1940 U.S. Federal Census of Gilbert, Rolette, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Rolette County > 1940 Census of Gilbert

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamsonArdell born about 1930
AbrahamsonArthur Jborn about 1893
AbrahamsonDarlene born about 1933
AbrahamsonJenenne born about 1931
AbrahamsonJennie born about 1900
AitchisonDonna Jborn about 1930
AitchisonGeorge Pborn about 1901
AitchisonJohn Miltonborn about 1928
AitchisonLula Mborn about 1901
AkewensiX born about 1873
AndersonBennie born about 1905
AndersonIris born about 1939
AndersonMinnie born about 1908
AndersonRay Hborn about 1884
AslaksonKenneth Lborn about 1920
AubreyAlbert Aborn about 1920
AubreyMaggie Eborn about 1875
AwaltBonnie Fborn about 1939
AwaltEleanor born about 1929
AwaltEmma born about 1937
AwaltGertrude born about 1906
AwaltJohn Cborn about 1903
AwaltLloyd born about 1927
AwaltMarshal born about 1933
AzureErnest born about 1917
AzureJames born about 1936
AzureMary born about 1921
AzureMary Dborn about 1938

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B Surnames

BaileyMaria Vborn about 1908
BaileySharon Lborn about 1939
BaileyVance Aborn about 1928
BaileyVirgie Lborn about 1907
BaileyWayne Lborn about 1930
BakerAlfred born about 1895
BakerLizzie born about 1904
BakerMary Hborn about 1923
BakkenArthur Eborn about 1914
BakkenIrene born about 1920
BauneFlora born about 1919
BauneJeanne born about 1939
BauneOrphio Hborn about 1912
BaxstromCurtis Rborn about 1938
BaxstromLena Eborn about 1917
BaxstromVernon Eborn about 1906
BedardAlbert Rborn about 1917
BedardHannah Lborn about 1917
BedardJohn born about 1886
BedardLouise Gborn about 1886
BedardLucier Aborn about 1911
BedardMarvel Cborn about 1927
BedarkGayl born about 1939
BedarkHope Eborn about 1919
BedarkRene Rborn about 1916
BeeterCarol Iborn about 1930
BeeterJennie Aborn about 1903
BeeterRuth Aborn about 1928
BelgardeAlbert born about 1891
BelgardeClifford born about 1939
BelgardeCollin born about 1931
BelgardeDoris born about 1936
BelgardeFrankie born about 1929
BelgardeJoe born about 1923
BelgardeLouise born about 1935
BelgardeMabel born about 1925
BelgardeMary born about 1902
BelgardeMary born about 1932
BelgardeMary Lborn about 1939
BelgardePat born about 1931
BelgardeRaymond born about 1933
BelgardeRose Aborn about 1910
BelgardeRoy born about 1928
BelgardeStevens born about 1937
BellSue Lborn about 1885
BengtsonMary Jborn about 1911
BergAgnes Lborn about 1904
BergAmanda born about 1883
BergCarl born about 1909
BergClarence Aborn about 1905
BergClayton born about 1933
BergDarrel Eborn about 1933
BergDewggne born about 1934
BergHarlon born about 1936
BergJoyce born about 1924
BergMarvin born about 1930
BergOrville Eborn about 1912
BergViolet Pborn about 1911
BerubeFortune born about 1917
BoehnerJohn born about 1915
BotkinMargaret born about 1920
BotkinMurry born about 1910
BradfordAlexander born about 1875
BradfordAvis born about 1932
BradfordLaura born about 1908
BradfordOlga born about 1936
BratlardKnute born about 1906
BrekkeJoan Mborn about 1936
BrekkeLeonard Nborn about 1911
BrekkeVivian Jborn about 1916
BrekkeWarren Lborn about 1935
BrekkeWinnifred born about 1937
BrownLloyd Jborn about 1917
BuchananLogan Jborn about 1884
BurchamClarence born about 1939
BurchamClarence Rborn about 1915
BurchamDorothy born about 1929
BurchamElla born about 1905
BurchamElvin born about 1924
BurchamFreddie born about 1931
BurchamHarold born about 1938
BurchamJames Lborn about 1901
BurchamLillian born about 1927
BurchamMaggie born about 1881
BurchamMarion born about 1870
BurchamMarion Fborn about 1937
BurchamMaynard born about 1906
BurchamNora Aborn about 1915
BurchamOtto born about 1932
BurchamWilliam born about 1935
BurchanCarol born about 1936
BurchanClifford born about 1912
BurchanNora born about 1918
BurgueLucien born about 1902
BushongJennie born about 1876

