1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bear Creek, Dickey, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Dickey County > 1940 Census of Bear Creek

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AkersEdwin Wborn about 1887
AkersLaura Eborn about 1890
AkersLuciel Dborn about 1915
AndersonAnnie born about 1893
AndersonCharles Aborn about 1924
AndersonClarence Rborn about 1923
AndersonErnest born about 1892
AndersonEvert Mborn about 1919
AndersonMildred Gborn about 1930
AxelsonCharles Tborn about 1862

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B Surnames

BallLeonard Aborn about 1895
BallThomas Aborn about 1871
BergstonPeter Bborn about 1917
BevinsThomas born about 1892
BrandleLena born about 1878

C Surnames

CatonEugene Eborn about 1876
ChristensonAdaline Aborn about 1925
ChristensonCarol Eborn about 1933
ChristensonClarence Lborn about 1928
ChristensonDinna born about 1939
ChristensonDonald Wborn about 1923
ChristensonEddie Wborn about 1891
ChristensonMarlys born about 1930
ChristensonMary Kborn about 1903
ColemanForest born about 1893
ColemanLeonard Fborn about 1862
ColemanMay born about 1867
CollanaAndrew Aborn about 1917
CollanaJudith Aborn about 1920

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D Surnames

DahlbeckAdolph Mborn about 1892
DahlbeckAlbertina born about 1861
DahlbeckJulia Aborn about 1889

E Surnames

ElsonClara born about 1912
ElsonHorn born about 1873
ElsonMammie born about 1890
ElsonTreantge born about 1874

F Surnames

FeistAdam born about 1938
FeistConrate born about 1938
FeistJoe born about 1933
FeistKatie born about 1932
FeistLeo born about 1929
FeistMartha born about 1904
FeistMike Jborn about 1902
FeistPeter born about 1931
FeistTheresa born about 1927

G Surnames

GallayCharles Wborn about 1903
GamerArmon Aborn about 1914
GamerJouna born about 1939
GamerLora Bborn about 1920
GermarHenry born about 1878
GermarKathline born about 1874
GibsonCora Mborn about 1939
GibsonElizabeth Mborn about 1897
GibsonMargaret Jborn about 1920
GibsonMichael Dborn about 1936
GibsonPatricia Aborn about 1930
GibsonRichard Lborn about 1932
GibsonSamuel Hborn about 1917
GibsonThomas Hborn about 1924
GibsonThomas Wborn about 1890
GrayCharles Oborn about 1911
GrayElla Jborn about 1914

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H Surnames

HansenJohn born about 1923
HansonChristina born about 1870
HansonOlaf Rborn about 1863

J Surnames

JohnsonArnold Aborn about 1910
JohnsonDorothy Lborn about 1933
JohnsonHam Sborn about 1863
JohnsonHoward Dborn about 1939
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1888
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1937
JohnsonMarie Lborn about 1870
JohnsonMartha Aborn about 1906
JohnsonMartha Rborn about 1931
JohnsonNina Lborn about 1930
JohnsonWilliam Tborn about 1903

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K Surnames

KilchenmanAlbert born about 1883
KilchenmanEmma born about 1886
KilchenmanMary Lborn about 1924
KilchenmanNora Mborn about 1929
KilchenmanThomas Hborn about 1926
KilzerFlora Pborn about 1914
KilzerJacob Hborn about 1887
KilzerMinnie Aborn about 1886
KnutsonDella Rborn about 1907
KnutsonOliver born about 1907
KnutsonRichard born about 1935
KnutsonRobert Oborn about 1931
KunchinskyAdam born about 1883

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L Surnames

LauFred born about 1893
LauFredrick Jborn about 1922
LauMary born about 1928
LauStella Mborn about 1894
LawCharles Wborn about 1881
LawEthel Mborn about 1896
LitzsimonsElizabeth born about 1926
LochieLloyd born about 1893
LoeDoris Lborn about 1909
LoeOle Gborn about 1902
LongbellaChristina born about 1891
LongbellaMarion born about 1918
LongbellaThorval Wborn about 1885

