1940 U.S. Federal Census of Silvesta, Walsh, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Walsh County > 1940 Census of Silvesta

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AardahlAlbert born about 1897
AardahlNicolia born about 1852
AardahlOlava born about 1896
AmundredErnest born about 1912
AmundredJohn born about 1889
AmundredOlaf born about 1893
AroneEdward born about 1899
AroneElda born about 1935
AroneFloyd born about 1939
AroneLa Verne born about 1932
AroneLorraine born about 1932
AroneMelvin born about 1929
AronePearl born about 1937
AroneWalter born about 1924
AroneWilma born about 1903
AuneBeatrice born about 1921
AuneBennie born about 1896
AuneDonald born about 1924
AuneMae born about 1933
AuneMortimer born about 1923
AuneTillie born about 1895
AustadOle born about 1890
AxvigAlfred born about 1895
AxvigCarl Jborn about 1939
AxvigGene born about 1928
AxvigIrene born about 1914
AxvigJohn born about 1874
AxvigJoseph Oborn about 1910
AxvigKannet born about 1919
AxvigKermit born about 1919
AxvigLavina born about 1911
AxvigLena born about 1881
AxvigMaynard born about 1939
AxvigOle born about 1922

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B Surnames

BakkenBelida born about 1907
BakkenJohn born about 1872
BakkenMargaret born about 1869
BakkenMarvin born about 1903
BerntsonBergine born about 1921
BerntsonBernard born about 1939
BerntsonBertha born about 1900
BerntsonCarol born about 1937
BerntsonGeorge born about 1895
BerntsonGorden born about 1926
BerntsonLillian born about 1923
BerntsonLuther born about 1932
BerntsonMarvin born about 1930
BerntsonRudolph born about 1928
BjerkeAlice born about 1921
BjerkeKnut born about 1915
BjerkeMagnus born about 1913
BjerkeOlivia born about 1882
BjerkeOtto born about 1903
BjerkePearl born about 1912
BotsfordWorth born about 1888
ByarsJames born about 1925
ByarsJane born about 1883
ByarsRachel born about 1922
ByarsWilliam born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ChristensonBarbara born about 1938
ChristensonCharlie born about 1890
ChristensonClara born about 1894
ChristensonLenore born about 1935
ChristensonNorma born about 1932
ChristensonOle born about 1859
ChristensonRussel born about 1926
ClemansAmanda born about 1889
ClemansArnold born about 1914
ClemansGilman born about 1923
ClemansNorman born about 1920
ClemensErnest born about 1922
CoultasEmma born about 1901
CoultasGrace born about 1927
CoultasHaldon born about 1923
CoultasLeighton born about 1890
CoultasWillard born about 1917

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G Surnames

GillespieErena born about 1930
GillespieErma born about 1937
GillespieJohn Cborn about 1880
GillespieLizzie born about 1899
GillespieMargaret born about 1935
GrilleyClarence born about 1881
GrilleyLouise born about 1882

H Surnames

HammerstadFlorence born about 1904
HammerstadOscer born about 1894
HaroldsonAnna born about 1896
HaroldsonDoris born about 1925
HaroldsonGarvis born about 1921
HaroldsonTheo Gborn about 1890
HaslekaasAgnes born about 1925
HaslekaasHans born about 1869
HaslekaasHarland born about 1924
HaslekaasLa June born about 1928
HaslekaasRagna Cborn about 1921
HellenClifford born about 1917
HellenEdith Jborn about 1886
HellenEdith Mborn about 1920
HellenGlen born about 1924
HellenMelvin born about 1922
HellenOle born about 1885
HellenOrville born about 1915
HellenPearl born about 1927
HersethMarie born about 1900
HersethOle born about 1901
HersethRoselea born about 1933
HughesOwen born about 1935
HulstrandBernard born about 1891
HulstrandGena born about 1891
HulstrandKennet born about 1921
HulstrandWoodrow born about 1919

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I Surnames

IngebretsonAlma born about 1885
IngebretsonArlene born about 1925
IngebretsonCora born about 1922
IngebretsonObert Eborn about 1879

K Surnames

KerrDonald Gborn about 1924
KerrMarion Dborn about 1921
KerrMartha Vborn about 1896
KerrReginald Wborn about 1926
KerrRobert Gborn about 1890

L Surnames

LoitePete born about 1865
LundgrenCarl born about 1913
LundgrenEbba born about 1922
LundgrenSelmer born about 1919
LykkenBetty born about 1935
LykkenClara born about 1890
LykkenEsther born about 1904
LykkenGertrude born about 1936
LykkenGorden born about 1924
LykkenHandy born about 1903
LykkenHarvey born about 1918
LykkenHelene born about 1939
LykkenJoseph born about 1887
LykkenLa Vonne born about 1932
LykkenLeo born about 1929
LykkenRagna born about 1887
LykkenTeddy born about 1889
LykkenThilfor born about 1912
LykkenTruemann born about 1920
LykkenVerna born about 1928

