1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fried, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Fried

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrightBernard Jborn about 1922

B Surnames

BautchRalph Rborn about 1902
BautchRichard Dborn about 1861
BautchRichard Rborn about 1926
BautchRobert Lborn about 1931
BautchRosa born about 1872
BautchTheresa Rborn about 1906
BlaskowskiCecelia born about 1858
BlaskowskiJohn born about 1855
BlaskowskiMartha born about 1901
BronkFrancis Rborn about 1926
BronkFrank born about 1881
BronkJohn Lborn about 1916
BronkMary Aborn about 1883

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C Surnames

CarmerHelen Cborn about 1912
CebulaLeonard born about 1921
ClarkBlanche Mborn about 1919
ClarkErnest Eborn about 1890
ClarkHelen Hborn about 1892
ClarkJean Mborn about 1928

D Surnames

DeedeLawrence Aborn about 1919

E Surnames

EaglesonKathrine Jborn about 1881
EaglesonWilson Aborn about 1873

F Surnames

FriedAdolph Jborn about 1882
FriedDavina Lborn about 1884
FriedPeter Uborn about 1882

G Surnames

GenglerAnna Mborn about 1922
GenglerChristina born about 1882
GenglerGeorge born about 1907
GenglerHelen Mborn about 1916
GenglerJacob born about 1879
GenglerJohn born about 1910
GenglerJoseph Gborn about 1920
GenglerKenneth Jborn about 1938
GenglerMinnie born about 1913
GenglerNick born about 1906
GillAugusta born about 1894
GillDaniel born about 1921
GillFrieda born about 1918
GillJohn born about 1891
GillLorraine born about 1928
GillLydia born about 1920
GossettGene Rborn about 1927
GossettHiram Fborn about 1884
GossettJohn Aborn about 1908
GossettMary born about 1888
GrayAlbert Aborn about 1876
GrayJosephine Mborn about 1870

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J Surnames

JoskowskiBarbara Mborn about 1934
JoskowskiBernard Eborn about 1917
JoskowskiDella Mborn about 1901
JoskowskiEdward C Jrborn about 1929
JoskowskiEdward Mborn about 1883
JoskowskiJrome Fborn about 1927
JoskowskiVirginia Mborn about 1931

K Surnames

KloseAlaina Mborn about 1918
KloseAudrey Aborn about 1926
KloseAugust Gborn about 1886
KloseBernard Eborn about 1908
KloseGerald Rborn about 1930
KloseHelen Mborn about 1924
KloseJames Aborn about 1924
KloseKathryn Aborn about 1887
KloseKenneth Aborn about 1920
KloseRaymond Aborn about 1913
KloseRobert Hborn about 1922
KokottAlbert Pborn about 1883
KokottAnna Jborn about 1884
KokottJoseph Aborn about 1900
KokottJosephine born about 1888
KokottThomas born about 1853
KrawczykIrene Mborn about 1928
KrawczykMary Mborn about 1888
KrawczykMary Mborn about 1932
KrawczykPatricia Mborn about 1933
KrawczykStanley Bborn about 1878
KrawczykStanley Pborn about 1909
KrawczykTheresa Mborn about 1925
KrawczykWesley Wborn about 1937
KulickMary born about 1855

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaronWalter Eborn about 1909
LelkenThomas born about 1921
LiraAlice Aborn about 1929
LiraAnna Bborn about 1898
LiraCecelia Mborn about 1923
LiraJoseph Fborn about 1927
LiraJosephine Fborn about 1925
LiraLeona Bborn about 1921
LiraRita Mborn about 1932
LiraRoman Tborn about 1920
LiraRose Mborn about 1932
LiraThomas Tborn about 1885
LorenzAgnes Cborn about 1918
LorenzEdward Gborn about 1913
LorenzMelvin Gborn about 1939

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M Surnames

McDonaldEdward Aborn about 1907
MezeskiKazemer born about 1883
MutzJohn Fborn about 1904
MutzMrs Mary born about 1876

N Surnames

NowatzekAdolph Rborn about 1913

R Surnames

RudolphClara Lborn about 1897
RudolphGordon Bborn about 1924
RudolphJohn Lborn about 1893

S Surnames

SabinashRaymond Jborn about 1919
SchmidtGustav born about 1870
SchmuhlAlbert Hborn about 1924
SchmuhlBert Fborn about 1877
SchmuhlBertha Mborn about 1887
SchmuhlElsie Kborn about 1927
SchmuhlHerman Rborn about 1930
SchwartzAdrian Lborn about 1925
SchwartzFrances Mborn about 1897
SchwartzIrene Bborn about 1930
SchwartzPaul Jborn about 1896
SchwartzRozrita Dborn about 1924
SchwartzThomas Aborn about 1894
StampkaAlex Jborn about 1917
StampkaJae Jborn about 1914
StampkaMary Aborn about 1890
StineFridericka Lborn about 1889
StineHerman Fborn about 1875
StineLouis Jborn about 1917
SuchlaCharles Pborn about 1898
SuchlaMargarette Kborn about 1905
SzarkowskiBernard Wborn about 1913
SzarkowskiCathrine Eborn about 1926
SzarkowskiEdith Mborn about 1889
SzarkowskiEdward Iborn about 1925
SzarkowskiEveline Pborn about 1921
SzarkowskiJames Pborn about 1927
SzarkowskiJoe Mborn about 1910
SzarkowskiJohn Mborn about 1921
SzarkowskiMargueritte Mborn about 1908
SzarkowskiPaul Gborn about 1885
SzarkowskiPaul Jr Mborn about 1930
SzarkowskiRayfield Jborn about 1919
SzarkowskiRichard Eborn about 1889
SzarkowskiRita Mborn about 1923
SzarkowskiRobert Sborn about 1923
SzarkowskiWanda Rborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThompsonRaymond Aborn about 1905

W Surnames

WajickAnna Mborn about 1872
WajickCasper Gborn about 1866
WajickMay Mborn about 1897
WaychikAlice Bborn about 1900
WaychikAndrew Eborn about 1897
WaychikEdward Bborn about 1905
WaychikJoan Gborn about 1928
WaychikRose Bborn about 1904
WojickJulia born about 1862

Y Surnames

YatskisAnna Cborn about 1899
YatskisDorothy Aborn about 1926
YatskisFrank born about 1893
YatskisJames born about 1890
YatskisLeonard Aborn about 1929

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