1940 U.S. Federal Census of Couture, Rolette, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Rolette County > 1940 Census of Couture

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottElise Mborn about 1906
AlbertAlex born about 1884
AlbertAnnie born about 1903
AlbertFayes born about 1927
AlbertKade born about 1928
AllardAdele born about 1889
AllardClifford born about 1922
AllardEugene born about 1924
AllardFrank born about 1917
AllardJohn born about 1919
AllardJoseph Rborn about 1891
AllardJosephine born about 1858
AllardRoy born about 1926
AllardVirginia born about 1920
AllardWilliam born about 1866
AllenVelva born about 1907
AlleryAlbert born about 1912
AlleryBetsy born about 1888
AlleryDorothy born about 1931
AlleryFred born about 1922
AlleryGenevieve born about 1934
AlleryLouise born about 1929
AlleryMargaret born about 1927
AlleryPhilip born about 1882
AllickAsmael born about 1895
AllickDonald Jborn about 1927
AllickEdward born about 1934
AllickEva born about 1907
AllickRaymond born about 1929
AllickRoy born about 1933
AzureAdeline born about 1890
AzureAgnes born about 1913
AzureAgnes born about 1939
AzureAlec born about 1876
AzureAlvina born about 1921
AzureAndre born about 1887
AzureArthur born about 1921
AzureBlanche born about 1933
AzureCaroline born about 1934
AzureCatherine born about 1888
AzureClaude born about 1881
AzureClemence born about 1915
AzureDave born about 1928
AzureDelima Mborn about 1932
AzureEdna born about 1925
AzureEdna born about 1927
AzureEdward born about 1918
AzureEdwin Eborn about 1924
AzureEleanore born about 1939
AzureElie born about 1879
AzureElise born about 1876
AzureEmma born about 1910
AzureErnest born about 1913
AzureErnest born about 1928
AzureEugenia born about 1903
AzureFabian born about 1910
AzureFlorence born about 1930
AzureFlorence born about 1932
AzureFrancis born about 1935
AzureHarman born about 1939
AzureIrene Mborn about 1923
AzureJohn B # 3born about 1877
AzureJohn B # 4born about 1882
AzureJohn Louisborn about 1887
AzureJos Mborn about 1885
AzureJoseph Raymondborn about 1924
AzureJoseph Sborn about 1916
AzureJulia born about 1858
AzureJulia born about 1886
AzureLawrence born about 1923
AzureMartin born about 1895
AzureMartin Jborn about 1927
AzureMary born about 1884
AzureMary Annborn about 1935
AzureMary Ednaborn about 1932
AzureMary Janeborn about 1892
AzureMary Louiseborn about 1930
AzureMary Roseborn about 1893
AzureMaxim born about 1913
AzureNora Eborn about 1923
AzureNorman born about 1906
AzurePatrick born about 1937
AzureRaphael born about 1906
AzureRichard Jborn about 1940
AzureRita born about 1919
AzureRobert born about 1884
AzureRose born about 1927
AzureSylvester born about 1915
AzureTheresa born about 1875
AzureVerna born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerAgnes born about 1924
BakerHelen born about 1931
BakerJoan born about 1939
BakerJoseph born about 1935
BakerLouise Vborn about 1903
BakerMary born about 1922
BakerMorris born about 1933
BakerPatrick born about 1897
BakerRita born about 1938
BarietFrancis Aborn about 1898
BarietJohn Pborn about 1939
BarietMargaret born about 1917
BarnesJacklin Gborn about 1926
BarnesJohn Lborn about 1894
BarnesLila Dborn about 1928
BarnesOlive Aborn about 1903
BarnesShirley Fborn about 1924
BarrettClara born about 1895
BarrettWilliam born about 1889
BataldenChrist born about 1881
BeauchampGeorgaline born about 1896
BeauchampJerome born about 1888
BeienGordon Pborn about 1932
BeienMary born about 1911
BeienRuth Annborn about 1936
BeienSylvia Mborn about 1937
BelgardeAdelaide born about 1868
BelgardeAdwin Bborn about 1940
BelgardeAgnes Mborn about 1917
BelgardeAlex Jborn about 1903
BelgardeAlexander born about 1917
BelgardeAlexis born about 1872
BelgardeAngeline born about 1929
BelgardeAugust Lborn about 1911
BelgardeBaptiste Mborn about 1889
BelgardeBetty Aborn about 1938
BelgardeCatherine Aborn about 1937
BelgardeCecelia Lborn about 1937
BelgardeDavid Dborn about 1937
BelgardeDeloris Pborn about 1933
BelgardeDona Marieborn about 1939
BelgardeDonald Jborn about 1938
BelgardeDorothy Eborn about 1925
BelgardeDuane Lborn about 1940
BelgardeEdna born about 1921
BelgardeEle Oborn about 1907
BelgardeEliza born about 1904
BelgardeElizabeth Cborn about 1909
BelgardeEllen born about 1869
BelgardeElmer born about 1920
BelgardeEvan K Eborn about 1913
BelgardeFrances born about 1891
BelgardeFrank Bborn about 1908
BelgardeFrank Jborn about 1934
BelgardeFred born about 1919
BelgardeGeorge Jborn about 1931
BelgardeGeorge Rborn about 1938
BelgardeGermaine Mborn about 1935
BelgardeGladys born about 1934
BelgardeGrace Mborn about 1932
BelgardeHarold Hborn about 1940
BelgardeIrene born about 1921
BelgardeJacques born about 1869
BelgardeJohn Bborn about 1897
BelgardeJohn Sborn about 1932
BelgardeJoseph Jborn about 1923
BelgardeLaura born about 1911
BelgardeLawrence born about 1924
BelgardeLawrence Mborn about 1936
BelgardeLeo Fborn about 1934
BelgardeLorraine Mborn about 1930
BelgardeLouis Dborn about 1929
BelgardeLouis Jborn about 1916
BelgardeLucile born about 1935
BelgardeMarceline born about 1924
BelgardeMartha born about 1929
BelgardeMartin Pborn about 1905
BelgardeMary born about 1901
BelgardeMary Cborn about 1893
BelgardeMary Eborn about 1923
BelgardeMary Jborn about 1916
BelgardeMary Lborn about 1916
BelgardeMary Rborn about 1920
BelgardePatrica born about 1927
BelgardePaul Gborn about 1933
BelgardePete Fborn about 1935
BelgardePhillip Aborn about 1913
BelgardePhillip Mborn about 1938
BelgardePierre born about 1882
BelgardeRaymond born about 1932
BelgardeRaymond Lborn about 1935
BelgardeRichard Mborn about 1933
BelgardeRosalie born about 1901
BelgardeRosella born about 1913
BelgardeRosella born about 1921
BelgardeSarah Janeborn about 1908
BelgardeStella Mborn about 1939
BelgardeStephen born about 1937
BelgardeThomas Oborn about 1935
BelgardeVerlin Mborn about 1931
BelgardeViola Rborn about 1933
BelgardeWilliam Bborn about 1901
BelyrdeAngeline born about 1913
BelyrdeBernard Fborn about 1935
BelyrdeEmil Bborn about 1915
BelyrdeMelvelyn Aborn about 1939
BercierAgnes born about 1931
BercierAleck born about 1928
BercierAlice Roseborn about 1938
BercierAngelina born about 1929
BercierAnne born about 1909
BercierCecelia born about 1862
BercierDavid born about 1906
BercierDelores born about 1934
BercierElmer Jborn about 1940
BercierErnest born about 1908
BercierErnest born about 1917
BercierErnest Aborn about 1938
