1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sentinel, Golden Valley, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Golden Valley County > 1940 Census of Sentinel

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

B Surnames

BohnAnanelle born about 1933
BohnCharles Cborn about 1898
BohnCharles Jr born about 1937
BohnCharlotte born about 1928
BohnDaniel born about 1926
BohnEleanor born about 1932
BohnGerald born about 1939
BohnLouise born about 1930
BohnMarlyn born about 1936
BohnMaxine born about 1934
BohnOlive born about 1903
BohnPatrick born about 1938
BohnTheodore born about 1927
BoltonArchie born about 1894
BoltonBarbara born about 1907
BoltonCorrine born about 1939
BoltonHugh born about 1897
BrownClara born about 1912
BrownCora born about 1914
BrownEmelie born about 1938
BrownIla born about 1934
BrownJames born about 1935
BrownJohn Tborn about 1877
BrownLarry born about 1937
BrownMollie born about 1887
BrownRoland born about 1935
BrownRussell born about 1911
BrownSelma born about 1939
BrownWayne born about 1934
BrownWill Fborn about 1907
BrownWilliam Dborn about 1918
BrownWilliam Tborn about 1904
BuschDonald born about 1931
BuschErick born about 1896
BuschEstelle born about 1897
BuschMavis born about 1930
BuschMildred born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarlsonBetti born about 1866
ChristiansonJohn born about 1873
CombsDoris born about 1906
CombsGerald born about 1927
CombsJohn Cborn about 1926
CombsMina born about 1930
CompinViolet born about 1891
CompinWilliam Jborn about 1884
CookGerald born about 1938
CookGwendolyn born about 1932
CookJames born about 1936
CurlsonCarl born about 1914
CurlsonInga born about 1885

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D Surnames

DeckerAlphonse born about 1918
DeckerCharles born about 1924
DeckerMargaret born about 1920
DeckerMary born about 1886
DeckerMathias born about 1879
DempseyCalvin born about 1894
DempseyJennie born about 1903
DempseyLester born about 1921
DietzAgnes born about 1915
DietzEdmund born about 1913
DietzHelena born about 1871
DietzMathias born about 1866
DixonHazel born about 1907
DixonJames born about 1930
DixonMarilyn born about 1934
DixonWalter born about 1904
DodgeNina born about 1897
DodgeOrville born about 1921
DodgeRobert born about 1924
DownsGladys born about 1892
DownsJoseph born about 1885
DoyleRoy Cborn about 1878

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E Surnames

EdsonAmmi Dborn about 1857
EvertsCharles Wborn about 1856

F Surnames

FisherAlfred born about 1907
FisherClara Mayborn about 1934
FisherClifford born about 1905
FisherGertrude born about 1885
FisherMay born about 1914
FlaigBernadine born about 1929
FlaigEldon born about 1933
FlaigJoyce born about 1932
FletcherGeorge born about 1870
FranzenAlfred born about 1929
FranzenCharles born about 1932
FranzenClayton born about 1935
FranzenCora born about 1888
FranzenDoris born about 1921
FranzenEarl born about 1927
FranzenGaylord born about 1923
FranzenGene born about 1927
FranzenGeorge born about 1884
FranzenGeorge Jborn about 1933
FranzenHenry Wborn about 1906
FranzenIrma born about 1931
FranzenMary born about 1932
FranzenMax born about 1925
FranzenNellie born about 1907
FranzenPearl born about 1930
FranzerClara born about 1929
FranzerMyrtle born about 1895
FranzerRaymond born about 1923
FranzerRoy born about 1926
FranzerWilliam born about 1890

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G Surnames

GigstadEdwin born about 1937
GigstadEleanor born about 1928
GigstadHarold born about 1931
GigstadJanet born about 1933
GigstadLucille born about 1901
GigstadOra born about 1901
GigstadOscar born about 1885
GilbertCharles born about 1880
GrimesLois born about 1888

