Santa Fe County NM Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > New Mexico (7,406) > Santa Fe County (512) > Santa Fe County Newspapers and Obituaries (164)

USA (1,380,571) > New Mexico (7,406) > New Mexico Newspapers and Obituaries (1,537) > Santa Fe County Newspapers and Obituaries (164)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Santa Fe County are also on the New Mexico Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Cerrillos Edgewood Golden Los Cerillos Santa Fe

Santa Fe County Newspapers and Obituaries Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry online Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Cerrillos Newspapers and Obituaries

Edgewood Newspapers and Obituaries

The Independent 2006-2020 Small Town Papers online

Los Cerillos Newspapers and Obituaries

Santa Fe Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Boleti?N Popular 1886-1888 online

Boletin Popular 04/01/1886 to 05/30/1895 Genealogy Bank online

Boothill News 1935-1935 online

Clarin Mejicano 08/10/1873 to 08/10/1873 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Herald 1888-1888 online

Daily Heraldᅠ(1888-1888) Newspaper Archive online

Daily New Mexican 1868-1881 online

Daily New Mexican 1868-1881 online

El Boletin Popularᅠ(1886-1888) Newspaper Archive online

El Nuevo Mexicano (1863 - 1934) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

El Nuevo Mexicano 1890-1958 online

El Nuevo Mexicano, 1900-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers online

El Nuevo Mexicanoᅠ(1863-1934) Newspaper Archive online

El Nuevo mexicano (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 6, 1900 to Sept. 28, 1922) MyHeritage online

El Nuevo mexicano 01/06/1900 to 09/28/1922 Genealogy Bank online

El Nuevo mexicano. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 6, 1900 to Sept. 28, 1922) Chronicling America online

Free Lance 1889-1889 online

Gato 05/23/1894 to 08/24/1894 Genealogy Bank online

Guia de Santa Fe 10/02/1886 to 10/16/1886 Genealogy Bank online

La Voz del Pueblo 1891-1919 online

La Voz del Pueblo, 1891-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers online

La voz del pueblo (Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico) (from Jan. 3, 1891 to Dec. 27, 1919) MyHeritage online

La voz del pueblo. (Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico) (from Jan. 3, 1891 to Dec. 27, 1919) Chronicling America online

New Mexican 1951-1988 online

New Mexican 1987-1987 online

New Mexican Review 1883-1899 online

New Mexican Weekly 1864-1868 online

New Mexico News Digest 1963-1963 online

New Mexico State Record 1916-1921 online

New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers online

New Mexico burials, Santa Fe - St. Francis Parish and Military Chapel of Our Lady of Light (La Castrense), 1726-1834 WorldCat

New Mexico state record (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from July 14, 1916 to Dec. 30, 1921) MyHeritage online

New Mexico state record 07/14/1916 to 12/30/1921 Genealogy Bank online

New Mexico state record. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from July 14, 1916 to Dec. 30, 1921) Chronicling America online

New Mexico: the World's Sanitarium 09/01/1884 to 10/01/1886 Genealogy Bank online

Northwestern New Mexican 06/10/1893 to 06/17/1893 Genealogy Bank online

Nuevo Mejicano 1863-1863 online

Nuevo Mexicano 08/16/1890 to 05/09/1908 Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe Area Photo News 1963-1963 online

Santa Fe Daily Democrat 1882-1882 online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican (1868 - 1964) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican 12/09/1869 to 12/31/1913 Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican 1879-1911 online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican 1880-1883 online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican 1880-1883 online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican Review (1885) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Daily New Mexican Reviewᅠ(1885-1885) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Daily Sun 1890-1891 online

Santa Fe Daily Sunᅠ(1890-1891) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Gazette 1860-1864 online

Santa Fe Gazette, 1852-1869 New Mexico Historical Newspapers online

Santa Fe Herald 1888-1889 online

Santa Fe Heraldᅠ(1888-1889) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe New Mexican (1849 - 1977) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe New Mexican 09/12/1994 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe New Mexican 1849-1951 online

Santa Fe New Mexican 1849-1951 online

Santa Fe New Mexican 1869-2023 online

Santa Fe New Mexican Review (1883 - 1899) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe New Mexican Review 1883-1883 online

Santa Fe New Mexican Review 1883-1883 online

Santa Fe New Mexican Reviewᅠ(1883-1899) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe New Mexican and Live Stock Journal 1885-1887 online

Santa Fe New Mexican and Live Stock Journal 1885-1887 online

Santa Fe New Mexican and Review 1883-1885 online

Santa Fe New Mexican and Review 1883-1885 online

Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers online

Santa Fe Reporter 04/05/2016 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe Reporter 1986-1998 online

Santa Fe Republican (1847 - 1949) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Republican 1847-1849 online

Santa Fe Republicanᅠ(1847-1949) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Sun 1890-1890 online

Santa Fe Sunᅠ(1890-1890) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Weekly Gazette 05/17/1851 to 04/30/1870 Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe Weekly Gazette 1852-1854 online

