1940 U.S. Federal Census of Florence in Foster County, Foster, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Foster County > 1940 Census of Florence in Foster County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlfstadElaine Gborn about 1932
AlfstadElban Aborn about 1912
AlfstadGilman Mborn about 1907
AlfstadMarvin Lborn about 1937
AndersonHedger born about 1911
AndersonHelger born about 1911
AndersonHershel Gborn about 1935
AndersonVivian born about 1918
AyarsJames Fborn about 1904
AyarsMaretha Mborn about 1935
AyarsMarion Aborn about 1930
AyarsMyrtle Iborn about 1933
AyarsStella Jborn about 1929
AyarsVelma Cborn about 1907
AyarsWillis Sborn about 1934

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B Surnames

BeachBernard Bborn about 1934
BeachFloyd Mborn about 1897
BeachMabel Bborn about 1909
BeachMearle Gborn about 1939
BeachRosemarie born about 1937
BeachYvonne Jborn about 1935
BergMayme born about 1911
BergOrrian Wborn about 1910
BerglandAmanda born about 1906
BrownRachel born about 1925
BurkLeslie born about 1895
BurkMalinda born about 1905

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C Surnames

ChristiansenArdis Rborn about 1936
ChristiansenBarbara Jborn about 1927
ChristiansenChristian Lborn about 1897
ChristiansenDonald Lborn about 1929
ChristiansenKenneth Kborn about 1938
ChristiansenMarlys Aborn about 1933
ChristiansenMaude born about 1900
ChristiansenRobert born about 1926

D Surnames

DreherDean born about 1930
DreherElda Mborn about 1933
DreherFred born about 1881
DreherGlenn born about 1915
DreherMillie Mborn about 1893

E Surnames

EberhardtAnthony Jborn about 1930
EberhardtArthur Iborn about 1901
EberhardtJames Dborn about 1937
EberhardtJeanette Eborn about 1927
EberhardtMarie Lborn about 1903
EberhardtMavis Rborn about 1925
EllingsonArboene born about 1918
EllingsonAvanelle born about 1910
EllingsonCora born about 1891
EllingsonFuentin born about 1921
EllingsonLemer born about 1907
EllingsonSusan Bborn about 1917
EllingsonTheodore born about 1879
EvansEdith Gborn about 1876
EvansElmer Eborn about 1867

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G Surnames

GarlandAmabelle born about 1921
GarlandJohn Aborn about 1911

H Surnames

HardinAlden born about 1917
HardinBeverly born about 1928
HardinCheo born about 1931
HardinDarrel born about 1929
HardinEunice born about 1926
HardinRegina born about 1892
HardinThomas Lborn about 1883
HaylettFrank born about 1888
HaylettMabel Mborn about 1891
HayletteChas Wborn about 1892
HayletteFreda born about 1903
HayletteWilliam Wborn about 1930
HegvikAbette born about 1885
HegvikAlton born about 1923
HegvikJohn Aborn about 1917
HegvikLasse born about 1913
HegvikMartha born about 1911
HegvikOle born about 1877
HoggarthClifford Jborn about 1926
HoggarthDarrow born about 1933
HoggarthDonald Jborn about 1939
HoggarthDorothy Lborn about 1934
HoggarthFlorence born about 1921
HoggarthIrine born about 1924
HoggarthJames born about 1895
HoggarthJean Lborn about 1932
HoggarthJoyce Mborn about 1936
HoggarthMargaret Eborn about 1930
HoggarthPearl Bborn about 1895
HoggarthThelma Mborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KaenigWilliam born about 1883
KluckLillian born about 1918
KnuthJulius born about 1889
KnuthKenneth Jborn about 1937
KnuthThomas Lborn about 1939
KnuthVera Vborn about 1909
KnutsonAdolph born about 1891
KnutsonDelila Aborn about 1935
KnutsonEdith Mborn about 1905
KnutsonEllsworth Dborn about 1927
KnutsonVernon Eborn about 1926
KoenigAmie Kborn about 1889
KoenigMary Cborn about 1911
KoenigRaymond Bborn about 1924
KoenigWilliam Jr born about 1924

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L Surnames

LarsonAlbert Wborn about 1903
LarsonElaine Aborn about 1929
LarsonSelma born about 1908
LarsonWilfred Aborn about 1932
LindeOle born about 1882
LucklHans born about 1867
LucklKatrine Aborn about 1871
LyskeEnick born about 1858

M Surnames

MassGustav Kborn about 1885
MassSelma born about 1900
McDanielJames born about 1916
McDanielMyrtle born about 1888
MelleyOscar Wborn about 1895
MorchGeorge Jborn about 1875
MulveyJames born about 1931
MulveyMabel born about 1896

