1940 U.S. Federal Census of Moon Lake, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Moon Lake

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AltringerArnold Jborn about 1907
AndersonDale Wborn about 1937
AndersonEarl Gborn about 1910
AndersonGary Dborn about 1939
AndersonMildred Mborn about 1908
AngleEmma Fborn about 1901
AngleEthel Eborn about 1898
AngleRoy Kborn about 1927
AngleRoy Wborn about 1900

B Surnames

BoelkeAugust born about 1865
BoelkeCharles Aborn about 1910
BoelkeCharles Aborn about 1932
BoelkeClara born about 1882
BoelkeDelmar Aborn about 1912
BoelkeErvin Cborn about 1908
BoelkeGeorge Cborn about 1903
BoelkeImogene Aborn about 1928
BoelkeKenneth Gborn about 1936
BoelkeLewis Cborn about 1916
BoelkeWilliam born about 1875
BuchwalterNellie Aborn about 1879

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C Surnames

CarlsonEarl Eborn about 1880
CeglaDonald born about 1933
CeglaJohn Jborn about 1924
CeglaJohn Pborn about 1885
CeglaKatherine Aborn about 1893
CeglaLeo Jborn about 1921
CeglaMary born about 1931
CeglaMathias Jborn about 1926
CichosArlene Aborn about 1936
CichosBasil Rborn about 1915
CichosCecelia born about 1923
CichosElaine Eborn about 1938
CichosHarriet Jborn about 1901
CichosHelen Rborn about 1920
CichosJohn Aborn about 1875
CichosJoseph Pborn about 1901
CichosLaurence Jborn about 1923
CichosLorraine Gborn about 1927
CichosMarguerite Hborn about 1926
CichosMary Aborn about 1877
CichosMary Rborn about 1917
CichosRichard Pborn about 1929
CichosRobert born about 1931
CichosRonald born about 1934

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D Surnames

DooleyCatherine Tborn about 1928
DooleyEugene Dborn about 1930
DooleyFrank Dborn about 1888
DooleyJames Jborn about 1926
DooleyJulia Cborn about 1889
DooleyMargaret Mborn about 1924

E Surnames

EastgateCatherine Hborn about 1933
EastgateEvangeline Hborn about 1909
EastgateFerdinand Aborn about 1935
EastgateFrances Mborn about 1931
EastgateGlenn Gborn about 1895
EastgateGlenn Gborn about 1932
ErbeleAlta born about 1902
ErbeleDoreen Aborn about 1932
ErbeleGeorge Eborn about 1928
ErbeleHarry Calbborn about 1925
ErbeleMary Carolborn about 1934

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J Surnames

JohnsonC Walterborn about 1893
JohnsonCharles Lborn about 1934
JohnsonDavid Jborn about 1937
JohnsonLawrence born about 1907
JohnsonMary Mborn about 1911

K Surnames

KelloggEugene Lborn about 1886

L Surnames

LandscootAnna Mborn about 1923
LandscootBertha Aborn about 1894
LandscootCamille born about 1889
LandscootElmer Cborn about 1921
LandscootMorris Cborn about 1913
LittleCecelia born about 1882
LittleHarry Rborn about 1879

M Surnames

McCombRolandis Mborn about 1921

N Surnames

NewmanHerman born about 1870
NogosekCecelia born about 1911

O Surnames

OchosCarol Cborn about 1939

P Surnames

PausewangGeorge Gborn about 1895
PausewangJoseph Mborn about 1934
PausewangMonica Pborn about 1898
PausewangPaul born about 1868
PfarrArthur Pborn about 1912
PfarrDonald Aborn about 1931
PfarrEugene Kborn about 1936
PfarrRose Mborn about 1912
ProdzinskiHarry born about 1915

Q Surnames

QuigleyThomas Gborn about 1922

R Surnames

RogersGladys Iborn about 1931
RogersTheresa born about 1912
RogersWilliam Mborn about 1905

S Surnames

SchielkeAnna Mborn about 1879
SchielkeCarol Jborn about 1939
SchielkeDennis Lborn about 1938
SchielkeLouis Oborn about 1905
SchielkeMarcella Eborn about 1915
SchielkeMarilyn Aborn about 1936
SchielkeOscar Jborn about 1873
SchraederAgnes Dborn about 1927
SchraederJacob Fborn about 1903
SchraederMary Eborn about 1906
SchraederMorbert Lborn about 1930
SchultzCharles Fborn about 1931
SchultzDarlene Mborn about 1938
SchultzFred Aborn about 1904
SchultzViolet Mborn about 1907
SteinwandFrank Lborn about 1889
SteinwandGerald Gborn about 1921
SteinwandLaura Rborn about 1926
SteinwandNellie Nborn about 1887
SteinwandRaymond Kborn about 1928

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T Surnames

TranmerKatherine Mborn about 1939
TranmerMargaret Aborn about 1919

W Surnames

WanzekAgnes Cborn about 1893
WanzekAnna born about 1886
WanzekAugust born about 1885
WanzekCarol Gborn about 1938
WanzekCasimir Vborn about 1924
WanzekCecelia born about 1932
WanzekDolores Eborn about 1938
WanzekDorothy Eborn about 1925
WanzekEugene Dborn about 1939
WanzekHelen Eborn about 1937
WanzekIsabel born about 1932
WanzekJames born about 1926
WanzekJerome Sborn about 1922
WanzekJoan born about 1931
WanzekJohn Nborn about 1919
WanzekJosephine Mborn about 1922
WanzekKenneth Pborn about 1934
WanzekLeo Aborn about 1928
WanzekLeonard Fborn about 1929
WanzekLouise Mborn about 1937
WanzekMack Aborn about 1935
WanzekMarvin born about 1934
WanzekMary Annborn about 1926
WanzekMary Jeanborn about 1928
WanzekPatricia Aborn about 1930
WanzekPaul Bborn about 1900
WanzekPeter Gborn about 1899
WanzekPhilip born about 1925
WanzekRaphael born about 1936
WanzekRaymond Rborn about 1933
WanzekRichard Dborn about 1935
WanzekRobert Pborn about 1932
WanzekRonald Hborn about 1927
WanzekRose Marieborn about 1932
WanzekStanley Jborn about 1929
WanzekTheresa Aborn about 1930
WanzekThomas Pborn about 1934
WanzekVeronica Bborn about 1907
WanzekVincent Jborn about 1930
WanzekVincent Nborn about 1894
WeiseIrene born about 1910
WilleyDarvin born about 1939
WilleyDonald born about 1928
WilleyErnest born about 1934
WilleyEsther born about 1927
WilleyEvelyn born about 1937
WilleyJosephine Dborn about 1904
WilleyLe Royborn about 1930
WilleyLloyd born about 1933
WilleyLloyd Aborn about 1899
WilleyLorraine born about 1933
WilleyRuby Eborn about 1925
WilleyRuth Gborn about 1926
WishardBert Wborn about 1884
WishardLucy Fborn about 1886

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Z Surnames

ZimneyAnton Jborn about 1915
ZimneyCasimir Jborn about 1922
ZimneyFelix Cborn about 1924
ZimneyLeo Aborn about 1922
ZimneyLeo Jborn about 1884
ZimneyMargaret Mborn about 1924
ZimneyMartha Kborn about 1918
ZimneyMary Bborn about 1882
ZimneyPaul born about 1926
ZimneyRose Aborn about 1888
ZimneyStanley Eborn about 1915
ZimneyThomas Lborn about 1916

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