1940 U.S. Federal Census of Melville in Foster County, Foster, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Foster County > 1940 Census of Melville in Foster County

B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

B Surnames

BloodMary born about 1878
BloodMiles Eborn about 1878
BluiskyHoward born about 1924
BluiskyJames born about 1900
BluiskyLa Verne born about 1931
BluiskyMabel born about 1901
BohnDelia born about 1876
BohnOtto Rborn about 1878
BradyChester Dborn about 1924
BradyDona Mayborn about 1937
BradyFern Wborn about 1929
BradyIda Vborn about 1902
BradyJames Raymondborn about 1939
BradyLoraine Idaborn about 1932
BradySam Jborn about 1894
BradySherley Joe Annborn about 1934
BradyTim Aborn about 1922
BrazzelJames Rborn about 1864
BrazzelMary Eborn about 1866
BurnhamBessie born about 1890
BurnhamBetty born about 1931
BurnhamBouland born about 1917
BurnhamDorthy born about 1916
BurnhamGeorge born about 1878
BurnhamLorraine born about 1920
BuschWestly born about 1917

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C Surnames

CarrDonald Jborn about 1933
CarrHelen born about 1926
CarrJoe Eborn about 1904
CarrJohn born about 1914
CarrLoreta born about 1924
CarrLucy Mborn about 1902
CarrMary Annborn about 1936
CarrMaurice Jborn about 1931
CarrNeva born about 1883
ChedwickHarold born about 1924
ChedwickIda born about 1882
ChedwickLyle born about 1922

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E Surnames

EidsvoogBernice born about 1923
EidsvoogBert Mborn about 1894
EidsvoogBetty born about 1931
EidsvoogCecilia born about 1939
EidsvoogErma born about 1927
EidsvoogJennie born about 1925
EidsvoogMargret born about 1899
EidsvoogRobert born about 1919
EidsvoogSherley born about 1929
EltonHazel born about 1911
EltonHugh Aborn about 1912
EltonVian born about 1931
EricksonMargaret born about 1874

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F Surnames

FisherAnn Fborn about 1902
FisherEdward Hborn about 1926
FisherVirgie Annborn about 1933
FrankelTed born about 1883

G Surnames

GaffneyJulia born about 1887
GlassJosephine born about 1917
GlassMarvin born about 1934
GlassMelvin born about 1917
GlassWarsel Pborn about 1890
GoltDarline born about 1929
GoltFern Fborn about 1909
GoltJune born about 1932
GoltMarjorie born about 1911
GoltMontie born about 1936
GoltRollin born about 1933
GoltWilliam born about 1930
GriffithWilliam born about 1869
GunshaGus born about 1885
GunshaMary born about 1888
GunshaRudolph born about 1881
GunshaRudolph born about 1927

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H Surnames

HaleLouis born about 1920
HansonLillian born about 1895
HansonMary Ellenborn about 1932
HansonNorman born about 1926
HansonOlaf born about 1895
HansonVelora Mayborn about 1930
HansonVernon Cborn about 1920
HertelDe Loris born about 1931
HertelHarold born about 1929
HertelJohn born about 1901
HertelLydia born about 1901
HertelWillford born about 1926
HighleyClara born about 1887
HighleyEmmett Eborn about 1884
HighleyJanice born about 1929
HighleyLarry Lborn about 1939
HighleyLewis Eborn about 1914
HighleyMildred Aborn about 1920
HillFloid born about 1885

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K Surnames

KrengerGerald Geneborn about 1939
KrugerElma born about 1912
KrugerJames born about 1937
KrugerWalter born about 1911

L Surnames

LamertAllen born about 1938
LamertFreda born about 1905
LamertGeorge born about 1927
LamertLyle born about 1935
LamertRoy born about 1925
LamertScott born about 1891
LentzCatherine born about 1890
LentzCatherine Lborn about 1910
LentzWilliam Wborn about 1882
LentzWilliam Jr born about 1911
LoeschCaroline born about 1890
LoeschJohn Dborn about 1919
LoeschLa Vonne born about 1929
LoeschMonica born about 1926
LoeschNick Nborn about 1884
LoeschWilliam born about 1927

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M Surnames

McAfeeCalvin born about 1935
McAfeeEsther born about 1909
McAfeeLyle Lborn about 1906
McAfeeMarlyn born about 1939
McAfeeWayne born about 1937
McElroyCaroline born about 1872
McIlonieEarl Eborn about 1919
MilesHarlow born about 1877
MillerEva Hborn about 1901
MillerFred Lborn about 1900
MillerMavis Aborn about 1929
MillerMerl Jeanborn about 1924
MillerRoland Lborn about 1931
MyersClara Annborn about 1932
MyersEthel Jborn about 1924
MyersGlen born about 1935
MyersMamie born about 1897
MyersWillis Sborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAlvina born about 1920
NelsonAnn Bellborn about 1895
NelsonElizabeth Anborn about 1933
NelsonHerman born about 1887
NobleGrace born about 1893
NobleLoyd born about 1895
NobleMarvin born about 1923
NobleMilrae born about 1929
NobleVonnie born about 1924

O Surnames

OurenHenry Eborn about 1897

P Surnames

PageBailey born about 1928
PageBlanch born about 1924
PageCurrier Oborn about 1877
PageDarline born about 1939
PageEllen born about 1875
PageFaun born about 1925
PageHosea born about 1880
PageHosea Jr born about 1929
PageJerry born about 1934
PageLaura born about 1918
PageLona born about 1937
PageLyman born about 1917
PageMinnie born about 1898
PageWilliam born about 1914
PeppleBetty born about 1926
PeppleFred born about 1883
PeppleFredrick born about 1919
PeppleIsabella born about 1888
PothierAlice born about 1881
PothierLouis born about 1871
PuloceArlyse born about 1935
PuloceCass Hborn about 1886
PuloceFrances born about 1902
PuloceGerry born about 1938
PuloceMattie born about 1930
PuloceThelma born about 1921

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R Surnames

RumoreEvelyn born about 1918
RumoreFrank born about 1914
RumoreGeorge Dborn about 1939
RumoreRalph born about 1923

S Surnames

SchafferChris Jborn about 1900
SchafferEugene born about 1927
SchafferGladys born about 1906
SchafferRalph Wborn about 1923
SchellyAlice born about 1922
SchellyClara born about 1895
SchellyCora born about 1920
SchellyHerbert born about 1930
SchellyMiles born about 1921
SchellyOscar born about 1879
SchellyWinnifred born about 1927
SchroderMontie Deanborn about 1934
SieboldEthel born about 1929
SieboldGeorge born about 1900
SieboldLawrence born about 1931
SieboldLeila born about 1927
SieboldMartha born about 1904
SieboldWilma born about 1930
StegmeierBertha born about 1912
StegmeierEdgar Jborn about 1939
StegmeierEdgar Sborn about 1902
SwanerAdeline born about 1909
SwanerFrank born about 1903
SwanerLavern Eborn about 1935
SwanerLoretta born about 1931
SwanerRichard born about 1928
SwanerRonald Jborn about 1939

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W Surnames

WagnerSophia born about 1868
WaltersWilliam born about 1869
WillyardAlan born about 1932
WillyardEdihe born about 1910
WillyardGeorge born about 1935
WillyardJerry born about 1930
WillyardWarren Wborn about 1889
WillyardWells born about 1929

Z Surnames

ZinkAdele born about 1921
ZinkEileen born about 1932
ZinkEugene born about 1919
ZinkMargaret born about 1936
ZinkMauice born about 1933
ZinkPeter Pborn about 1892
ZinkRussel born about 1927
ZinkRuth born about 1896

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