1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lyon, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Lyon

B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames

B Surnames

BeryAlma born about 1913
BurlesonAlvin Jborn about 1923
BurlesonAlvinia born about 1893
BurlesonErnest born about 1891
BurlesonLucille Mborn about 1929
BurlesonMelvin Oborn about 1923
BurlesonRose Iborn about 1928
BurlesonRuth Eborn about 1921

C Surnames

CarlsonCarl Oborn about 1907
CarlsonDonald Mborn about 1933
CarlsonDuane Cborn about 1935
CarlsonJosephine born about 1915

F Surnames

FoersterIrvin Lborn about 1911
FoersterViola Mborn about 1918
FoeshergEdna Mborn about 1914
FoeshergOscar Aborn about 1909
FoeshergRonald Aborn about 1934
ForsbergEdwin Aborn about 1882
ForsbergMathilda Cborn about 1880
FosterAlice Lborn about 1935
FosterCharles Bborn about 1926
FosterHenrietta born about 1893
FosterJohn Tborn about 1892
FosterMary Eborn about 1921
FosterMoremae Mborn about 1923
FosterPearl Iborn about 1930
FosterWallace Dborn about 1928
FosterWarren Iborn about 1919
FrenzelAnna born about 1880
FrenzelErnest Gborn about 1874
FrenzelMartha born about 1903
FrenzelPaul born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GuentnerArthur Pborn about 1898
GuentnerGerald Qborn about 1938
GuentnerLa Vern Rborn about 1930
GuentnerMargeline Eborn about 1932
GuentnerPerletta Jborn about 1936
GuentnerRuth Aborn about 1911
GurskiAndrew Cborn about 1904
GurskiMyrtle Gborn about 1908

H Surnames

HakansonAugust Cborn about 1876
HakansonMartha Jborn about 1864

K Surnames

KovesElizabeth born about 1880
KovesRay Kborn about 1921
KovesRudolph Hborn about 1876
KratskeAlbert born about 1883
KrochBertel born about 1923
KrubeckFred born about 1900
KrubeckLouise Mborn about 1915
KrubeckMarylene Pborn about 1937
KrubeckPaul Eborn about 1909

L Surnames

LonskiJohn Bborn about 1875
LonskiMartha Rborn about 1882

M Surnames

MillerJohn born about 1917
MillerRobert Sborn about 1933
MoranJean Dborn about 1928
MoranRay born about 1888
MoranRobert Pborn about 1931
MoranSarah Aborn about 1889

N Surnames

NevaDuane Fborn about 1925
NevaFrank Iborn about 1898
NevaHelen Eborn about 1927
NevaHelen Mborn about 1903
NevaJanice Lborn about 1937
NevaJones Aborn about 1938

P Surnames

PiebAnna Mborn about 1858
PiebGrover Cborn about 1903
PiebTheodore Hborn about 1905

R Surnames

RamerCharles Aborn about 1929
RamerCharles Vborn about 1891
RamerMargaret Fborn about 1925
RamerMathilda Jborn about 1891
RuanskJohn born about 1885

S Surnames

SchlosserArlene Bborn about 1934
SchlosserBertha Aborn about 1891
SchlosserCarol Aborn about 1937
SchlosserColleen Mborn about 1928
SchlosserEdward Gborn about 1930
SchlosserJohn Eborn about 1892
SchlosserWinifred Aborn about 1924
SchradeAlfred Lborn about 1923
SchradeDarleen Mborn about 1926
SchradeDelores born about 1925
SchradeLawrence born about 1907
SchradeMattie Mborn about 1897
SchradeRobert Dborn about 1929
SchradeVern Lborn about 1902
SchwilkDonald Mborn about 1938
SchwilkHazel Lborn about 1917
SchwilkJames Lborn about 1939
SchwilkTony Bborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TolleIrma Dborn about 1917

V Surnames

VioletFrancis born about 1895

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