1940 U.S. Federal Census of Windsor, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Windsor

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonJens Cborn about 1873
AndersonMary born about 1881
AndersonMina Oborn about 1906

B Surnames

BairJames Dborn about 1918
BairJames Gborn about 1866
BairNellie born about 1896
BairWayne born about 1924
BeitzDarwin Rborn about 1937
BeitzEsther Mborn about 1905
BeitzLeonard Sborn about 1925
BeitzReuben Eborn about 1905
BeitzVelma Jborn about 1930
BenderFrederick born about 1873
BenderKatherine born about 1878

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C Surnames

CarnerCharles Eborn about 1875
CarnerOlive Bborn about 1876
CheserDorothy Iborn about 1929
CheserJessie Lborn about 1868
CheserLeonard Jborn about 1927
CheserSarah Mborn about 1893
CheserWalter Rborn about 1920
CichosDennis Jborn about 1939
CichosKenneth Pborn about 1938
CichosPaul Pborn about 1905
CichosSusan Cborn about 1913
CooperAugusta Eborn about 1890
CooperFred Mborn about 1887
CooperGertrude Pborn about 1929
CraftCatherine born about 1905

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D Surnames

DaleElsie Lborn about 1891
DaleGeorge Eborn about 1885
DwineDorothy born about 1917

F Surnames

FriedBerthold born about 1920
FriedChristina born about 1882
FriedElizabeth Eborn about 1915
FriedGottlieb born about 1910
FriedHerbert born about 1915
FriedJacob born about 1877
FriedWalter born about 1926

G Surnames

GentBlanche Hborn about 1909
GentDuane Oborn about 1930
GeorgeCaroline Aborn about 1894
GeorgeFred Eborn about 1892
GeorgeKeith Eborn about 1935
GeorgeLimbert Gborn about 1928
GeorgeMildred Lborn about 1924
GoodroadCharles Fborn about 1929
GoodroadDonald Rborn about 1932
GoodroadGlenn Rborn about 1934
GoodroadIrene Fborn about 1913
GoodroadOlive Eborn about 1926
GoodroadR Keithborn about 1935
GoodroadRaymond Oborn about 1910
GoodroadRoger Fborn about 1936
GundersonClifford Jborn about 1907
GundersonMoris Jborn about 1934
GundersonNoel Wborn about 1932
GundersonTillie Mborn about 1909

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H Surnames

HigginsBernard born about 1889
HillemannAugust Lborn about 1873
HillemannMary Jborn about 1877
HoyeCaroline born about 1907
HoyeClayton born about 1901
HoyeElmer Jborn about 1905
HoyeEtta Mborn about 1880
HoyeJohn Eborn about 1876
HoyeLaverne Eborn about 1929
HoyeMarvin Jborn about 1930
HuntEda Aborn about 1905
HuntHarold Wborn about 1929
HuntHoward Eborn about 1927

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J Surnames

JonesGeorge Wborn about 1893

K Surnames

KensokAnna Mborn about 1893
KensokJoseph Mborn about 1893
KensokOrville Jborn about 1938
KensokRonald Jborn about 1929
KinerFred Eborn about 1881
KinerLloyd Hborn about 1906
KinerLoretta born about 1911
KuhnyMaxine Aborn about 1922
KunzeCarl born about 1887
KunzeCarl Jr born about 1924
KunzeDaniel Wborn about 1930
KunzeDavid born about 1938
KunzeDorothy born about 1932
KunzeElizabeth born about 1929
KunzeFred born about 1877
KunzeInfant born about 1940
KunzeJulia born about 1925
KunzeMargaret Cborn about 1934
KunzeMuriel born about 1927
KunzeMyrtle born about 1922
KunzeNellie Bborn about 1899
KunzeWilliam born about 1880

