BaldwinElizabeth born about 1912
BaldwinW? born about 1907
BaysdenAlbert born about 1918
BaysdenBeatrice born about 1925
BaysdenBillie born about 1927
BaysdenCharity born about 1893
BaysdenD Wborn about 1916
BaysdenDonald born about 1929
BaysdenEvelyn born about 1935
BaysdenJ Sborn about 1880
BaysdenJames born about 1920
BaysdenLaura Bellborn about 1917
BaysdenLoletta born about 1922
BaysdenTherman born about 1932
Bearlece??? Lborn about 1896
BearleceBelle born about 1894
BearleceDorothy born about 1928
BearleceJeff born about 1925
BearleceSarah Loveborn about 1922
BearleceW Aborn about 1919
BellamyClarence born about 1914
BellamyDaniel born about 1907
BellamyDavis born about 1878
BellamyHarris Jr born about 1930
BellamyHenry Owenborn about 1936
BellamyHerbert Chesterborn about 1939
BellamyJames Curtisborn about 1932
BellamyLouis born about 1938
BellamyMary born about 1883
BellamyRosa Leeborn about 1934
BellamyRoy born about 1905
BellamyWillie born about 1910
BridgerAgnes born about 1931
BridgerBertie Maeborn about 1921
BridgerEdgar born about 1926
BridgerF Eborn about 1897
BridgerLander born about 1925
BridgerPauline born about 1895
Brown??? born about 1888
BrownAlice born about 1916
BrownAline born about 1925
BrownAnnie Louborn about 1886
BrownArchie born about 1902
BrownBelle born about 1868
BrownBessie Lillianborn about 1878
BrownBetty Louborn about 1935
BrownBillie born about 1938
BrownClarence born about 1920
BrownCricket born about 1926
BrownD Pborn about 1923
BrownD Tborn about 1905
BrownDorothy Jeanborn about 1939
BrownDoss born about 1904
BrownE Tborn about 1937
BrownEmmett born about 1913
BrownEvan born about 1923
BrownFrancis born about 1939
BrownFred Austinborn about 1936
BrownGeorge born about 1916
BrownGeorge Washingtonborn about 1939
BrownGertrude born about 1912
BrownGirlie born about 1918
BrownHannah born about 1900
BrownHarl born about 1902
BrownHulda born about 1923
BrownIdey* born about 1915
BrownInez born about 1932
BrownIsabelle born about 1915
BrownJack born about 1922
BrownJames Albertborn about 1929
BrownJaunita born about 1932
BrownJettie born about 1898
BrownJoe Dborn about 1898
BrownJunior born about 1928
BrownKirby born about 1896
BrownL Dborn about 1901
BrownLeola born about 1930
BrownLeon born about 1927
BrownLois born about 1905
BrownLon born about 1883
BrownLoretta born about 1932
BrownLouvenia born about 1933
BrownLucille born about 1926
BrownM Dborn about 1935
BrownMace born about 1908
BrownMaggie Lillieborn about 1904
BrownMamie Louborn about 1919
BrownMarsinn born about 1935
BrownMary born about 1911
BrownMary Francisborn about 1933
BrownMattie born about 1906
BrownMaud born about 1924
BrownMaxine born about 1936
BrownMayo born about 1914
BrownMildred Fayeborn about 1932
BrownNeil born about 1932
BrownNepsie born about 1886
BrownNora Vanborn about 1938
BrownO Eborn about 1885
BrownOletta born about 1929
BrownOscar born about 1895
BrownOthie born about 1909
BrownPaul Lawnonborn about 1931
BrownR Cborn about 1899
BrownRichard born about 1902
BrownRobert Carl Jrborn about 1929
BrownRuby born about 1913
BrownRuth born about 1914
BrownRuth born about 1922
BrownSarah Catherineborn about 1933
BrownShafter born about 1907
BrownShelton born about 1911
BrownThelma Wynnborn about 1937
BrownV D Jrborn about 1930
BrownVan Dborn about 1886
BrownVermell born about 1926
BrownW Bborn about 1898
BrownW Dborn about 1920
BrownWarren Wborn about 1893
BrownWill born about 1878
BrownWillard born about 1923
BrownWilliam Oscarborn about 1905
BullardA Tborn about 1931
BullardAllen born about 1926
BullardAngelo born about 1900
BullardArthur Hborn about 1899
BullardAvia Leeborn about 1936
BullardBernie Leeborn about 1927
BullardChester born about 1920
BullardElizabeth born about 1920
BullardEsther born about 1900
BullardFay born about 1924
BullardH Lborn about 1886
BullardHallie born about
BullardHerbert born about 1926
BullardHerman born about 1940
BullardJ Cborn about 1881
BullardJack born about 1932
BullardJosephine born about 1887
BullardLenora born about 1928
BullardLloyd born about 1933
BullardMarie born about 1923
BullardMary Ettaborn about 1923
BullardMelba Annborn about 1939
BullardMildred born about 1926
BullardMyrtle born about 1926
BullardOrnette born about 1937
BullardRena born about 1908
BullardThos born about 1929
BullardWill Iborn about 1875
BullardWillow Deanborn about 1930

