1940 U.S. Federal Census of Baxter, Rolette, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Rolette County > 1940 Census of Baxter

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllickBlanche born about 1929
AllickJoseph born about 1889
AllickRamona born about 1931
AllickSelma born about 1927
AndersonHelen born about 1907
AzurePeter Fborn about 1882

B Surnames

BaarleyWm born about 1866
BellgrenArlene Mborn about 1930
BellgrenHelen born about 1931
BellgrenJohn born about 1894
BellgrenMertie born about 1933
BellgrenMyra born about 1904
BellgrenNancy born about 1937
BeltBernice born about 1927
BeltGladys born about 1926
BeltIda born about 1924
BeltIda Gborn about 1894
BeltLeona born about 1928
BercierAda born about 1908
BercierBetty born about 1932
BercierDuane born about 1933
BercierElizabeth born about 1930
BercierEmil born about 1896
BercierGertrude born about 1939
BercierGrace born about 1927
BercierHannah born about 1905
BercierHannah Jeanborn about 1926
BercierJerome born about 1896
BercierJoann born about 1935
BercierJohn Richardborn about 1937
BercierJoseph Artborn about 1916
BercierLorretta Mborn about 1936
BercierLouis born about 1873
BercierLouis Pborn about 1896
BercierLyle born about 1923
BercierMary Aliceborn about 1937
BercierMary Roseborn about 1872
BercierMaxine born about 1933
BercierRichard born about 1930
BettnerDoris born about 1927
BettnerFrank born about 1934
BettnerIsabell born about 1929
BettnerLouis born about 1930
BettnerRalph Jborn about 1932
BittnerEdward born about 1895
BittnerYvonne born about 1908
BrelandJoseph born about 1910
BuckEsther Cborn about 1901
BuckRay Lborn about 1896
BuftonAlbert Eborn about 1912
BuftonAlbert Jr born about 1935
BuftonElsie born about 1911
BuftonLorraine born about 1939
BuftonWilliam born about 1937
BurowCarl born about 1905
BurowCarl Jr born about 1938
BurowDelia born about 1909
BurowJean born about 1935
BurowKatherine Gborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarpenterEldon born about 1923
CherryEdna born about 1920
ChristiansonCooper born about 1896
ChristiansonDelmer born about 1934
ChristiansonDennis born about 1929
ChristiansonDonald born about 1928
ChristiansonEmery born about 1927
ChristiansonJames born about 1938
ChristiansonLarry born about 1936
ChristiansonMinnie born about 1901
ChristiansonPhyllis born about 1931
ChristiansonRalph born about 1925
ChristiansonRoy born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DisrudGordon born about 1940
DisrudHarris born about 1906
DisrudMartha born about 1908
DisrudMyron born about 1937
DolanAgnes born about 1923
DolanGearoline born about 1933
DolanIrene born about 1921
DolanJohn born about 1928
DolanKathleen born about 1933
DolanLorraine born about 1936
DolanMarjorie born about 1930
DolanMiles born about 1932
DolanRuth Aborn about 1896
DolanThomas Gborn about 1915
DolanThos Fborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EstellDonna born about 1938
EvendenClarence born about 1887
EvendenMay born about 1892

F Surnames

FoussardEmile Jr born about 1911
FoussardEmile Sr born about 1859
FoussardGaston born about 1909
FunkAgnes born about 1917
FunkCharlie born about 1938
FunkDonald born about 1939
FunkGeorge born about 1914

G Surnames

GarrisonDorothy born about 1925
GarrisonFrank born about 1896
GarrisonGeraldine born about 1928
GarrisonHarold born about 1930
GarrisonHazel born about 1900
GarrisonMarvin born about 1921
GarrisonMuriel born about 1932
GaultPaul Fborn about 1909
GaultRobert born about 1938
GaultRosalie born about 1917
GendronArthur born about 1871

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H Surnames

HallDelore born about 1938
HallGeorge born about 1911
HallMalfred born about 1939
HallMarie born about 1920
HessebergDaniel born about 1895

J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert born about 1904
JohnsonCarolyn born about 1912
JohnsonEdward born about 1867

K Surnames

KingClarice born about 1924
KingDonna Fborn about 1925
KingElsie born about 1905
KingHenry Cborn about 1903
KnudsonEleanor born about 1939
KrausBert born about 1895
KrausHenry born about 1864
KrausJohanna born about 1931
KrausMargaret born about 1926
KrausMary born about 1889
KrausTopannr born about 1852

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LanganEliza born about 1885
LanganFinley born about 1917
LanganJohn born about 1912
LanganVital born about 1879
LanganWilliam born about 1913
LassondeBaker Sborn about 1867
LassondeDora born about 1870
LassondeDoris Bborn about 1932
LassondeEmma Mborn about 1923
LassondeFred Rborn about 1934
LassondeJames born about 1936
LassondeJohn Bborn about 1895
LassondeWalter Jborn about 1925
LaverdureRoger born about 1925
LawtonElgy born about 1921
LawtonFred Dborn about 1876
LawtonFred D Jrborn about 1915
LawtonGrace born about 1892
LoLodver born about 1906
LoPeter born about 1867
LoRonaug born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarcilGermaine born about 1925
MarcilRichard born about 1927
McManusHugh born about 1913
McManusJeannette born about 1913
McManusPatrick Hborn about 1935
McManusVernon born about 1938
McMasterAlex born about 1913
McMasterBertha born about 1888
McMasterEva born about 1928
McMasterGeorge born about 1887
McMasterGeorge Jr born about 1916
McMasterIsabell born about 1934
McMasterJohnny born about 1926
McMasterLawrence born about 1922
McMasterLucille born about 1919
McMasterRosella born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PetersonSelmer born about 1891

Q Surnames

QualSophie born about 1859

R Surnames

RassmussonOtto born about 1890

S Surnames

SandeJohn born about 1881
SandeRuth born about 1906
ShortClara born about 1920
ShortDavid born about 1936
ShortHelen born about 1938
ShortLeonard born about 1935
ShortMike born about 1908
ShortRaymond born about 1939
ShortSarrah born about 1872
StgermaineJulian born about 1901
SundinIrene born about 1928
SundinMorris born about 1934
SwansonEvlyn Vborn about 1925
SwansonL Wborn about 1880
SwansonMary born about 1881
SwansonVernon born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TimmermanEdwin born about 1915
TingelstadJeannette born about 1925
TingelstadMarilyn born about 1927
TingelstadMaynard born about 1931
TingelstadMelvin born about 1901
TingelstadMyron born about 1927
TingelstadNorma born about 1929
TingelstadNorman born about 1919
TingelstadOlga born about 1902

W Surnames

WanschaffeHerman born about 1891
WanschaffeMargarete born about 1900
WilcoxJohn born about 1923
WischelCharlie born about 1894
WischelJacob born about 1888
WischelOtto born about 1896

Y Surnames

YoungbergBettey born about 1885
YoungbergJ Bborn about 1876

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