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C Surnames

CainLucy born about 1873
CampbellAlan Wborn about 1925
CampbellViolet Nborn about 1895
CampbellWilliam Pborn about 1896
CannonKathryn Eborn about 1910
CannonRichard Eborn about 1931
CannonWilliam Eborn about 1905
CarlsonClarissa born about 1911
CassidyThomas Jborn about 1877
ChabotVernon born about 1919
CornerAdah Cborn about 1894
CornerBruce Hborn about 1928
CornerElmer Bborn about 1890
CornerGene Gborn about 1922
CornerKeita Dborn about 1933
CornerWillard Dborn about 1918
CoteAdeline Cborn about 1917
CoteAlfred Jborn about 1907
CoteJoy Aborn about 1940
CountsBettie born about 1935
CountsErnest Tborn about 1897
CountsEugene born about 1936
CountsHelen born about 1908
CountsLewis born about 1933
CountsLloyd Jborn about 1930
CountsMary Lborn about 1929
CountsRoy born about 1931
CountsSarah Lborn about 1861
CountsVan T born about 1928
CreeCatherine born about 1913
CreeCecelia born about 1925
CreeCharlie born about 1896
CreeLaura born about 1924
CreeRose born about 1909
CreeSilvia born about 1928
CreeThomas born about 1900
CreeWalter born about 1932
CreeWilmer born about 1932
CulbertBlanch born about 1916
CulbertCharles born about 1917

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D Surnames

DaillyErnest Oborn about 1917
DaillyLucille Rborn about 1916
DaillyRobert born about 1939
DaillyYvonne born about 1896
DanielsonPeter Cborn about 1880
DanielsonRanveg Eborn about 1890
DanielsonRuth Eborn about 1921
DayCecelia born about 1927
DayDonald born about 1921
DayElva born about 1939
DayEva born about 1903
DayJohn born about 1894
DayMildred born about 1936
DayWalter born about 1935
DccouteanAlice born about 1917
DccouteanEmilie born about 1882
DccouteanJames Jr born about 1917
DelormeClarence born about 1922
DelormeElizabeth born about 1889
DelormeFrancis born about 1920
DelormeJoseph Lborn about 1896
DelormeMartin born about 1923
DelormeMary born about 1912
DemaraisElizabeth born about 1895
DemaraisFred born about 1864
DemaraisGilbert born about 1924
DemaraisRobert born about 1919
DemaraisStella born about 1925
DemaraisWilmar born about 1921
DeschampEnna born about 1901
DeschampIsrael born about 1891
DeschampJohn Lborn about 1936
DietrichtKntionatte born about 1915
DionAlfred Jborn about 1892
DionDidace born about 1860
DionRose born about 1858
DionneCharles Tborn about 1922
DolandAylgss Mborn about 1923
DolandEmma Jborn about 1902
DolandLloyd Sborn about 1899
DolandLloyd Jr born about 1927
DoneClara born about 1908
DouglasHarry born about 1887
DouglasLena born about 1885
DougllasJohn Jborn about 1860
DreggeAlice born about 1915
DuboisFrank born about 1854
DucharmeMary born about 1884
DuchenncanAlexander born about 1916
DuchenncanElaine born about 1939
DuchenncanEsther born about 1920
DuchesneanRozilda born about 1911

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E Surnames

EgebertHanna born about 1852
EgebertHartha born about 1910
EgebertJames Vborn about 1898
EgobertAdrian Gborn about 1892
EgobertAllen Eborn about 1919
EgobertEthel born about 1899
EngbergElmer Eborn about 1911
EvansCecela Mborn about 1894
EvansHelen born about 1927
EvansJanet born about 1918
EvansJoseph born about 1932
EvansMyrom born about 1921
EvansOle born about 1883
EvansRodney born about 1934
EvansWilliam Rborn about 1917