H Surnames

HansonHelen born about 1938
HansonIsabelle born about 1910
HansonJohn born about 1860
HansonPaul born about 1937
HansonSioux born about 1888
HasselstromEleanor born about 1916
HasselstromWilliam born about 1914
HessDolores born about 1925
HessHoward born about 1923
HessJacob Jborn about 1889
HessL Daleborn about 1929
HessMarie born about 1900
HonnoldGertrude born about 1908
HonnoldGladys born about 1921
HonnoldGuy born about 1916
HonnoldJohn born about 1908
HonnoldJohn Kborn about 1931
HonnoldLeslie Dborn about 1932
HonnoldLois Jborn about 1934
HonnoldPeggy Louborn about 1930
HorningGlendora born about 1880
HougenJohn born about 1874
HovlandHelen born about 1906
HovlandLouie born about 1900
HughesHenry born about 1917
HultbergEmma born about 1857
HusebyHarry born about 1884
HusebyJulia born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JohnsonAnna born about 1882
JohnsonAnna Christenaborn about 1881
JohnsonBobbie born about 1928
JohnsonCharles born about 1876
JohnsonCharles Dborn about 1923
JohnsonEffie born about 1904
JohnsonFrank born about 1885
JohnsonJohn born about 1917
JohnsonPeggy Jeanborn about 1933
JohnsonVictor born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KennedyBernard born about 1919
KennedyEdward born about 1924
KennedyEdward Rborn about 1886
KennedyJeanette born about 1891
KermitAlpha born about 1903
KermitAndrew born about 1925
KermitRudolph born about 1899
KermitRussell born about 1926
KinneyEarl Cborn about 1890
KinneyEsther born about 1880
KirkpatrickAlmyra born about 1910
KirkpatrickDuane born about 1932
KirkpatrickGlen born about 1935
KirkpatrickRalph born about 1905
KleinGeorge born about 1925
KleinJ Victorborn about 1890
KleinJessie born about 1889
KleinJohn born about 1922
KoshneyDolores born about 1931
KoshneyHarold born about 1922
KoshneyPaul born about 1927
KoshneyRoy born about 1925
KoshneySusan born about 1891
KoshneyThomas born about 1879

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L Surnames

LamereEugene born about 1920
LamereMargaret born about 1887
LamerePatricia born about 1923
LamereWilliam born about 1925
LardyDonald born about 1938
LardyGeorge born about 1910
LardyMarion born about 1932
LardyNorman Mborn about 1925
LardyOlga born about 1892
LardyVictoria born about 1908
LemireAlma born about 1916
LemireLawrence born about 1909
LowmanAmber born about 1916
LowmanHarry born about 1911

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M Surnames

MartinJeanne born about 1923
MartinJules born about 1875
MartinLyle born about 1901
MartinMeredith born about 1935
MartinNorma born about 1901
MenkleJames Aborn about 1927
MenkleMaggie born about 1903
MenkleMarion born about 1929
MenkleSamuel born about 1888
MillerMarshall born about 1913
MillerMary born about 1912
MooreCharles Aborn about 1892
MooreKeith born about 1924
MooreVirginia born about 1896
MurphyFelix born about 1885
MurphyThomas Tborn about 1919
MyersClara born about 1870
MyersClyde Wborn about 1891
MyersEva born about 1892
MyersInez born about 1909
MyersJohn born about 1930
MyersJudith Koleenborn about 1940
MyersLaura Jeanborn about 1932
MyersMarjorie born about 1923
MyersRobert born about 1914
MyersVerna born about 1935
MyersVerne born about 1900
MyersWilliam born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonErnest Dborn about 1897
NelsonJohn born about 1925
NelsonWilma born about 1897
NetzCharles born about 1936
NetzGertrude born about 1894
NetzNick born about 1890
NordinHulda born about 1887
NordinOtto born about 1885
NoromJohn Aborn about 1866

O Surnames

OlsonAlbert born about 1936
OlsonAnna born about 1912
OlsonEdward born about 1908
OlsonMarion born about 1932
OsterhoutErnest born about 1895
OsterhoutJerome born about 1939
OsterhoutJoan born about 1939
OsterhoutViolet born about 1914