BercierFrank born about 1921
BercierGeorge born about 1930
BercierGilbert born about 1923
BercierIrene born about 1926
BercierIrene born about 1935
BercierJames born about 1937
BercierJohn born about 1919
BercierJosanna born about 1934
BercierJoseph born about 1896
BercierLawrence born about 1894
BercierLeo Lawrenceborn about 1934
BercierLouis born about 1929
BercierMable born about 1916
BercierMary Annborn about 1929
BercierMathilda born about 1924
BercierNorman born about 1925
BercierOlivine born about 1939
BercierPaul born about 1918
BercierPrudent born about 1923
BercierRaymond born about 1936
BercierRaymond born about 1937
BercierRose born about 1914
BercierRose Annaborn about 1933
BercierRose Ella Marieborn about 1939
BercierRoselie born about 1896
BercierRuth born about 1936
BercierSara born about 1892
BercierSimon Pborn about 1939
BercierSylvia born about 1922
BercierVictoria born about 1920
BercierVictoria born about 1927
BercierViolet born about 1937
BercierVirginia born about 1897
BercierWalter born about 1925
BercierWilliam born about 1884
BetgardeLawrence born about 1935
BlueAlfred born about 1903
BlueJenevieve born about 1921
BlueLarry born about 1937
BlueMarie born about 1928
BlueMartin born about 1923
BluePatrica born about 1934
BlueRichard born about 1939
BlueStella born about 1926
BlueVirginia born about 1875
BlueVivian born about 1924
BoydBernadine born about 1904
BoyerAlexander Jr born about 1911
BoyerMay born about 1921
BratrudOlivia Hborn about 1904
BrelandAlex Jr born about 1910
BrelandAlex Sr born about 1878
BrelandElizabeth born about 1900
BrelandGeraldine born about 1939
BrienAdele born about 1928
BrienAgnes born about 1910
BrienAlbert born about 1899
BrienAlexander born about 1876
BrienBetsey born about 1873
BrienDallas Fborn about 1931
BrienEsther Vborn about 1936
BrienFrancis Wborn about 1938
BrienGregory born about 1853
BrienJaibert Wborn about 1938
BrienJames Nborn about 1934
BrienJohn Vborn about 1929
BrienJoseph Bborn about 1875
BrienJoseph Cborn about 1936
BrienJosephine Rborn about 1903
BrienJosephine Rborn about 1926
BrienKenneth Fborn about 1935
BrienLloyd Aborn about 1932
BrienPatrick born about 1918
BrienPeter born about 1928
BrienPierre born about 1904
BrienReginald Jborn about 1932
BrienRosalie Eborn about 1924
BrienRose Mborn about 1908
BrienRosina Vborn about 1915
BrienRuth Aborn about 1939
BrienWilliam Jborn about 1906
BrunelleBernadine Tborn about 1931
BrunelleBetsey Eborn about 1892
BrunelleBeulah Lborn about 1927
BrunelleEdith born about 1910
BrunelleEdna Eborn about 1938
BrunelleEugene Pborn about 1931
BrunelleFrances Eborn about 1936
BrunelleHenry Eborn about 1892
BrunelleJohn born about 1877
BrunelleMarie born about 1924
BrunelleMary Roseborn about 1921
BrunellePeter Rborn about 1927
BrunelleRachel Cborn about 1917
BrunelleSadie born about 1926
BrunelleSylvester Vborn about 1934
BrunnelleAlice born about 1901
BrunnelleArthur born about 1926
BrunnelleCecelia born about 1924
BrunnelleCorinne born about 1931
BrunnelleEdward born about 1906
BrunnelleFrancis born about 1933
BrunnelleFrank born about 1921
BrunnelleFred born about 1937
BrunnelleGladys born about 1931
BrunnelleGloria born about 1924
BrunnelleLouise born about 1907
BrunnelleLucille born about 1929
BrunnelleMary born about 1927
BrunnellePeter born about 1881
BrunnelleRobert born about 1904
BrunnelleRuth Annborn about 1937
BrunnelleSylvester born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarbouJohn born about 1937
CarbouJoseph born about 1916
CarbouMarie born about 1909
CaribouIrene Cborn about 1929
CarterCharles Dborn about 1912
CarterJoyce Annborn about 1940
CarterNellie Maeborn about 1915
CharetteCatherine born about 1887
CharetteFabian Rborn about 1939
CharetteHannah born about 1915
CharettePatrick Jborn about 1916
CharetteThelma Mborn about 1935
CharetteVirginia Cborn about 1934
CharleboisAntoinette born about 1920
CharleboisAulzlela born about 1878
CharleboisJoachin born about 1868
ConstanceHazel Zborn about 1905
CrisslerFerrell born about 1934
CrisslerIda born about 1914
CrisslerJohn born about 1936
CrisslerLouis Claudeborn about 1910
CrisslerRosella Maeborn about 1938
CroteauAdolph born about 1930
CroteauEdward born about 1939
CroteauErnestine born about 1900
CroteauFrancis born about 1937
CroteauHenry Eborn about 1898
CroteauJames born about 1933
CroteauLeo born about 1927
CroteauLois born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlstromM Hborn about 1883
DahlstromVirginia born about 1875
DaunhauerCora born about 1910
DauphiaisNorman Dborn about 1878
DavisAdele Vborn about 1898
DavisAlma born about 1917
DavisAlvia born about 1895
DavisDeloris born about 1938
DavisElna born about 1923
DavisFrancis born about 1933
DavisGilbert Iborn about 1929
DavisJames Jborn about 1937
DavisJeanet Lborn about 1938
DavisJoseph Iborn about 1921
DavisMarie Ethelborn about 1919
DavisMary Eborn about 1919
DavisMaxim born about 1888
DavisPete Jr born about 1909
DavisStella Jborn about 1928
DavisSylvester Wborn about 1924
DavisVinier Jborn about 1926
DavisViola born about 1939
DavisWilliam Aborn about 1917
DavisWilliam Fborn about 1897
DavisWilliam Lborn about 1922
DayAlva Roseborn about 1939
DayCecelia born about 1929
DayChristine born about 1936
DayDonald born about 1922
DayEva born about 1900
DayJohn born about 1899
DayWalter born about 1935
DaysElizabeth Mborn about 1935
DaysFrank K Pborn about 1937
DaysJustine born about 1910
DaysMary born about 1870
DaysPeter born about 1874
DaysVirginia born about 1904
DecoteauAmbrose born about 1924
DecoteauAndrew Sr born about 1875
DecoteauDaniel born about 1873
DecoteauDoris Mborn about 1938
DecoteauEdwin Sborn about 1935
DecoteauFrank Lborn about 1927
DecoteauFrederick Wborn about 1903
DecoteauJohn born about 1932
DecoteauJohnnie born about 1925
DecoteauJoseph Jborn about 1913
DecoteauJudic born about 1858
DecoteauJune Aborn about 1933
DecoteauLouis Jborn about 1938
DecoteauMadeline born about 1923
DecoteauMarann born about 1913
DecoteauMary Janeborn about 1927
DecoteauMary Pborn about 1892
DecoteauPaul Jborn about 1902
DecoteauPaul Mborn about 1929
DecoteauRaymond Aborn about 1940
DecoteauRichard Aborn about 1933
DecoteauRose Donnaborn about 1909
DecoteauRosina born about 1902
DecoteauVictoria Rborn about 1931
DecoteauWilliam Fborn about 1931
DecouteauErnest Cborn about 1928
DecouteauFlorence Mborn about 1932
DecouteauFrancis Sborn about 1936
DecouteauJoseph born about 1918
