USA (1,379,301) > North Carolina (69,995) > Swain County (363) > Cherokee (120)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Cherokee are also found through the Swain County and North Carolina pages.
Birth Records | Cemetery Records | Census Records | Church Records | Death Records | Land Records | Marriage Records | Military Records | Newspapers and Obituaries | Probate Records |
North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000 Ancestry
North Carolina, Birth Records, 1913-present North Carolina Vital Records Office
Adams Creek Cemetery Find a Grave
Arch Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Armachain Family Cemetery on Swimmer Branch Find a Grave
Arneach Cemetery Find a Grave
Bark Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Beck Cemetery Find a Grave
Ben Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Bigmeat Cemetery Find a Grave
Bigwitch Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Bird Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Birdtown Cemetery Find a Grave
Birdtown Cemetery Cemetery Census
Blythe-Owl Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Boiling Springs Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Bradley Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Bradley-Smith Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Burgess Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Calhoun Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Cam Sneed Cemetery Find a Grave
Catolster Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Cherokee School Campus Cemetery Find a Grave
Church Of God Cemetery Find a Grave
Crow Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Crowe Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Cucumber Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Davis Cemetery Find a Grave
Davis Cemetery Find a Grave
Drama Cemetery Find a Grave
Driver Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Feather Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Floyd Cemetery Billion Graves
French Family Cemetery Find a Grave
George Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Hicks Cemetery Find a Grave
Hill Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Hornbuckle Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Jackson Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Johnson Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Jones Cemetery Find a Grave
Lambert Cemetery Find a Grave
Ledford Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Littlejohn Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Locust Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Long Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Lossiah Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Lucy B. Long Cemetery Find a Grave
Manley George Cemetery Find a Grave
Menoch-Catolster Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Murphy Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Ned Stamper Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Hughes Cemetery Find a Grave
Oocumma Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Owl Family Old # 4 Road Cherokee Find a Grave
Owle Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Panther Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Pheasant Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Powell Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Queen Cemetery Find a Grave
Queens Cemetery Find a Grave
Queens Cemetery Billion Graves
Rattler Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Reagan Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Reed Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Francis Episcopal Church Find a Grave
Saunooke, New Cemetery Find a Grave
Seay Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Sequoyah Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Shell Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Smith Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Standingdeer Cemetery Find a Grave
Swayney Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Swimmer Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Tahquette Cemetery Find a Grave
Taylor Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Taylor Junaluska Cemetery Find a Grave
Taylor-Wachacha Cemetery Find a Grave
Teesateskie Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Thompson Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Toineeta Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Tooni Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Towstring Cemetery Find a Grave
Tranquility Ridge Cemetery Find a Grave
Twister Littlejohn Cemetery Find a Grave
W.H. Conner Cemetery Find a Grave
Wahnetah Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Walkingstick Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Washington Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Watty Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Welch Cemetery Find a Grave
Welch Family Cemetery Find a Grave
West Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Wiggins Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Wolfe Cemetery Find a Grave
Wolfe Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Yellow Hill Cemetery Find a Grave
Youngdeer Cemetery (off Goose Creek Road) Find a Grave
Census 1898 of Easter Band of Cherokee Genealogy Trails
Census 1899 of Eastern Band of Cherokee Genealogy Trails
North Carolina, Native American Census Selected Tribes, 1894-1913 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 Ancestry
U.S. Federal Census 1790-1950 MyHeritage
United States Federal Census, 1790-1950 Family Search
Lufty Baptist Church (Smokemont, N.C.) records, 1836-1895 Digital Public Library of America
1909-1975 North Carolina Death Certificates Ancestry
North Carolina Death Indexes, 1908-2004 Ancestry
North Carolina, Death Records, 1930-present North Carolina Vital Records Office
North Carolina, Deaths, 1906-1930 MyHeritage
North Carolina, Deaths, 1931-1994 MyHeritage
Swain County, North Carolina death records : out-of-county deaths 1978-2004 FamilySearch Library
1693-1960 North Carolina Land Grant Files Ancestry
Cross index to grants, 1872-1917 FamilySearch Library
Deeds, 1872-1907; deed index, 1872-1979 FamilySearch Library
1741-2011 North Carolina, Marriage Records Ancestry
North Carolina Local Draft Board Records: Eastern Band of Cherokee Nation Draft Registration List, 1917 North Carolina Digital Collections
Offline Newspapers for CherokeeAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Cherokee One Feather. (Cherokee, N.C.) 1966-Current |
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