Wolfeborough Genealogy (in Carroll County, NH)

USA (1,380,571) > New Hampshire (12,337) > Carroll County (805) > Wolfeborough (31)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wolfeborough are also found through the Carroll County and New Hampshire pages.

Wolfeborough Birth Records

Vital records 1851-1947 (Wolfeboro, New Hampshire) FamilySearch Library

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire vital records, 1887-1999 FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough Cemetery Records

Brewster Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemetery inscriptions, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire FamilySearch Library

Cotton Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cotton Mountain Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cotton-Canney Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hersey Cemetery Find a Grave online

New Hampshire cemeteries and bible records FamilySearch Library

No. Wolfeboro Cemetery Find a Grave online

Nute Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pine Hill Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rust Graveyard Find a Grave online

Smith Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wolfeboro Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wolfeboro, N.H. cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough City Directories

The Wolfeborough directory, 1899 : general and business directory and street directory of Wolfeborough, also a record of Wolfeborough town government, churches, organizations, etc FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough Death Records

Vital records 1851-1947 (Wolfeboro, New Hampshire) FamilySearch Library

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire vital records, 1887-1999 FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough Histories and Genealogies

History of Wolfeborough ( New Hampshire) FamilySearch Library

History of Wolfeborough (New Hampshire) Ancestry online

History of Wolfeborough (New Hampshire) LDS Genealogy online

History of Wolfeborough (New Hampshire) Internet Archive online

History of the town of Wolfeborough, New Hampshire FamilySearch Library

Lake Winnipesaukee : town settlements and history : including the towns of Laconia, Center Harbor, Moultonborough, Wolfeboro, Alton, Meredith, Gilford and Tuftonboro FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough Marriage Records

Vital records 1851-1947 (Wolfeboro, New Hampshire) FamilySearch Library

Wolfeboro, New Hampshire vital records, 1887-1999 FamilySearch Library

Wolfeborough Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Wolfeborough

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Carroll County Pioneer. (Wolfboro' Junction [Wolfeboro], N.H.) 1881-1924

Granite State News. (Wolfborough [I.E. Wolfeboro], N.H.) 1860-Current

Ossipee Valley Times. (Wolfeboro Falls, N.H.) 1990-Current

Wolfeborough School Records

New Hampshire cemeteries and bible records FamilySearch Library

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