1940 U.S. Federal Census of Russel in Rolette County, Rolette, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Rolette County > 1940 Census of Russel in Rolette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames

A Surnames

AamodtJeannette Bborn about 1932
AamodtJohn Tborn about 1905
AamodtMable Jborn about 1916
AamodtMarvin Lborn about 1939
AamodtRaymond Eborn about 1930
AamodtRobert Lborn about 1936
AzureJoseph Jborn about 1886
AzureMadline born about 1889

B Surnames

BlanchardAlderry Lborn about 1883
BoucherAlbert Kborn about 1913
BoucherAlice Lborn about 1917
BoucherArmand Oborn about 1914
BoucherEvette Eborn about 1922
BoucherVictor born about 1883

C Surnames

CasavantClaudia Mborn about 1922
CasavantDenee Lborn about 1933
CasavantEtienne Pborn about 1914
CasavantFlor Fborn about 1900
CasavantMarie Jborn about 1917
CasavantNoe born about 1891
CasavantRaymond Jborn about 1921
CasavantRita Nborn about 1925
CoteBernadette Lborn about 1934
CoteErnest Nborn about 1940
CoteLouise Mborn about 1927
CoteMarcella Aborn about 1936
CoteRoselma Cborn about 1930
CoteTheresa Sborn about 1932

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D Surnames

DarlingMargaret Oborn about 1879
DarlingRobert Aborn about 1871
DionneElaine Wborn about 1928
DionneHeglas Eborn about 1904
DionneJosephine Hborn about 1903
DionneMarcyes Cborn about 1935
DionneRomana Iborn about 1931
DislierresGaston Jborn about 1885
DucherneauAlbert born about 1938
DucherneauAlbert Pborn about 1908
DucherneauDenis Jborn about 1935
DucherneauElsie Jborn about 1940
DucherneauEtha Aborn about 1931
DucherneauMildred Mborn about 1910

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F Surnames

FarrellPeter born about 1900
FasaetteCoral Fborn about 1936
FasaetteDonald Rborn about 1932
FasaetteHarry Nborn about 1906
FasaetteJames Eborn about 1930
FasaetteOrval Jborn about 1933
FasaetteRachel Pborn about 1908
FossettAles Cborn about 1892
FossettLenora born about 1895
FossettMae Cborn about 1920
FossettRobert Bborn about 1922
FugerDale born about 1929
FugerDarrel born about 1929
FugerDuaine born about 1932
FugerJoseph born about 1901
FugerOniel born about 1936
FugerWilma born about 1926

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H Surnames

HougenByron Cborn about 1927
HougenChristopher Eborn about 1886
HougenEmma Cborn about 1895
HougenGurman Gborn about 1935
HougenMaxine Eborn about 1920
HougenRuben Gborn about 1923

J Surnames

JacksonHarvey Cborn about 1910
JacksonHarvey Cborn about 1940
JacksonMyrtle Aborn about 1909
JacksonShirly Aborn about 1936
JohnsonGladyse Jborn about 1918

K Surnames

KotschevarAnnie born about 1863

L Surnames

LakeMartin Iborn about 1897
LambertAlexender born about 1889
LedouxAlbert Bborn about 1900
LeonardCorrine Nborn about 1940
LeonardEdmond Cborn about 1936
LeonardEdna Lborn about 1904
LeonardEdward Cborn about 1894
LeonardJanice Cborn about 1939
LeonardRobert Dborn about 1934
LeonardWilliam Aborn about 1933
LeonneAugust Dborn about 1903
LeonneDores Iborn about 1931
LeonneEugene Lborn about 1928
LeonneHermine Mborn about 1902
LeonneLellin Mborn about 1932
LeonneLorrain Mborn about 1932
LeonneThelma Lborn about 1929

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M Surnames

MarcilIda Fborn about 1906
MarcilMae Lborn about 1904
MarcilMarline Lborn about 1932
MarcilOlivine born about 1873
MarcilWilliam Cborn about 1936
MenardClara Lborn about 1899
MenardEdgar Cborn about 1920
MenardJoseph born about 1892

N Surnames

NelsonMary Eborn about 1910

P Surnames

PetryszynAnna born about 1896
PetryszynJoseph Kborn about 1931
PetryszynKarle born about 1885
PetryszynMike Dborn about 1916
PigenBeverly Aborn about 1939
PigenCleora born about 1916
PigenDean Jborn about 1936
PigenKenneth Dborn about 1938
PigenKurtis Wborn about 1938
PigenRobert Jborn about 1939
PigenTheodore Gborn about 1909

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R Surnames

RiendeauAdolph Wborn about 1931
RiendeauAledige Jborn about 1900
RiendeauAlice Mborn about 1928
RiendeauCelia Rborn about 1930
RiendeauLillian Rborn about 1906
RiendeauLucina Rborn about 1929
RiendeauSerena Eborn about 1926

S Surnames

SharrattErwin Lborn about 1901
SharrattLeah Pborn about 1906
SherratteCharlie Sborn about 1920
SmithDwaynne Rborn about 1922
SmithEillen Gborn about 1924
SmithElen Dborn about 1939
SmithElizabeth Gborn about 1900
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1890
SmithLeah Mborn about 1929
SmithMargaret Eborn about 1931

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