USA (1,380,571) > New Jersey (19,741) > Mercer County (1,155) > Trenton (500)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Trenton are also found through the Mercer County and New Jersey pages.
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1869-1889 & 1905-1956 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
First-Second-Third-Fourth-Fifth-Sixth-Seventh Wards, Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1848-1867 FamilySearch Library
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Registers, 1967-1990s Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Lutheran Church of the Saviour, Registers, 1899-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Saint Michaels Church, Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey computer printout; births or christenings, 1769-1855 FamilySearch Library
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1851-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
City Cemetery (Defunct) Find a Grave
Colonial Memorial Park Find a Grave
Congregation Brothers of Israel Billion Graves
Congregation Brothers of Israel Cemetery #1 Find a Grave
First Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave
First Presbyterian Churchyard Find a Grave
Fountain Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery Find a Grave
Friends Burying Ground Find a Grave
Friends Burying Ground Billion Graves
Greenwood Cemetery Find a Grave
Greenwood Cemetery Billion Graves
Greenwood Cemetery Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery Find a Grave
Locust Hill Cemetery Find a Grave
Mercer Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Pearson Cemetery Find a Grave
Our Lady Of Lourdes Cemetery Find a Grave
People Of Truth Hebrew Cemetery - Clover Section Find a Grave
Riverview Cemetery Find a Grave
Riverview Cemetery Billion Graves
Riverview Cemetery Interment
Saint Francis Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint John's Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Mary's Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Marys Greek Catholic Cemetery Find a Grave
Saint Michael's Episcopal Churchyard Find a Grave
Saint Vladimir Cemetery Find a Grave
Saints Peter and Paul Cemetery Find a Grave
Second Presbyterian Churchyard (Defunct) Find a Grave
Trenton Young Judea Association Cemetery Find a Grave
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Memorial Garden Find a Grave
Workers of Truth Cemetery Find a Grave
Workman's Circle Branch 90 Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census 1880: Part 1-8, City of Trenton US Gen Web Archives
Federal Census 1920 : City of Trenton US Gen Web Archives
Court of Chancery record of sundry inquisitions, 1869-1894, New Jersey Court of Chancery Archive Grid
Minutes : April 1775-May 1782, Burlington & Trenton, New Jersey Supreme Court Archive Grid
New Jersey Prerogative Court index to opinions, 1928-1948 Archive Grid
New Jersey Prerogative Court record of bonds and releases, 1927-1937 Archive Grid
New Jersey Prerogative Court record of division of real estate, 1847-1934 Archive Grid
New Jersey, Prerogative Court record book, 1886-1909 Archive Grid
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1869-1889 & 1905-1956 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Registers, 1967-1990s Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Lutheran Church of the Saviour, Registers, 1899-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1851-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Vital Statistics Index from Trenton Newspapers, 1800-1900 FamilySearch Library
A Brief narrative of the ravages of the British and Hessians at Princeton in 1776-77 : a contemporary account of the battles of Trenton and Princeton FamilySearch Library
A History of Trenton, 1679-1929 : two hundred and fifty years of a notable town with links in four centuries FamilySearch Library
A History of the Trenton Banking Company, 1804-1929 Ancestry
A history of the Trenton Banking Company, 1804-1929 FamilySearch Library
Cushetunk : the First White Settlement in the Upper Delaware Valley Ancestry
Fire Service of Trenton : A Souvenir Containing An Account of the Service Ancestry
Genealogy of early settlers in Trenton and Ewing, Old Hunterdon County, New Jersey FamilySearch Library