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M Surnames

MachisenRasmus born about 1880
MahoneyAgnes Cborn about 1896
MahoneyCharles Rborn about 1933
MahoneyEdward Lborn about 1893
MahoneyEdward Lborn about 1923
MahoneyJane Cborn about 1930
MahoneyLaurence Lborn about 1926
MahoneyPhyllis born about 1921
MalandaCarl Lborn about 1865
MalandaEthel born about 1876
MallanClare Hborn about 1884
MallanEmiel Jborn about 1879
MalmbergMartin Mborn about 1891
MalmbergMarvin Mborn about 1931
MalmbergMary Eborn about 1910
MalmbergStanley Dborn about 1934
McCloskeyArlen Wborn about 1935
McCloskeyArlene Wborn about 1935
McCloskeyEmma Cborn about 1900
McCloskeyGerald Lborn about 1928
McCloskeyGeraldine Jborn about 1928
McCloskeyHazel Mborn about 1926
McCloskeyJames born about 1879
McCloskeyMaurice Rborn about 1923
McDonldRihcard born about 1890
MikkelsonBetty Cborn about 1924
MikkelsonChris born about 1884
MikkelsonDolores Cborn about 1919
MikkelsonFrances born about 1931
MikkelsonJean Mborn about 1929
MikkelsonJoan Mborn about 1929
MikkelsonMargaret Mborn about 1886
MikkelsonThomas Rborn about 1922
MikkelsonWalter Jborn about 1926
MilkerBernice Eborn about 1911
MilkerLora Lborn about 1939
MillerEddy Hborn about 1900
MillerEdward Dborn about 1871
MillerHazel Mborn about 1914
MillerHoward Lborn about 1933
MillerJohn Pborn about 1922
MillerLoretta Jborn about 1938
MillerLouise Eborn about 1882
MillerMarie Mborn about 1889

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N Surnames

NelsonCarl born about 1882
NelsonN Jayborn about 1925
NelsonNeb Jborn about 1875
NelsonRaymond Lborn about 1928
NelsonSelma Bborn about 1887

P Surnames

Palensky born about 1924
PattonHattie Aborn about 1887
PattonHugh Tborn about 1883
PattonMardie Mborn about 1928
PhillipsJohn Bborn about 1882
PotterJessie born about 1898

R Surnames

RoneyAnnie born about 1869
RoneyDoris Eborn about 1917
RoneyJames Tborn about 1939
RoneyPaul Tborn about 1910

S Surnames

SandnessMalvin born about 1911
SchmitAlbert Mborn about 1904
SchmitJessie Fborn about 1907
SchmitRichard Jborn about 1933
SchmitThomas Wborn about 1938
SheridanIrene born about 1890
SheridanJohn Aborn about 1904
SheridanRobert Dborn about 1924
SheridanThomas Lborn about 1929
SittsHellen born about 1923
SittsLynus Eborn about 1907
SjolinBirdie Bborn about 1891
SjolinDavid born about 1882
SjolinGust Rborn about 1914
SjolinLovella Cborn about 1919
SjolinRobert Lborn about 1939
SjolinVernon Nborn about 1922
SmithLeona Mborn about 1882
SmithLynus born about 1873
SwansonAlbert Wborn about 1893
SwansonBen born about 1858
SwansonOlga Mborn about 1891

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T Surnames

TaylorJames Lborn about 1908
TitusBernard Nborn about 1914
TuckerEugene born about 1915

V Surnames

VolkersFrances Lborn about 1937
VolkersFrankeline born about 1900
VolkersHellen Lborn about 1932
VolkersHennie born about 1903
VolkersMildred Lborn about 1930
VolkersSherman Nborn about 1935

W Surnames

WichwireFlorence born about 1922
WieseClifford Lborn about 1921
WieseMerna May Dborn about 1924
WieseMina Jborn about 1890
WieseOtto Mborn about 1889
WieseRaymond Oborn about 1919
WieseWalter Wborn about 1929

Y Surnames

YoungdahlMartin born about 1893
YoungdahlVictor born about 1891

Z Surnames

ZimmermanMarron Eborn about 1899
ZimmermanWilliam Eborn about 1879

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