1940 U.S. Federal Census of Love Tree, Golden Valley, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Golden Valley County > 1940 Census of Love Tree

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamClara born about 1913
AbrahamElmer born about 1907
AnthonyCharles Cborn about 1893
AnthonyHarold Eborn about 1933
AnthonyLeland Rborn about 1930
AnthonyLois Mborn about 1921
AnthonyMay Sborn about 1893
AnthonyViolet Cborn about 1921

B Surnames

BaresAnna Mborn about 1879
BaresAnthony Hborn about 1888
BaresLaura Fborn about 1911
BaresLeo Lborn about 1940
BaresLorenz Jborn about 1937
BaresLuciel Tborn about 1921
BaresNorbert Hborn about 1911
BaresVictor Jborn about 1920
BaresWilliam Aborn about 1935
BarthelCatherine Jborn about 1898
BarthelChristine Aborn about 1927
BarthelDelphine born about 1909
BarthelDorothy born about 1930
BarthelDorthy born about 1911
BarthelHarold born about 1915
BarthelHelen Mborn about 1924
BarthelJames born about 1935
BarthelJohn Aborn about 1884
BarthelLeona Iborn about 1933
BarthelLillian Rborn about 1936
BarthelLorance Jborn about 1927
BarthelMary Annborn about 1932
BarthelMary Cborn about 1884
BarthelMinnie born about 1887
BarthelPaul Hborn about 1916
BarthelRaymond Jborn about 1928
BarthelRichart born about 1937
BarthelSylvester Aborn about 1918
BarthelToney Aborn about 1894
BarthelVonce Mborn about 1935
BarthelWillian Bborn about 1882
BergLendla Cborn about 1916
BlairClanence Wborn about 1908
BlairCora Mborn about 1916
BlairDale Aborn about 1939
BoehlkeBarbra born about 1889
BoehlkeBernard born about 1930
BoehlkeEunice Dborn about 1928
BoehlkeGertrude Mborn about 1924
BoehlkeGorge born about 1918
BoehlkeRudoelph born about 1887
BoehlkeRudoelph born about 1926
BossmanEthel Mborn about 1915
BossmanFlorence Oborn about 1913
BossmanFloydy Dborn about 1913
BossmanJohn Bborn about 1884
BossmanMarjary Cborn about 1939
BossmanZelma Lborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CarmichelHubert born about 1911
CarmichelVenr born about 1914
CharinLeeanor Eborn about 1918
CharinRobert Aborn about 1918
ChoffeeAllan Cborn about 1904
ChoffeeAllan Cborn about 1934
ChoffeeHazel Eborn about 1908
ChoffeeMyrma Jborn about 1939
ClarinArthur Hborn about 1919
ClarinMary Mborn about 1881
ClarinOscar Mborn about 1883
ClarinRuth Sborn about 1915
CovertHurbert Lborn about 1876
CovertPearl Mborn about 1880
CurlGerald Aborn about 1926
CurlGuy Wborn about 1894
CurlHamedah born about 1877
CurlIva Gborn about 1896
CurlLouis Eborn about 1869

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D Surnames

DantonJohn Lborn about 1875
DantonLeona born about 1879
DooleyKraran Lborn about 1909
DouglasCleone Eborn about 1919
DouglasMorse Bborn about 1920

E Surnames

EkreAlano Wborn about 1928
EkreDoris Gborn about 1929
EkreElsie Mborn about 1923
EkreIda Eborn about 1888
EkreRobert Oborn about 1922
EkreStemer born about 1890
ErdmannWilliam born about 1881

