Readington Genealogy (in Hunterdon County, NJ)

USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > Hunterdon County (706) > Readington (38)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Readington are also found through the Hunterdon County and New Jersey pages.

Readington Birth Records

Readington Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1849-1867 FamilySearch Library

Readington Cemetery Records

Biggs-Schomp-Cole Cemetery Find a Grave online

Buchanan, Clawson, & Mattison Graveyards US Gen Web Archives online

Cole Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hankinson Cemetery Find a Grave online

Newell Burying Ground New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Newell Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Pickell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Readington Reformed Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Samuel Kanach Burying Ground Find a Grave online

Schamp Family Burying Ground Find a Grave online

Schomp Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Voorhees Burying Ground New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Vroom-DeMott Cemetery Find a Grave online

Woodschurch Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wyckoff Cemetery #01 Find a Grave online

Wyckoff Cemetery #02 Find a Grave online

Wycoff Burying Ground New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Readington Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Readington, New Jersey LDS Genealogy online

Readington Church Records

Church book of the Congregation at North Branch containing baptisms, 1720-1806 FamilySearch Library

Church book of the Congregation at North Branch containing baptisms, 1720-1806 FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1719-1939 (Readington Reformed Dutch Church (Readington, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1719-1959 (Reformed Church (Readington, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Church register [Readington, New Jersey], 1720-1871 (Dutch Reformed Church (Readington, New Jersey)) FamilySearch Library

Historical discourse and addresses delivered at the 175th anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 Genealogy Gophers online

Historical discourse and addresses delivered at the 175th anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 LDS Genealogy online

Historical discourse and addresses delivered at the 175th anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 Internet Archive online

History of the Reformed Church at Readington, N. J. 1719-1881 The NJ Historical Portal online

History of the Reformed Church at Readington, N. J., 1719-1881 FamilySearch Library

History of the Reformed Church at Readington, N.J., 1719-1881 Ancestry online

Readington Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1849-1867 FamilySearch Library

Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Raritan (now Somerville), N.J., 1721-1851 FamilySearch Library

Readington Histories and Genealogies

History of the Readington School, formerly called Holland Brook School, 1804-1897 LDS Genealogy online

History of the Readington School, formerly called Holland Brook School, 1804-1897 Internet Archive online

Outcast : a story of slavery in Readington Township, Hunterdon County, New Jersey FamilySearch Library

Readington School Records

History of the Readington School, formerly called Holland Brook School, 1804-1897 FamilySearch Library

History of the Readington School, formerly called Holland Brook School, 1804-1897 LDS Genealogy online

History of the Readington School, formerly called Holland Brook School, 1804-1897 Internet Archive online

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