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F Surnames

FassettClara Jborn about 1906
FassettClark Kborn about 1940
FassettDarrel born about 1929
FassettGene Nborn about 1929
FassettKate born about 1900
FassettNorman born about 1924
FassettPercy Sborn about 1907
FassettWilliam Tborn about 1920
FassettWilmar born about 1894
FeistOdelia born about 1871
FepAlfred Eborn about 1901
FepCleltzer born about 1932
FepJackie born about 1930
FepLois born about 1928
FepMaria born about 1906
FepNancy born about 1936
FepRoy born about 1926
FisherGenevieve Fborn about 1868
FjevstadCharles Pborn about 1911
FjevstadElsie Eborn about 1919
FjevstadRobert Oborn about 1940
FontaineErnest Eborn about 1886
FontaineLarry Eborn about 1940
FontaineLydia Eborn about 1921
FulterLester born about 1915
FultonAmos born about 1930
FultonLizotte born about 1899
FultonVelma born about 1931
FyallFrancis born about 1910
FyallThomas Hborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GagnerAugust born about 1864
GagnonAdeline born about 1876
GagnonAnthony born about 1940
GagnonClifford born about 1937
GagnonEdmund born about 1861
GagnonEva born about 1916
GagnonRoderick born about 1917
GagnorSusanne born about 1915
GagnorVernon Oborn about 1915
GagrerFrank born about 1888
GagrerHerby born about 1921
GagrerJoan born about 1937
GagrerMarian born about 1925
GagrerNoem born about 1895
GillisAngelia born about 1939
GillisClifford born about 1933
GillisFrank born about 1924
GillisFreddie born about 1936
GillisGeraldine born about 1938
GillisJohn born about 1901
GillisLucy born about 1914
GillisMargaret born about 1934
GillisMary Annborn about 1900
GillisMildred born about 1928
GillisRaymond born about 1926
GillisViola born about 1925
GordonBeverly Jborn about 1938
GordonCharlie born about 1884
GordonHoward born about 1912
GordonJohn born about 1916
GordonKenneth born about 1939
GordonLily born about 1917
GordonLucy born about 1861
GottbrehtAlma Mborn about 1918
GottbrehtColleen born about 1936
GottbrehtDale Lborn about 1911
GottbrehtDelores born about 1934
GottbrehtDonald born about 1930
GottbrehtEmma Jborn about 1940
GottbrehtEthel Mborn about 1907
GottbrehtEvelyn Eborn about 1898
GottbrehtFrank born about 1862
GottbrehtGeorge Fborn about 1893
GottbrehtJohn born about 1890
GottbrehtMarilyn born about 1929
GottbrehtShirley Mborn about 1933
GottbrehtWilliam born about 1869
GottbrehtWilliam born about 1940
GottbrehtWilliam Jr born about 1907
GrahamArchie born about 1917
GrahamNettie born about 1876
GrahamRaymond born about 1913
GrierJohn Mckinleyborn about 1899
GrimmeCarl born about 1905
GrimmeConley born about 1936
GrimmeKathaleen born about 1917
GuamEvelyn Mborn about 1920
GuamKaren Rborn about 1939
GuamMyer Lborn about 1918
GunvilleAlbert born about 1920
GunvillePatrick born about 1875
GunvilleZilda born about 1873
GustafsonAnna Mauorittaborn about 1923

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H Surnames

HaagensenAmanda born about 1879
HaagensenHans born about 1876
HaagensenHenry born about 1873
HackEmil born about 1872
HackbarthOscar Kborn about 1921
HaganAgnes born about 1891
HaganAlbert born about 1914
HaganClarence born about 1915
HaganErvin born about 1922
HaganHenry Cborn about 1885
HaganJoyce born about 1930
HaganLawrence born about 1918
HaganLeland born about 1932
HaganLorraine born about 1924
HaganThelma born about 1930
HaganThomas born about 1935
HalvorsonArthur Hborn about 1914
HalvorsonDonald Sborn about 1936
HalvorsonLaura Mborn about 1906
HansonHenry born about 1873
HassenAudrey born about 1932
HassenEmil born about 1890
HassenHazel born about 1902
HassenNeil born about 1930
HauserEva Aborn about 1904
HenrixCarroll born about 1923
HenrixCora born about 1882
HenrixDorothy born about 1919
HenrixLila born about 1940
HenrixOle born about 1874
HenrixWilbur born about 1922
HigginsAlida born about 1897
HigginsEmily Aborn about 1906
HigginsFrancis born about 1902
HigginsHanna born about 1921
HigginsPatricia Rborn about 1935
HillAlfred Fborn about 1876
HillChester born about 1912
HillElva Mborn about 1940
HillKenneth Aborn about 1938
HillLloyd born about 1924
HillLucy born about 1880
HillMary Bborn about 1915
HillVernolle Mborn about 1939
HillsDiana Kborn about 1899
HillsDonna Louborn about 1932
HillsJohn Wborn about 1901
HillsJoyce Jborn about 1926
HobbsAlice born about 1866
HobbsAllen Tborn about 1904
HobbsEtta born about 1911
HobbsHarvey born about 1929
HobbsJohn born about 1856
HobbsViola born about 1936
HommeClara born about 1908
HorsmanAlfred Jborn about 1865
HorsmanAnn Nborn about 1876
HorsmanBrice Lborn about 1926
HorsmanCora born about
HorsmanEldora Aborn about 1933
HorsmanErnest Jborn about 1903
HorsmanEunice Mborn about 1932
HorsmanFern born about 1905
HorsmanLois Lborn about 1928
HorsmanMurriel Eborn about 1930
HorsmanOrissa Gborn about 1924
HosmerDonald Eborn about 1934
HosmerInez Aborn about 1908
HosmerJanet born about 1916
HosmerJohn Eborn about 1907
HosmerRobert Cborn about 1911
HosmerRobert Dborn about 1938
HosmerWilliam Dborn about 1913
HosmerWilliam Eborn about 1878
HosmerWilliam Jborn about 1931
HosmerWinifred Eborn about 1885
HouleAnnie born about 1879
HunterEthel Ganevieveborn about 1901
HunterFrancis Raymondborn about 1887
HunterJennie Maeborn about 1887