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C Surnames

CallihanAlexander born about 1939
CallihanAlice born about 1907
CallihanAndrew born about 1878
CallihanAnna Jeanborn about 1929
CallihanAnna Jeanetteborn about 1939
CallihanBobbie Rayborn about 1935
CallihanDewitte born about 1920
CallihanFlorence Annborn about 1940
CallihanForest born about 1912
CallihanGeorge born about 1908
CallihanJ Pborn about 1937
CallihanJames Cborn about 1910
CallihanJames Jr born about 1938
CallihanJohn born about 1902
CallihanJohnie Mackborn about 1939
CallihanJune Collierborn about 1938
CallihanLillie born about 1886
CallihanLouise born about 1915
CallihanMary Annborn about 1881
CallihanMyrtle born about 1915
CallihanRuth born about 1914
CallihanSarah born about 1934
CallihanSusan born about 1911
CallihanWalter Eugeneborn about 1931
CampbellAnnie Maeborn about 1925
ClarkAnnie born about 1918
ClarkWilliam born about 1914
ClarkWillie Leeborn about 1924
CollierArthur born about 1906
CollierArthur Grayborn about 1936
CollierEdell born about 1909
CollierHal Franklinborn about 1939
CooperHelen born about 1923
CooperNeil born about 1914
CoxItlaan born about 1910
CoxJoan born about 1937
CreechCatherine born about 1918
CreechElva Annborn about
CreechRoland born about 1916
CurdanRobert born about 1918

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D Surnames

DanielBelle born about 1923
DavisAleen born about 1926
DavisAllen born about 1920
DavisBeatrice born about 1911
DavisBetty born about 1937
DavisDora Katherinborn about 1932
DavisEdna Ruthborn about 1933
DavisJack born about 1935
DavisJaunita born about 1929
DavisPaul born about 1928
DavisPauline born about 1931
DavisRosetta born about 1886
DavisThomas born about 1939
DavisTom born about 1886
DavisWestley born about 1908
DorsettAline born about 1904
DorsettBrooks born about 1923
DorsettEdna born about 1920
DorsettElsie born about 1931
DorsettLawrence born about 1928
DorsettMorris born about 1925
DorsettPink born about 1853
DorsettW Danborn about 1896

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E Surnames

EdwardsAlton born about 1908
EdwardsAnnie Belleborn about 1920
EdwardsBillie born about 1933
EdwardsClyde born about 1908
EdwardsEmma Louborn about 1934
EdwardsFrancis born about 1878
EdwardsH Cborn about 1922
EdwardsH C Srborn about 1881
EdwardsHorace born about 1929
EdwardsKate born about 1917
EdwardsMargeline born about 1931
EdwardsMinta born about 1901
EdwardsPeggy Annborn about 1935
EdwardsRachel born about 1937
EdwardsRalph born about 1931
EdwardsRoscoe born about 1939
EdwardsRubean born about 1938
EdwardsWilson born about 1906
ElkinsClarence born about 1922
ElkinsFrankie Mayborn about 1928
ElkinsGeorge born about 1918
ElkinsIshel Andrewborn about 1930
ElkinsKatie Belleborn about 1920
ElkinsLuther Davidborn about 1939
EllisCarl born about 1934
EllisClaud born about 1935
EllisHerbert born about 1933
EllisLouis born about 1912
EllisMargaret born about 1937
EllisRosetta born about 1913
EppsAnnie Janeborn about 1923
EppsIda born about 1895
EppsJohn Lborn about 1917
EppsNathaniel born about 1920
EvansAda Celesteborn about 1939
EvansCharles Eubieborn about 1913
EvansGertrude born about 1915

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F Surnames

FaulkAlbert Cborn about 1874
FaulkAlbert Wborn about 1907
FaulkAlbert Jr born about 1938
FaulkDavid born about 1926
FaulkDewey Rayborn about 1939
FaulkEmma born about 1924
FaulkGarland Homerborn about 1922
FaulkLeslie Altonborn about 1919
FaulkLillian born about 1917
FaulkMollie Janeborn about 1892
FaulkRuth Marieborn about 1929
FaulkSusie born about 1936
FisherJohn Raefordborn about 1906
FlemmingClarie born about 1934
FlemmingErnest born about 1919
FlemmingEstelle born about 1919
FlemmingFrancis born about 1896
FlemmingJasper born about 1916
FlemmingPearl born about 1933
FlemmingTom born about 1876
FlemmingWilliam born about 1918
FletcherEstelle born about 1902
FletcherM Bborn about 1895
FletcherNora born about 1859
FlowersJosephine born about 1873
FlowersLillie Betteborn about 1920
FlowersSelena born about 1937
FlowersSolister born about 1919
FlowersSolister Jr born about 1939

