1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rose, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Rose

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanAlbertina Lborn about 1877
AckermanAlice Bborn about 1908
AckermanCharles Hborn about 1877
AckermanClarence Dborn about 1936
AckermanClarence Eborn about 1905
AckermanGeraldine Mborn about 1934
AckermanMyron Wborn about 1873
AmesBlutte Nborn about 1898
AmesCharlotte born about 1935
AmesDorothy Bborn about 1926
AmesEldred Lborn about 1923
AmesEvelyn Aborn about 1919
AmesLeroy Eborn about 1939
AmesProctor Kborn about 1920
AmesRonald Wborn about 1921
AmesWilliam Pborn about 1896
AttlesonAlain Eborn about 1925
AttlesonAndrew Jborn about 1885
AttlesonHarry Gborn about 1918
AttlesonIda born about 1884
AttlesonJohn Mborn about 1909
AttlesonKenneth Eborn about 1924
AttlesonOlie Eborn about 1912

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B Surnames

BradleyEdward Pborn about 1922
BradleyFred Fborn about 1884
BradleyKathryn born about 1887
BradleyRose Eborn about 1926
BradleyWalter Sborn about 1915

C Surnames

CabbAre Jborn about 1881
CraftDorothy Eborn about 1919

E Surnames

EastmanCurtis Cborn about 1934
EastmanDavid Sborn about 1940
EastmanEffie Cborn about 1905
EastmanEva Fborn about 1900
EastmanHenry Cborn about 1905
EastmanJames Eborn about 1932
EastmanJesse Aborn about 1910
EastmanLloyd Lborn about 1936
EastmanMarjorie Aborn about 1935

F Surnames

FlohrDora Hborn about 1884
FlohrFerd Aborn about 1880

G Surnames

GreshikAdolph Cborn about 1919
GreshikCecelia Aborn about 1886
GreshikDoris Mborn about 1924
GreshikStephen Gborn about 1874

H Surnames

HanseFrank Cborn about 1873
HarueBertha born about 1877
HarueGeorge Hborn about 1898
HarueWilliam born about 1868
HoweDorothy Cborn about 1937
HoweKatherine Eborn about 1903
HoweWilliam F Jrborn about 1901

J Surnames

JohnsonArlo Rborn about 1936
JohnsonDuane Oborn about 1928
JohnsonNora Lborn about 1898
JohnsonNorman Sborn about 1933
JohnsonOscar Eborn about 1890

L Surnames

LanskyAloisius born about 1939
LanskyBarbara Eborn about 1938
LanskyElizabeth Mborn about 1915
LanskyGertrude Mborn about 1937
LanskyJohn Fborn about 1936
LanskyJohn Jborn about 1899
LarenzAgnes Rborn about 1921
LarenzAlfonse Rborn about 1909
LarenzAnna Mborn about 1888
LarenzCecelia Eborn about 1914
LarenzClaude Eborn about 1936
LarenzEleanor Fborn about 1924
LarenzFrancis born about 1886
LarenzHelen Bborn about 1920
LarenzHerman Jborn about 1917
LarenzMartin Jborn about 1912
LarenzNorbert born about 1914
LarenzPatricia Aborn about 1937
LarenzPaul born about 1919
LarenzRichard born about 1875
LorenzBenedict Jborn about 1911
LorenzDorothy born about 1914
LorenzEmil Jborn about 1874
LorenzFrancis Rborn about 1918
LorenzJohn Jborn about 1937
LorenzKatherine Mborn about 1886
LuichArther Hborn about 1885
LuickElmer Eborn about 1890
LuickGerald Eborn about 1922
LuickHilda Fborn about 1890
LuickJohn Mborn about 1916
LuickKenneth Eborn about 1919