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J Surnames

JannsonIda born about 1881
JannsonWilliam Mborn about 1883
JensvoldClifford Aivianborn about 1913
JevneHanna born about 1911
JohnsonCaremella Sborn about 1901
JohnsonCharles Eborn about 1930
JohnsonJohn born about 1892
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1920
JohnsonJohn Jborn about 1877
JohnsonJuanita Dborn about 1940
JohnsonJulius born about 1859
JohnsonLois Oborn about 1914
JohnsonLoretta Lborn about 1923
JohnsonMorris born about 1921
JohnsonMorris Pborn about 1914
JohnsonRobert Jborn about 1922
JohnsonRoger Aborn about 1926
JohnsonShirley Mborn about 1934
JohnsonStella born about 1902
JohnsonWalter Eborn about 1932
JohnsonWarren Jborn about 1924
JoliboisColleen born about 1933
JoliboisDonald born about 1935
JoliboisLeslie born about 1931
JoliboisMarian born about 1896
JoliboisViolet born about 1928

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K Surnames

KadryHelga born about 1903
KadrySeid born about 1896
KakopiMts born about 1861
KeelingCassie born about 1865
KeelingJennie born about 1909
KeelingRobert born about 1938
KeelingWilbur Eborn about 1908
KerbekAlice born about 1935
KerbekAnn born about 1932
KerbekArthur born about 1892
KerbekHarold born about 1922
KerbekJean born about 1934
KerbekLorna born about 1930
KerbekVera born about 1910
KesterMarjorie born about 1917
KesterOrmal born about 1915
KinslandIone Ettaborn about 1909
KlangAlfred born about 1901
KlangAlice born about 1918
KlangArla born about 1937
KlangErnest Vborn about 1908
KlangNels born about 1897
KlangViola born about 1935
KlangWayne born about 1938
KorbalAlfred Hborn about 1915
KorbalAlida born about 1918
KorbalJudith born about 1939
KotschevarLillie Mborn about 1884
KullAngelina born about 1916
KullRichard Rborn about 1939
KullRoy Lborn about 1912
KullSheegl Aborn about 1940