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M Surnames

MachamDelores born about 1935
MachamDon born about 1937
MachamEllen born about 1922
MachamEugene born about 1931
MachamFrances born about 1897
MachamGeorge born about 1894
MachamGlenn born about 1924
MeierAgnes born about 1908
MeierAlice born about 1906
MeierCecil born about 1903
MeierFrank born about 1901
MeierGeorge born about 1891
MeierMary born about 1867
MyrenNeil born about 1938
MyrenNels born about 1906
MyrenVirginia born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAgnes born about 1920
NelsonAmy born about 1918
NelsonCarl born about 1922
NelsonCharley born about 1892
NelsonDoris born about 1925
NelsonElla born about 1898
NelsonErnest born about 1932
NelsonHannah born about 1895
NelsonHans born about 1864
NelsonHazel born about 1916
NelsonHelen born about 1927
NelsonLillian born about 1934
NelsonRuth born about 1929
NordbyGilbert born about 1903
NordbyHelga born about 1914
NordbyHenry born about 1907
NordbyJens Sborn about 1868
NordbyJerome born about 1933

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O Surnames

OhnstadJohn Hborn about 1868
OhnstadKari born about 1890
OlaughlinBernard Hborn about 1877
OlsonBernard born about 1937
OlsonDelores born about 1928
OlsonDorothy born about 1928
OlsonElden born about 1931
OlsonErma born about 1902
OlsonLous born about 1925
OlsonMathilda born about 1883
OlsonNels Mborn about 1896
OlsonOscar born about 1936
OlsonPaul born about 1939
OlsonRaymond born about 1932
OlsonReynard born about 1915
OlsonRobert born about 1934
OlsonThomas Aborn about 1867
OlsonVernon born about 1927
OlsonViola born about 1921
OlsonWallace born about 1924

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P Surnames

PetersonJohn born about 1870

R Surnames

RinnhagenEmelia born about 1897
RinnhagenJohn born about 1860
RinnhagenOlava born about 1861
RinnhagenOlga born about 1902
RoaLena born about 1891
RoaOle born about 1891
RostvetAmy born about 1939
RostvetBert born about 1940
RostvetMarilyn born about 1936
RostvetMinnie born about 1916
RostvetOlaus born about 1894
RostvetShirley born about 1938
RowikAnna born about 1870
RundhaugGust born about 1890
RundhaugOlaus born about 1889

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S Surnames

SamsonCharles Rborn about 1929
SamsonGlenn Wborn about 1923
SamsonJoann Eborn about 1933
SamsonLouie born about 1890
SamsonLyle Jborn about 1925
SamsonM Wesleyborn about 1921
SamsonMarie born about 1898
SamsonVirginia born about 1931
SamsonWanda Wborn about 1926
SamuelsonAlida born about 1911
SamuelsonArdell born about 1933
SamuelsonBen born about 1893
SamuelsonEileen born about 1924
SamuelsonEvelyn born about 1925
SamuelsonFranklyn born about 1921
SamuelsonHilma born about 1895
SamuelsonLoren born about 1930
SamuelsonMylo born about 1933
SamuelsonNellie born about 1896
SamuelsonOscer Eborn about 1895
SamuelsonRonald born about 1936
SamuelsonVictor born about 1904
SaterdahlEdwin born about 1892
SchnecklothHenry Cborn about 1900
SeversonThomas born about 1902
SidegCarl born about 1904
StenslandJohn born about 1939
StenslandKatherine born about 1905
StenslandKenneth born about 1927
StenslandLewis Jborn about 1897
StenslandLois born about 1930
StenslandMarvin born about 1935
StenslandOscer Cborn about 1894
StenslandThomine born about 1898
StoaAnton Tborn about 1869
StoaSusie born about 1879
StoaThorvald born about 1879
SubyEven born about 1891
SubyTilda born about 1891
SunderlandAdeline born about 1929
SunderlandDonna Jborn about 1932
SunderlandHenry born about 1908
SunderlandJosie born about 1905
SunderlandOpal born about 1930
SunderlandOscer born about 1897
SunderlandPhylis born about 1928
SunderlandSevert born about 1884
SunderlandStanley born about 1936
SunderlandVirginia born about 1935

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T Surnames

ThrugstadEdward born about 1859
ThrugstadElmer born about 1903
ThrugstadEverett Jborn about 1923
ThrugstadJohanna born about 1864
ThrugstadJohn Mborn about 1887
ThrugstadLouada born about 1925
ThrugstadLouise born about 1890
ThrugstadMerton born about 1929
TonningHulda born about 1887
TonningJacob Aborn about 1881
TorgersonKimton born about 1894

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V Surnames

VejtasaAnton born about 1898
VejtasaArmond born about 1935
VejtasaBohemile born about 1909
VejtasaDon born about 1938
VejtasaDorothea born about 1932
VejtasaEthel born about 1907
VejtasaFrank Jborn about 1891
VigenAlbert born about 1923
VigenEunice born about 1927
VigenGilma born about 1916
VigenGina born about 1889
VigenGlenn born about 1919
VigenLloyd born about 1925
VigenNels Nborn about 1886
VigenVernon born about 1922

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W Surnames

WilsonIlahmary born about 1919

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