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M Surnames

MaluskiBenjaman Pborn about 1911
MaluskiCecelia Jborn about 1913
MaluskiDalores Mborn about 1931
MaluskiEugene Bborn about 1939
MaluskiPhyllis Iborn about 1933
MandlerArthur born about 1918
MarschkeAugust born about 1863
MarschkeKathryn born about 1866
MartinDelta Cborn about 1934
MartinElsie Mborn about 1937
MartinFred Lborn about 1933
MartinJacqueline Jborn about 1940
MartinJohn Cborn about 1909
MartinMarilyn Mborn about 1933
MartinMenna Aborn about 1913
MiemietzAgnes born about 1880
MiemietzClara born about 1914
MiemietzJoseph born about 1883
MiemietzJoseph Jborn about 1913
MiemietzRobert Lborn about 1940
MurrayAlvin born about 1890
MurrayDagney Eborn about 1919
MurrayHenrietta Jborn about 1894
MurrayVincent Eborn about 1919
MutschlerDorothy Eborn about 1904
MutschlerFrederick Eborn about 1931
MutschlerFrederick Jborn about 1899
MutschlerJohn Gborn about 1928
MutschlerMarlys Sborn about 1936

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R Surnames

RalfzenIrene Fborn about 1918
ReadelStanley born about 1918
ReichelHerman Cborn about 1900
ReinpoldAnthony Jborn about 1930
ReinpoldBarbara Mdborn about 1936
ReinpoldDominic Fborn about 1935
ReinpoldMargaret Gborn about 1906
ReinpoldMary Vborn about 1932
ReinpoldRita Rborn about 1938
ReinpoldRudolph Aborn about 1897
ReinpoldRudolph Jborn about 1933
ReinpoldVincent Fborn about 1939
RickAugusta Aborn about 1871
RickBeverly Aborn about 1937
RickDelvert Eborn about 1922
RickHelen Bborn about 1882
RickIrga Mborn about 1908
RickLouis Oborn about 1919
RickOtto Lborn about 1881
RickWillard Eborn about 1923
RickWilliam Jborn about 1902

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S Surnames

SabinishMichael Jborn about 1923
SaremAnna Mborn about 1876
SaremBarney born about 1880
SaremClarence Fborn about 1913
SarensonCarl Aborn about 1884
ScalenCecelia Tborn about 1909
ScottAdevolt Aborn about 1905
ScottAlexander Eborn about 1934
ScottDorothy Gborn about 1939
ScottErma born about 1916
ScottErma Eborn about 1906
ScottFlorence Oborn about 1888
ScottFrancis born about 1914
ScottGeorge Wborn about 1880
ScottJohn Aborn about 1892
ScottKenneth Hborn about 1935
ScottMarjorie Lborn about 1932
ScottMartha Eborn about 1883
ScottRalph Gborn about 1911
ScottRobert Fborn about 1939
ScottRose born about 1892
ScottRuth Aborn about 1906
ScottWalter Fborn about 1887
ScottWilliam Jborn about 1930
ScottWilliam Rborn about 1882
StabenawDelores Aborn about 1914
StabenawDoris Fborn about 1935
StabenawElizabeth Eborn about 1876
StabenawJess Fborn about 1909
StabenawRaymond Cborn about 1901
StabenawRobert born about 1875
StabenawRobert Lborn about 1937
StamphaDominick Pborn about 1901
StamphaJohn born about 1870
StamphaJoseph Mborn about 1918
StamphaRegina born about 1877

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T Surnames

ThomasDonald Dborn about 1929
ThomasElsie Aborn about 1890
ThomasFred Wborn about 1879
ThomasMarvin Aborn about 1922

W Surnames

WajickAgnes born about 1911
WajickAlfred Fborn about 1904
WaychikCecelia Aborn about 1900
WaychikJohn Bborn about 1900
WaychikLois Mborn about 1923
WaychikMarilyn Rborn about 1937
WaychikMarlys Aborn about 1937
WhippleMinnie Bborn about 1883
WojickAnna Lborn about 1901
WojickDaniel Aborn about 1926
WojickEdward Aborn about 1894
WojickJeanne Mborn about 1928
WojickJeran Eborn about 1922
WojickMary Annborn about 1924
WojickSylvia Mborn about 1933

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Y Surnames

YoungWilliam Cborn about 1914

Z Surnames

ZeiglerArthur born about 1882

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