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L Surnames

LacompteBernice born about 1925
LacompteCloris born about 1931
LacompteDeleen born about 1927
LacompteDorotheann born about 1922
LacompteElmer born about 1929
LacompteMaggie born about 1900
LacompteMarice born about 1934
LadouceurArthur born about 1880
LadouceurHattie Bborn about 1900
LadouceurRaymond born about 1920
LadouceurRuth born about 1919
LadouceurSilvia born about 1924
LafranceElsie born about 1913
LafranceJoseph born about 1872
LafranceMary Lborn about 1877
LajemodioraAlicide born about 1905
LajemodioraAnnie born about 1868
LajemodioraFrancis born about 1923
LajemodioraJoseph born about 1878
LajemodioraOvide born about 1908
LakeRay Rborn about 1904
LamourcoutEmma Cborn about 1901
LamourcoutJoseph Eborn about 1893
LamourenpAlbert born about 1908
LamourenpAlpha born about 1913
LamoureuxAlminda born about 1866
LamoureuxArlene born about 1937
LamoureuxCharles Jborn about 1896
LamoureuxElizabeth Aborn about 1932
LamoureuxGerald born about 1939
LamoureuxJay born about 1936
LamoureuxLeo Aborn about 1907
LamoureuxLeonora Aborn about 1904
LamoureuxOlive Lborn about 1899
LamoureuxOvila Oborn about 1889
LandsverkHoward born about 1926
LandsverkKnute born about 1891
LandsverkLawrence born about 1909
LandsverkMarjorie born about 1939
LandsverkMarvin born about 1925
LandsverkMinnie born about 1896
LandsvertBorghild born about 1921
LanmuranAnn Lborn about 1938
LanmuranDorothy Fborn about 1934
LanmuranEdith Bborn about 1908
LanmuranLionel Hborn about 1902
LarocqueArthur Pborn about 1923
LarocqueDaniel born about 1924
LarocqueElizabeth born about 1926
LarocqueEugene Dborn about 1934
LarocqueJames Eborn about 1935
LarocqueJerome Mborn about 1917
LarocqueJoe born about 1908
LarocqueKathleen Mborn about 1929
LarocqueMaryl born about 1893
LarocquePaul born about 1921
LarocquePeter Jborn about 1876
LarocqueWilliam Rborn about 1931
LarsonEsther Rborn about 1916
LarsonGeorge Eborn about 1938
LarsonGeorgina born about 1856
LarsonHarry Hborn about 1909
LarsonIver born about 1894
LawrenceRose born about 1893
LawrenceWilliam born about 1882
LeGurda born about 1909
LeIvor Aborn about 1909
LillebyArnold Tborn about 1898
LillebyHattie Kborn about 1908
LillebyLois Cborn about 1934
LinkClaris Mborn about 1915
LinkPeter Aborn about 1910
LizotteEny born about 1917
LynchArla Arla Anna Maeborn about 1934
LynchAudrey born about 1926
LynchBeverly Lborn about 1934
LynchClementine born about 1937
LynchEdith born about 1920
LynchEmma born about 1909
LynchGermaine born about 1933
LynchIrving Fborn about 1906
LynchRichard born about 1939
LyndeElla born about 1902
LyndeLillian born about 1931
LyndeLouis born about 1897
LyndeLouis Jr born about 1934
LyndeMarvin born about 1938
LyndeMavis born about 1929
LyndePercy born about 1923
LyndeViadel born about 1932
LyndeWallace born about 1927

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M Surnames

MaateeDorothy born about 1911
MaateeFrank born about 1905
MaateeGary Gborn about 1932
MaateeJanet Rborn about 1935
MaateeMichael Dborn about 1937
MaateePatricia Aborn about 1930
MachipinessEliza born about 1921
MafarlaneCarol Nborn about 1935
MafarlaneColleon born about 1937
MafarlaneDarla born about 1939
MafarlaneEarl Cborn about 1909
MafarlaneMary born about 1911
MaginerArlene Mborn about 1926
MaginerGeorgian born about 1922
MaginerGerald Mborn about 1929
MaginerGrace Eborn about 1906
MaginerHarold Nborn about 1924
MangeonEstelle Cborn about 1918
MangeonLeos born about 1915
MartinGordon born about 1914
MasseEdward born about 1868
MasseEmma born about 1873
McCloudMary born about 1889
McCoyDan born about 1882
McCoyRobert born about 1910
McDernettCarl born about 1897
McDernettColleen born about 1937
McDernettDorothy born about 1925
McDernettLula born about 1903
McDernettRuth born about 1923
McDernettWillard Cborn about 1924
McGillElizabeth born about 1856
McHughDaniel Dborn about 1879
McHughLouise born about 1889
McTcalfeClifford born about 1924
McTcalfeJean born about 1930
McTcalfeLeona born about 1922
McTcalfeRose born about 1889
MedlangArlene born about 1928
MedlangClara born about 1893
MedlangIver born about 1885
MedlangKenneth Nborn about 1921
MedlangThelma Lborn about 1924
MedlangVernon Oborn about 1920
MelhusPearl Gborn about 1919
MichaelLaura born about 1879
MichaelT Cborn about 1868
MilhousePeter born about 1861
MillerBernice born about 1913
MillerCharlie Cborn about 1893
MillerGlenn Cborn about 1914
MillerMary Vborn about 1894
MillerMeredith Eborn about 1939
MillerRonald Gborn about 1938
MoenAdolph born about 1898
MoenAlbert born about 1888
MolgardAlfred Cborn about 1892
MolgardAlfred Eborn about 1920
MolgardAnna born about 1905
MolgardHarold Dborn about 1925
MolgardMarlena Aborn about 1932
MolgardRobert Jborn about 1928
MolgardWayne Aborn about 1930
MorlanHenry Jborn about 1880
MorlanMaude Eborn about 1900
MorrayAnna Mborn about 1906
MorrayJohn Fborn about 1905
MorrayJohn Fborn about 1926
MorrayLeo Gborn about 1928
MorrayMary Aborn about 1924
MurrayDonna Jr born about 1934
MurrayGeorge born about 1933
MurrayGeorge E Jrborn about 1909
MurrayGeorge E Srborn about 1875
MurrayGray born about 1937
MurrayHelen born about 1909
MurrayMarlene born about 1932
MurrayMary born about 1886
MurrayRoger born about 1935
MurryEnetser Cborn about 1925
MurryEstelle Mborn about 1896
MurryRaymond Hborn about 1891
MyhreDouglas Dborn about 1939
MyhreEvelyn Eborn about 1916
MyhreJohn Bborn about 1909
MyhreJohn Eborn about 1890
MyhreJohn Tborn about 1936
MyhreKenneth born about 1923
MyhreMargaret born about 1886
MyhreMargaret Mborn about 1925
MyhreTarry Rborn about 1937