Historic Trenton Ancestry
History of St. Michael's, 1700-1925 Ancestry
History of Trenton, New Jersey : the Record of Its Earliest Settlement and Corporate Progress Ancestry
History of Trenton, New Jersey : the record of its early settlement and corporate progress. LDS Genealogy
History of Trenton, New Jersey : the record of its early settlement and corporate progress. Internet Archive
New Jersey : Capital:Trenton, Entered Union: 18 Dec. 1787 Genealogy Gophers
St. James 50 Years Ancestry
The Callicoon Historian Ancestry
The Mechanics Bank, 1834-1919, Trenton in New Jersey : A History Ancestry
The Roebling story : as told in 1941 on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the John A. Roebling's Sons Company FamilySearch Library
Trenton Old and New Ancestry
Map of the city of Trenton, New Jersey, 1849 Library of Congress
Properties map of the Delaware River Improvement Company on Morrisville Island, Pa. opposite Trenton, N.J., 1900 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1890 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1908 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1927 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1927-1950 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, 1949 Library of Congress
Trenton City and Princeton, 1905 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1869-1889 & 1905-1956 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Registers, 1967-1990s Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Lutheran Church of the Saviour, Registers, 1899-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Saint Michael's Church, Trenton, Mercer, New Jersey computer printout; marriages, 1769-1855 FamilySearch Library
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Registers, 1851-1967 Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Vital Statistics Index from Trenton Newspapers, 1800-1900 FamilySearch Library
A brief narrative of the ravages of the British and Hessians at Princeton in 1776 - 1777 FamilySearch Library
History of Battery B, First New Jersey Artillery Ancestry
History of the Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers Ancestry
Selected final pension payment vouchers, 1818-1864, New Jersey, Trenton FamilySearch Library
The Continental Army at the crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night of 1776 LDS Genealogy
The Continental Army at the crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas night of 1776 Internet Archive
American-Jewish Life. (Trenton, N.J.) 1958-Current US Newspaper Directory
Miscellaneous records, 1689-1877, Chesterfield Monthly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1956) Archive Grid
Crisis 09/26/1832 to 10/03/1832 Genealogy Bank
Daily True American 11/02/1852 to 12/31/1879 Genealogy Bank
Daily True American, 1880-1908 Google News Archive
Daily true American 1884-1884
Emporium and True American 06/16/1821 to 09/10/1847 Genealogy Bank
Evening True American, 1912-1913 Google News Archive
Miscellany 06/10/1805 to 12/02/1805 Genealogy Bank
New Jersey State Gazette 09/19/1792 to 12/31/1799 Genealogy Bank
New Jersey Volunteer 09/21/1865 to 11/16/1865 Genealogy Bank
New-Jersey Gazette 03/04/1778 to 11/27/1786 Genealogy Bank
Sentinel 06/26/1880 to 11/13/1882 Genealogy Bank
Times 03/21/2007 to Current Genealogy Bank
Times 2010-2024
Times of Trenton, The: Web Edition Articles 01/15/2009 to Current Genealogy Bank
Trenton Daily News, 1908-1912 Google News Archive
Trenton Downtowner 12/26/2016 to Current Genealogy Bank
Trenton Evening Times 01/07/1883 to 03/16/1993 Genealogy Bank
Trenton Evening Times 1891, 1895-99, and 1906-22 (Trenton, New Jersey) Ancestry
Trenton Evening Times 1891-1922
Trenton Evening Times 1944-1953
Trenton Federalist 12/02/1800 to 12/27/1824 Genealogy Bank
Trenton State Gazette 01/12/1847 to 12/31/1898 Genealogy Bank
Trenton Times 12/06/1883 to 12/31/1891 Genealogy Bank
Trenton Times, the 1883-95 and 1898-1906 (Trenton, New Jersey) Ancestry
Trenton's Newspapers, 1778-1932 Ancestry
Trenton's Newspapers, 1778-1932 FamilySearch Library
Trentonian 04/12/2000 to Current Genealogy Bank
True American 03/10/1801 to 09/21/1818 Genealogy Bank