DecouteauMarie Cborn about 1930
DecouteauMary Jborn about 1898
DejarlaisAlfred Dborn about 1908
DejarlaisDora Marieborn about 1936
DejarlaisEdward born about 1939
DejarlaisFrederick born about 1935
DejarlaisLena Berthaborn about 1938
DejarlaisMarie born about 1871
DejarlaisMary Louiseborn about 1916
DejarlaisMary Roseborn about 1936
DejarlaisNorman born about 1937
DejarlaisPatrice Fborn about 1902
DejarlaisRose born about 1933
DejarlaisTheresa born about 1938
DelonaisEdward born about 1936
DelonaisEliza born about 1906
DelonaisTheodore born about 1902
DelongArthur born about 1928
DelongEugene born about 1938
DelormeAlma Fborn about 1928
DelormeAurelia Mborn about 1924
DelormeBlanche born about 1919
DelormeCarrie Jborn about 1932
DelormeCleophie born about 1876
DelormeDavid P Jborn about 1918
DelormeDeloris born about 1926
DelormeEmma born about 1891
DelormeFrancis born about 1895
DelormeFrancis Bborn about 1937
DelormeJohn Josephborn about 1931
DelormeJohn Pborn about 1890
DelormeLorraine Lborn about 1923
DelormeMadeline born about 1866
DelormeMadelyn born about 1927
DelormeMary Bborn about 1900
DelormePatrick born about 1858
DelormeRhea Lborn about 1930
DelormeStella Rborn about 1921
DelormeWade Hborn about 1930
DelormeWilliam J Jrborn about 1900
DemanisCecelia born about 1936
DemanisDelia born about 1906
DemanisErnest born about 1923
DemanisJohn born about 1904
DemanisJohn born about 1932
DemanisJosephine born about 1925
DemanisVictoria born about 1928
DemanisVivian born about 1927
DemontignyAlex born about 1922
DemontignyAlfred born about 1898
DemontignyAlice born about 1900
DemontignyAnna born about 1917
DemontignyDorothy born about 1910
DemontignyGabriel born about 1896
DemontignyHazel born about 1925
DemontignyJames born about 1928
DemontignyLloyd born about 1926
DemontignyMartin born about 1920
DemontignyRaphael born about 1903
DemontignyRuth born about 1921
DemontignyWilfred born about 1927
DennyAnita Gailborn about 1939
DennyHubert Gborn about 1938
DennyHubert Jborn about 1917
DennyIgone Sborn about 1918
DepoeCharles Hborn about 1912
DepoeCharles Rborn about 1938
DepoeCharlotte born about 1936
DepoeMarie born about 1916
DepoeRita Hborn about 1915
DepoeRonald born about 1939
DepoeWilliam born about 1937
DesaultFrancis Rborn about 1932
DesaultMaria born about 1914
DesaultPeter born about 1934
DialIra Bborn about 1898
DialLawrence Eborn about 1895
DialRoberta Lborn about 1930
DialShirley Aborn about 1928
DionRichard Jborn about 1939
DionneAdrain Rborn about 1939
DionneAlexander Mborn about 1900
DionneAlexander Rborn about 1934
DionneAlfred Mborn about 1917
DionneAlma born about 1931
DionneArthur born about 1912
DionneBenedict born about 1929
DionneBlanche Iborn about 1927
DionneClarence born about 1927
DionneDavid born about 1916
DionneDelima born about 1935
DionneEdward Eborn about 1930
DionneEllen Aborn about 1938
DionneEugene Cborn about 1922
DionneEva Mborn about 1928
DionneEvelyn born about 1920
DionneFlorence born about 1920
DionneFrancis Rborn about 1932
DionneFrank Fborn about 1925
DionneGeorge Aborn about 1938
DionneIrene born about 1917
DionneIrene Mborn about 1932
DionneJohn Jborn about 1937
DionneJoseph Lborn about 1937
DionneJoseph Wborn about 1904
DionneJosephine born about 1910
DionneLawrence born about 1914
DionneLillian Cborn about 1939
DionneLouis born about 1885
DionneMabel R Mborn about 1933
DionneMarie Aborn about 1929
DionneMarie Aborn about 1932
DionneMelvin born about 1939
DionneMorris Aborn about 1924
DionneRaymond Jborn about 1936
DionneRaymond Pborn about 1939
DionneRosa born about 1885
DionneRosalie born about 1905
DionneRoy born about 1924
DionneSimon Dborn about 1936
DionneSimon Stpierreborn about 1907
DionneStella born about 1922
DionneTheresa Aborn about 1939
DionneWinnifred Mborn about 1912
DischingerMary Paulborn about 1887
DisrudAnna born about 1881
DisrudDavid born about 1912
DisrudDennis born about 1937
DisrudDianne born about 1940
DisrudEugene born about 1917
DisrudFreda born about 1912
DisrudHenry Tborn about 1878
DisrudOlive born about 1871
DisrudOral born about 1913
DisrudTheodore born about 1873
DisrudVernon born about 1912
DonhamJames born about 1930
DuboisAlex Richardborn about 1939
DuboisCecelia born about 1922
DuboisClara born about 1921
DuboisDavid born about 1926
DuboisElizabeth born about 1929
DuboisEmma born about 1927
DuboisHenry born about 1931
DuboisJosephine born about 1892
DuboisMary born about 1915
DuboisMary Ceceliaborn about 1935
DuboisMike born about 1931
DuboisNora Mayborn about 1939
DuboisNorman born about 1883
DuboisNorman born about 1923
DuboisPatrick born about 1919
DuboisRaymond born about 1937
DuboisRobert born about 1933
DuboisTheresa born about 1931
DuboisWilliam born about 1880
DuceptCelina born about 1876
DuceptCollix born about 1887
DuceptEugene Pborn about 1928
DuceptMary born about 1892
DuceptOscar Hborn about 1925
DuceptPete born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllottHillbrand born about 1900
EnnoAlexander born about 1897
EnnoBlanche born about 1935
EnnoGeorge born about 1918
EnnoGladys Mborn about 1939
EnnoHelen born about 1923
EnnoJames born about 1938
EnnoLaura born about 1923
EnnoRachel born about 1892
EnnoRaymond born about 1933
EnnoRosanna born about 1921
EnnoSamuel born about 1919
EnnoStella born about 1923
EnnoSylvester born about 1939
EvansHanna Iborn about 1911

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F Surnames

FalconAnnie born about 1923
FalconCecelia born about 1925
FalconElie born about 1881
FalconElla born about 1927
FalconJennie born about 1925
FalconJohn born about 1927
FalconJohn Bborn about 1913
FalconPeter born about 1928
FalconRobert born about 1923
FalconTheresa born about 1929
FalconVirginia born about 1905
FalconVirginia born about 1921
FerrisAlbert born about 1884
FerrisAlbert Lborn about 1939
FerrisDora Mborn about 1920
FerrisEddie Cborn about 1915
FerrisRoy born about 1917
FerrisSamuel Cborn about 1918
FlahartAnne Mborn about 1912
FlahartDonald Oborn about 1920
FlahartMichele Cborn about 1939
FlahartPatricia Aborn about 1938
FosterCecelia born about 1927
FosterGabriel born about 1900
FosterLarry born about 1924
FosterMary born about 1906
FosterMay born about 1925
FrederickAlexander born about 1905
FrederickClara Dborn about 1921
FrederickErnest born about 1915
FrederickFrank born about 1927
FrederickGeorge born about 1907
FrederickGeorge born about 1925
FrederickHenry born about 1900
