1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wyard, Foster, North Dakota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > North Dakota > Foster County > 1940 Census of Wyard

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AljetsFrances Lborn about 1910
AljetsJohn Wborn about 1939
AljetsMary Aborn about 1912
AllensClinton Aborn about 1922
AllensHarry Hborn about 1898
AllensLudia Eborn about 1899
AllensWilfred born about 1931
AndersonCarter born about 1921
AndersonEldon born about 1915
AndersonMildred born about 1922

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B Surnames

BrooksFrank born about 1871
ButhsEarl Vborn about 1908
ButhsFloyd Aborn about 1910
ButhsNellie Eborn about 1893
ButhsRulen born about 1874
ButhsTennie Lborn about 1919
ButtoLe Roy Jborn about 1919
ButtoLucille Jborn about 1920
ButtoPatrick Lborn about 1940
ButtoSamuel Aborn about 1938

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C Surnames

CanklinClifford born about 1885
CanklinOveda born about 1896
CarrEdward Jborn about 1903
CarrIrene born about 1903
CarrJames born about 1938
CarrMarie born about 1934
CarrPatrick born about 1932
CarrRaymond born about 1926
CaylorClarice Cborn about 1931
CaylorDayle born about 1905
CaylorDoris Mborn about 1934
CaylorViolet born about 1912
ClarkEmma born about 1885
CodyEdith Mborn about 1894
CodyEdward Nborn about 1875
CodyGeorge Hborn about 1925
CodyWilliam Fborn about 1921

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E Surnames

EngelBetty born about 1928
EngelCarolin born about 1909
EngelEdith Mborn about 1883
EngelFloyd Lborn about 1913
EngelGladys born about 1919
EngelMadira born about 1922
EngelManly born about 1922
EngelShirley born about 1926
EngelWilliam born about 1911
EngelWilliam Cborn about 1875

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F Surnames

FaxtonHarry born about 1869

G Surnames

GlaserLillian born about 1908
GlaserSharon born about 1935
GlaserTheodore born about 1909
GlaserTheodore born about 1938
GrintjesCornelius born about 1891
GrintjesEllen Mborn about 1934
GrintjesGeorge born about 1898
GrintjesMary born about 1894

H Surnames

HallMay Mborn about 1861
HarmanLeo Mborn about 1890
HarmanMary Lborn about 1921
HarmanMary Mborn about 1894
HarmanRalpoh Mborn about 1922
HermanEmelia born about 1881
HermanGeorge born about 1874
HoffmanGustav born about 1867

J Surnames

JakehouseJ Eborn about 1875

K Surnames

KalleyFloyd born about 1921
KleinAndrew born about 1900
KleinGladys born about 1935
KleinKenneth Jborn about 1928
KleinSophia born about 1900
KriewaldDale Bborn about 1935
KriewaldFrank born about 1908
KriewaldIrene born about 1914
KriewaldRichard Lborn about 1938
KuehnDonald born about 1930
KuehnEline born about 1927
KuehnJacob born about 1885
KuehnJames Rborn about 1934
KuehnLeonard Oborn about 1917
KuehnLizzie born about 1897
KuehnLois Aborn about 1932
KuehnLonnie born about 1923
KuehnMarlis Jborn about 1936
KuehnMary Aborn about 1939
KuehnRuth Lborn about 1924
KuehnSophia Kborn about 1897
KuehnVernon born about 1919
KuehnWilliam born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LangeEunice born about 1939
LangeGustav Lborn about 1934
LangeHugh Wborn about 1921
LangeLance Wborn about 1928
LangeLuella Jborn about 1925
LangeMargeret Fborn about 1926
LangeMartha Jborn about 1903
LangeReinhold born about 1892
LangeReinhold Nborn about 1922
LangemackClara Lborn about 1885
LangemackHarder born about 1885
LaughlinAlice Rborn about 1887
LaughlinGlenna Aborn about 1924
LaughlinJohn Wborn about 1885
LaughlinJune Lborn about 1922
LemertAlyse born about 1924
LemertAmelia born about 1888
LemertEnneli born about 1921
LemertFrank Jborn about 1885
LemertFrank Jborn about 1920
LemertKesthel born about 1918
LemertRussell born about 1925
LiesArthur Jiborn about 1931
LiesHanru Wborn about 1905
LiesRuth Nborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MarterNorman born about 1889
MontgomeryArslell Mborn about 1904
MontgomeryDavid born about 1894
MontgomeryDavid born about 1924
MontgomeryGrace Dborn about 1885
MontgomeryIrene born about 1924
MontgomeryRobert Hborn about 1926
MontgomerySherman Lborn about 1917
MontgomeryWilliam born about 1881

N Surnames

NelsonAllada born about 1936
NelsonFlorence born about 1922
NelsonTennie born about 1936

P Surnames

PetersonEddie born about 1899
PetersonMay born about 1903
PrenticeAmelia born about 1875
PrenticeElla born about 1915
PrenticeJohn born about 1906
PrenticeSamuel born about 1910

R Surnames

RindyGeorge Gborn about 1936
RindyHalvar born about 1869
RindyJames Lborn about 1938
RindyMary Mborn about 1914
RindyRalph born about 1940
RindyRinely Mborn about 1877
RindyRobert Aborn about 1912
RindyRobert Aborn about 1933
RuskJames Rborn about 1907
RuskJames Rborn about 1939
RuskMary Hborn about 1909
RuskMichal born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SulkyWalter born about 1909

T Surnames

TholeFredrick born about 1885
TholeTennie born about 1898

V Surnames

ValeserAllen born about 1937
ValeserAndon born about 1911
ValeserArline born about 1934
ValeserEmelia born about 1914

W Surnames

WagnerRymond born about 1915
WatsonColleen born about 1916
WatsonJay born about 1903

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