1940 U.S. Federal Census of Deer Lake, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Deer Lake

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AadsenCarol Jborn about 1887
AndersonAlice Cborn about 1904
AndersonAnton Iborn about 1867
AndersonAugusta born about 1870
AndersonCarl Eborn about 1899
AndersonEdward born about 1901
AndersonGeorge Iborn about 1897

B Surnames

BensonArnold born about 1922
BensonBurton born about 1925
BensonClara born about 1896
BensonEdward born about 1932
BensonFreda born about 1930
BensonGilbert born about 1886
BensonGilbert Jr born about 1937
BensonGladys born about 1923
BensonLillian born about
BensonMyrtle born about 1928
BensonPearl born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarlsonCarol Bborn about 1928
CarlsonDelaine Rborn about 1929
CarlsonGerald Wborn about 1930
CarlsonJoseph Wborn about 1902
CarlsonJoyce Eborn about 1935
CarlsonLydia born about 1904
CarlsonLydia born about 1905
CarlsonRobert Jborn about 1927
CarlsonRonald Kborn about 1934
CarlsonRoy Aborn about 1903
CarlsonRoy Wborn about 1932
ChadduckDonald born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisElizabeth Jborn about 1870
DavisJohn Mborn about 1864
DavisRichard Rborn about 1910

E Surnames

EverhardtAlbert born about 1934
EverhardtDonald born about 1938
EverhardtDonna Maeborn about 1938
EverhardtEdna born about 1927
EverhardtJacob born about 1891
EverhardtLizzie born about 1904
EverhardtLorraine born about 1925
EverhardtRaymond born about 1932
EverhardtRoland born about 1930
EverhardtViola born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FrederickDonald born about 1920
FrederickEileen born about 1933
FrederickFern born about 1924
FrederickFloyd born about 1928
FrederickGay born about 1937
FrederickGerald born about
FrederickHerbert Fborn about 1896
FrederickIone born about 1931
FrederickLorraine born about 1922
FrederickMable born about 1898

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G Surnames

GushwaWayne born about 1920
GushwaWenkle born about 1918

J Surnames

JettMerton Lborn about 1882

K Surnames

KnutsonMathew born about 1882
KrappPaul born about 1883
KreilElden born about 1918
KrusellAdolph Bborn about 1879
KrusellBernard born about 1912
KrusellMary born about 1922
KrusellThora Mborn about 1878

L Surnames

LeslieRobert Wborn about 1892
LeslieVerrannie born about 1906
LeysringGeorge born about 1899
LeysringLeslie Eborn about 1927
LeysringLillian born about 1906
LeysringMarilyne Lborn about 1932
LeysringTheresa born about 1869

M Surnames

MyersMae born about 1888

N Surnames

NicklasonIda born about 1896
NicklasonMathilda born about 1871

O Surnames

OlsonAgnes Dborn about 1921
OlsonClarence born about 1903
OlsonDarold Oborn about 1939
OlsonDolores Iborn about 1930
OlsonGeorgia born about 1896
OlsonMaurinda born about 1925
OlsonOle Bborn about 1894
OlsonSelma born about 1898

P Surnames

PryorOttis born about 1890
PryorVictoria born about 1863

R Surnames

RoeArthur Lborn about 1906
RoeAugusta born about 1879
RoeCynthia Aborn about 1935
RoeHoward Lborn about 1876
RoeInez Eborn about 1910
RoeKaren Eborn about
RoeLawrence Hborn about 1933
RoeLeonard Fborn about 1933
RoeWeston Aborn about 1931
RuemlerArthur born about 1904
RuemlerHenry born about 1868
RuemlerSelma born about 1911
RuffChrist born about 1903
RuffMartha born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchielkeIvan Fborn about 1918
SissonCarol Pborn about 1919
StaufferCorrine Aborn about 1930
StaufferDorothea born about 1935
StaufferEgbert Hborn about 1902
StaufferNettie born about 1908

T Surnames

ThimmeachGeorge born about 1902
TorlandEnga born about 1871
TorlandMarie born about 1914
TrautArthur born about 1919
TrautLucille born about 1922
TrautMinnie born about 1885
TrautOscar Eborn about 1882
TrautWilmar born about 1917
TrautmannEdward Wborn about 1912
TrautmannRichard Eborn about 1939
TrautmannVirginia born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VolkmanAlice born about 1922
VolkmanArnold born about 1917
VolkmanCarl born about 1877
VolkmanEmma born about 1884
VolkmanEwald Cborn about 1912

W Surnames

WaflestBen born about 1901
WalshAlonzo Gborn about 1900
WalshBetty Mborn about 1911
WalshWilfred Fborn about 1897

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