F Surnames

FergusonGeroge born about 1880
FergusonJarnet born about 1888
FergusonMargreat born about 1858
FessenderMagororie born about 1915
FimmemanClarence Pborn about 1918
FimmemanM Aborn about 1878
FimmemanMarclla Eborn about 1916
FimmemanSama born about 1886
FimmemanSebestiene Tborn about 1920
FimmemanViola Nborn about 1924
FirnmmanHubert Bborn about 1884
FirnmmanLorime Mborn about 1921
FirnmmanNorbert born about 1915
FirnmmanRelph Lborn about 1923
FirnmmanRoman Tborn about 1916
FischerAlice born about 1892
FischerEarl Rborn about 1931
FischerGerharetd born about 1896
FischerGorge born about 1880
FischerJohn Oborn about 1894
FischerLibby Mborn about 1889
FischerMary Aborn about 1893
FischerRinehardt Jborn about 1920
FischerTheresa Mborn about 1929
FolhstronGnnar born about 1882
FolhstronMora born about 1888
FultonBarbara Aborn about 1915
FultonCharles born about 1934
FultonDonnie born about 1933
FultonDudlay born about 1908
FultonLarey Gborn about 1940
FultonMaymard Lborn about 1937
FunkFlora Mborn about 1890
FunkHerry Rborn about 1926
FunkMarjorie Eborn about 1923

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G Surnames

GearyEmma born about 1889
GearyGeorge Hborn about 1883
GearyOrris Eborn about 1918
GranatCarl Oborn about 1936
GranatEdith Mborn about 1935
GranatEdith Wborn about 1902
GranatEsther Wborn about 1921
GranatGladys Sborn about 1925
GranatHilda Mborn about 1927
GranatIngril Eborn about 1923
GranatJohn Gborn about 1939
GranatOscar Wborn about 1889
GranatRichard Wborn about 1931

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H Surnames

HaighElvira Vborn about 1913
HaighFramcis Jborn about 1908
HaighPatricia Lborn about 1939
HammerEllahmay Aborn about 1908
HammerNormen Cborn about 1903
HammerRobert Mborn about 1940
HammervoldJohm born about 1887
HammervoldPeter born about 1890
HammondAzolia Maeborn about 1920
HammondDomale Eborn about 1912
HammondElma Wborn about 1883
HammondGorge Eborn about 1876
HammondRienzi Wborn about 1916
HankaosEmilie born about 1879
HankaosHans Hborn about 1879
HansonElaine Jborn about 1929
HansonFlorence born about 1893
HansonJohn Jborn about 1932
HansonOtto born about 1886
HansonRichard Tborn about 1922
HarpJoe born about 1896
HarrisGorge Tborn about 1912
HarrisLimea Fborn about 1913
HarrisMarie Eborn about 1939
HaydenArlie Mborn about 1900
HaydenCharles Jborn about 1893
HaydenEstella Mborn about 1894
HaydenHarold Cborn about 1920
HaydenHarry Pborn about 1927
HaydenMarilynn Lborn about 1936
HaydenMerle Mborn about 1935
HaydenSadie Aborn about 1907
HaydenWilliam Jborn about 1927
HollembeckWilliam born about 1909
HortesDenis Eborn about 1918
HortesEdna Jborn about 1920
HortesEthel Fborn about 1923
HortesHazel Mborn about 1930
HortesJames Eborn about 1932
HortesJosepha born about 1891
HortesLenora Mborn about 1929
HortesLeo Jborn about 1925
HortesLeslie Jborn about 1924
HortesMadge Aborn about 1921
HortesNora Aborn about 1892
HortesPatrcia Nborn about 1927
HowathCharles Rborn about 1878
HuffmanCharles Cborn about 1884
HuffmanIsidra born about 1886

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J Surnames

JacobsRalph Dborn about 1918
JesokDarleme born about 1939
JesokIrma Mborn about 1910
JesokPeter Wborn about 1902
JohnsonBetty Mborn about 1932
JohnsonCharles Eborn about 1889
JohnsonChris Gborn about 1884
JohnsonCladyas Vborn about 1929
JohnsonDavid Wborn about 1938
JohnsonEdward Wborn about 1931
JohnsonEmma Kborn about 1887
JohnsonErmest Aborn about 1927
JohnsonMarian Kborn about 1922
JohnsonMic Gborn about 1892
JohnsonOscar Gborn about 1880
JohnsonOtto born about 1899
JohnsonRose Mborn about 1912
JohnsonWalter Cborn about 1918
JohnsonWimnie Eborn about 1903
JoyesMollie born about 1938

