1940 U.S. Federal Census of Estabrook, Foster, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Foster County > 1940 Census of Estabrook

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlfsonBernice born about 1913
AlfsonLe Roy born about 1908
AndersonAuther born about 1904
AndersonDeanna Jborn about 1940
AndersonValborg born about 1914

B Surnames

BeckerLoyd born about 1928
BeckerLuella born about 1931
BeckerMatt born about 1900
BeckerWilliam born about 1929
BorderAmanda born about 1907
BorderDonald born about 1930
BorderDoris born about 1933
BorderMaynard born about 1929
BorderRobert born about 1931
BorderWalter born about 1903
BrownDonald born about 1934
BrownFrancella born about 1932
BrownFrancis born about 1912
BrownMaynard born about 1905
BussJanice born about 1936
BussJohn born about 1911
BussJohn Jr born about 1939
BussMarjorie born about 1917

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C Surnames

CollegeAlice born about 1934
CollegeAnge born about 1923
CollegeBetty Janeborn about 1930
CollegeDorothy born about 1928
CollegeHarold born about 1919
CollegeHarvey born about 1918
CollegeJoseph born about 1896
CollegeJoseph born about 1932
CollegeLucille born about 1925
CollegeMargaret born about 1921
CollegeMartha born about 1895
CopenhaverAlice born about 1871
CopenhaverApus born about 1929
CopenhaverElsie born about 1904
CopenhaverS Hborn about 1872
CopenhaverStanley born about 1898
CopenhaverStanley Jr born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EricksonHarold born about 1899
EricksonHarold Jr born about 1937
EricksonLillian born about 1904
EricksonRoger Lborn about 1930

F Surnames

ForshallEthel born about 1912
ForshallKurt born about 1910
ForshallMavis born about 1939
FrenchFrances born about 1916
FrenchJoan born about 1937
FrenchLany born about 1936
FrenchMuriel born about 1935
FrenchMurl born about 1903
FrochlickAvis Janeborn about 1933
FrochlickBetty Annborn about 1930
FrochlickDonald Aborn about 1936
FrochlickEsther born about 1905
FrochlickMarlys born about 1939
FrochlickPaul born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarlandAlice born about 1928
GarlandAnna born about 1905
GarlandHamlin born about 1901
GarlandKenneth born about 1930
GarlandLila born about 1926

H Surnames

HalaasLillian born about 1924
HalaasMinnie born about 1895
HalaasRalph born about 1890
HalaasRalph born about 1929
HalaasRussel born about 1926
HallHerbert born about 1886
HansonHazel born about 1938
HansonJohn born about 1898
HansonLeona born about 1913
HeinigLeonard born about 1923
HendersonCharles born about 1896
HoppeJames Aborn about 1937
HoppeJohn Rborn about 1935
HoppeMargaret born about 1914
HoppePaul born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IndergaardDuane born about 1931
IndergaardElmer born about 1914
IndergaardJohn born about 1929
IndergaardLeroy born about 1930
IndergaardLois born about 1933
IndergaardMary born about 1909
IndergaardSidney born about 1897

J Surnames

JensenFred born about 1898
JensonClifford born about 1899

K Surnames

KrepsAlfred Eborn about 1924
KrepsFern born about 1901
KrepsJoseph Aborn about 1894
KrugerAnna born about 1892
KrugerErnest born about 1919
KrugerGustav born about 1885

L Surnames

LaberEdna born about 1909
LaberJack born about 1936
LaberJohn born about 1910
LaberLuanne born about 1935
LandonAlmeda born about 1889
LandonH Rborn about 1876
LandonMarie born about 1923
LandonMerritt born about 1914
LindermanAllen born about 1920
LindermanBonnie born about 1923
LindermanDonald born about 1930
LindermanEugene born about 1918
LindermanHarold born about 1925
LindermanJeanette born about 1929
LindermanJohn born about 1927
LindermanMarie born about 1898
LindermanRoss born about 1892
LynnBernadine born about 1935
LynnDonald born about 1930
LynnEloise born about 1928
LynnLena born about 1904
LynnWilliam born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarriageAda Mayborn about 1889
MarriagePaul born about 1882
MartinsonKaroline born about 1879
MillerClarence born about 1915
MillerEarl Oborn about 1922
MillerHenry Hborn about 1892
MillerInez Eborn about 1924
MillerLouise Oborn about 1893
MillerMatilda born about 1918
MulveyRussel born about 1924

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N Surnames

NelsonBernard born about 1918

P Surnames

PiatzNick born about 1916

R Surnames

RoaldsonElla Mborn about 1895
RoaldsonJames born about 1888

S Surnames

SchmidAlice Mborn about 1909
SchmidDale Rborn about 1936
SchmidGarry Tborn about 1938
SchmidJohn born about 1910
ShippmanJessie born about 1906

T Surnames

TheisColleen born about 1938
TheisDonald born about 1934
TheisGilbert born about 1908
TheisLena born about 1914
TheisPhilomina born about 1919
TheisRobert born about 1938
TheisRomel born about 1914
TheisenDave born about 1906
TheisenJudith Eborn about 1934
TheisenMeta born about 1913
ThomasAnna born about 1895
ThomasDonna Maeborn about 1925
ThomasHoward born about 1928
ThomasLloyd born about 1892
ThomasWallace born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WittAugust born about 1880
WittElfrida born about 1884
WittHarold born about 1915
WittLois born about 1922
WittRaymond born about 1910

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