1940 U.S. Federal Census of Paris, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Paris

B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames

B Surnames

BensonAlbert Lborn about 1885
BisophCarl Aborn about 1926
BrophyEdell Lborn about 1898

C Surnames

ClaffAdowa Bborn about 1923
ClaffAldena Mborn about 1912
ClaffBetty Louborn about 1931
ClaffClyde Gborn about 1929
ClaffLoraine Vborn about 1924
ClaffPhyllis Gborn about 1939
ClaffRaymond Cborn about 1927
ClaffReinhart Rborn about 1903
ClaffWallie Wborn about 1925

F Surnames

FisherAlbert Cborn about 1888
FisherAlbert Cborn about 1939
FisherAnna Mborn about 1899
FisherClark Wborn about 1934
FisherEllen Vborn about 1915
FisherElma Eborn about 1895
FisherElmer Cborn about 1924
FisherGarnit Vborn about 1926
FisherGerman born about 1872
FisherLillian Mborn about 1936
FisherLynn Rborn about 1932
FisherPearl Aborn about 1928
FisherRaymond Lborn about 1930
FisherShirley Iborn about 1938
FuschFloyd born about 1908

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G Surnames

GaserAdolph Tborn about 1881
GaserOlive born about 1913
GeiserHubert born about 1920
GuentherBeverly Rborn about 1932
GuentherGarold Aborn about 1939
GuentherGeorge Aborn about 1905
GuentherIvyre Aborn about 1934
GuentherPhyllis Iborn about 1931
GuentherRuth Hborn about 1911

H Surnames

HarrBennie born about 1915
HarrEsoph Cborn about 1913
HarrLydia Lborn about 1907
HarrPeter Cborn about 1902
HarrRosealla Vborn about 1932
HarrViedella Lborn about 1927
HaserDaisy Mborn about 1932
HaserHenry Sborn about 1885
HaserRena Aborn about 1895
HirschEllen Vborn about 1923
HirschTena born about 1902
HolzwarthBeatrice Lborn about 1932
HolzwarthElvin Rborn about 1920
HolzwarthEmma born about 1889
HolzwarthGladys Mborn about 1927
HolzwarthGust born about 1901
HolzwarthHarvey Tborn about 1918
HolzwarthInez Lborn about 1925
HolzwarthLeonard Dborn about 1934
HolzwarthSara born about 1908
HolzwarthWalter Vborn about 1928
HolzwarthWilliam born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaiserFred Fborn about 1878
KaiserJulia Hborn about 1922
KaiserKatherine Iborn about 1913
KaiserMary Rborn about 1885
KebozFred born about 1890
KozahAdam born about 1891
KozahClara Mborn about 1905
KozahLeona born about 1925
KozahWalter Aborn about 1937
KrannigKathryne Dborn about 1911
KrannigRodger Wborn about 1937
KrannigWallis Eborn about 1938
KrannigWalter Eborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LibudaAmelia Lborn about 1926
LibudaClara born about 1912
LibudaEdna Aborn about 1921
LibudaEdward Rborn about 1927
LibudaErnest Eborn about 1932
LibudaHerman Rborn about 1919
LibudaLouise born about 1889
LibudaRichard born about 1917
LibudaTheodore born about 1878
LimesandAnnastasia born about 1917
LimesandFred Bborn about 1912
LimesandRose Marieborn about 1940

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N Surnames

NeisMartin born about 1913

O Surnames

OdenbachBernice Wborn about 1916
OdenbachDonald Aborn about 1908
OdenbachDonald Tborn about 1938
OttesonOtts born about 1886

P Surnames

PohueAlbert born about 1912
PohueJames Cborn about 1937
PohuePauline born about 1910

R Surnames

RatzloffGeorge born about 1874
RosemoreWilliam Hborn about 1887

S Surnames

SchelskeBennie born about 1921
SchelskeGottlieb Wborn about 1877
SchelskeHarold born about 1919
SchelskeLouise born about 1880
SchockBetty Annborn about 1932
SchockDennis Aborn about 1936
SchockDuane Nborn about 1933
SchockEsther born about 1909
SchockIlo Ianeborn about 1935
SchockSamuel born about 1907
SchulerCatherine born about 1876
SchulerEdwin born about 1918
SchulerEmma born about 1921
SchulerFred Sr born about 1881
SchulerFred Sr born about 1910
SchulerLydia born about 1919
SchulerSophia born about 1923
SchulerTheodore born about 1918
SeversonMarjoy born about 1891
SeversonMartin born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThormanWalter Aborn about 1899

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