1940 U.S. Federal Census of Plainview, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Plainview

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames F Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames

A Surnames

AndresArthur Pborn about 1895
AndresDoris born about 1919
AndresHerald Lborn about 1911
AndresMilford Gborn about 1912
AndresWalter Wborn about 1908
AndresWilliam Jr born about 1869

B Surnames

BeaverAdolph born about 1881
BeaverAunun born about 1919
BergPete born about 1905
BergRuth Nborn about 1925
BergViola Gborn about 1891
BlaskowskiGertrude born about 1919
BlaskowskiHarriet born about 1922
BlaskowskiHarry born about 1914
BlaskowskiHelen born about 1896
BlaskowskiJoe born about 1930
BlaskowskiMarie born about 1926
BlaskowskiRalph born about 1928
BlaskowskiRobert born about 1932
BlaskowskiSylvester born about 1888
BlaskowskiViola born about 1921
BranschElsie born about 1895
BrauschJohn born about 1930
BrauschMary Jeandborn about 1934
BrauschMathew born about 1929

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D Surnames

DaugsAdolph Fborn about 1918
DaugsAlice born about 1926
DaugsEdward born about 1921
DaugsEdwin born about 1921
DelleaAnn born about 1914
DelleaEdward born about 1912
DelleaEdward Jborn about 1939
DelleaMargret Aborn about 1935
DelleaMay Cborn about 1936
DevineBen Cborn about 1888
DevineDorothy Pborn about 1917
DevineLuella Jborn about 1887

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F Surnames

FalpFlorence Bborn about 1891
FalpHans Tborn about 1882

J Surnames

JohnsonAlfred Cborn about 1915
JohnsonCharles Mborn about 1880
JohnsonCharles Jr born about 1927
JohnsonGeneva born about 1917
JohnsonHarlig Lborn about 1908
JohnsonIda Mborn about 1882
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1885
JohnsonSterling born about 1920
JohnsonWana born about 1913

K Surnames

KnoppAlfred Nborn about 1901
KnoppAnna born about 1922
KnoppHerald Jborn about 1912
KnutsonAnton born about 1890
KnutsonElnor Gborn about 1915
KnutsonGerald Lborn about 1939
KnutsonOscar Mborn about 1902

L Surnames

LinnardNorman born about 1918
LorsonHarry Wborn about 1883
LorsonHerald Jborn about 1923
LorsonVerne Lborn about 1917
LorsonWilma born about 1888
LuckeEdna born about 1912
LuckeHerman Eborn about 1935
LuckeRodey Lborn about 1936
LuckeRoy Lborn about 1913
LundeenRichard born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarpleElizabeth born about 1924
MarpleGwendolyn born about 1906
MarpleJean Cborn about 1936
MarpleRaymond Lborn about 1895
McKenzieArther born about 1901
McKenzieDonald born about 1938
McKenzieFay born about 1937
McKenzieGertrude born about 1911
McKenzieMaude born about 1873
McKenzieNorman born about 1861
MiskoClair Mborn about 1927
MiskoDavie Mborn about 1931
MiskoJoe Fborn about 1904
MiskoKatherine Lborn about 1904
MiskoMyron Jborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NohrenbergArlo Gborn about 1930
NohrenbergBertha Mborn about 1903
NohrenbergDoreen Dborn about 1927
NohrenbergJarl Pborn about 1932

R Surnames

RussellCharles Aborn about 1920
RussellChelsea Cborn about 1885
RussellMildred Iborn about 1918
RussellSelma Oborn about 1884

S Surnames

SchroaderGeorge born about 1898
SchrunArther born about 1920
ScottBerna Mayborn about 1928
ScottBetty Janeborn about 1938
ScottElisabeth born about 1895
ScottFlorence born about 1921
ScottFranklin born about 1933
ScottGeorge born about 1923
ScottJack born about 1925
ScottJean born about 1934
ScottJeon born about 1934
ScottJoseph born about 1932
ScottRichard born about 1936
ScottVernon Eborn about 1929
SmithHoward born about 1876
SmithIda born about 1885
SmithJean Rborn about 1935
SmithMargret Aborn about 1904
SmithMarlene Aborn about 1939
SmithRalph Aborn about 1905
StrongEdvine Lborn about 1899
StrongLeonard Wborn about 1895
StrongMarion Wborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateErvin born about 1898

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