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G Surnames

GardenerKathaleen born about 1914
GardenerOwen born about 1914
GattersCarol Jeanborn about 1934
GattersEd born about 1909
GattersEd Jr born about 1935
GattersJanie Maeborn about 1938
GattersJimmie Leeborn about 1937
GattersRebecca born about 1907
GauseElizabeth born about 1914
GauseHelen born about 1931
GauseJohn born about 1901
GeorgeBessie Louiseborn about 1939
GeorgeLouise born about 1921
GeorgeWalter born about 1921
GoreCharles born about 1929
GoreF L Jrborn about 1925
GoreFred Lansingborn about 1899
GoreMargaret Mborn about 1903
GrahamBobbie Odreyborn about 1935
GrahamByron born about 1926
GrahamDorothy born about 1905
GrahamEloise born about 1924
GrahamJohn Dborn about 1923
GrahamMace born about 1901
GrahamMajor born about 1939
GrahamWillow Deanborn about 1928
GrimselyBillie Lloydborn about 1936
GrimselyC Oborn about 1910
GrimselyCorin Edwardborn about 1935
GrimselyLinwood born about 1938
GrimselyS Lborn about 1940
GrimselySallie born about 1917
GrissettBeulah born about 1912
GrissettBossie born about 1912
GrissettJunior born about 1939
GurkinCecil born about 1925
GurkinClyde born about 1923
GurkinEarl Browneborn about 1928
GurkinEurael* born about 1922
GurkinHarry born about 1926
GurkinHope born about 1931
GurkinThelma Greyborn about 1929
GurkinThelma Jborn about 1900
GurkinWorth born about 1934

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H Surnames

HallDella born about 1911
HallKatherine Rayborn about 1937
HallNeil Mitchelborn about 1939
HallNiel born about 1912
HallPatrica Janeborn about
HardeeFoster born about 1900
HarderBertha born about 1919
HarderJoe Leamonborn about 1935
HarderKatherine born about 1936
HarderLuther born about 1907
HarderThelma born about 1939
HaynesAlbert Harrellborn about 1931
HaynesDaisey born about 1927
HaynesEmma born about 1906
HaynesFrank born about 1904
HaynesJohn born about 1929
HaynesLetsie born about 1918
HaynesMagalene born about 1930
HaynesMary Arvillaborn about 1940
HaynesRussell born about 1934
HaynesRuther born about 1917
HemingwayJulia born about 1860
HesterMamie born about 1914
HeustessAnna born about 1890
HeustessC Eborn about 1898
HeustessDavid born about 1935
HeustessHoward born about 1910
HeustessJames born about 1919
HeustessJoe Talbotborn about 1925
HeustessLuphile born about 1912
HeustessMallory born about 1930
HeustessRalph born about 1924
HickmanBertha born about 1907
HickmanEloise born about 1930
HickmanHenry born about 1905
HickmanHubert born about 1933
HickmanJames born about 1926
HickmanRaymon born about 1924
HilburnA Aborn about 1902
HilburnAlbert born about 1931
HilburnEthel born about 1910
HillAnna born about 1897
HillElmon born about 1918
HillGlenn born about 1924
HillHarold born about 1936
HillLee born about 1908
HillLuther born about 1900
HillLuther Thomasborn about 1938
HillMayzell born about 1929
HillSam born about 1905
HobbsEtha born about 1913
HobbsHattie born about 1898
HobbsLuther born about 1876
HobbsMarie born about 1938
HobbsMonroe born about 1880
HobbsPauline born about 1927
HobbsSarah Margaretborn about 1895
HobbsSarah Margaretborn about 1932
HobbsShelle born about 1888
HobbsW Mborn about 1871
HobbsWilliam Monroeborn about 1940
HoodBetty Joeborn about 1938
HoodGarvis born about 1915
HoodGeorge Rufusborn about 1940
HoodHarriet Grey*born about 1936
HoodMelba Anneborn about 1939
HoodRosalee born about 1916
HornDavid Jr born about 1940
HornEvelyn born about 1939
HornFletcher born about 1917
HornIda Maeborn about 1919
HornLela Maeborn about 1937

