Nags Head Genealogy (in Dare County, NC)

USA (1,380,571) > North Carolina (70,013) > Dare County (373) > Nags Head (15)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Nags Head are also found through the Dare County and North Carolina pages.

Nags Head Cemetery Records

Dolly Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dolly Cemetery Billion Graves online

Erb Tillett Cemetery Find a Grave online

Etheridge Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Manteo Cemetery Billion Graves online

Manteo Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Norris Baum Cemetery Find a Grave online

Polly Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Saint Andrews-by-the-Sea Columbarium Find a Grave online

Tillett Cemetery Billion Graves online

Tillett-Nags Head Woods Find a Grave online

WWII British Sailor Cemetery Billion Graves online

Nags Head Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Nags Head, North Carolina LDS Genealogy online

Nags Head Church Records

St. Andrew's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church Records, CHR.5090 Archive Grid

Nags Head Histories and Genealogies

Old Nag's Head : personal recollections and some history of the region in North Carolina at the edge of the sea where our first colonists landed FamilySearch Library

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