FrederickJanice Marieborn about 1940
FrederickPatrice Jborn about 1913
FrederickRose born about 1929
FrederickSusan born about 1866
FrederickVirginia born about 1906
FrederickWilliam born about 1929
FreemontVictor born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GauthierArmand Aborn about 1933
GauthierDorothy Mborn about 1923
GauthierErnest Lborn about 1925
GauthierFrancis Wborn about 1936
GauthierGerald Nborn about 1927
GauthierLeo Vborn about 1927
GauthierLucien Nborn about 1901
GauthierMarlin Cborn about 1930
GauthierPetrolene born about 1897
GauthierRose Mborn about 1936
GauthierTheresa Mborn about 1931
GjertsonElmer born about 1907
GladueAlice Nborn about 1920
GooselonJoseph born about 1886
GooselonVeronica born about 1887
GourneauAdeline Mborn about 1905
GourneauBarbara Annborn about 1938
GourneauBernice Maeborn about 1938
GourneauCharles born about 1931
GourneauCollin born about 1927
GourneauEarl born about 1923
GourneauEdward Bborn about 1932
GourneauErnest born about 1925
GourneauEvelyn born about 1920
GourneauFlorence born about 1907
GourneauFrancis Hildebrandborn about 1936
GourneauFred Sborn about 1928
GourneauGilbert Aborn about 1904
GourneauGladys born about 1937
GourneauGladys Leonaborn about 1933
GourneauGloria Mborn about 1933
GourneauHenry Eborn about 1926
GourneauIrene Theresaborn about 1931
GourneauIsadore born about 1914
GourneauJames Tborn about 1901
GourneauJoan born about 1931
GourneauJohn Bborn about 1898
GourneauJoseph Pborn about 1907
GourneauJoyce Caherineborn about 1939
GourneauKenneth born about 1932
GourneauLeander Jr born about 1898
GourneauMarie Eborn about 1929
GourneauMarie Stellaborn about 1930
GourneauMarlan Lborn about 1939
GourneauMartin Rborn about 1935
GourneauMary Cborn about 1914
GourneauMary Josephineborn about 1910
GourneauMichael Jborn about 1924
GourneauNora born about 1929
GourneauPatrice Mborn about 1906
GourneauPeter Lynnborn about 1934
GourneauRita born about 1935
GourneauRita Iborn about 1936
GourneauStella Mborn about 1930
GourneauVernon born about 1940
GourneauViola Cborn about 1931
GrandboisAlbert born about 1904
GrandboisAmy born about 1921
GrandboisAnna born about 1921
GrandboisAnna Ritaborn about 1920
GrandboisCecelia born about 1918
GrandboisCecelia born about 1931
GrandboisDaniel Fborn about 1938
GrandboisDave born about 1881
GrandboisEdna born about 1917
GrandboisEleanor born about 1918
GrandboisEliza born about 1877
GrandboisErnest born about 1930
GrandboisEugene born about 1925
GrandboisEzear born about 1875
GrandboisFlorence born about 1888
GrandboisFrancis Iborn about 1922
GrandboisIsadore born about 1908
GrandboisJoseph Aborn about 1897
GrandboisLeo born about 1927
GrandboisLeona born about 1928
GrandboisMary Louiseborn about 1861
GrandboisMary Rborn about 1896
GrandboisRose Marieborn about 1939
GrandboisRosetta Mborn about 1919
GrandboisSarah born about 1923
GrandboisShirley Aborn about 1932
GrantAlice born about 1908
GrantCharles born about 1881
GrantFrederick Kborn about 1911
GrantGeorgeline born about 1929
GrantHarriet born about 1862
GrantIda born about 1918
GrantIsadore born about 1914
GrantJohn Bborn about 1862
GrantJoseph born about 1883
GrantMable born about 1924
GrantMaxine born about 1939
GrantMichael born about 1912
GrantMichael born about 1913
GrantOlive born about 1921
GrantPaul Dborn about 1938
GrantPeter born about 1926
GrantPetroline born about 1878
GrantRichard Jborn about 1932
GrantRose born about 1871
GrantVirginia born about 1889
GrantWilliam Vborn about 1930
GrantWilliam Jr born about 1900
GrantWilliam Sr # 1 born about 1873
GreenRichard Cborn about 1865
GrentLeona born about 1927
GriswoldWinfield Rborn about 1886
GruverRuth Eborn about 1904
GustafsonHilda Aborn about 1902
GwinEliza born about 1915

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H Surnames

HallDarline Hborn about 1905
HalterCamilla born about 1892
HansenMyrtle born about 1906
HenryAngeline born about 1892
HenryCharles born about 1901
HenryEugene born about 1850
HenryMarie Aborn about 1910
HenryMarion Eborn about 1931
HenryVeronica born about 1912
HermanCecelia Jborn about 1940
HermanDelia Mborn about 1914
HermanEdward Jborn about 1936
HermanErnest born about 1916
HermanEva born about 1917
HermanPatrice born about 1912
HermanVincent Dborn about 1938
HermanWilfred born about 1907
HogueArthur Jborn about 1921
HogueDoris Aborn about 1925
HogueIrnie Cborn about 1889
HogueMarous Pborn about 1926
HollandElzora Mborn about 1927
HolmesMinerva Eborn about 1916
HolzworthRuth Lborn about 1896
HooleDennis Pborn about 1936
HooleGeraldine born about 1932
HooleNapoleon Cborn about 1912
HooleSarah born about 1911
HooleViola Aborn about 1939
HouleAda born about 1930
HouleAlbert born about 1900
HouleAlbert Jr born about 1933
HouleAnna born about 1917
HouleAnnie born about 1917
HouleBeatrice born about 1918
HouleBernard born about 1940
HouleCecelia born about 1937
HouleCelia born about 1918
HouleChristolengo born about 1906
HouleClarence born about 1936
HouleClemence born about 1897
HouleDalia born about 1899
HouleDella born about 1920
HouleDominic Wborn about 1940
HouleDora born about 1927
HouleDorine born about 1928
HouleEarl born about 1928
HouleErnest born about 1922
HouleFrancis born about 1938
HouleFrancis Jborn about 1934
HouleJohn Jborn about 1897
HouleJoseph born about 1901
HouleJoseph Cborn about 1919
HouleJoseph Lborn about 1939
HouleJoseph Tborn about 1842
HouleLeola born about 1925
HouleLouis born about 1925
HouleLouis Jborn about 1898
HouleLouis Oborn about 1915
HouleMargaret born about 1923
HouleMartha born about 1936
HouleMary born about 1896
HouleMary Alvinaborn about 1932
HouleMary Louiseborn about 1938
HouleMary Maeborn about 1939
HouleMike born about 1906
HoulePeter born about 1921
HouleRita born about 1927
HouleSylvia born about 1926
HouleVeronica born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JastEvelyn born about 1924
JastGeorge born about 1926
JastJohn born about 1928
JastJohn Bborn about 1886
JastJosephine born about 1897
JastLorraine born about 1929
JastSylvia Mborn about 1939
JeanotteAlexander Lborn about 1919
JeanotteAnna born about 1886
JeanotteAnthony born about 1921
JeanotteBlanche born about 1922
JeanotteCecil born about 1911
JeanotteClara Aborn about 1906
JeanotteDavid Sborn about 1899
JeanotteEdnam born about 1903
JeanotteEdward born about 1935
JeanotteErnest born about 1899
JeanotteErnestine Mborn about 1903
JeanotteGenevieve born about 1926