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlex born about 1925
JohnsonBill born about 1926
JohnsonHenry born about 1901
JohnsonKathelen born about 1936
JohnsonLeola born about 1916
JohnsonLucille born about 1935
JohnsonM D*born about 1906
JohnsonNolie born about 1905
JohnsonPreston born about 1927
JohnsonRobert born about 1935
JohnsonRosalie born about
JohnsonRuth born about 1939
JohnsonWilliam born about 1935
JonesAlice born about 1919
JonesBennie born about 1926
JonesJames Thermanborn about 1925
JonesLena born about 1916
JonesLillian born about 1901
JonesMarie Elizabethborn about 1924
JonesMarshal born about 1919
JonesRobert Lee Joeborn about 1940
JonesSank born about 1900
JordanAmanda born about 1913
JordanBobbie born about 1922
JordanC Eborn about 1933
JordanD Lborn about 1888
JordanDewey born about 1926
JordanEarley born about 1909
JordanEloise born about 1929
JordanEthel born about 1889
JordanEugene born about 1916
JordanIna Leeborn about 1934
JordanJesse Jborn about 1902
JordanJimmie born about 1935
JordanJo Edwardborn about 1931
JordanLouise born about 1918
JordanMattie born about 1904
JordanNaomi born about 1936
JordanR Nborn about 1924
JordanS J Mrsborn about 1870
JordanSarah Janeborn about 1940
JulianGrady born about 1923

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K Surnames

KellyIwileon born about 1940
KellyLealexander born about 1939
KellyLeander born about 1917
KellyRuby born about 1919
KellyYvonne born about 1938

L Surnames

LennonAnnie Leeborn about 1893
LennonBarbara born about 1925
LennonBet born about 1874
LennonBetsy Annborn about 1933
LennonBobbie Aliaseborn about 1932
LennonBuck born about 1916
LennonCharles Lborn about 1930
LennonDavid born about 1928
LennonDewey born about 1920
LennonDock born about 1873
LennonEstelle born about 1921
LennonFerli Edborn about 1936
LennonG Lborn about 1889
LennonGladys born about 1917
LennonHarry Leeborn about 1915
LennonHarry Jr born about 1938
LennonHelen Odessaborn about 1934
LennonHomer born about 1938
LennonIna Eborn about 1892
LennonIrine born about 1883
LennonIula born about 1936
LennonIva Mborn about 1928
LennonJ Mborn about 1876
LennonJessie born about 1892
LennonJoe born about 1887
LennonLaddell born about 1919
LennonLuther Dborn about 1877
LennonMarie born about 1899
LennonMarie Annieborn about 1911
LennonMary Idaborn about 1923
LennonMary Leeborn about 1915
LennonMinnie Ruthborn about 1939
LennonPearlie born about 1900
LennonRuby born about 1939
LennonSallie Bborn about 1875
LennonSterlyn born about 1937
LennonWestley born about 1897
LewisAnnie Nyfborn about 1895
LewisCarrie born about 1901
LewisCharles Hermanborn about 1929
LewisDennis born about 1930
LewisDillie born about 1870
LewisDorothy Leeborn about 1930
LewisEugene born about 1938
LewisLandon born about 1872
LewisLoretta born about 1925
LewisLucille born about 1928
LewisMabel born about 1927
LewisRomie born about 1921
LewisRuby Leeborn about 1910
LewisRuby Leeborn about 1934
LewisSam born about 1910
LewisSamie Jr born about 1932
LewisWalter born about 1923
LewisWash born about 1895
LindseyBessie born about 1905
LindseyJames born about 1900
LindseyLucille born about 1925
LittleAlberta born about 1936
LittleAline born about 1940
LittleAnnie Leeborn about 1925
LittleCharlie born about 1923
LittleClatis born about 1934
LittleDorothy Maeborn about 1939
LittleEthel born about 1922
LittleGeneva born about 1923
LittleGladys born about 1929
LittleH Cborn about 1931
LittleHenrietta born about 1925
LittleHenry born about 1900
LittleJavis born about 1924
LittleJessie Beeborn about 1938
LittleJohn born about 1921
LittleL Jborn about 1924
LittleLillie Belleborn about 1901
LittleLonnin born about 1881
LittleLoris born about 1940
LittleLula born about 1873
LittleMargaret born about 1929
LittleMary born about 1898
LittleMary Janeborn about 1898
LittleMelvin born about 1920
LittleMinnie born about 1920
LittleRobert born about 1921
LittleRoosevelt born about 1936
LittleRosa Maeborn about 1926
LittleRose born about 1919
LittleTom born about 1898
LittleWinnie born about 1924
LongAgnes born about 1939
LongAlbert born about 1903
LongBerleen born about 1928
LongCoy born about 1936
LongLela born about 1908
LongLetha Maeborn about 1925
LongLouise born about 1932
LongMonroe born about 1934
LowrieHarvey born about 1918
LudlumBillie born about 1937
LudlumChristine born about 1933
LudlumHarold born about 1935
LudlumJack born about 1913
LudlumLois born about 1918
LudlumYvonne born about 1940

