1940 U.S. Federal Census of Alexander in Stutsman County, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Alexander in Stutsman County

A Surnames B Surnames E Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderDavid born about 1871
AlexanderGeorge Rborn about 1860
AlexanderMargaret born about 1868
AlexanderRobina born about 1875
AlexanderSelma Mborn about 1884
AmmonAlvina born about 1915
AmmonArthur born about 1915
AmmonEvangeline Aborn about 1940

B Surnames

BenAnna born about 1907
BenAnna Maeborn about 1933
BenClarence born about 1930
BenHarry born about 1932
BenJohn born about 1907
BenJohn Daleborn about 1934
BenMartha born about 1905
BenMorvin born about 1936
BenPeter born about 1902
BenRichard born about 1934
BenRose born about 1939

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E Surnames

ElhardGottlieb Cborn about 1899

F Surnames

FlaigDeloris Iborn about 1926
FlaigElsie Hborn about 1900
FlaigHarry Hborn about 1933
FlaigJane Mborn about 1931
FlaigJohn born about 1891
FlaigLoyd Hborn about 1918
FlaigNorman Lborn about 1937
FlaigVelma Eborn about 1922

H Surnames

HaasViolet born about 1923
HeineArthur born about 1914
HeineClara born about 1926
HeineEileen born about 1927
HeineEsther born about 1923
HeineLorraine born about 1930
HeineMary born about 1921
HenneAgnes born about 1903
HenneAlexander born about 1906
HenneDelores Lborn about 1929
HenneDorthy Aborn about 1935
HenneGottfred Gborn about 1897
HenneJennie Rborn about 1931
HenneRose born about 1901
HopkinsBasil Jborn about 1890
HopkinsCora Eborn about 1901

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K Surnames

KirvidaAnnetta born about 1926
KirvidaElina born about 1923
KirvidaJoe born about 1886
KirvidaJoe Joeborn about 1925
KirvidaMaggie born about 1928
KleinknechtDelno Jimborn about 1940
KleinknechtElla born about 1919
KleinknechtJackob Aborn about 1910
KlundtAdena born about 1916
KlundtEdgar born about 1911
KrauseAnna born about 1915
KrauseArleene born about 1932
KrauseElizabeth born about 1884
KrauseErvin born about 1927
KrauseHerbert born about 1914
KrauseJackob Sr born about 1884
KrauseJacob Jr born about 1920
KrauseLena born about 1923
KrauseLuciel Jborn about 1938
KrauseRocella Aborn about 1940
KuckViolet Hborn about 1923

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L Surnames

LangClarance Eborn about 1926
LangElieen Gborn about 1935
LangElroy Wborn about 1924
LangEmma Sborn about 1898
LangErvin Hborn about 1937
LangFredia born about 1914
LangFredrick Sborn about 1898
LangLavern Jborn about 1940
LangMarvin Aborn about 1924
LangRudolph born about 1900
LangValentine born about 1860
LehrClovis Mborn about 1937
LehrDarwin Sborn about 1936
LehrElla born about 1911
LehrGrace Vborn about 1939
LehrRaymond born about 1913
LetcherEarl Eborn about 1937
LetcherEmma born about 1916
LetcherFrancis Eborn about 1915
LetcherJames Dborn about 1940
LetcherLeroy Fborn about 1938
LetcherYvonne Hborn about 1936
LowWalter Cborn about 1881

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M Surnames

MaierGotthilf Gborn about 1901
MaierHudda born about 1919
MaierJohn Jborn about 1869
MaierSamuel born about 1924
MaierWilhelmina born about 1880
MetzEmil Eborn about 1917
MetzEsther Hborn about 1915

N Surnames

NetzFred born about 1917
NetzerAlbert born about 1914
NetzerChrislof born about 1880
NetzerLydia born about 1883

O Surnames

OlsenAnna born about 1892
OlsenVictor born about 1880
OverlanderRuben Rborn about 1883
OverlanderStella Mborn about 1890

P Surnames

PfeifleCaroline born about 1889
PfeifleJackob Jborn about 1894
PfeifleRuby born about 1924

R Surnames

ReichAaron born about 1912
ReichEsther born about 1914
ReichJerald Lborn about 1936
ReichMelvin Lborn about 1938
RemboldtAaron born about 1909
RemboldtAudrey Fayborn about 1935
RemboldtDonna Jeanborn about 1932
RemboldtElma born about 1915
RemboldtEmil Jborn about 1908
RemboldtErvin born about 1916
RemboldtJohn born about 1885
RemboldtLydia born about 1908
RemboldtMary born about 1895
RemboldtPhyliss Janeborn about 1937
RemboldtRoger Jimmieborn about 1934
RemmickEmil born about 1920

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S Surnames

ScheidAlvina born about 1915
ScheidArlene Aborn about 1936
ScheidArthur born about 1903
ScheidAudrey Aborn about 1939
ScheidEdward born about 1870
ScheidEdwin born about 1916
ScheidRuth born about 1905
SchlenkerAdolph born about 1916
SchlenkerAndrew born about 1871
SchlenkerAnna Mborn about 1928
SchlenkerChristiana born about 1884
SchlenkerClara Cborn about 1924
SchlenkerDaniel born about 1878
SchlenkerElsie Nborn about 1913
SchlenkerMary born about 1904
SchlenkerOlga born about 1915
SchlenkerOtto Aborn about 1909
SchmiererCarolina born about 1911
SchmiererDennis Gborn about 1940
SchmiererFrieda born about 1913
SchmiererGustave born about 1904
SchmiererJakob born about 1901
SchmiererOlive Delpheneborn about 1934
SchockManuel born about 1918
SchroederLorenze born about 1908
SchroederLydia Kappborn about 1908
SpanglerMarian Cborn about 1912
SukoChristiana born about 1890
SukoDorthy born about 1923
SukoEdwin born about 1927
SukoMinnie born about 1920
SukoReinhold born about 1882
SukoRuth born about 1925
SummerfieldAllan Rborn about 1931
SummerfieldErnest Lborn about 1936
SummerfieldEthel Fborn about 1909
SummerfieldGottlieb Eborn about 1903
SummerfieldLawrence Eborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WegnerAlma born about 1917
WegnerChristian Aborn about 1914
WegnerJean Roleneborn about 1939
WegnerRaymond born about 1918

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