JeanotteGeorge Lborn about 1916
JeanotteHelen born about 1931
JeanotteHenry born about 1929
JeanotteIrene born about 1927
JeanotteJohn Wborn about 1873
JeanotteJoseph Aborn about 1901
JeanotteJoseph A Jrborn about 1925
JeanotteJosephine born about 1918
JeanotteLeo Jborn about 1928
JeanotteLeon born about 1906
JeanotteLeona born about 1926
JeanotteLloyd Jborn about 1930
JeanotteLouis born about 1924
JeanotteLyman born about 1937
JeanotteMarjorie born about 1940
JeanotteMary Janeborn about 1888
JeanotteMary Rborn about 1931
JeanotteMay Mborn about 1926
JeanotteMereil born about 1915
JeanotteNora born about 1929
JeanottePatrice born about 1884
JeanottePeter born about 1912
JeanotteRaymond born about 1919
JeanotteRaymond Jborn about 1924
JeanotteRichard born about 1931
JeanotteRobert Dborn about 1929
JeanotteShirley Annborn about 1939
JeanotteTheresa born about 1924
JeanotteVincent born about 1933
JeanotteWayne born about 1936
JeanotteWilliam born about 1938
JeppesenAntoine Mborn about 1895
JeppesenAntoine M Jrborn about 1932
JeppesenCarl Aborn about 1933
JeppesenHans Wborn about 1930
JeppesenMargaret Mborn about 1936
JeppesenSophia Bborn about 1908
JeromeCecelia born about 1926
JeromeCecelia Mborn about 1926
JeromeDeloris born about 1934
JeromeEdna Mborn about 1917
JeromeEmily born about 1905
JeromeEva Mborn about 1917
JeromeFerdinand born about 1889
JeromeFerdinand born about 1936
JeromeFred Dborn about 1930
JeromeJames Wborn about 1939
JeromeJohn Jborn about 1937
JeromeJoseph born about 1911
JeromeJoseph born about 1928
JeromeRose Lborn about 1932
JeromeRussell Mborn about 1939
JohnsonAlice born about 1929
JohnsonEdward born about 1935
JohnsonEleanora born about 1927
JohnsonEmma born about 1905
JohnsonEva born about 1916
JohnsonHenry born about 1912
JohnsonOle born about 1904
JollieCarol Anneborn about 1936
JollieDavid Pborn about 1891
JollieDoris Mborn about 1928
JollieEdward Cborn about 1935
JollieEdward Dborn about 1907
JollieEdward Dborn about 1939
JollieGeorge Cborn about 1923
JollieJames Dborn about 1937
JollieJames Rborn about 1886
JollieMargaret Aborn about 1937
JollieMarie born about 1860
JolliePhilomene born about 1901
JolliePhilomene Eborn about 1913
JolliePhyllis Maeborn about 1940
JollieRobert Oborn about 1903
JollieRobert Oborn about 1938
JollieRose Marieborn about 1939
JollieVirginia born about 1909
JollieWilliam Jborn about 1930
JosephHassen born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KabrisFrancis Allanborn about 1940
KabrisGeorge born about 1915
KabrisStella born about 1923
KavanaughBernice born about 1905
KinneyArchie born about 1893
KinneyHenrietta born about 1895
KinneyIda Rborn about 1918
KinneyJoseph Aborn about 1913
KinneyLaura Eborn about 1924
KinneyLawrence born about 1936
KinneyMarie Aborn about
KinneyPaul Hborn about 1938
KinneyRemie Cborn about 1929
KinneySarah born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaducerAlexander born about 1885
LaducerAlfred Stanleyborn about 1931
LaducerAntoine born about 1911
LaducerClifford Edwardborn about 1933
LaducerDelima born about 1908
LaducerDominic born about 1923
LaducerEmery Eborn about 1911
LaducerEmily born about 1906
LaducerFrank born about 1890
LaducerIrene Ceceliaborn about 1933
LaducerJohn born about 1922
LaducerJohn Cborn about 1903
LaducerJohn Louisborn about 1935
LaducerJoseph born about 1931
LaducerJoseph Mborn about 1906
LaducerLawrence Jamesborn about 1939
LaducerMae Leonaborn about 1937
LaducerMarie Iborn about 1921
LaducerMary Iborn about 1913
LaducerMary Janeborn about 1891
LaducerMary Rosalieborn about 1929
LaducerMichael Wardborn about 1937
LaducerMorris born about 1917
LaducerPeter born about 1928
LaducerRita Bborn about 1939
LaducerSylvester Jeromeborn about 1935
LaducerVeronica born about 1882
LafontainArthur born about 1891
LafontainFranes Aborn about 1936
LafontainLouis Cborn about 1915
LafontainRita born about 1917
LafountainAlice born about 1928
LafountainCecelia born about 1926
LafountainClifford born about 1935
LafountainDonald Pborn about 1936
LafountainElizabeth born about 1890
LafountainEmery born about 1920
LafountainEmil born about 1938
LafountainErnest born about 1925
LafountainFloyd born about 1939
LafountainGabriel born about 1918
LafountainJoseph Jr born about 1911
LafountainJoseph Sr born about 1882
LafountainMary born about 1908
LafountainPeter born about 1922
LafountainRoy born about 1933
LafranceAmos born about 1869
LafranceAnne born about 1917
LafranceDarline born about 1939
LafranceDonna Raeborn about 1934
LafranceDoris Leeborn about 1936
LafranceEva born about 1937
LafranceEvelyn born about 1912
LafranceLouis Fborn about 1907
LafranceLouis Fborn about 1937
LafromboisAlbert born about 1895
LafromboisAlvina born about 1913
LafromboisAnna Dborn about 1929
LafromboisCecelia born about 1924
LafromboisDelia Jborn about 1900
LafromboisDelores Nborn about 1937
LafromboisElise born about 1915
LafromboisErnest born about 1927
LafromboisErnest Rborn about 1932
LafromboisFrancis born about 1935
LafromboisGabriel born about 1920
LafromboisGeraldine born about 1936
LafromboisJames Lborn about 1931
LafromboisJoseph born about 1903
LafromboisLeona born about 1932
LafromboisLouis born about 1895
LafromboisLouis 3 born about 1906
LafromboisLucy born about 1938
LafromboisMary born about 1907
LafromboisMary born about 1914
LafromboisMary Roseborn about 1872
LafromboisPatric Kborn about 1929
LafromboisPatrice born about 1871
LafromboisPatrice Jborn about 1901
LafromboisPeter born about 1922
LafromboisRomeo born about 1928
LafromboisRuth Mborn about 1936
LafromboisTheodore born about 1907
LafromboisVirginia born about 1934
LafromboisePatrick born about 1872
LajimodiereAdele Rborn about 1906
LajimodiereAlma Mborn about 1928
LajimodiereBenjamin born about 1887
LajimodiereTheresa Lborn about 1933
LandryAlex born about 1923
LandryAlvina born about 1927
LandryClarence Royborn about 1940
LandryFrancis Lborn about 1937
LandryGabriel born about 1913
LandryGeorge born about 1900
LandryGeorge Sborn about 1935
LandryJohn born about 1923
LandryJoseph Eborn about 1916
LandryLloyd born about 1921
LandryMax born about 1918
LandryNora Jborn about 1932
LandryNorbert born about 1885
LandryRosanna born about 1899
LandrySeraphine born about 1891
LangerAmbrose born about 1914
LangerAmelia born about 1888
LangerAnne born about 1895
LangerFrank Gborn about 1927
LangerFrank Jr born about 1892
LangerFrank Sr born about 1861
LangerHilda born about 1919
