1940 U.S. Federal Census of Glacier, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Glacier

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AnwilerGordon born about 1927
AnwilerHenry born about 1889
AnwilerKate born about 1894
AnwilerMary born about 1901
AnwilerRichard born about 1924
AnwilerRobert born about 1897

B Surnames

BurkeMartin born about 1890

D Surnames

DunwoodieEarl Lborn about 1928
DunwoodieHazel Fborn about 1926
DunwoodieRalph born about 1924
DunwoodieWalter Jborn about 1893
DunwoodieWanda born about 1897

E Surnames

EdingerBenjamin Jborn about 1919
EdingerChristina born about 1901
EdingerClayton born about 1924
EdingerJohn Jborn about 1881
EdingerJulius born about 1897
EdingerLillian born about 1918
EdingerMarcella Jborn about 1927
EdingerMartin Rborn about 1922
EdingerReuben Eborn about 1905
EdingerViola Vborn about 1921

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F Surnames

FarrellBetty Jborn about 1931
FarrellFrank Eborn about 1927
FarrellGerald Mborn about 1929
FarrellJames Fborn about 1887
FarrellPeter Jborn about 1925
FarrellTed Pborn about 1928
FarrellVelma Eborn about 1897
FrognerAlfred born about 1926
FrognerEdd born about 1880
FrognerEmanuel born about 1919
FrognerEmma born about 1892

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G Surnames

GrayJack born about 1871

H Surnames

HagerAmalia born about 1907
HagerReinholt born about 1888
HagerSofia Mborn about 1934
HanatLucilla Wborn about 1918
HazerArdene Pborn about 1934
HazerDouglas born about 1938
HazerIrvin Hborn about 1911
HazerPearl Mborn about 1910
HenningsVergil born about 1916
HertelChrist Tborn about 1897
HertelDaniel born about 1911
HertelEmil born about 1918
HertelFlorence born about 1920
HertelHenry Wborn about 1939
HertelJames Eborn about 1938
HertelKatharina born about 1879
HertelWilliam born about 1917

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K Surnames

KaiserDan Cborn about 1909
KaiserOdelia born about 1915
KaniaAndrew born about 1890

L Surnames

LeondBetty Dborn about 1933
LeondFrancilla born about 1934
LeondFrancis born about 1910
LeondIda born about 1915
LeondJerry born about 1938
LeondLawrence born about 1936
LutzFranklin Jborn about 1927
LutzJohn Aborn about 1893
LutzRobert Eborn about 1923
LutzTessie born about 1900

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M Surnames

McKainePerry born about 1915
MehringAlice born about 1929
MehringCharles Jborn about 1932
MehringCharles Tborn about 1902
MehringHarry Rborn about 1927
MehringHerman born about 1910
MehringVera Mborn about 1908

P Surnames

PercellClayton Aborn about 1933
PercellDoris born about 1925
PercellEarl Jborn about 1891
PercellGladys born about 1906
PercellJaunita Wborn about 1930
PercellNorma Rborn about 1926
PercellRolla Aborn about 1929
PercellRosemary born about 1937
PercellWallace Aborn about 1931
PeterbaughAbe Cborn about 1896
PeterbaughCarrie Aborn about 1936
PeterbaughDorothy born about 1920
PeterbaughGerald Wborn about 1937
PeterbaughJames Aborn about 1938
PeterbaughLawrence born about 1939
PolriesAnna born about 1880
PolriesCharles born about 1924
PolriesClarence born about 1921
PolriesJohn born about 1866
ProffLela born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RidenEtta Mborn about 1900
RidenRobert born about 1921
RidenWilliam Mborn about 1897
RosemanBertha born about 1882
RosemanDwaine Nborn about 1939
RosemanEster Rborn about 1918
RosemanForest Mborn about 1911
RosemanPhyllis born about 1938

S Surnames

SchazzerAudrey born about 1937
SchazzerBeatrice born about 1918
SchazzerMarvin born about 1936
SchazzerRonald born about 1938
SchazzerWilliam Cborn about 1914
SchechCyril Vborn about 1931
SchechElaine Cborn about 1939
SchechElla born about 1908
SchechJohn Jborn about 1909
SchechLyle Lborn about 1934
SchechStanley Sborn about 1932
SchochChrist born about 1910
SchochRobert born about 1933
SchochSadie born about 1911
SchochVernon born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZenkeElvin born about 1936
ZenkeErvin born about 1926
ZenkeFred Wborn about 1905
ZenkeMargie born about 1934
ZenkeMarvin born about 1932
ZenkeSarah born about 1905
ZenkeSherley Jborn about
ZenkeViolet born about 1929
ZimmermanAlice Sborn about 1904
ZimmermanDavid Lborn about 1927
ZimmermanHarry born about 1899
ZimmermanMargaret born about
ZimmermanMary Aborn about 1925
ZimmermanRobert Aborn about 1922

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