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M Surnames

MaconHomer born about 1925
MaconJack Fborn about 1924
MaconKeethen born about 1916
MaconMargaret born about 1930
MaconMary Belleborn about 1888
MaconWilliam born about 1884
MalnightThomas born about 1898
MartinAnnie Janeborn about 1925
MartinEtta Janeborn about 1902
MartinJames born about 1920
MartinJerry born about 1923
MartinJohn Lborn about 1934
MartinLeroy born about 1928
MartinThomas born about 1917
MartinWorth born about 1918
MathisLeo born about 1924
McCallAlec Jr born about 1924
McCallCarrie born about 1922
McCallClyde born about 1939
McCallLewis born about 1912
McCallLucy born about 1926
McCallRuby born about 1930
McCallTony born about 1919
McCoyHester born about 1912
McDonaldCorene born about 1915
McDonaldEttie Janeborn about 1938
McDonaldRoy born about 1930
McDonaldWill born about 1910
McDuffieGeorge born about 1866
McDuffieJames born about 1923
McDuffieMabel born about 1924
McDuffieSila born about 1886
McKenzieCharlie born about 1916
McKenzieCharlie Jr born about 1936
McKenzieCo Hildaborn about 1932
McKenzieDorothy born about 1936
McKenzieEloise born about 1934
McKenzieEssie born about 1920
McKenzieHazel born about 1939
McKenzieMarcelia born about 1930
McKenzieMarvin born about 1928
McLeodMary born about 1871
McLeodW Fborn about 1868
McNeilClarence born about 1889
McNeilLouvina born about 1916
MeadowsAlease born about 1915
MeadowsCharlie born about 1917
MeadowsEmily Janet*born about 1936
MeadowsHampton born about 1877
MeadowsHorace born about 1939
MeadowsJoe born about 1920
MeadowsMildred born about 1926
MeadowsMitchell born about 1922
MeadowsOrrie born about 1884
MeadowsReva born about 1888
MeadowsReve Maeborn about 1935
MeadowsRoy born about 1920
MeadowsShirley born about 1915
MearesAnnie born about 1888
MearesBethel born about 1890
MearesRalph born about 1928
MearesRoscoe born about 1922
MearesWilmer born about 1924
MeggsHazel born about 1915
MeggsMarilyn born about 1934
MeggsNorwood born about 1938
MeggsOpal Greyborn about 1936
MeggsPeggy Gennborn about 1939
MeggsWalker born about 1908
MemoryHubert born about 1937
MemoryJohn Paulborn about 1903
MemoryLula born about 1910
MillsBillie Paulborn about 1938
MillsJulia Annborn about 1936
MillsLouise born about 1918
MillsPaul born about 1911
MillsPayton born about 1909
MonroeByron born about 1896
MonroeC Hborn about 1921
MonroeCurliss born about 1931
MonroeDouglas born about 1925
MonroeEllen born about 1917
MonroeJohnie Maeborn about 1937
MonroeLivingston born about 1935
MonroeSam born about 1909
MonroeSyvalla born about 1929
MonroeVara born about 1904
MooreDamine born about 1906
MooreDorothy Leeborn about 1939
MooreLonnie Leeborn about 1918
MurphyLucy born about 1914
MurphyMargaret born about 1935
MurphyWalter born about 1912
MurphyWalter Leeborn about 1933
MurphyWilmina born about 1932
MurrayBill born about 1917
MurrayFred born about 1921
MurrayJ Aborn about 1878
MurrayJuanita born about 1925
MurrayL Gborn about 1912
MurrayLena born about 1879

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N Surnames

NanceA Leoborn about 1907
NanceAlvin Wayneborn about 1938
NanceArchie Wborn about 1881
NanceD Rborn about 1892
NanceEunice born about 1913
NanceJimmie born about 1933
NanceLeo Lockborn about 1936
NanceSallie born about 1906
NanceSandra Juneborn about 1934
NortonC Jr born about 1936
NortonCharlie born about 1878
NortonClayton born about 1918
NortonEston Eugeneborn about 1926
NortonJames Williamborn about 1938
NortonJanie Maeborn about 1921

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O Surnames

OwensBillie Rayborn about 1938
OwensBobbie Edwardborn about 1939
OwensGeneva born about 1919
OwensNola Maeborn about 1937
OwensWoodrow born about 1914

