1940 U.S. Federal Census of Woodbury, Stutsman, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Stutsman County > 1940 Census of Woodbury

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlfstadBeverly Jborn about 1935
AlfstadCaryl Aborn about 1937
AlfstadCatherine Eborn about 1916
AlfstadCharles Cborn about 1908
AlfstadKathleen Rborn about 1938
AlfstadPhyllis Vborn about 1934
ArmsonInga Sborn about 1898
ArmsonSeymour Lborn about 1895

B Surnames

BakerCarol Jborn about 1938
BakerEldon Gborn about 1927
BakerErdeen Cborn about 1929
BakerErma Lborn about 1903
BakerEthel Bborn about 1935
BakerGeorge Hborn about 1900
BakerLaurel Mborn about 1939
BakerMarcella Lborn about 1933
BakerRay Aborn about 1930
BauerBertha born about 1916
BauerJacob Rborn about 1909
BoldtArnold Mborn about 1892
BoldtDouglas Oborn about 1922
BoldtElsy Eborn about 1896
BoldtShirley Aborn about 1928
BowderFred born about 1884
BowderJean Fborn about 1934
BowderOttilia Bborn about 1913
BowderRussel Aborn about 1908
BurkartBertha born about 1862

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C Surnames

CorellEthel Jborn about 1914
CorellJohn Jborn about 1914

D Surnames

DocktorAlvin Aborn about 1919
DocktorDonald Lborn about 1920
DocktorFrancis Jborn about 1926
DocktorFrank born about 1893
DocktorMarie Aborn about 1892
DocktorRobert Eborn about 1922
DunlopThomas Dborn about 1896

E Surnames

EmoJohn Aborn about 1919
EmoMichael Cborn about 1883

F Surnames

FoxChristina born about 1855

I Surnames

IngrahamLorraine Jborn about 1927

J Surnames

JohnsonAlfred Hborn about 1882
JohnsonArchibald Hborn about 1906
JohnsonKenneth Jborn about 1917
JohnsonMary Aborn about 1885

K Surnames

KloseConrad Cborn about 1937
KloseDonald Sborn about 1928
KloseElinore Mborn about 1909
KloseJerome Bborn about 1929
KloseLoraine Kborn about 1932
KloseMary Eborn about 1933
KloseReinhold Iborn about 1905
KwitzAgusta born about 1887
KwitzClarence Lborn about 1918
KwitzHenry born about 1883
KwitzMollie born about 1922

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L Surnames

LarsonHenry Jborn about 1889
LawrenceAlma Vborn about 1895
LawrenceArthur Cborn about 1894
LawrenceEvylyn Lborn about 1924
LawrenceGeorge Wborn about 1883
LawrenceKenneth born about 1937
LawrenceMyron Aborn about 1928
LeeEarl Aborn about 1918
LeeFrances Vborn about 1895
LeeGladys Pborn about 1932
LeeHarold Pborn about 1919
LeeJohn born about 1892
LeeJohn born about 1923
LeeKathryn Cborn about 1925

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M Surnames

MatteIsabella Aborn about 1872
MatteJulius Aborn about 1896
MichelAnna Bborn about 1893
MichelErvin Rborn about 1889
MichelGerald Lborn about 1919
MichelJacob Aborn about 1894
MichelJerry Eborn about 1939
MichelLois Lborn about 1922
MichelLorraine Cborn about 1926
MichelMarion Lborn about 1917
MichelRaymond Eborn about 1919
MichelSelma Aborn about 1896
MichelVernice Aborn about 1899
MillerInez Iborn about 1921
MonekHelen Iborn about 1893
MonekHelen Mborn about 1923
MonekHenry Jborn about 1893

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N Surnames

NyggardEdward born about 1884

O Surnames

OttingerArnold Aborn about 1922
OttingerClifford Dborn about 1920
OttingerMatilda Jborn about 1883
OttingerWallace Eborn about 1928
OttingerWilliam born about 1871
OttingerWilliam Mborn about 1925

R Surnames

RippleyClifford Jborn about 1909
RippleyGeorge born about 1878
RumseyDollie born about 1908
RumseyShirley Aborn about 1936
RumseyWalter born about 1908

S Surnames

SahmKristina Iborn about 1891
SahmPaul Aborn about 1882
SahmRaymond Pborn about 1929
SamdalAndrew Jborn about 1889
SamdalAnna born about 1887
SchuffDonald Eborn about 1935
SchuffHarriet Pborn about 1927
SchuffLouise Cborn about 1904
SchuffOrville Cborn about 1930
SchuffPhilip Cborn about 1899
ScottBetty Aborn about 1922
ScottHelen Jborn about 1921
ScottJames Wborn about 1893
ScottVeta Hborn about 1892
ScottVeta Lborn about 1929
StoutGeorge Wborn about 1908
SwansonAlfred Eborn about 1921
SwansonArnold Lborn about 1925
SwansonArthur Mborn about 1930
SwansonFloyd Eborn about 1899
SwansonMabel Jborn about 1900

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T Surnames

ThomGladys Iborn about 1905
ThomLouis Oborn about 1910
ThomRonald Cborn about 1937
TobinFrances Cborn about 1936
TobinLawerence Tborn about 1914
TobinTherson Vborn about 1939
TobinVictoria Rborn about 1917

V Surnames

VandenheuvelAlbert born about 1876
VandenheuvelAnna born about 1903
VandenheuvelCaroline born about 1887

W Surnames

WilsonHarry Jborn about 1871
WilsonHarry Jborn about 1918
WilsonSusan born about 1883
WilsonWilliam Cborn about 1921
WrightFrank born about 1873
WrightGloria Yborn about 1931
WrightInga Oborn about 1893
WrightRobert Oborn about 1927

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