Santa Fe Weekly Gazette 1855-1858 online

Santa Fe Weekly Gazette 1855-1858 online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican (1871 - 1888) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican 1888-1888 online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican 1888-1888 online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican Review (1883 - 1895) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican Review and Live Stock (1884 - 1887) Digital Archives of the Santa Fe New Mexican online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican Review and Live Stockᅠ(1884-1887) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican Reviewᅠ(1883-1895) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican and Livestock Journal 04/25/1863 to 08/30/1906 Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe Weekly Sun 1891-1891 online

Santa Fe Weekly Sunᅠ(1891-1891) Newspaper Archive online

Santa Fe Weekly gazette (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from March 3, 1855 to Dec. 25, 1858) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe Weekly gazette (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Sept. 24, 1864 to Sept. 25, 1869) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe Weekly gazette (Santa Fe, N.M.T. [i.e. N.M.]) (from Nov. 6, 1852 to July 15, 1854) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe daily New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 2, 1889 to Dec. 31, 1897) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe daily New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 2, 1889 to Dec. 31, 1897) Chronicling America online

Santa Fe gazette (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from July 3, 1860 to Sept. 17, 1864) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe gazette 11/06/1852 to 09/25/1869 Genealogy Bank online

Santa Fe gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from July 3, 1860 to Sept. 17, 1864) Chronicling America online

Santa Fe new Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 3, 1898 to Dec. 31, 1913) MyHeritage online

Santa Fe new Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Jan. 3, 1898 to Dec. 31, 1913) Chronicling America online

Santa Fe weekly gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from March 3, 1855 to Dec. 25, 1858) Chronicling America online

Santa Fe weekly gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) (from Sept. 24, 1864 to Sept. 25, 1869) Chronicling America online

The Daily herald (Santa Fe, New Mexico) 1888 FamilySearch Library

The Santa Fe weekly gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.T. [i.e. N.M.]) (from Nov. 6, 1852 to July 15, 1854) Chronicling America online

Valley Bulletinᅠ(1973-1974) Newspaper Archive online

Voz del Pueblo 04/27/1889 to 06/15/1889 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly New Mexican (Santa Fe, New Mexico) 1868-1880 FamilySearch Library

Weekly New Mexican 1863-1882 online

Weekly New Mexican Review 1883-1884 online

Weekly New Mexican Review 1883-1884 online

Weekly New Mexican Review 1888-1895 online

Weekly New Mexican Review and Live Stock Journal 1884-1885 online

Weekly New Mexican review (Santa Fe, New Mexico) 1883-1884 FamilySearch Library

Offline Newspapers for Santa Fe County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Cerrillos: Cerrillos Beacon. (Cerrillos, N.M.) 1891-1890s

Cerrillos: Rustler. (Cerrillos, N.M.) 1970s-1980s

Golden: Golden Retort. (Golden, Santa Fe County, N.M.) 1881-1884

Santa Fe: Capital. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1900-1900s

Santa Fe: Capitol Sun. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1894-1890s

Santa Fe: Daily New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1868-1881

Santa Fe: New Mexican Mining News [Microform]. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1881-1882

Santa Fe: New Mexican Review. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1890s-1910s

Santa Fe: New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1849-1850

Santa Fe: New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1863-1868

Santa Fe: New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1951-1988

Santa Fe: New Mexico Examiner. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1934-1940

Santa Fe: New Mexico News Digest. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1963-1960s

Santa Fe: New Mexico State Times. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1959-1960s

Santa Fe: New Mexico Sun and El Palito. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1926-1920s

Santa Fe: New Mexico War News. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1917-1918

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Area Photo News. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1963-1960s

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Daily Democrat. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1880-1880s

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Daily New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1881-1883

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Daily New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1885-1897

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Daily Post. (Santa Fe, N. Mex.) 1870-1872

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Daily Sun. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1890-1891

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1859-1864

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Leader. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1882-1880s

Santa Fe: Santa Fe New Mexican and Review. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1883-1885

Santa Fe: Santa Fe New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1898-1951

Santa Fe: Santa Fe New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1988-Current

Santa Fe: Santa Fe News. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1940-1952

Santa Fe: Santa Fe News. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1960s-1974

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Pride. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1992-Current

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Reporter. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1974-Current

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Republican. (Santa Fe, N. Mex.) 1862-1863

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Sun. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1988-Current

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Weekly Gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1840s-1859

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Weekly Gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1864-1869

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Weekly Gazette. (Santa Fe, N.M.T. [I.E. N.M.]) 1851-1854

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Weekly Leader. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1885-1886

Santa Fe: Santa Fe Weekly Sun. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1891-1890s

Santa Fe: Weekly New Mexican Review and Live Stock Journal. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1884-1885

Santa Fe: Weekly New Mexican Review. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1883-1884

Santa Fe: Weekly New Mexican Review. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1888-1890s

Santa Fe: Weekly New Mexican. (Santa Fe, N.M.) 1868-1883

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