1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cannon, Hettinger, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Hettinger County > 1940 Census of Cannon

A Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AmmanChrist born about 1897
AmmanHildegard born about 1922
AmmanIrene born about 1937
AmmanJacob born about 1928
AmmanJohn born about 1929
AmmanLenard born about 1926
AmmanLeora born about 1931
AmmanPeter born about 1921
AmmanRose born about 1896
AmmanValentine born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FisherCarolein born about 1876
FisherChristena born about 1911
FisherClara born about 1913
FriezeBarabra born about 1921

G Surnames

GrossChristian Gborn about 1883
GrossIda born about 1893
GrossIrene Eborn about 1921
GrossLocuille Iborn about 1923

H Surnames

HaasAdolph born about 1926
HaasAlbert born about 1934
HaasClifford born about 1930
HaasGenevive born about 1933
HaasHarry born about 1922
HaasLoraine born about 1924
HaasMary born about 1894
HaasRaudolph born about 1890
HazelwoodAlbert Lborn about 1902
HazelwoodBette Louborn about 1933
HazelwoodCora Leeborn about 1936
HazelwoodDonald Dborn about 1939
HazelwoodLena born about 1902
HazelwoodRoy Aborn about 1931
HazelwoodWila Maeborn about 1929
HuberAlvera Eborn about 1909
HuberColleen Jborn about 1938
HuberJeanette Jborn about 1935
HuberWilliam born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellerJoseph Mborn about 1910
KliengarHenry born about 1892
KliengarJames Rborn about 1932
KliengarJennie born about 1903
KliengarLoran Cborn about 1935
KliengarRichard Gborn about 1926

O Surnames

OlsonGilbert Mborn about 1882

R Surnames

RubAdolph Eborn about 1912
RubDuane Eborn about 1936
RubMargreth Jborn about 1910

S Surnames

SchurzFreda Cborn about 1901
SchurzGeorge Fborn about 1924
SchurzJohn born about 1884
SchurzRoseline Mborn about 1927
ScolesHarrett Lborn about 1935
ScolesOtila born about 1913
SippertArdell Jborn about 1938
SippertEmil born about 1911
SippertLaur Cborn about 1913
SippertMarliene Fborn about 1936
SonnenbergAnita Fborn about 1918
SonnenbergFredericka born about 1889
SonnenbergHarold Eborn about 1920
SonnenbergLenora Pborn about 1923
SonnenbergMartin born about 1888
SonnenbergVerna Rborn about 1925
SonnenbergViola Rborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TreichelAdolph born about 1898
TreichelAllen Rborn about 1933
TreichelClinton Aborn about 1938
TreichelEdna born about 1910
TreichelEvelyn Iborn about 1940
TreichelJack born about 1896
TreichelLoraine Lborn about 1932
TreichelMyrtle born about 1908
TreichelRichard born about 1933
TreichelVernice born about 1935
TreichelWillmer Lborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZentRose born about 1868
ZentnerAnton born about 1862
ZentnerHarry Bborn about 1919

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