P Surnames

PageAnnie born about 1901
PageBessie born about 1904
PageBetty Joeborn about 1931
PageBosey born about 1859
PageCarey born about 1939
PageCatherine born about 1924
PageCharles Owenborn about 1929
PageDan born about 1934
PageDorothy born about 1926
PageEtra born about 1926
PageHenry Dborn about 1902
PageHermon born about 1923
PageJohn Henryborn about 1895
PageLucy born about 1890
PageLucy Cborn about 1871
PageMaud born about 1904
PageMorgan born about 1931
PageNorma born about 1929
PagePaul Mborn about 1899
PageRachel born about 1935
PageSarah born about 1923
PageThomas born about 1921
PageTommie born about 1938
PageW Oborn about 1864
ParkerD Wborn about 1889
ParkerLillie born about 1914
PateEdith born about 1909
PateMary Irzaborn about 1925
PateMina Louborn about 1939
PatePaul born about 1930
PateRufus born about 1927
PateVance born about 1903
PierceEsta Maeborn about 1920
PierceJohn Allenborn about 1935
PierceK Cborn about 1916
PontosSam born about 1912
PowellAlberta born about 1929
PowellBrownie born about 1920
PowellC Dborn about 1877
PowellC D Jrborn about 1915
PowellClaire born about 1934
PowellFrancis Louborn about 1940
PowellHoward born about 1938
PowellIlla Belleborn about 1922
PowellJ Aborn about 1887
PowellJohn born about 1913
PowellKate born about 1887
PowellMary born about 1919
PowellMaynehad* born about 1931
PowellSalie Eborn about 1923
PowellSara Leeborn about 1936
PowellTheopias born about 1920
PowellTimothy born about 1917
PowersCornelius born about 1869
PriceAbbie Clydeborn about 1921
PriceBobbie Joeborn about 1939
PriceJoe born about 1921
PridgenFlossie Belleborn about 1899
PridgenFlossie Willetborn about 1938
PridgenM ???born about 1882
PridgenW Aborn about 1876
PriestGarland born about 1896
PriestJohn Newtonborn about 1920
PriestLessie Maeborn about 1900
PriestMinnie Inezborn about 1923

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R Surnames

RansomAline born about 1923
RansomAnnie born about 1883
RansomBessie Maeborn about 1918
RansomBillie born about 1938
RansomBruce born about 1939
RansomCallie born about 1917
RansomCooper born about 1910
RansomCoy born about 1885
RansomFrank born about 1911
RansomFredrick born about 1935
RansomGeneva born about 1918
RansomHerbert born about 1920
RansomJim born about 1914
RansomJohn born about 1913
RansomJohn born about 1915
RansomL C Jrborn about 1938
RansomLawrence born about 1891
RansomMalcomb born about 1917
RansomMarion born about 1937
RansomMary Leeborn about 1923
RansomNaomi born about 1916
RansomPreston born about 1915
RansomR Cborn about 1922
RansomRobert born about 1933
RansomRossie born about 1917
RansomRuby born about 1925
RansomSinie born about 1890
RansomTrecey born about 1872
RansomWanda Leeborn about 1937
RansomWill born about 1871
RansomWilliam born about 1939
RansomWillie born about 1939
RansomZelma born about 1909
RansonCaldonia born about 1888
RansonDewey born about 1920
RansonErnest born about 1928
RansonJohn Wborn about 1888
RansonRetha born about 1924
RobinsonDora born about 1907
RobinsonFlossie born about 1912
RobinsonGeorge born about 1905
RobinsonJunior born about 1928
RobinsonMary Wadeborn about 1935
RobinsonRowena born about 1932
RobinsonSherman born about 1930
RobinsonW Elizabethborn about 1885
RobinsonW Lborn about 1924
RobinsonWade Hborn about 1912
RoerLillie Belleborn about 1917
RosebonCora born about 1903
RosebonIrma born about 1924
RosebonMurry born about 1903
RosebonOllie born about 1928
RosebonStyner born about 1926
RossCarl Frankinborn about 1908
RossCarl Franklin Jrborn about