P Surnames

PedersonEthel born about 1888
PedersonWilliam Tborn about 1882
PolleyClyde Fborn about 1886
PolleyElla born about 1920
PolleyMarie born about 1887

Q Surnames

QuaaleAlfred born about 1913
QuaaleArnette born about 1938
QuaaleBetty born about 1929
QuaaleDewey born about 1931
QuaaleDonald born about 1936
QuaaleDuane born about 1939
QuaaleEdward born about 1907
QuaaleHarold born about 1933
QuaaleHelen born about 1919
QuaaleViola born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RathbunCharles born about 1929
RathbunDennis born about 1939
RathbunJames born about 1927
RathbunJohn born about 1900
RathbunJohn born about 1930
RathbunMary born about 1905
RathbunMeryl born about 1934
RathbunTommy born about 1936
RathbunVivian born about 1932
RathbunWilliam born about 1925
ReedCharles born about 1919
ReedCharles Pborn about 1889
ReedHazel born about 1894
ReinholzAlfred born about 1892
ReinholzArthur born about 1890
ReinholzFred born about 1918
ReinholzLinda born about 1890
ReinholzMarie born about 1891
ReinholzMary Margaretborn about 1925
ReinholzRuth born about 1928
RoeslerFrances born about 1924
RoeslerMartha born about 1888
RoeslerOrville born about 1919
RoeslerWilliam born about 1888
RunionsNorman Wborn about 1871
RunionsNorman Jr born about 1899

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S Surnames

ScherleCarl born about 1928
ScherleEmil born about 1922
ScherleEmma born about 1924
ScherleFred born about 1920
ScherleFredericka born about 1888
ScherleJohn born about 1932
ScherleOtto born about 1914
ScherlePaul born about 1930
SechristDorothy Annborn about 1937
SechristLarry Davidborn about 1939
SechristPearl born about 1920
SechristRichard born about 1914
SmithBonita born about 1940
SmithFlorence born about 1914
SmithFred Wborn about 1889
SmithHarry born about 1914
SmithLenore born about 1892
SmithRamona born about 1920
StockerElba born about 1879
StockerFred born about 1877
StoddardJohn born about 1907
StreitzEvangeline born about 1913
StreitzIrene born about 1939
StreitzJoseph born about 1903
StreitzJoseph born about 1931
StreitzMarie born about 1936
StreitzPaul born about 1934

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T Surnames

TescherAugusta born about 1919
TescherKenneth born about 1939
TescherPeter Aborn about 1917
ThoemkePaul born about 1865
TresterEva Mborn about 1912
TresterHenry born about 1902
TresterJoyce born about 1939
TresterLarry born about 1932

V Surnames

VenaasHarold born about 1909

W Surnames

WaldalBertha born about 1879
WaldalBertil born about 1905
WaldalDonald born about 1923
WaldalDorothy born about 1923
WaldalEvelyn born about 1912
WaldalGrace born about 1885
WaldalNels Iborn about 1879
WaldalOle born about 1876
WassmannAlvina born about 1906
WassmannDelton born about 1926
WassmannHerman born about 1904
WassmannMarvin born about 1933
WassmannMaurice born about 1924
WassmannMyrna Jeanborn about 1940
WischowDonald born about 1929
WischowDorothy born about 1922
WischowJulia born about 1901
WischowPaul born about 1896
WischowRussell born about 1930
WyckoffGary born about 1935
WyckoffLarry born about 1940
WyckoffPaul born about 1907
WyckoffPaul born about 1938
WyckoffRuth born about 1910

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Y Surnames

YatesLena born about 1895
YatesLloyd born about 1895

Z Surnames

ZinsliAnton born about 1899
ZinsliFrancis Lborn about 1924
ZinsliIrene born about 1936
ZinsliJosephine born about 1928
ZinsliKathryn born about 1900
ZinsliMary Kborn about 1926
ZinsliNick born about 1934
ZinsliRichard born about 1930
ZinsliRose born about 1932

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