Fort Bragg Genealogy (in Cumberland County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Cumberland County (960) > Fort Bragg (21)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Fort Bragg are also found through the Cumberland County and North Carolina pages.

Fort Bragg Cemetery Records

Cemeteries of Fort Bragg, Camp Mackall and Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina FamilySearch Library

Cemeteries of Fort Bragg, Camp Mackall and Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina WorldCat

Cemeteries of Fort Bragg, Camp Mackall and Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina WorldCat

Colorful heritage, an informal history of Barbecue and Bluff Presbyterian churches : with the addition of known available documented material pertaining to the early days of Barbecue, Bluff and Longstreet Presbyterian Churches and up to date cemetery records of these three churches FamilySearch Library

Confederate burials, North Carolina FamilySearch Library

Ellis Cemetery (Defunct) Find a Grave online

Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery Cemetery Census online

Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery North Carolina Gravestones online

Fort Bragg Main Post Cemetery Find a Grave online

Longstreet Presbyterian Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Main Post Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

McIntyre Cemetery Find a Grave online

McIntyre Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

McIntyre Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Newton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Stinson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Taylor Cemetery Find a Grave online

Fort Bragg Church Records

Colorful heritage, an informal history of Barbecue and Bluff Presbyterian churches : with the addition of known available documented material pertaining to the early days of Barbecue, Bluff and Longstreet Presbyterian Churches and up to date cemetery records of these three churches FamilySearch Library

Fort Bragg Newspapers and Obituaries

Paraglide 07/20/2018 to 11/23/2019 Genealogy Bank online

Fort Bragg School Records

US Army Training Center - Yearbook (Fort Bragg, NC), 1942, 1944, 1945, 1966, 1969, 1970 E Yearbook online

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