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K Surnames

KaneDaved Eborn about 1929
KaneIda Vborn about 1906
KaneNeal born about 1900
KaneVivian Mborn about 1933
KirkpatrickAnma born about 1872
KirkpatrickCyrus Oborn about 1903
KirkpatrickPearl Jborn about 1928
KirkpatrickThomas Wborn about 1913
KreitingerAlbert Rborn about 1924
KreitingerAnton born about 1892
KreitingerCathrime Lborn about 1931
KreitingerDelpine Cborn about 1927
KreitingerFrank born about 1880
KreitingerFrank born about 1926
KreitingerHugh Fborn about 1917
KreitingerJames Aborn about 1922
KreitingerJohn Mborn about 1933
KreitingerLeo Aborn about 1916
KreitingerLillian Cborn about 1897
KreitingerMargaret Kborn about 1919
KreitingerMary Cborn about 1892
KreitingerMary Lueborn about 1931
KremaEdward born about 1904
KremaJosephine born about 1860
KremersGladys Jborn about 1931
KremersJames Wborn about 1936
KremersPhyllis Eborn about 1933
KremersRuby born about 1906
KremersWilliam Jborn about 1902
KremnesCymthia Cborn about 1939
KremnesEdward born about 1912
KremnesLucille Cborn about 1917
KremrerFrank born about 1899
KrennerFred Tborn about 1926
KrennerJames Lborn about 1937
KrennerJosephine born about 1900
KrennerLeo Mborn about 1901
KrennerLeona Mborn about 1930
KrennerMary Cborn about 1924
KrennerRobert Jborn about 1935
KroyzskoTeffel born about 1916

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L Surnames

LackMike Lborn about 1879
LarsenBarbair Mborn about 1907
LarsenBetty Jborn about 1929
LarsenHarold Pborn about 1909
LarsenJules Rborn about 1898
LarsenMarlema Jborn about 1939
LazzAnton born about 1882
LazzChester born about 1921
LazzDorthy born about 1927
LazzEdward born about 1932
LazzFrank born about 1926
LazzLorenz born about 1924
LazzMary born about 1887
LazzRaymond born about 1922
LazzStenely born about 1930
LepplaEvevline born about 1893
LepplaOrim Bborn about 1927
LepplaOscar Bborn about 1883
LondgalenAndrew Aborn about 1888
LoopClaybon Oborn about 1896
LoreinzCathrine born about 1893
LoreinzJames born about 1926
LorenzAndrew Aborn about 1920
LorenzEdward Rborn about 1918
LorenzMary born about 1889
LorenzRodolph Gborn about 1925
LorenzRodolph Rborn about 1884

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M Surnames

MaamunLydia Mborn about 1887
MaamunTheo born about 1880
MaamunTheodora born about 1916
MadsonAnnoy Cborn about 1918
MadsonCatherine Vborn about 1881
MadsonClara born about 1914
MadsonHorner born about 1913
MadsonInfant born about 1940
MajerusBarand Jborn about 1894
MajerusBernard Jborn about 1921
MajerusDomald Wborn about 1932
MajerusGerald Fborn about 1937
MajerusSusmie Cborn about 1893
MansAgmas Eborn about 1890
MansAgnas born about 1930
MansAlbert born about 1925
MansEanrst born about 1928
MansGragor Gborn about 1918
MansLanaye born about 1910
MansMick Jborn about 1875
MansNaenard L Gborn about 1921
MansNorbert born about 1923
McMenigalAganes born about 1912
McMenigalBeverlry born about 1939
McMenigalFred born about 1908
McPheeDumean born about 1879
McPheeFlora born about 1875
MenkeFaeth born about 1901
MenkeLouis Rborn about 1891
MenkeMary Lborn about 1934
MillerCecelia born about 1901
MistlerAloys Gborn about 1876
MoenInga born about 1886
MoenIrema Jborn about 1922
MoenMarvin born about 1918
MollMarylyin born about 1937
MollMolad Jborn about 1938
MollTacka born about 1910
MollTred Jborn about 1904