LangerJoseph Aborn about 1905
LangerJoseph Rborn about 1940
LangerLillian born about 1917
LangerLouis born about 1886
LangerLuella born about 1924
LangerPatrica Aborn about 1938
LangerPatrica Jborn about 1924
LangerRaymond born about 1936
LangerTheresa born about 1939
LangerVerlian born about 1926
LangerVictoria born about 1920
LangerVincent born about 1921
LangerViola born about 1929
LangerVirginia born about 1903
LaporteElizabeth born about 1865
LatrailleClemence born about 1905
LattergrassClemence born about 1904
LattergrassErnest born about 1930
LattergrassJohn Bborn about 1902
LattergrassJohn Sborn about 1935
LattergrassJohn Sr born about 1875
LattergrassLeona born about 1924
LattergrassLouis born about 1926
LattergrassLucile born about 1938
LattergrassRobert born about 1932
LattergrassSarah born about 1880
LattergrassViola born about 1924
LavallieAlex born about 1925
LavallieEmil born about 1922
LavallieFrank born about 1919
LavallieJohn Bborn about 1903
LavallieLouis born about 1920
LavallieLouise born about 1894
LavallieLouise Mborn about 1922
LavallieVirginia Eborn about 1928
Laverdure born about 1939
LaverdureAndrew born about 1926
LaverdureArthur born about 1902
LaverdureBertha Gborn about 1936
LaverdureDavid Lborn about 1932
LaverdureDonald Eborn about 1937
LaverdureEdward born about 1933
LaverdureElizabeth Mborn about 1917
LaverdureErnest Wborn about 1896
LaverdureEva born about 1917
LaverdureEva born about 1930
LaverdureFrank born about 1916
LaverdureGrace Lborn about 1926
LaverdureIsadore born about 1878
LaverdureJames born about 1932
LaverdureJoan Iborn about 1935
LaverdureJohn born about 1919
LaverdureJoseph born about 1922
LaverdureJoseph Dborn about 1901
LaverdureLillian born about 1926
LaverdureLouis born about 1935
LaverdureLudger born about 1930
LaverdureLyman Pborn about 1934
LaverdureMargaret Tborn about 1938
LaverdureMaron born about 1925
LaverdureMary born about 1883
LaverdureMary Aborn about 1905
LaverdureMary Aborn about 1915
LaverdureMary Annborn about 1936
LaverdureNapoleon born about 1877
LaverdurePatrice born about 1919
LaverdureRachel born about 1920
LaverdureRita Eborn about 1930
LaverdureRobert Wborn about 1939
LaverdureRosanna born about 1905
LaverdureRose born about 1874
LaverdureRose born about 1898
LaverdureWilliam born about 1867
LaverdureWilliam born about 1924
LavioletteIrene born about 1936
LavioletteJohn born about 1926
LavioletteJoseph Nborn about 1892
LavioletteMabel born about 1928
LavioletteMarie born about 1924
LavioletteMary Roseborn about 1906
LaviolettePaul born about 1879
LebrunBetty Louborn about 1929
LebrunFred Tborn about 1898
LebrunLucy Eborn about 1897
LebrunMary Lborn about 1867
LebrunSara Mborn about 1901
LenoirBernard born about 1913
LenoirDoris born about 1936
LenoirEdward born about 1938
LenoirGladys born about 1940
LenoirGregory born about 1924
LenoirHelen born about 1939
LenoirMadeline born about 1923
LenoirMae born about 1912
LenoirPatrick born about 1912
LenoirSeraphine born about 1915
LenoirWallace born about 1934
LesperanceFrancis Lborn about 1935
LesperancePeter Jborn about 1933
LittleboyClara born about 1932
LittleboyIsadore born about 1898
LittleboyLouis born about 1924
LittleboyMary born about 1900
LittleboyMary Evaborn about 1930
LittleboyPatrick born about 1922
LittleboySt Mary Roseborn about 1936
LizotteAlbert Jborn about 1908
LizotteVeronica born about 1868
LynchDorothy born about 1935
LynchEdward born about 1926
LynchEvelyn born about 1925
LynchMarjorie born about 1927
LynchViola born about 1906
LynchWilliam born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldAileen Mborn about 1938
MacdonaldDavid Jborn about 1904
MacdonaldDoreen Mborn about 1940
MacdonaldRuby Aborn about 1912
MalaterreAlbert Mborn about 1920
MalaterreDelima born about 1924
MalaterreJohn Sborn about 1893
MalaterreStella born about 1927
MarcellaisAngeline born about 1905
MarcellaisClarence born about 1928
MarcellaisEdward born about 1925
MarcellaisFlorence born about 1938
MarcellaisMary born about 1932
MarcellaisPatrick born about 1937
MarcellaisPeter born about 1905
MarcellaisPeter born about 1930
MarchandWilliam Jborn about 1892
MarionAnna Roseborn about 1914
MarionBeatrice born about 1926
MarionBernadette born about 1922
MarionGeorgiana born about 1909
MarionHerman Aborn about 1934
MarionHerman Nborn about 1910
MarionIrene born about 1925
MarionJoan born about 1935
MarionLouis Mborn about 1870
MarionMaxim born about 1922
MarionNarcis born about 1931
MarionNorman Jborn about 1912
MarionPhilomene born about 1886
MarionRaymond Lborn about 1920
MarionRene born about 1932
MarionSarah born about 1938
MarionYvone born about 1940
MaronMaxim born about 1865
MaronVirginia born about 1876
MartellAlphonse Gborn about 1937
MartellClifford Aborn about 1939
MartellElizabeth born about 1907
MartellGeorge Aborn about 1915
MartellHelen Tborn about 1938
MartellJoseph born about 1910
MartellMary born about 1915
MartellPatrick Eborn about 1940
MartellRose Mborn about 1935
MartinGeo born about 1927
MartinLawrence born about 1938
MartinLeroy born about 1918
MartinLloyd born about 1920
MartinMabel Mayborn about 1940
MartinMargaret born about 1920
MartinPeter born about 1924
MasseBerard Jborn about 1932
MasseNapoleon J Lborn about 1893
MasseSimone born about 1909
MayesJennie Eborn about 1887
McCloudAlex Lborn about 1939
McCloudBetty born about 1933
McCloudCharles born about 1903
McCloudCharles Jr born about 1928
McCloudClemence born about 1917
McCloudFedel born about 1898
McCloudGerald born about 1939
McCloudMarceline Lborn about 1914
McCloudMargaret born about 1853
McCloudMary born about 1909
McCloudNorma born about 1935
McCloudNorman Fborn about 1912
McCloudPatricia born about 1929
McCloudPaul Jborn about 1917
MeyerCeline born about 1911
MonaAlex Pborn about 1911
MonaDonald Pborn about 1939
MonaJames born about 1920
MonaJoseph Sborn about 1936
MonaRosana born about 1914
MontourErnestine born about 1900
MontourLouise born about 1914
MontourPascal born about 1893
MontourPauline born about 1890
MontrielEmerize born about 1892
MontrielFrank born about 1861
MontrielJohn born about 1893
MontrielRaymond born about 1927
MontrielSevere born about 1891
MorinAlbert born about 1907
MorinAlex born about 1910
MorinAloysus Jborn about 1940
MorinBeverly Annborn about 1938
MorinBlanche born about 1923
MorinCatherine born about 1937
MorinElie born about 1918
MorinElizabeth born about 1937
