1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hazen, Churchill, Nevada

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nevada > Churchill County > 1940 Census of Hazen

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenHellar born about 1916
AlloaClarence born about 1915
AndersonJames Fborn about 1893
AustinDaniel born about 1935

B Surnames

BarkleyCrawford Wborn about 1920
BarkleyFlora born about 1895
BarkleyGordon Fborn about 1894
BarkleyGordon F Jrborn about 1925
BarkleyJames Rborn about 1926
BeardsleyByron Cborn about 1888
BeardsleyViola Bborn about 1899
BearragozFlorence born about 1918
BearragozFrancisco born about 1903
BeattyJames born about 1906
BomanJessie born about 1886
BomanWilliam born about 1858
BomanWilliam born about 1886
BouldingAbe born about 1895
BouldingAbe born about 1923
BouldingAustin Leeborn about 1925
BouldingBelle born about 1875
BouldingEugene Wayneborn about 1927
BouldingGeorge Rborn about 1865
BouldingHelen born about 1900
BrownFrank born about 1925
BrownJohn born about 1929
BrunoBertha born about 1890
BrunoRaymond born about 1920
BuononomaAdele born about 1927
BuononomaAlaide born about 1894
BuononomaJohn born about 1882
BuononomaLouis born about 1893
BuononomaNicola born about 1903
BuononomaSilbano born about 1923
BuononomaTito born about 1933

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C Surnames

CaseyEllen born about 1939
CaseyJohn Jayborn about 1917
CaseyMyrtle born about 1923
CaseyWilliam born about 1926
ChamberlainEugene born about 1908
ChamberlainMarion born about 1908
ChavezSabano born about 1910
ChubbockJames born about 1922
ChubbockWilbur Eborn about 1868
ConyersBethel born about 1919
ConyersLoreta Mayborn about 1940
ConyersWilbar Allanborn about 1939
ConyersWillard born about 1917
CoosleyNora born about 1897
CosbyRobert born about 1938
CunninghamAlberta born about 1926
CunninghamAlfred born about 1890
CunninghamFrank born about 1921
CunninghamGrace born about 1893
CunninghamMary Janeborn about 1923

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D Surnames

DahussPaul born about 1884
DayThomas born about 1893
DouglasChester born about 1903
DouglasDavid born about 1930
DouglasEdna born about 1907

E Surnames

EngebritsonMarie born about 1906
EngebritsonNorman born about 1927
EngebritsonOscar born about 1902
EngebritsonRobert born about 1930
EricksonJosephine born about 1905
EspitoInez born about 1907
EspitoOtilio Oborn about 1907

F Surnames

FerosGapino born about 1915
FinkLouis born about 1870
FisherCharles born about 1868
FisherEdward Charlesborn about 1939
FisherHannah born about 1869
FisherIsa born about 1918
FisherRichard Williamborn about 1938
FisherWilliam born about 1917
FreemanClaude born about 1887
FreemanElla Blancheborn about 1937
FreemanEtta born about 1901
FreemanEvelyn Annborn about 1936
FreemanJammie born about 1925
FreemanOra Maeborn about 1928
FreemanRaymond born about 1931
FulkersonGerald Pborn about 1905
FulkersonLila Bborn about 1879
FulkersonSmith Mborn about 1869

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G Surnames

GaaserudJene born about 1867
GambleJohn born about 1923
GambleLura Tborn about 1889
GarciaMelicio born about 1907
GibbonsWde born about 1884

H Surnames

HartAlice born about 1917
HartJohn Bborn about 1912
HartMartha born about 1920
HartMichael born about 1877
HavockOddie Wborn about 1870
HenryAlva Johnborn about 1927
HenryBarbara Annborn about 1929
HigginsAgnes born about 1908
HollidayAllan born about 1889
HollidayAllene born about 1925
HollidayCarrolyn born about 1929
HollidayDaniel born about 1915
HollidayHarry born about 1923
HollidayMary born about 1893
HollidayPiercy born about 1924
HollidayTheodore born about 1927
HoytFred born about 1877
HoytJosephine born about 1889
HudsonTheodore born about 1890

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J Surnames

JacobsonChris born about 1882
JacobsonHarvey born about 1914
JacobsonKatia born about 1887
JohnsonCarl Aborn about 1885
JohnsonHerman Cborn about 1918
JohnsonOllie Mborn about 1895
JohnsonRobert born about 1927

