1940 U.S. Federal Census of Round, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Round

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonDonald born about 1927
AndersonEffie born about 1896
AndersonGladys born about 1936
AndersonGloria born about 1923
AndersonGoldie born about 1938
AndersonGrace born about 1929
AndersonHarold Lborn about 1914
AndersonHarry born about 1889
AndersonLester born about 1931
ArmuthKathlene born about 1939
ArmuthKennith Rborn about 1939
ArmuthLoberia Tborn about 1912
ArmuthRaymond Mborn about 1908
ArmuthRobert born about 1937
ArmuthRonald Mborn about 1935
ArmuthViola Lborn about 1931

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B Surnames

BekkenAnna born about 1878

C Surnames

ChaddockCharles Tborn about 1900
ChaddockMina Aborn about 1900
ChadduckGuy Aborn about 1884

D Surnames

DietschEllen Mborn about 1929
DietschEmma Lborn about 1930
DietschErvin born about 1931
DietschHelen born about 1905
DietschMyrtle born about 1936
DietschWilliam Eborn about 1895
DietschWilliam E Jrborn about 1933

F Surnames

FischerMarvin Cborn about 1919

H Surnames

HeinleCarl born about 1910
HeinleFreda born about 1908

J Surnames

JohnsonAndrew born about 1930
JohnsonClifford Jborn about 1910
JohnsonErick born about 1889
JohnsonErick Jr born about 1928
JohnsonGordon born about 1937
JohnsonJorgen born about 1879
JohnsonMarylin born about 1935
JohnsonMillie born about 1896
JohnsonNellie Mborn about 1913
JohnsonRalph born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KrappArnold born about 1910
KrappEmma Sborn about 1886
KrappJohn Aborn about 1927
KrappPaul Fborn about 1924
KrappRaymond Pborn about 1906
KrappVictor Iborn about 1916

M Surnames

MahonyAlvina born about 1907
MahonyEvelin born about 1926
MahonyLeo Tborn about 1903
ManleyHarold Lborn about 1933
ManleyJohn Lborn about 1931
ManleyLee born about 1938
ManleyMable born about 1910
ManleyNora Mborn about 1934
ManleyWayne born about 1907
MillerJack Wborn about 1898
MillerOrla Eborn about 1914
MillerViolet born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlsonBertha born about 1897
OlsonEsther Dborn about 1933
OlsonHenry Mborn about 1898
OlsonLeonard Mborn about 1924
OlsonMyrtle Dborn about 1934
OlsonRonald Lborn about 1929
OlsonVera Dborn about 1926
OlsonVernon born about 1932

R Surnames

RudeEdna Rborn about 1885
RudeInga born about 1885

S Surnames

SpearingEarl born about 1917
SpearingGust Wborn about 1874
SpearingMerill born about 1925
SpearingMildred Rborn about 1880

T Surnames

ThormarBetty born about 1930
ThormarEdward born about 1921
ThormarHarry Wborn about 1889
ThormarJosep born about 1926
ThormarMay born about 1896

W Surnames

WrightJames C Xborn about 1880
WrightMay Cborn about 1882
WrightSusan Mborn about 1918

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