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S Surnames

SandersonCaryole born about 1920
SandersonMary Katherin*born about 1925
SandersonMrs Kateborn about 1890
SandersonNeil Berryborn about 1928
SandersonSingletary born about 1923
SellersCharles Eugeneborn about 1923
SellersClifton born about
SellersHorne Leeborn about 1933
SellersLillian born about 1899
SellersRuby Maeborn about 1926
ShipmanA born about 1904
ShipmanA Cborn about 1924
ShipmanArchie born about 1930
ShipmanArthur born about 1913
ShipmanBertha Leeborn about 1932
ShipmanCarrie born about 1881
ShipmanCarrie Belliborn about 1918
ShipmanCharlie born about 1919
ShipmanClara Maeborn about 1935
ShipmanCleveland born about 1928
ShipmanDuey born about 1926
ShipmanEd born about 1880
ShipmanEddie Leeborn about 1915
ShipmanEthel Ruthborn about 1915
ShipmanFranklin born about 1915
ShipmanHelen born about 1928
ShipmanHerman born about 1937
ShipmanIda Belleborn about 1939
ShipmanJanie born about 1903
ShipmanJanie born about 1924
ShipmanLaura Leeborn about 1933
ShipmanLela Maeborn about 1922
ShipmanMaggie born about 1898
ShipmanMagnola born about 1929
ShipmanMarie born about 1930
ShipmanNorman born about 1917
ShipmanPearlie born about 1905
ShipmanRobert born about 1912
ShipmanThomas Simborn about 1933
ShipmanTump born about 1875
ShipmanW Dborn about 1926
ShipmanWilliam born about 1891
ShipmanWillie born about 1939
SimmonsA Dborn about 1892
SimmonsEllyle born about 1916
SimmonsJennie born about 1895
SimmonsLetha born about 1926
SimmonsWade born about 1924
SingletaryAnnie born about 1895
SingletaryAnnie born about 1937
SingletaryArchie Leanborn about 1930
SingletaryBessie Louiseborn about 1929
SingletaryCatherine born about 1932
SingletaryChristine born about 1929
SingletaryClifton Sborn about 1922
SingletaryCordellia born about 1937
SingletaryDan born about 1924
SingletaryDavid born about 1935
SingletaryDon born about 1900
SingletaryDonnie Leeborn about 1916
SingletaryDora born about 1889
SingletaryEster born about 1939
SingletaryFrazim born about 1930
SingletaryGarcy born about 1905
SingletaryHorace born about 1926
SingletaryJ Mborn about 1926
SingletaryJohn born about 1903
SingletaryJohnie Jr born about 1927
SingletaryLetice born about 1909
SingletaryLillie Marieborn about 1931
SingletaryLouise born about 1937
SingletaryMarie born about 1923
SingletaryMiss Maryborn about 1875
SingletaryRamsey born about 1932
SingletaryTessie born about 1933
SingletaryTroy Leslieborn about 1925
SingletaryW Pborn about 1894
SingletaryW P Jrborn about 1920
SingletaryWilliam born about 1928
SmithAlice born about 1918
SmithAline born about 1918
SmithAlton born about 1906
SmithArdele born about 1923
SmithBetty Joeborn about 1936
SmithBrooder born about 1939
SmithDewey Sanfordborn about 1937
SmithDoris Annborn about 1935
SmithEugene born about 1911
SmithFrank born about 1911
SmithFrank born about 1931
SmithFred born about 1928
SmithFulton born about 1916
SmithHerrell born about 1919
SmithInez born about 1918
SmithJames Burinborn about
SmithJoe born about 1891
SmithJohn born about 1933
SmithLindy born about 1928
SmithLizzie born about 1921
SmithMary born about 1893
SmithMary born about 1895
SmithMontroe born about 1935
SmithNancy born about 1926
SmithOscar born about 1922
SmithRaymon Panterborn about 1939
SmithRuby born about 1920
SmithSallie born about 1882
SmithShelton born about 1913
SmithSpencer born about 1919
SmithTherman born about 1931
SmithViola born about 1914
SmithWilliam Quinnborn about 1940
StephensBrack born about 1919
StephensClyde born about 1917
StephensElizabeth born about 1912
StoneD Cborn about 1924
StoneDudley born about 1903
StoneJohnie Annie Bellborn about 1907
StricklandBernice born about 1907
StricklandBillie born about 1933
StricklandBobbie born about 1936
StricklandDonald Leeborn about 1929
StricklandEdward born about 1924
StricklandGeorge born about 1935
StricklandHomer born about 1904
StricklandHoward born about 1927
StricklandJane Leeborn about 1922
StricklandJimmie born about 1934
StricklandJunior born about 1932
StricklandKatherin born about 1928
StricklandMargaret born about 1939
StricklandMyrtle born about 1906
StricklandR Wborn about 1903
StricklandRoy Elbertborn about 1927
StricklandSarah born about 1930
StubbClyde born about 1933
StubbsAnnie Maeborn about 1913
StubbsAralia born about 1906
StubbsBobbie Woodenborn about 1938
StubbsCalcie born about 1915
StubbsCatherine Elizabethborn about 1876
StubbsCora Elizabethborn about 1904
StubbsDavid Gborn about 1872
StubbsDavid G Jrborn about 1932
StubbsDora Leaborn about 1938
StubbsFannie Leeborn about 1876
StubbsFloyd born about 1913