MorinErnest born about 1919
MorinErnest born about 1920
MorinEugene born about 1923
MorinEvelyn born about 1922
MorinFrances born about 1938
MorinFred Louisborn about 1915
MorinGeorge born about 1924
MorinIsabel born about 1876
MorinIsadore born about 1868
MorinJeanitta Mborn about 1939
MorinJerome Lborn about 1935
MorinJoseph Aborn about 1912
MorinMary Aborn about 1909
MorinPatrick born about 1936
MorinPete 1 born about 1873
MorinRachel born about 1876
MorinRichard Sborn about 1936
MorinVictoria born about 1921
MorinVilda born about 1915
MorinViolet Annborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NecklaceSunbeam born about 1916
NelsonJohn Mborn about 1937
NelsonJohn Nborn about 1866
NelsonLucy Agnesborn about 1935
NelsonMargaret born about 1902
NelsonOscar Jamesborn about 1939
NicholasHercules born about 1915
NicholasMichael born about 1890
NirmamaierVita born about 1903

P Surnames

PatnaudeAgnes born about 1930
PatnaudeAmbrose born about 1910
PatnaudeCollis born about 1900
PatnaudeDelima born about 1877
PatnaudeGertrude born about 1932
PatnaudeLasouta born about 1876
PatnaudeLloyd born about 1937
PatnaudeMary born about 1919
PatnaudeOrland born about 1939
PatnaudeRosalie born about 1904
PatnaudeSamuel Eborn about 1926
PeltierAdeline born about 1877
PeltierAlbert Pborn about 1917
PeltierBarthelomew born about 1873
PeltierCaroline born about 1915
PeltierCecelia born about 1934
PeltierCharles Rborn about 1929
PeltierEleanor Mborn about 1911
PeltierErnest born about 1918
PeltierFlorestine born about 1922
PeltierGeorge born about 1912
PeltierGladys born about 1920
PeltierGrace born about 1940
PeltierHattie born about 1888
PeltierIsadore born about 1875
PeltierJohn born about 1880
PeltierJohn Eborn about 1919
PeltierJoseph Fborn about 1871
PeltierJulian Cborn about 1882
PeltierLeonard born about 1937
PeltierLloyd born about 1927
PeltierLouis born about 1921
PeltierLouise born about 1928
PeltierMarceline born about 1902
PeltierMary born about 1932
PeltierMary Annborn about 1925
PeltierMary Clemensborn about 1926
PeltierPaul born about 1929
PeltierPeter born about 1907
PeltierPeter Pborn about 1923
PeltierPeter Paulborn about 1929
PeltierPrudent born about 1909
PeltierRachel born about 1922
PeltierRaymond Jborn about 1935
PeltierRobert born about 1885
PeltierRonald Louisborn about 1939
PeltierRose born about 1935
PeltierRoselda Annborn about 1933
PeltierTheresa Mborn about 1937
PeltierWilliam born about 1920
PennyJames Hborn about 1932
PennyRichard Vborn about 1931
PennyVerlin Lborn about 1905
PennyViolet Aborn about 1905
PerronteauAnna born about 1912
PerronteauAntoinette born about 1940
PerronteauCecelia born about 1931
PerronteauCharles born about 1936
PerronteauFrancis born about 1934
PerronteauFrank born about 1910
PerronteauLouise born about 1932
PetersonJustine born about 1900
PicotteRufus Cborn about 1916
PlanteAlfred born about 1930
PlanteAlice born about 1926
PlanteHenry born about 1924
PlanteJosephine born about 1904
PlanteLola born about 1928
PlanteMary Anneborn about 1934
PlantePrudent born about 1902
PoitraAlex Pborn about 1889
PoitraChester Cborn about 1923
PoitraCorrine born about 1932
PoitraDella Janeborn about 1933
PoitraDomonick Lborn about 1921
PoitraErnest born about 1929
PoitraEugene Elmarborn about 1938
PoitraFlavia Gborn about 1936
PoitraFloyd Wborn about 1926
PoitraFred Dborn about 1925
PoitraGeraldine born about 1939
PoitraHelen Louiseborn about 1936
PoitraJoan Mborn about 1936
PoitraJoann born about 1940
PoitraJohn born about 1893
PoitraJohn Louisborn about 1900
PoitraJohn Sborn about 1932
PoitraJoseph Hborn about 1897
PoitraJoseph Nborn about 1930
PoitraJoyce Sborn about 1936
PoitraJulius born about 1905
PoitraJulius Pborn about 1934
PoitraJustine born about 1917
PoitraLawrence Gborn about 1937
PoitraLena Delphineborn about 1916
PoitraLeona born about 1923
PoitraLillian born about 1920
PoitraLouis Jborn about 1917
PoitraMadeline Aborn about 1917
PoitraMartha born about 1918
PoitraMary Cborn about 1914
PoitraNancy Mborn about 1876
PoitraOrla Mborn about 1929
PoitraVeronica born about 1893
PoitraVirginia born about 1905
PoitraVirginia born about 1910
PoitraWilliam Fborn about 1937
PoitraWilliam Rborn about 1939
PremeauAlfred born about 1916
PremeauAlgina born about 1907
PremeauDeloris born about 1930
PremeauFrances born about 1921
PremeauJoseph born about 1870
PremeauLaura born about 1919
PremeauLeo born about 1913
PressmanAbraham born about 1898
PressmanJulia Bborn about 1938
PressmanMolla Tborn about 1909
PressmanPaul Bborn about 1931
ProttierAlexander Jborn about 1922
ProttierClara Lborn about 1898
ProttierConrad Eborn about 1934
ProttierEugene Hborn about 1930
ProttierJoseph Jborn about 1897
ProttierMary Rborn about 1926
ProttierRoy Jborn about 1923
PurdyBeulah born about 1937
PurdyClarence born about 1929
PurdyGeorge born about 1894
PurdyJames born about 1927
PurdyLoren born about 1924
PurdyLuella born about 1934
PurdyMabel born about 1926
PurdyMary born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReardonAgnes born about 1903
ReardonGabriel born about 1925
ReardonGertrude Mborn about 1924
ReardonJames born about 1929
ReardonPatrica born about 1928
ReardonPatrick Dborn about 1931
RichardEdith born about 1924
RichardSylvester born about 1936
RichardsonMabel Eborn about 1898
RobergeJoseph Mborn about 1910
RothmanAnnette Fborn about 1917
RothmanSamuel Iborn about 1909
RoyAlexander born about 1917
RoyDelores Gborn about 1933
RoyEdward Cborn about 1893
RoyEllen Cborn about 1921
RoyErnest Gborn about 1931
RoyJoseph Aborn about 1935
RoyLillian Aborn about 1923
RoyLucien Lborn about 1925
RoyMarie Aborn about 1918
RoyVirginia Mborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagerAnthony born about 1939
SagerJohn born about 1934
SagerLillian born about 1932
SanderAmeliana born about 1896
SangraitAdele born about 1867
SangraitAdeline born about 1903
SangraitAnna born about 1924
SangraitEdward born about 1865
SangraitJaspard born about 1932
SangraitJohn Bborn about 1888
SangraitMadeline born about 1928
SangraitMary born about 1926
SchoenbornMary Gborn about 1919
SchoenbornRobert Hborn about 1919
SchoenbornRoberta Mborn about 1939
ShortEzear born about 1896
ShortMary born about 1901
SluyterBetty Lborn about 1935
SluyterBeverley Aborn about 1934
SluyterCleo Vborn about 1906
SluyterMabel Vborn about 1913
SluyterShirley Cborn about 1939
SluyterVerlin Cborn about 1937
SmithAlexander Aborn about 1908
