USA (1,380,571) > New Hampshire (12,337) > Carroll County (805)
If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Finder tool. Carroll Records by TypeBirth Records (37)Cemetery Records (458) Census Records (44) Church Records (10) City Directories (8) Court Records (1) Death Records (41) Histories and Genealogies (31) Immigration Records (4) Land Records (3) Map Records (22) Marriage Records (39) Military Records (4) Miscellaneous Records (45) Newspapers and Obituaries (27) Probate Records (3) School Records (27) Tax Records (1) ![]() |
Carroll County Records by City/TownAlbany Genealogy (15)Bartlett Genealogy (25) Brookfield Genealogy (51) Center Ossipee Genealogy (6) Chatham Genealogy (14) Conway Genealogy (43) Eaton Genealogy (13) Eaton Center Genealogy (15) Effingham Genealogy (36) Freedom Genealogy (32) Intervale Genealogy (5) Jackson Genealogy (8) |
Madison Genealogy (16) Moultonborough Genealogy (45) North Conway Genealogy (25) North Sandwich Genealogy (8) Ossipee Genealogy (49) Sanbornville Genealogy (6) Sandwich Genealogy (51) Tamworth Genealogy (30) Tuftonboro Genealogy (56) Wakefield Genealogy (48) Wolfeboro Genealogy (49) Wolfeborough Genealogy (31) |