StubbsGrady born about 1908
StubbsJ Wborn about 1926
StubbsMaggie Belleborn about 1893
StubbsMeriam born about 1927
StubbsRobert born about 1921
StubbsSam born about 1868
StubbsThelma born about 1927
SwindleAnnie Leeborn about 1931
SwindleIvand born about 1870
SwindleJessie Leeborn about
SwindleLizzie Leeborn about 1933
SwindleLois born about 1918
SwindleMyrtle Ednaborn about 1934
SwindleSandra Joborn about 1938
SwindleWillie born about 1917
SwindleWillie Maeborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TartHerman born about 1914
TartHilda born about 1917
TartHoward born about 1920
TartLoren born about 1922
TartMargery Annborn about 1938
TartMary Greyborn about 1936
TartMimie Janeborn about 1877
TartPreston born about 1878
TattersonJames Jr born about 1940
TattersonJohn Henryborn about 1921
TaylorSam born about 1872
ThomasAline born about 1924
ThomasClaud Jr born about 1939
ThomasEtta Maeborn about 1922
ThomasJesse born about 1918
ThomasMabel born about 1915
ThomasMabel Winnborn about 1938
ThomasPink born about 1912
ThomasSallie born about 1877
ThompsonBill born about 1925
ThompsonE Bborn about 1929
ThompsonE Dborn about 1890
ThompsonEster born about 1916
ThompsonOmie born about 1926
ThompsonOscar born about 1916
ThompsonSmithie born about 1893
ToddGeneva born about 1918
ToddJames born about 1932
ToddJay born about 1915
ToddJessie born about 1924
ToddJimmie born about 1936
ToddLee born about 1922
ToddMayberry born about 1929
ToddNellie born about 1887
ToddRetha born about 1925
ToddRoy Leeborn about 1938
ToddWillie born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WardBertha born about 1918
WardLacey born about 1897
WardWilliam Josephborn about 1938
WardWoodrow born about 1915
WarnerMiriam born about 1914
WarnerShirley born about 1935
WarnerW Bborn about 1908
WarnerWilton ???born about 1938
WatersGordon born about 1901
WatersHartford born about 1879
WatersIngram born about 1919
WatersJaunita born about 1929
WatersMary Gordonborn about 1924
WatersNita born about 1890
WatersRudolph born about 1915
WeavilBessie born about 1920
WeavilDoris Leeborn about 1934
WeavilElsie born about 1918
WeavilMargaret born about 1915
WeavilToney born about 1936
WhiteCaline born about 1895
WhiteDeliah born about 1911
WhiteEarl born about 1908
WhiteJoan Tilleyborn about 1935
WhiteLafay born about 1917
WhiteNancy Greyborn about 1938
WhiteRobert Johnborn about 1937
WigginsArthur born about 1925
WigginsClarence born about 1922
WigginsEmma born about 1888
WigginsJ Jborn about 1880
WilliamsAlonza born about 1937
WilliamsCathaleen born about 1928
WilliamsDowell born about 1914
WilliamsEsta Maeborn about 1895
WilliamsEunice born about 1920
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1918
WilliamsHenry born about 1918
WilliamsMabel born about 1939
WilliamsWade born about 1889
WoodcockDudie Rayborn about
WoodcockHelen born about 1927
WoodcockJanie born about 1902
WoodcockJoe born about 1938
WoodcockJulia born about 1932
WoodcockPheobe born about 1924
WoodcockR Hborn about 1935
WoodcockThomas Coyborn about 1901
WoodcockThomas Troyborn about 1934
WootenBernice born about 1889
WootenBertha born about 1894
WootenBettie born about 1883
WootenCarl born about 1926
WootenCarlyn born about 1933
WootenCharlie born about 1883
WootenCora born about 1880
WootenCurrie Dexterborn about 1921
WootenDoris Estelleborn about 1928
WootenEarl born about 1926
WootenElizabeth born about 1939
WootenEvelyn born about 1924
WootenGertrude born about 1908
WootenHenry born about 1912
WootenHenry Delonborn about 1937
WootenHerbert Dborn about 1918
WootenJ T Jrborn about 1905
WootenJ T Srborn about 1866
WootenJames born about 1918
WootenKate born about 1889
WootenMarion Patrickborn about 1927
WootenMataline born about 1924
WootenMinnie born about 1889
WootenMun Esterborn about 1916
WootenPatsy Brownborn about 1936
WootenR Mborn about 1892
WootenRobert born about 1922
WootenRoy born about 1926
WootenShade Jr born about 1891
WootenTom born about 1850
WootenWalter born about 1910
WootenWill Jr born about 1888
WootenWillie Jborn about 1921
WyattBettie born about 1939
WyattBillie Earlborn about 1937
WyattCedelle born about 1928
WyattE Tborn about 1880
WyattForest born about 1911
WyattForest Jr born about 1934
WyattHomer born about 1924
WyattMartha born about 1914
WyattMartha Annborn about 1939
WyattNettie born about 1884
WyattPauline born about 1918
WyattR Hborn about 1916
WyattRuth born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungEstelle born about 1918
YoungFrank born about 1910
YoungIfon Wadeborn about 1936

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