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N Surnames

NelsonAlma born about 1909
NelsonAlvin born about 1938
NelsonArlene Aborn about 1921
NelsonBarbarra Jborn about 1875
NelsonCarl born about 1918
NelsonDee Rborn about 1930
NelsonDelores born about 1929
NelsonElaine born about 1935
NelsonEldora born about 1939
NelsonEthel born about 1937
NelsonFloyd Hborn about 1893
NelsonHarvey born about 1937
NelsonHelen born about 1916
NelsonHenry Cborn about 1905
NelsonIrene Hborn about 1902
NelsonJohn born about 1922
NelsonJohn Hborn about 1878
NelsonKenneth born about 1932
NelsonMarie born about 1887
NelsonMarie born about 1925
NelsonMildred born about 1926
NelsonNoris born about 1940
NelsonOrrin born about 1889
NorquayBernard born about 1906
NorquayEllen born about 1931
NorquayEmma born about 1934
NorquayFlorence born about 1914
NorquayFlorence born about 1915
NorquayIlene Mborn about 1939
NorquayJames born about 1910
NorquayJeraldine born about 1939
NorquayViolet born about 1936
NorquayWalter Jborn about 1933

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O Surnames

OakesGeorge Rborn about 1890
OakesLeon born about 1893
OakesLily born about 1884
OlsonEdwin Mborn about 1915
OlsonHarriet born about 1934
OlsonHarry born about 1904
OlsonHazel Sborn about 1916
OlsonHelen born about 1916
OlsonJunior Hborn about 1940
OlsonMagnus born about 1907
OlsonSelma Cborn about 1896
OstineMts born about 1861
OvittCharles Tborn about 1913
OvittDelores born about 1918
OvittNancy Rborn about 1938

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P Surnames

PageElenora born about 1914
ParentGean Tborn about 1887
ParisienCecalia born about 1912
ParisienDoris born about 1934
ParisienEllen born about 1939
ParisienEugene born about 1937
ParisienJanet Vborn about 1940
ParisienJean Bborn about 1904
ParisienLeona born about 1933
ParisienTheresa born about 1936
PedersonBertha born about 1923
PedersonEmil born about 1880
PedersonEven Eborn about 1919
PedersonMartha born about 1891
PedersonOliver born about 1926
PedersonVenhart Mborn about 1921
PeltierAgnes born about 1905
PeltierAlvina born about 1930
PeltierFrancis born about 1939
PeltierGenevieve born about 1934
PeltierGeorge born about 1927
PeltierHenry born about 1928
PeltierJohn born about 1890
PeltierMary born about 1900
PeltierMary born about 1923
PeltierMary Louiseborn about 1924
PeltierStanley born about 1932
PetersonLile Mborn about 1880
PetersonLudrick Fborn about 1866
PetersonSparve born about 1872
PhelpsAlex born about 1872
PhelpsBertha born about 1935
PhelpsCoy born about 1895
PhelpsHiel born about 1928
PhelpsIda born about 1910
PhelpsLeda born about 1930
PhelpsNancy born about 1874
PhelpsNancy born about 1932
PickensAlbert Fborn about 1876
PickensCarolyn born about 1891
PilloudEdward born about 1874
PilloudTheresa Mborn about 1906
PlanteElmire born about 1864
PlanteEugene born about 1889
PlanteRose born about 1905
PoitraLucille born about 1936
PoliquinAda Dborn about 1904
PoliquinBeulah Mborn about 1926
PoliquinDoreen Lborn about 1924
PoliquinJoseph born about 1897
PressmanAlbert Rborn about 1884
PressmanMelba born about 1918
PressmanOna Mborn about 1892