SmithArchie Louisborn about 1937
SmithArthur Bborn about 1930
SmithArthur Joeborn about 1883
SmithCecelia born about 1915
SmithElizabeth born about 1939
SmithErnest Fborn about 1933
SmithFrancis born about 1936
SmithFrancis born about 1940
SmithGrace born about 1934
SmithIrene born about 1906
SmithJohn born about 1934
SmithJosephine born about 1892
SmithKenneth born about 1939
SmithLaverna born about 1932
SmithLawrence born about 1938
SmithLouis Mborn about 1910
SmithMartina born about 1936
SmithMary Fborn about 1926
SmithMary Janeborn about 1891
SmithMarylouise born about 1916
SmithMaxim Louisborn about 1922
SmithRosella born about 1932
SmithRuth Aborn about 1929
SmithVirginia Mborn about 1916
SpurlockAgnes Jborn about 1905
StarnaudAlcidie born about 1875
StarnaudCecile Aborn about 1938
StarnaudLawrence born about 1920
StarnaudMary Janeborn about 1895
StarnaudRuth Dborn about 1934
StarnaudeAdelaide born about 1887
StarnaudeJohn Bborn about 1865
StarnaudeJulia born about 1866
StrassmanCecilia born about 1923
StrassmanMary Rborn about 1896
SwansonKathyrn born about 1912
SwansonLouis Sborn about 1929
SwartzLinus born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasBarbara Aborn about 1938
ThomasDoris born about 1916
ThomasEvelyn born about 1917
ThomasHelen born about 1888
ThomasJames Rborn about 1937
ThomasLinus born about 1940
ThomasMary Mathildaborn about 1900
ThomasMary Theresaborn about 1935
ThomasMoses born about 1927
ThomasNorman born about 1883
ThomasPatrice Jborn about 1905
ThomasTheresa born about 1885
ThomasVerona born about 1939
ThomasVictoria Mborn about 1912
ThomasWilliam Jborn about 1915
ThomasWilliam Sborn about 1936
ThompteMorris born about 1915
TippsDorothy Tborn about 1928
TrottierAgnes born about 1910
TrottierBurton born about 1934
TrottierDelia born about 1911
TrottierElaine born about 1938
TrottierEmil Kborn about 1939
TrottierGeorge Jborn about 1932
TrottierJames born about 1910
TrottierJoan born about 1935
TrottierJohn Cborn about 1929
TrottierLorraine born about 1937
TrottierMary born about 1903
TrottierMary Agnesborn about 1912
TrottierMary Astorborn about 1935
TrottierPatrice Rborn about 1909
TrottierPatrick born about 1907
TrottierPatrick Jborn about 1939
TrottierSylvia born about 1929
TurcotteAudrey Vborn about 1932
TurcotteElise born about 1900
TurcotteGeoreline Rborn about 1926
TurcotteJoseph Ernestborn about 1922
TurcotteLouis Pborn about 1928
TurcotteMarguerite born about 1857
TurcotteMathilda born about 1898
TurcottePeter Pborn about 1887
TurcotteWilliam born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandalBeulah Eborn about 1928
VandalCecelia Mborn about 1921
VandalFlorence born about 1917
VandalGertrude Mborn about 1934
VandalJane Eborn about 1894
VandalJohn born about 1886
VandalMichael Aborn about 1936
VandalMichael I Jborn about 1914
VandalPetroline born about 1921
VandalRita Fborn about 1918
VandalRonald Jborn about 1939
VanhoofCharles Wborn about 1923
VanhoofJohn Hborn about 1892
VanhoofLeonard Vborn about 1921
VienneJoseph born about 1893
VienneJoseph born about 1923
VienneJulia born about 1925
VienneMary born about 1928
VienneMay Juliaborn about 1901
VienneRobert born about 1932
VienneRose born about 1930
VienneSally Annborn about 1934
VillebrunAnnie born about 1850
VindedahlBen born about 1891
VindedahlBernice born about 1924
VindedahlLaura born about 1897
VivierCeclia Aborn about 1936
VivierEarnest born about 1924
VivierEdward Rborn about 1938
VivierEsther born about 1927
VivierEugene born about 1915
VivierEva born about 1917
VivierJohn born about 1927
VivierJoseph born about 1879
VivierLaura Mborn about 1913
VivierLeona born about 1940
VivierMargaret born about 1909
VivierMargaret born about 1918
VivierMarion born about 1936
VivierMary Adelaborn about 1907
VivierMary Janeborn about 1934
VivierMary Louiseborn about 1936
VivierNapoleon born about 1883
VivierRobert Lborn about 1935
VivierRose born about 1880
VivierTheresa born about 1872
VivierWilliam born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahnakwotEmma Eborn about 1940
WahnakwotJoseph Aborn about 1895
WahnakwotMinnie Tborn about 1913
WahnakwotWilliam born about 1855
WalletteAlvina born about 1915
WalletteAlvina born about 1928
WalletteBlanche Lborn about 1929
WalletteCecelia born about 1929
WalletteEdna Pearlborn about 1924
WalletteEmma born about 1926
WalletteErnest born about 1934
WalletteErnestine born about 1905
WalletteGregory born about 1898
WalletteHenry born about 1928
WalletteIsadore born about 1898
WalletteJames Nborn about 1899
WalletteJosephine born about 1910
WalletteLeona born about 1936
WalletteMarcella Jborn about 1936
WalletteMary Rborn about 1906
WalletteMichael born about 1896
WalletteMichael born about 1922
WallettePatrick born about 1938
WalletteSarah born about 1932
WanapiMarie born about 1923
WargGeneveive born about 1927
WarrenEdward Tborn about 1925
WarrenJoseph Jborn about 1897
WarrenJoseph Jborn about 1931
WarrenMary born about 1875
WarrenNora Maeborn about 1933
WarrenNora Sborn about 1901
WarrenRuth Mborn about 1923
WarrenWilliam Jborn about 1929
WestfallMary born about 1911
WestonGrace born about 1933
WestonJulius born about 1889
WestonRaymond born about 1935
WhitfordJean born about 1928
WhitfordJosephine born about 1914
WilcoxClaire Lborn about 1900
WilcoxHolley born about 1927
WilkieAlvina Tborn about 1917
WilkieBarbara Aborn about 1936
WilkieCecelia born about 1922
WilkieDelia born about 1920
WilkieDoris born about 1938
WilkieEmery Fborn about 1912
WilkieErnest born about 1913
WilkieFabian born about 1917
WilkieFlorestine born about 1931
WilkieFrances Mborn about 1936
WilkieGeorge Mborn about 1921
WilkieHelen born about 1933
WilkieIrene Aborn about 1922
WilkieIrene Dellaborn about 1923
WilkieJennie born about 1882
WilkieJohn born about 1926
WilkieJohn Bborn about 1889
WilkieJoseph Sr born about 1871
WilkieLouis Nborn about 1919
WilkieMarma Aborn about 1939
WilkieMartha born about 1928
WilkieMary Janeborn about 1892
WilkieMichael Aborn about 1940
WilkieRachel born about 1913
WilkieWilbur born about 1924
WillieAgnes born about 1917
WillieDelima Tborn about 1939
WillieDoris Mborn about 1925
WillieIrene Hborn about 1921
WillieJames Wborn about 1918
WillieJoseph Nborn about 1896
WilliePatrick Mborn about 1927
WillieSusie Mborn about 1932
WilsonAlphus Wborn about 1904
WilsonMinnie Roseborn about 1911
WittmerEvarista born about 1903

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