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N Surnames

NielsonArch born about 1880
NistlerDonna Mborn about 1933
NistlerEdward Pborn about 1909
NistlerJoam Mborn about 1939
NistlerLoretta born about 1913
NistlerRita Fborn about 1937
NistlerRomald Lborn about 1934
NollRoy Jborn about 1900

O Surnames

OldisGorge born about 1880
OldisJessie Tborn about 1884

P Surnames

PalmerBert born about 1878
PalmerJohn Hborn about 1924
PalmerLillie Mborn about 1882
PayeLyman Dborn about 1877
PetersonHelene Mborn about 1914
PetersonSanford born about 1914
PopielCarol Aborn about 1937
PopielDonald Lborn about 1938
PopielJoe Lborn about 1910
PopielLeona Eborn about 1914

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Q Surnames

QualeMarrion born about 1920

R Surnames

RaislerAlbie Mborn about 1898
RaislerElmer Aborn about 1913
RaislerGorge Lborn about 1892
RaislerIma born about 1916
RaislerLouis born about 1870
RaislerRoland Gborn about 1928
RamsuyGeorge born about 1856
RezalRosa born about 1870
RisingAgnes Mborn about 1926
RisingAnton born about 1871
RisingAnton Vborn about 1929
RisingAugustia Cborn about 1931
RisingCathreine Mborn about 1940
RisingElaine Mborn about 1938
RisingEliasebth Cborn about 1907
RisingElizabeth Mborn about 1902
RisingHenery Dborn about 1894
RisingLeo Bborn about 1903
RisingMagaret born about 1903
RisingMarean Aborn about 1940
RisingRudolph born about 1906
RisingTrancis Lborn about 1923
RisningAlbert Aborn about 1924
RisningEdwim Lborn about 1931
RisningEva Jborn about 1929
RisningGertrude born about 1927
RisningGorge Jborn about 1898
RisningMargaret Mborn about 1933
RisningRelph Cborn about 1935
RisningSophie born about 1899
RisningStella Lborn about 1938