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R Surnames

RasmussenAlfred born about 1940
RasmussenClarence Aborn about 1882
RasmussenNealy born about 1901
RebroClara Leolaborn about 1919
RicahrdCathrine born about 1911
RicahrdPeter born about 1934
RicahrdPeter Oborn about 1906
RobbllendElvena born about 1924
RobbllendHenry born about 1875
RobbllendJames Wborn about 1940
RobbllendWilliam born about 1912
RobertBeatrice Aborn about 1909
RobertHenry Sborn about 1905
RobertsArthur born about 1906
RobsonGeorge Gborn about 1921
RobsonViolet born about 1922
RohmonGuay Sborn about 1895
RohmonPearl born about 1900
RugeOtis born about 1921

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S Surnames

SamskiMartin born about 1889
SandersDavid born about 1916
SandersHenrietta born about 1920
SandersLedena born about 1918
SandersLee born about 1926
SandersSarah Lborn about 1893
SandersWilliam born about 1924
SchimetyLouis born about 1921
SchneiderBette Janeborn about 1937
SchneiderDoris born about 1930
SchneiderDorothy born about 1925
SchneiderEileen born about 1927
SchneiderElizabeth born about 1880
SchneiderHenry born about 1906
SchneiderIrene Nborn about 1934
SchneiderMelvina born about 1909
SchneiderPeter Sr born about 1878
SchneiderPeter Sr born about 1901
SchneiderSophie born about 1910
SchneiderStanley born about 1935
SchneiderWarren born about 1923
SchneiderWesley born about 1921
SchneidermanArthur born about 1897
SchneidermanEarl born about 1939
SchneidermanGene born about 1936
SchneidermanGlen born about 1931
SchneidermanMarie born about 1911
SchuchardEdward Oborn about 1896
SchwabeCharlotte Cborn about 1893
SchwabeDale Eborn about 1923
SchwabeFlorence born about 1926
SchwabeForrest Wborn about 1922
SchwabeHattie Eborn about 1886
SchwabeHoward Lborn about 1919
SchwabeLouis Wborn about 1897
SchwabeWilliam Pborn about 1874
ScorgieChristine born about 1917
ScorgieDorothy born about 1938
ScorgieHarold born about 1912
ScorgieLe Roy born about 1939
SharrattArchie born about 1898
SharrattCharley Sborn about 1920
SharrattChristine born about 1898
SharrattElla Jborn about 1925
SharrattFlorence born about 1931
SharrattGladys Mborn about 1926
SharrattLloyd Lborn about 1921
SharrattPearl Mborn about 1928
SharrattWilliam born about 1872
SharrattWilliam Aborn about 1939
ShelverAnabelle Eborn about 1904
ShelverBarry Lborn about 1938
ShelverGlen Dborn about 1903
SimmonsBruce Gborn about 1923
SimmonsElsie Gborn about 1896
SimmonsEugene Fborn about 1925
SimmonsEugeneg born about 1898
SimmonsGrace Eborn about 1928
SimmonsPatricia Mborn about 1927
SineKassam born about 1892
SineMargarie born about 1903
SitkoFrank born about 1906
SmithAlfred Wborn about 1915
SmithAudrey born about 1916
SmithDorothy Aborn about 1936
SmithLloyd Aborn about 1902
SmithMarlys Lborn about 1939
SmithMay born about 1902
StadheimLorriane born about 1919
StandingChief born about 1863
StandingMary born about 1868
StclaireCatherine born about 1923
StclaireCharlie born about 1915
StclaireChristine born about 1934
StclaireElva born about 1921
StclaireEmma born about 1907
StclaireErnest born about 1926
StclaireJulian born about 1916
StclaireLouis born about 1914
StclaireMary born about 1931
StclairePeter Pborn about 1939
StclaireVelma born about 1939
StclaireVeronica born about 1881
StclaireWilliam born about 1890
StebnerErna born about 1910
StebnerHerman Rborn about 1907
StebnerMarlo born about 1938
SticklandMartin born about 1939
StordalenMatlilda born about 1917
StordalenOscar Hborn about 1909
StpierreChristine born about 1936
StpierreMary born about 1932
StpierreRose born about 1927
StpierreSeraphine born about 1930
StpierreWalter born about 1934
SunderlandDonna born about 1935
SunderlandFlorence Eborn about 1904
SunderlandHenry born about 1895
SunderlandPatricia born about 1931
SunderlandShirley born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TealIrene born about 1901
TealSpencer Cborn about 1929
TealWilliam Aborn about 1896
TennancourEmelia born about 1894
TennancourGladys born about 1920
TennancourIlene born about 1923
TennancourJohn born about 1913
TennancourLila born about 1927
TennancourRoland Gborn about 1920
TennancourShirley born about 1939
TennancourViolet born about 1919
TennanonAlice born about 1920
ThickeThomas Rborn about 1891
ThomasJean born about 1918
ThomasLouise born about 1938
ThomasOrville born about 1918
TippenhauerCarrie born about 1881
TippenhauerFred born about 1886
TobinasJoe born about 1925
TobinasLester born about 1920
TobinasMary born about 1874
TobinasMary Jborn about 1908
TobinasPaul born about 1936
TobinasRoy born about 1922
TookeDonald born about 1931
TookeKenneth born about 1924
TookeMarlene born about 1933
TookeNellie Eborn about 1918
TookeRussell born about 1928
TrudellEdward Jborn about 1893
TurcotteAdele born about 1890
TurcotteAlbert born about 1924
TurcotteAlfred born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VenbertPeter born about 1882