Vital Statistics Index from Trenton Newspapers, 1800-1900 FamilySearch Library
Offline Newspapers for TrentonAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. American Potters Journal. (Trenton, N.J.) 1888-1912 American-Jewish Life. (Trenton, N.J.) 1958-Current Argus. (Trenton, N.J.) 1835-1836 Chambersburg Press and Anglo-American. (Chambersburg, N.J.) 1887-1888 Chambersburg Weekly News. (Chambersburg, Trenton, N.J.) 1873-1877 Citizen. (Trenton, N.J.) 1946-1950 Daily Emporium. (Trenton, N.J.) 1867-1895 Daily Free Press. (Trenton, N.J.) 1876-1877 Daily Public Opinion. (Trenton, N.J.) 1874-1875 Daily Republican. (Trenton, N.J.) 1856-1857 Daily State Gazette and Republican. (Trenton, N.J.) 1857-1863 Daily State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1863-1918 Daily Trentonian. (Trenton, N.J.) 1849-1851 Daily True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1849-1908 Emporium & True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1829-1847 Emporium & True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1839-1840 Emporium. (Trenton, N.J.) 1821-1827 Evening Argus. (Trenton, N.J.) 1872-1873 Evening Star. (Trenton, N.J.) 1875-1876 Evening True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1912-1913 Federal Post. (Trenton [N.J.]) 1788-1789 Federalist & New-Jersey State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1800-1802 Federalist; or New-Jersey Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1798-1800 Italian-American La Nuova Capitale. (Trenton, N.J.) 1963-1975 Labor News. (Trenton, N.J.) 1931-1939 Mercer County News and Allentown Times. (Chambersburg, Mercer Co., and Allentown, Monmouth Co., N.J.) 1881-1884 Mercer Standard. (Trenton, N.J.) 1854-1857 National Union. (Trenton [N.J.]) 1831-1833 New Jersey Weekly Visiter, and Temperance Sentinel. (Trenton, N.J.) 1846-1851 New-Jersey Staats Journal. (Trenton, N.J.) 1867-1942 New-Jersey State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1792-1796 New-Jersey State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1799-1800 New-Jersey State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1829-1857 Observer. (Trenton, N.J.) 1959-1960s Patriot. (Trenton, N.J.) 1861-1862 Plaindealer. (Trenton [N.J.]) 1846-1847 Press and Anglo-American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1888-1890 Reformer, and New Jersey Temperance Advocate. (Trenton, N.J.) 1851-1856 Sentinel. (Trenton, N.J.) 1880-1882 Sheet Anchor of Democracy. (Trenton, N.J.) 1843-1845 State Capital. (Trenton, N.J.) 1872-1873 State Gazette, & New-Jersey Advertiser. (Trenton, N.J.) 1796-1799 State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1840-1857 State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1918-1927 Sunday Press. (Trenton, N.J.) 1890-1891 Times. (Trenton, N.J.) 1985-Current Trades Union Advocate. (Trenton, N.J.) 1900-1922 Trenton Daily Monitor. (Trenton, N.J.) 1864-1865 Trenton Daily News. (Trenton, N.J.) 1846-1849 Trenton Emporium. (Trenton, N.J.) 1827-1829 Trenton Evening Times. (Trenton, N.J.) 1895-1899 Trenton Evening Times. (Trenton, N.J.) 1906-1964 Trenton Federalist. (Trenton [N.J.]) 1802-1829 Trenton Herald. (Trenton, N.J.) 1875-1889 Trenton News. (Trenton, N.J.) 1939-1942 Trenton State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1927-1942 Trenton Sunday Press. (Trenton, N.J.) 1891-1892 Trenton Times. (Trenton, N.J.) 1882-1895 Trenton Times. (Trenton, N.J.) 1899-1906 Trenton True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1908-1912 Trenton Weekly Journal. (Trenton, N.J.) 1845-1846 Trenton Weekly Mercury. (Trenton [N.J.]) 1787-1788 Trenton Weekly Monitor. (Trenton, N.J.) 1864-1865 Trentonian. (Trenton, N.J.) 1945-Current True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1801-1829 True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1847-1856 True Democrat. (Trenton, N.J.) 1857-1858 Union Sentinel. (Trenton, N.J.) 1866-1870 Union. (Trenton [N.J.) 1830-1831 Weekly Free Press. (Trenton, N.J.) 1876-1878 Weekly Public Opinion. (Trenton, N.J.) 1874-1878 Weekly State Gazette and Republican. (Trenton, N.J.) 1858-1865 Weekly State Gazette. (Trenton, N.J.) 1865-1913 Weekly True American. (Trenton, N.J.) 1856-1900 |
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