1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rose Hill, Foster, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Foster County > 1940 Census of Rose Hill

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

B Surnames

BeckerBetty Maeborn about 1931
BeckerEdward Jborn about 1938
BeckerEugene born about 1927
BeckerMarjorie born about 1928
BeckerMary born about 1905
BeckerPeter Jborn about 1895
BlackEdna born about 1899
BlackEugenia born about 1923
BlackHarry born about 1899
BlackLester born about 1931
BlackMarjorie born about 1926
BlackMary Evelynborn about 1929
BortBeverly Jborn about 1928
BortBlanche Mborn about 1908
BortJohn Rborn about 1929
BortRalph Dborn about 1895
BowdenCharles Aborn about 1881
BowdenJesse Eborn about 1884

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C Surnames

CarmodyJohn Vborn about 1893

D Surnames

DeboltFrank Pborn about 1903
DoelingDorothy born about 1937
DoelingEdwin born about 1931
DoelingEvelyn born about 1911
DoelingGene born about 1935
DoelingGeorge Wborn about 1907
DoelingHerman born about 1872
DoelingHerman born about 1930
DoelingMinna born about 1871

E Surnames

EltonEmma born about 1886
EltonMarguerite born about 1921
EltonMarvin Eborn about 1917
EltonNels born about 1886
EttonCarl born about 1889
EttonDolores Mborn about 1928
EttonEthel Mborn about 1904
EttonOle Lborn about 1934

F Surnames

FergusonDena born about 1880
FergusonDolores born about 1928
FergusonGerald born about 1936
FergusonGrace born about 1909
FergusonHarry Lpborn about 1905
FergusonIngeborg born about 1870
FergusonJohn born about 1873
FergusonKenneth born about 1870
FergusonLeslie born about 1911
FergusonMarlene born about 1938
FergusonOlga born about 1915
FergusonPeter Gborn about 1903
FergusonPeter Oborn about 1898
FergusonWallace Wborn about 1910

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G Surnames

GragerAvolt Oborn about 1901
GragerClifford born about 1931
GragerLeisetta born about 1906
GragerRay born about 1934
GregerHerman born about 1857

H Surnames

HillEdith Mborn about 1917
HollifsonDeana born about 1888
HollifsonEdwin Lborn about 1921
HollifsonLars born about 1889
HollifsonLe Roy born about 1923
HoppeBeatrice Mborn about 1922
HoppeVelma Eborn about 1901

K Surnames

KienitzEllen born about 1922
KienitzEmma born about 1894
KienitzWilliam Aborn about 1886
KinzlerAnna born about 1895
KinzlerChester born about 1928
KinzlerHenry Fborn about 1893
KinzlerMyrtle born about 1920
KinzlerNorman born about 1924

L Surnames

LambrechtAgnes born about 1916
LambrechtErvin Wborn about 1909
LambrechtVictor born about 1938
LambrechtWayne born about 1939
LangsethArthur Cborn about 1912
LangsethBernice Hborn about 1916
LangsethDollie born about 1888
LangsethHelen Fborn about 1909
LangsethIva Eborn about 1912
LangsethLynn Aborn about 1939
LangsethNels Bborn about 1877
LarsenJ Williamborn about 1892
LundEdson born about 1932
LundHerbert born about 1894
LundLeo born about 1930
LundLucille born about 1928
LundViolet born about 1903

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M Surnames

MarmoAgnes Mborn about 1928
MarmoAnna born about 1888
MarmoBenedicta Cborn about 1915
MarmoCharles Aborn about 1917
MarmoFrank Jborn about 1875
MarmoJohn Bborn about 1913
MarmoJustine Oborn about 1918
McDougallRobert born about 1918
MillerJeanette born about 1920
MillerRaymond Eborn about 1917

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N Surnames

NicholsonElaine born about 1923
NicholsonElenora Vborn about 1898
NicholsonHazel born about 1933
NicholsonJohn Fborn about 1894
NicholsonJohn Wborn about 1931
NicholsonOrville born about 1925
NicholsonRonald born about 1924
NicholsonShirley born about 1937
NicholsonStanley born about 1929
NicholsonWilfred born about 1938
NighGeorge Eborn about 1887
NohrenbergLudwig born about 1887
NorbyEsther Eborn about 1903
NorbyEthel Jborn about 1928
NorbyGeorge born about 1901
NorbyWayne Eborn about 1937

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Q Surnames

QuenemoenArthur Lborn about 1904
QuenemoenDorothy born about 1908

R Surnames

RosemanAlbert born about 1869
RosenanGary Gborn about 1935
RosenanJackie born about 1939
RosenanRuth Hborn about 1913
RosenanWilferd Aborn about 1907

S Surnames

ScheenClara born about 1897
ScheenDelores born about 1934
ScheenEdward born about 1891
ScheenEdward Jr born about 1937
ScheenHerbert born about 1928
ScheenLaverne born about 1937
ScheenLeslie born about 1931
ScheenRobert born about 1930
SchroederAlice Aborn about 1901
SchroederArnold Mborn about 1936
SchroederEdna Eborn about 1914
SchroederFrank Aborn about 1900
SchroederLorraine Aborn about 1925
SchroederMarvin Hborn about 1936
SchroederTed Hborn about 1903
SchroederWilford Fborn about 1928
SolbergOliver Pborn about 1919
SouleFred born about 1889
SperlingJacob born about 1893
SperlingKate born about 1893
SperlingLorene born about 1924
SweereCornelius born about 1902
SweereEdward Pborn about 1937
SweereGertrude born about 1906
SweereHarry Cborn about 1935
SweereJoseph Jborn about 1939
SweereMarie Jborn about 1928
SweereMarie Pborn about 1884
SweereTheodore Hborn about 1934
SweereTheodore Jborn about 1873
SweereVeronica Jborn about 1939

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V Surnames

VosslerFredinand born about 1916

W Surnames

WobbemaAnna Maeborn about 1929
WobbemaHarold born about 1934
WobbemaHelen born about 1932
WobbemaHenry born about 1913
WobbemaJennie born about 1926
WobbemaJohn born about 1936
WobbemaMildred born about 1922
WobbemaPeter born about 1927
WobbemaPeter Jborn about 1894
WobbemaSophie born about 1894
WobbemaSophie born about 1938

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Z Surnames

ZinkAnna born about 1875
ZinkElaine Lborn about 1907
ZinkGustav born about 1870
ZinkHenry Jborn about 1906
ZinkLeo Hborn about 1938
ZinkMarlys Dborn about 1935
ZinkMary Dborn about 1913
ZinkOscar Wborn about 1902
ZinkVirgil Mborn about 1934
ZinkWilliam Oborn about 1930
ZuelkeAlbertina born about 1870

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