W Surnames

WahlderCharles Dborn about 1924
WahlderMadel Uborn about 1898
WahlderMarjorie Gborn about 1930
WahlderMartin Kborn about 1896
WaldronFred born about 1916
WaldronHenry born about 1927
WaldronJule born about 1882
WaldronJulia born about 1884
WaldronLouis born about 1924
WalferHerman born about 1853
WalkerRollie Bborn about 1914
WatkinCharles Cborn about 1917
WatkinsCarol born about 1928
WatkinsCharles Eborn about 1880
WatkinsElaine born about 1938
WatkinsHarriet Aborn about 1875
WatkinsHelen Eborn about 1909
WatkinsJeannine born about 1930
WatkinsMurl born about 1933
WeirickWilliam Louisborn about 1917
WenstadLawrence born about 1912
WentlandAlice Mborn about 1904
WentlandChris born about 1868
WentlandDelphine born about 1929
WentlandShirley born about 1932
WheelerDelores born about 1937
WheelerHoward Jborn about 1908
WheelerMaxine Lborn about 1908
WilliamsAnna Bborn about 1902
WilliamsCarl Vborn about 1932
WilliamsCharles Eborn about 1932
WilliamsGertrude Eborn about 1929
WilliamsGlenn Iborn about 1896
WilliamsGlenn Jr born about 1935
WilliamsJanice Eborn about 1939
WilliamsJarry born about 1936
WilliamsNeva Aborn about 1923
WilliamsRichard Aborn about 1931
WilliamsRuby Iborn about 1911
WilliamsThomas Vborn about 1909
WilliamsWayne Lborn about 1921
WilsonAlbert Rborn about 1888
WilsonFlorence born about 1898
WilsonHoward Aborn about 1922
WilsonJesse Cborn about 1893
WilsonJesse Cborn about 1928
WilsonLudrie born about 1926
WilsonMargaret Cborn about 1930
WilsonRay born about 1884
WilsonRobert Aborn about 1932
WilsonSophie born about 1892
WilsonVida Vborn about 1907
WilsonWilliam Aborn about 1931
WittmierDonald born about 1932
WittmierDora born about 1923
WittmierFlorence born about 1930
WittmierMyrtle born about 1902
WittmierWilliam born about 1901
WrightCharles Eborn about 1871
WrightEthel born about 1870
WrightManie Fborn about 1885
WrightWilliam Eborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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