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M Surnames

MammengaJohn born about 1890
MammengaKathrina born about 1893

N Surnames

NaekelAnna Mborn about 1886

O Surnames

OneaGust born about 1903

P Surnames

PatscheFred born about 1903
PatscheHenry Wborn about 1908
PfarrAlfred born about 1905
PfarrAlvin Eborn about 1910
PfarrBeatrice Aborn about 1933
PfarrBertha born about 1912
PfarrElmer Mborn about 1938
PfarrFrancis Iborn about 1929
PfarrHelen born about 1917
PfarrIone Mborn about 1937
PfarrMamie Gborn about 1904
PfarrPauline born about 1907
PfarrRichard Rborn about 1935
PfarrVictor Aborn about 1938
PfarrWalter born about 1904
PfarrWilliam Lborn about 1897

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R Surnames

ReisingerMargaret Aborn about 1919
RolfsonAllan Wborn about 1929
RolfsonEngebrit born about 1888
RolfsonGlean Mborn about 1924
RolfsonHarlan Lborn about 1931
RolfsonIrma Hborn about 1922
RolfsonLa Vonneborn about 1933
RolfsonLavern born about 1933
RolfsonRuby Oborn about 1925
RolfsonVernon Mborn about 1927
RosemoreCatherine born about 1924
RosemoreDonald Dborn about 1922
RosemoreDorothy born about 1930
RosemoreGeorge born about 1885
RosemoreGordon Gborn about 1918
RosemoreLaroy Lborn about 1912
RosemoreMary born about 1887
RosemoreRonald born about 1922

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S Surnames

SchielkeArthur Rborn about 1917
SchielkeBenny Oborn about 1937
SchielkeElsie Mborn about 1932
SchielkeErna Aborn about 1927
SchielkeErnest Pborn about 1934
SchielkeHelen Eborn about 1926
SchielkeIda Bborn about 1893
SchielkeJulia born about 1891
SchielkeOswald Eborn about 1895
SchielkeRichard Rborn about 1887
SchielkeRinehard born about 1925
SchielkeRuth Mborn about 1926
SchielkeShirley Aborn about 1938
SchielkeWalter Rborn about 1930
SchwartzJohanna Fborn about 1890
SchwartzPeter G Xborn about 1892
SpeyersAntoon born about 1934
SpeyersEl Rose Mborn about 1939
SpeyersJohn born about 1897
SpeyersLonna Jborn about 1919
SpeyersWilliam born about 1931
StalockFrank born about 1883
StalockHerbert Hborn about 1916
StalockJames Pborn about 1922
StalockMarcella born about 1926
StalockMary Mborn about 1884
StalockWilliam Fborn about 1923
StickelAlden Rborn about 1921
StickelChrist born about 1897
StickelEdwin born about 1929
StickelJacob born about 1925
StickelLenora born about 1927
StickelMelvin born about 1932
StickelRose born about 1901
StickelVerna born about 1935
StrandBernice born about 1919

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T Surnames

TangneyDorothy born about 1923
TangneyHelen Lborn about 1898
TangneyNorma Jborn about 1877
TangneyWilliam Jborn about 1900
TangneyWilliam Rborn about 1926
ThimmeschAnna Mborn about 1892
ThimmeschArlene born about 1926
ThimmeschCocebia Aborn about 1918
ThimmeschJohn Gborn about 1888
ThimmeschVeronica Eborn about 1924
TrieboldFred Aborn about 1904
TrieboldWinifred Mborn about 1909

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W Surnames

WoehlLeon born about 1917
WooddellCecilia Vborn about 1899
WooddellEvelyn Mborn about 1925
WooddellRoy Eborn about 1896
WooddellWillis Lborn about 1924
WoolcottEstella Mborn about 1873

Z Surnames

ZimmerDonald Lborn about 1934
ZimmerEdna Mborn about 1928
ZimmerHarold Dborn about 1932
ZimmerHerbert Gborn about 1938
ZimmerJohn born about 1907
ZimmerKenneth Jborn about 1930
ZimmerLaura born about 1907
ZimmerLila Mborn about 1927

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