K Surnames

KlemendsonMarky Jborn about 1869
KnoblockCarl born about 1927
KnoblockDelight born about 1898
KnoblockHarriet born about 1927
KnoblockHarry Mborn about 1895

L Surnames

LebmanCharles Jborn about 1887
LebmanCharles J Jrborn about 1917
LebmanNay Oborn about 1888

M Surnames

MallJohn born about 1888
MartinMarvin born about 1920
MasonAlbert Sborn about 1898
MasonFlorence Eborn about 1907
MorinoJoe born about 1898

O Surnames

OsmunBessie born about 1904
OsmunCharlene born about 1924
OsmunJames born about 1925
OsmunMarvin born about 1926
OsmunRaymond born about 1926
OsmunWilliam born about 1895
OttLloyd born about 1928
OttMary Elizabethborn about 1896
OttOliver born about 1926
OttPaul born about 1886
OttWilford born about 1918

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P Surnames

ParsonsBetty born about 1932
ParsonsCharles born about 1931
ParsonsHarvey born about 1938
ParsonsHeeln born about 1937
ParsonsKenneth born about 1901
ParsonsKenneth born about 1939
ParsonsMary born about 1911
ParsonsMyrtle born about 1940
ParsonsWilbur born about 1935
ParsonsZelda born about 1930
PerrierAlvina born about 1916
PerrierEva born about 1882
PerrierGeorge Aborn about 1879
PerrierJoseph born about 1923
PerrierWoodrow born about 1919
PortiousFred born about 1921
PortiousFrederick born about 1891
PortiousMarie born about 1897
PowellC Mborn about 1878
PowellCharles Jacksonborn about 1935
PowellEthel Florenceborn about 1927
PowellWildred Bborn about 1899
PruyorLeland born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedElizabeth born about 1930
ReedEloise born about 1900
ReedJohn Wborn about 1901
ReedLois born about 1937
RettiJulias born about 1899
RettiLinda born about 1925
RettiOlga born about 1923
RettiRalph born about 1937
RettiReno born about 1927
RettiRuby born about 1905
RettiStella born about 1928
RettiUlysses born about 1924
RheaAndrew born about 1925
RheaDavid born about 1935
RheaEmily born about 1926
RheaMarina born about 1932
RheaRalph born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanfordAnna Mayborn about 1922
SchmattzCarl born about 1915
SchmattzDorothy born about 1919
SchonevandtChris born about 1874
SchultzeJames Aborn about 1912
SeverElizabeth born about 1909
SeverKathleen born about 1940
SeverKenneth born about 1937
SeverMaxine born about 1931
SeverShirley born about 1935
SeverTony born about 1907
ShereFae born about 1903
ShereMarvin Tborn about 1902
ShoffnerBernice born about 1930
ShoffnerHazel born about 1898
ShoffnerHerman born about 1922
ShoffnerHobert Mborn about 1897
SmithClarence Rayborn about 1937
SmithDeeta born about 1934
SmithEllen born about 1912
SmithElmer Rileyborn about 1923
SmithEugene born about 1939
SmithGerald born about 1937
SmithJoseph born about 1934
SmithLeon born about 1933
SmithLora Maeborn about 1926
SmithMadeline born about 1929
SmithSomers born about 1908
SmithSusie born about 1902
SmithWanda born about 1931
SmithWilliam Cborn about 1900
SolginDan born about 1886
SolginFred Kborn about 1921
SolginGrace born about 1923
SolginJoe born about 1925
SolginPete born about 1930
SpringerHarriet born about 1892
SpringerHarry Lborn about 1925
SpringerJ Mborn about 1898
StanlandAlene born about 1923
StanlandJess Bborn about 1894
StanlandLily Maeborn about 1899

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T Surnames

ThomasElis born about 1884
ThomasElmer born about 1924

W Surnames

WilliamsClifford Hborn about 1899
WilliamsSieva born about 1894
WillisIda born about 1856
WrayHobert born about 1905
WrayMae born about 1908
WraySandra Louborn about 1937

Y Surnames

YoriLorenzo born about 1883
YoriLouie born about 1922
YoriNenichina born about 1883
YoriNita born about 1915
YoriRosa born about 1925
YoriTulio born about 1918

Z Surnames

ZimmermanCharles Fborn about 1870

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