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S Surnames

SamuelsAnnabell Mborn about 1912
SamuelsClaude Cborn about 1938
SamuelsForrest Lborn about 1905
SamuelsJames Aborn about 1935
SchefferAlfred Eborn about 1881
SchefferDelia Lborn about 1883
SchilleAnton Nborn about 1904
SchilleEthel Mborn about 1911
SchilleFrank Jborn about 1938
SchilleJohn Aborn about 1880
SchilleMortun Jborn about 1912
SchilleSuenan born about 1871
SchmboeDelores Mborn about 1930
SchmboeFrank Sborn about 1892
SchmboeHelene Mborn about 1900
SchmelingJohn Fborn about 1914
SchmelingJohn Pborn about 1939
SchmelingLouis Jborn about 1910
SchmelingMarie Vborn about 1916
SchmitzAlvim Rborn about 1928
SchmitzArthur Mborn about 1909
SchmitzCloresce Sborn about 1924
SchmitzDorothy born about 1923
SchmitzEarl Mborn about 1911
SchmitzEarlena Mborn about 1940
SchmitzEdith Eborn about 1920
SchmitzElaime Fborn about 1936
SchmitzFlorencee born about 1911
SchmitzHubert Aborn about 1889
SchmitzKathleen Aborn about 1939
SchmitzLouis Aborn about 1925
SchmitzMargret Mborn about 1933
SchmitzMarie Aborn about 1911
SchmitzMary Mborn about 1888
SchmutzAlberta Mborn about 1911
SchmutzErmeist born about 1907
SchmutzJonae Mborn about 1939
SchreferEmma Kborn about 1886
SchreferJohn Jborn about 1886
SchreferShirley born about 1919
SchromAlbert Jborn about 1915
SchromCathreerine born about 1888
SchromChristine Aborn about 1922
SchromFrank born about 1883
SchromGemive Cborn about 1926
SchrutzCatharine Tborn about 1895
SchrutzJerome Cborn about 1923
SchrutzJohn Eborn about 1931
SchrutzSinon Eborn about 1893
SchuetzJosephine Eborn about 1905
SchuetzMary Aborn about 1934
SchuetzOswin Cborn about 1905
SchuetzThomas Oborn about 1939
SchulteLorenz born about 1872
SchulteMary Aborn about 1878
SchulteNorbert Lborn about 1918
SchutteFlorence born about 1899
SchwagelMargard Mborn about 1904
SchwagelMike born about 1886
SchwatzAnnice Jborn about 1879
SchwatzPeter Jborn about 1874
ShoemHenrieppa Eborn about 1869
SlomeDorthoy Kborn about 1922
SlomeRelph Wborn about 1914
SnowElda Bborn about 1924
SnowEthel Mborn about 1897
SnowGelm Fborn about 1919
SnowJoyce Iborn about 1925
SnowLola Mborn about 1934
SnowRobert Lborn about 1927
SnowRoy Mborn about 1894
SnowRuth Aborn about 1929
SokoloskiJos Sborn about 1906
SrzybillaWalter born about 1921
StromayerCathreine born about 1884
SusaBemesita Lborn about 1926
SusaCatherine Mborn about 1922
SusaClara Mborn about 1929
SusaDorodhy Mborn about 1927
SusaEdward Jborn about 1924
SusaFleas Mborn about 1939
SusaFrances Mborn about 1932
SusaFrank Mborn about 1894
SusaGertrude born about 1896
SusaJohn Nborn about 1921
SusaMarie Gborn about 1938
SusaMartin Aborn about 1920
SusaRudolph Jborn about 1934
SusaSusan Aborn about 1867
SygullaAlex Gborn about 1915
SygullaEdward Jborn about 1917
SygullaGeorge Fborn about 1876
SygullaJoseph Aborn about 1921

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T Surnames

TaschingAlvin born about 1918
TaschingAmna born about 1892
TaschingEarl Rborn about 1922
TaschingLouis born about 1892
TaschingLouis Aborn about 1920
ThompsonAgans Eborn about 1898
ThompsonPeter Mborn about 1889
TigginsMurl born about 1893
TigginsOlive Jborn about 1920
TigginsOsa Cborn about 1893
TischerCarl Eborn about 1927
TischerDorothy Cborn about 1923
TischerEdward Jborn about 1892
TischerFlorence Eborn about 1924
TischerLoretta Mborn about 1934
TischerMarcella Aborn about 1921
TischerThecla Mborn about 1901
TschidaAmla Mborn about 1934
TschidaBearice Eborn about 1906
TschidaJohn Lborn about 1891

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V Surnames

VeimreisLlyod born about 1913

W Surnames

WalkerJoseph Eborn about 1914
WalkerMartha Aborn about 1883
WeinreisEva born about 1886
WeinreisEvelem born about 1911
WeinreisLyle born about 1918
WeinreisPeter born about 1881
WhiteFrances Kborn about 1892
WhiteJames Lborn about 1885
WhiteLouis Gborn about 1922
WilsonCharles Lborn about 1903
WilsonHallie Eborn about 1876
WilsonHoward born about 1921
WilsonJohn Sborn about 1937
WilsonLillian born about 1911
WilsonPeter Bborn about 1939
WilsonPeter Sborn about 1871
WilsonRelph Pborn about 1905
WilsonSam Pborn about 1910
WilsonViola Eborn about 1908
WiseCatherine born about 1925
WiseFrances born about 1930
WiseHenery born about 1881
WiseHerry born about 1935
WiseJohn born about 1933
WiseMary born about 1898
WiseRose born about 1927
WiseTheodos born about 1922

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Z Surnames

ZeppDorthey born about 1910
ZeppWilliam born about 1896
ZimmerMath Jborn about 1873
ZinsliGallus born about 1865
ZinsliMatt born about 1914

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