N Surnames

NelsonEmma Fborn about 1909
NelsonRussell Bborn about 1906

O Surnames

OlsonHartoig born about 1895
OttoCarol Jborn about 1929
OttoDarrell Jborn about 1926
OttoDorothy Eborn about 1923
OttoElla Aborn about 1887
OttoJohn born about 1887

P Surnames

ParkerAnnie Eborn about 1868
ParkerBraun Cborn about 1928
ParkerClarence Aborn about 1863
ParkerClayton Sborn about 1917
ParkerMay Sborn about 1936
ParkerMepel Tborn about 1933
PierceDuane Wborn about 1940
PierceJames Wborn about 1924
PierceLeroy Lborn about 1938
PierceMargaret born about 1918
PierceMay born about 1883
PierceSamuel born about 1912
PierceVernon Wborn about 1908
PierceViolet Wborn about 1919
PierceWilliam born about 1875
PotterDelores Eborn about 1926
PotterHarold born about 1912
PotterIsabel Jborn about 1888
PotterJames Sborn about 1878
PowerCarl Hborn about 1897
PowerGustav Jborn about 1906
PowerHerman born about 1873
PowerHilda Aborn about 1913
PowerMargareta born about 1873

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R Surnames

ResherFrancis Eborn about 1927
ResherJulia Mborn about 1900
ResherLouis Mborn about 1890
RyanJohn Jborn about 1865
RypkaAgnes Bborn about 1906
RypkaAgnes Bborn about 1933
RypkaEdward Aborn about 1928
RypkaFrank Cborn about 1904
RypkaNorma Pborn about 1931

S Surnames

SampsonAgnes Aborn about 1894
SampsonBardella Rborn about 1935
SampsonCecil Eborn about 1934
SampsonChrist born about 1891
SampsonClifford Bborn about 1925
SampsonGeorge born about 1888
SampsonGordon Rborn about 1931
SampsonIonna Mborn about 1930
SampsonRussel Lborn about 1928
SampsonStanley Cborn about 1927
SampsonSyle Dborn about 1938
SandvoldAmy Jborn about 1889
SandvoldOscar born about 1885
SchwalkAlfred born about 1918
ShoerKatherine born about 1889
ShoerWilliam born about 1884
ShortAubrey Nborn about 1903
ShortBonita Rborn about 1938
ShortBrian Jborn about 1939
ShortChester Pborn about 1920
ShortDaniel Cborn about 1913
ShortDavid Jborn about 1934
ShortDeana born about 1909
ShortDonald Aborn about 1932
ShortFlorence Mborn about 1903
ShortKendall Dborn about 1927
ShortMarilyn Fborn about 1930
ShortMaxine Dborn about 1929
ShortPatricia Lborn about 1934
ShortRoberta born about 1930
ShortRutherford Dborn about 1899
ShortRutherford Jr born about 1938
ShortTarence Rborn about 1932
SmithArchie born about 1889
StanglandAlf Lborn about 1925
StanglandJessie Mborn about 1935
StanglandKaren born about 1899
StanglandKenneth born about 1927
StanglandLloyd Rborn about 1933
StanglandSigurd Rborn about 1923
StanglandSofueig born about 1930
StanglandTrygre born about 1893
StephensonDarlean born about 1931
StephensonEarl born about 1924
StephensonInez Mborn about 1933
StephensonPauline born about 1927
StocklandGordon born about 1937
StocklandLorval born about 1914
StocklandMyrtle Bborn about 1910
StocklandRobert Wborn about 1938
StocklandVernon Eborn about 1939

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T Surnames

ThorsonEmil born about 1891

V Surnames

ViningDarrel Hborn about 1937
ViningDick Hborn about 1912
ViningElaine Gborn about 1939
ViningJennie born about 1874
ViningMildred born about 1919
ViningRuth Jborn about 1920
ViningWinnefred Mborn about 1935

W Surnames

WagnerWalter Vborn about 1921
WallbridgeArdyce Mborn about 1914
WallbridgeElla Mborn about 1885
WallbridgeFred Hborn about 1880
WallbridgeMaryanne born about 1937
WallbridgeRalph Hborn about 1909
WoldArnold Fborn about 1922
WoldClarence Iborn about 1894
WoldClayton Aborn about 1917
WoldDorothy Eborn about 1919
WoldEinar born about 1920
WoldEllsworth Jborn about 1931
WoldMante Iborn about 1938
WoldMary Aborn about 1898
WoldRoland Aborn about 1939

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