USA (1,379,301) > North Carolina (69,995) > Wilkes County (835) > Boomer (57)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Boomer are also found through the Wilkes County and North Carolina pages.
Birth Records | Cemetery Records | Census Records | Church Records | Death Records | Land Records | Marriage Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | Probate Records | Tax Records |
North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000 Ancestry
North Carolina, Birth Records, 1913-present North Carolina Vital Records Office
Alfred Foster Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Boomer Advent Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Braxton Barlow Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Carlton Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Cynthia Parks Barnes Burial site Find a Grave
David McGee Family Cemetery Find a Grave
James Welborn Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Little Rock Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Little Rock Baptist Church Cemetery Cemetery Census
Pearson Dirt Dye Cemetery Find a Grave
Pearson Hill Cemetery Find a Grave
Peter Saner Find a Grave
Sharon Walker Baptist Church Find a Grave
Sinclair Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Swanson-McGhinnis Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Thankful Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Uncle Lee Graveyard Find a Grave
Walker Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Zion Hill Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Boomer, North Carolina LDS Genealogy
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage
United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search
Zion Hill Baptist Church (Boomer, N.C.) records (microform) 1814-1985 Archive Grid
Zion Hill Baptist Church (Boomer, N.C.) records, 1814-1967 Digital Public Library of America
1909-1975 North Carolina Death Certificates Ancestry
North Carolina Death Indexes, 1908-2004 Ancestry
North Carolina, Death Records, 1930-present North Carolina Vital Records Office
North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930 MyHeritage
North Carolina, Deaths, 1931-1994 MyHeritage
1693-1960 North Carolina Land Grant Files Ancestry
Deeds, 1778-1964; index to real estate conveyances, 1779-1926 FamilySearch Library
Index to Wilkes County, North Carolina deeds, 1778-1844 FamilySearch Library
Wilkes County Land Grant Files NC Land Grants
Wilkes County, North Carolina, deeds 1778-1815 FamilySearch Library
1741-2011 North Carolina, Marriage Records Ancestry
Marriage register, 1870-1956 FamilySearch Library
Marriages of Wilkes County, North Carolina 1778-1868 Ancestry
Fool-Killer 1919-1922
Fool-killer (boomer, n.c.) (from aug. 1, 1919 to nov. 1, 1922) MyHeritage
Good News 1917-1919
Good news (Boomer, N.C.) (from Aug. 1, 1917 to July 1, 1919) MyHeritage
Good news 08/01/1917 to 07/01/1919 Genealogy Bank
Good news. (Boomer, N.C.) (from Aug. 1, 1917 to July 1, 1919) Chronicling America
Pearson's Paper 1923-1923
The fool-killer. (Boomer, N.C.) (from Aug. 1, 1919 to Nov. 1, 1922) Chronicling America
Offline Newspapers for BoomerAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Fool-Killer. (Boomer, N.C.) 1919-1922 Good News. (Boomer, N.C.) 1917-1919 Pearson's Paper. (Boomer, N.C.) 1923-1920s |
1665-1998 North Carolina Wills and Probate Records Ancestry
Abstract of North Carolina Wills [from about 1760 to 1800] Ancestry
Wilkes County, North Carolina, will abstracts, 1777-1910 FamilySearch Library
Tax records (Wilkes County, North Carolina), 1778-1908 FamilySearch Library
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