1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cowine, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Cowine

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames H Surnames J Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BeaumasterEmma born about 1883
BeaumasterGeorge born about 1879
BechmanFred born about 1866
BechmanSophie born about 1877
BechmanWalter born about 1900
BurnsMorgan Jborn about 1884
BurnsMyrtte born about 1886

C Surnames

CallsenElizabeth born about 1896
CallsenHans born about 1864
CallsenJohn born about 1894
CallsenMargaret born about 1933
CallsenSignora born about 1898
ClemensAlida born about 1899
ClemensDahn Lomiersborn about 1931
ClemensFrank Eborn about 1918
ClemensGladys born about 1920
ClemensLarry Daleborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughtElsworth born about 1870
DaughtEmma born about 1872
DaughtMilton born about 1920
DavisCharles Mborn about 1879
DavisCharles Jr born about 1923
DavisElsie born about 1886
DavisJames Cborn about 1914
DavisSonhie born about 1922
DoehtorHoward born about 1922
DomekClarence born about 1906
DomekDonald born about 1934
DomekElmer born about 1937
DomekMildred born about 1906
DomekPaulas Claraborn about 1939
DomekRobert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllingsonArlene born about 1914
EmoGordem born about 1934
EmoHelen born about 1905
EmoJoe born about 1896
EmoMicheal born about 1937
EmoPatrick born about 1938
EmoRobert born about 1933
EvansA Myrtleborn about 1902
EvansAnlyss born about 1922
EvansElmer born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HiffernanBlanche born about 1926
HiffernanDorothy born about 1917
HiffernanHattia born about 1898
HiffernanMicheal born about 1935
HiffernanMike Pborn about 1897
HiffernanShirley born about 1934
HiffernanVivian born about 1923

J Surnames

JessenLaurence born about 1897
JorgersenKlara born about 1887
JorgersenPete born about 1919

M Surnames

MaximeCharles born about 1906
MaximeCharles born about 1931
MaximeFern born about 1924
MaximeRuth born about 1907
MellumBuelah Maeborn about 1929
MellumDelores born about 1938
MellumDonna born about 1934
MellumDouglas born about 1932
MellumGeorge Eborn about 1906
MellumMarlys born about 1940
MellumShirley born about 1931
MellumWaunita born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicholsHubert Aborn about 1872

O Surnames

OrganLester born about 1907

R Surnames

RekoJulia born about 1876
RosendahlAlbert born about 1878
RosendahlClara born about 1887

S Surnames

SteegeElmer born about 1927
SteegeEmil born about 1884
SteegeErwin born about 1913
SteegeFrances born about 1893

W Surnames

WhitneyAnna born about 1893
WhitneyArthur born about 1914
WhitneyCarolgene born about 1940
WhitneyClarence born about 1915
WhitneyEvelyn born about 1918
WhitneyLeonard born about 1885

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