Nevada Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Nevada (3,244)

Nevada map

By Record Type

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Overview of Nevada records

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Birth Records (69)
Cemetery Records (645)
Census Records (444)
Church Records (74)
City Directories (197)
Court Records (2)
Death Records (144)
Histories and Genealogies (82)
Immigration Records (36)
Land Records (31)
Map Records (251)
Marriage Records (120)
Military Records (250)
Minority Records (18)
Miscellaneous Records (39)
Newspapers and Obituaries (723)
Probate Records (1)
School Records (266)
Tax Records (19)

By County

Carson City County (180)
Churchill County (102)
Clark County (407)
Douglas County (119)
Elko County (238)
Esmeralda County (101)
Eureka County (120)
Humboldt County (124)
Lander County (118)
Lincoln County (172)
Lyon County (164)
Mineral County (98)
Nye County (218)
Pershing County (83)
Storey County (156)
Washoe County (426)
White Pine County (143)

By City

Alamo (in Lincoln County) (9)
Amargosa Valley (in Nye County) (6)
Aurora (in Mineral County) (8)
Austin (in Lander County) (35)
Battle Mountain (in Lander County) (30)
Beatty (in Nye County) (12)
Belmont (in Nye County) (8)
Beowawe (in Eureka County) (5)
Boulder City (in Clark County) (34)
Bunkerville (in Clark County) (8)
Caliente (in Lincoln County) (17)
Candelaria (in Mineral County) (6)
Carlin (in Elko County) (21)
Carson (in Washoe County) (28)
Carson City (in Carson City County) (125)
Cherry Creek (in White Pine County) (9)
Dayton (in Lyon County) (22)
Delamar (in Lincoln County) (5)
Duckwater (in Nye County) (5)
East Ely (in White Pine County) (6)
Elko (in Elko County) (74)
Ely (in White Pine County) (29)
Eureka (in Eureka County) (47)
Fallon (in Churchill County) (50)
Fernley (in Lyon County) (13)
Gardnerville (in Douglas County) (34)
Genoa (in Douglas County) (17)
Gerlach (in Washoe County) (7)
Gold Hill (in Storey County) (19)
Goldfield (in Esmeralda County) (39)
Goodsprings (in Clark County) (7)
Hamilton (in White Pine County) (9)
Hawthorne (in Mineral County) (22)
Henderson (in Clark County) (28)
Hiko (in Lincoln County) (10)
Incline Village (in Washoe County) (7)
Las Vegas (in Clark County) (200)
Logandale (in Clark County) (7)
Lovelock (in Pershing County) (32)
Manhattan (in Nye County) (12)
McDermitt (in Humboldt County) (5)
Mesquite (in Clark County) (13)
Minden (in Douglas County) (7)
Moapa (in Clark County) (10)
North Las Vegas (in Clark County) (7)
Overton (in Clark County) (20)
Owyhee (in Elko County) (5)
Pahrump (in Nye County) (40)
Palisade (in Eureka County) (5)
Panaca (in Lincoln County) (8)
Pioche (in Lincoln County) (53)
Reno (in Washoe County) (232)
Rhyolite (in Nye County) (8)
Searchlight (in Clark County) (11)
Silver City (in Lyon County) (17)
Silver Springs (in Lyon County) (6)
Smith (in Lyon County) (8)
Sparks (in Washoe County) (49)
Stewart (in Carson City County) (5)
Tonopah (in Nye County) (44)
Treasure City (in White Pine County) (5)
Tuscarora (in Elko County) (19)
Unionville (in Pershing County) (6)
Ursine (in Lincoln County) (5)
Verdi (in Washoe County) (7)
Virginia (in Storey County) (9)
Virginia City (in Storey County) (73)
Wadsworth (in Washoe County) (25)
Wells (in Elko County) (22)
Winnemucca (in Humboldt County) (52)
Yerington (in Lyon County) (32)

Overview of Nevada Genealogy Records

  • History: Nevada was first settled in 1848. It became part of Utah Territory in 1850 and became Nevada Territory in 1861. Nevada became a state in 1864.
  • Birth records: Some Nevada counties began keeping birth records in 1887. Statewide registration of births began in 1911. Birth records from 1911 to the present can be obtained from the Nevada State Office of Vital Records.
  • Marriage records: Marriage records in Nevada were kept from the time each county was organized.  Copies of marriage records can be obtained from the county recorder where the marriage occurred.
  • Death records: Some Nevada counties began keeping death records in 1887. Statewide registration of deaths began in 1911. Death records from 1911 to the present can be obtained from the Nevada State Office of Vital Records.
  • Divorce records: Divorce records can be obtained from the clerk of the district court for the individual county.
  • Census records: The first federal census available for Nevada is 1860. There are federal censuses publicly available for 1860 (included with Utah), 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1950. There was a state census taken in 1875.
  • County records: Court, land, probate, naturalization, and tax records were kept by the individual counties.
  • Other records: Many cities and towns kept newspapers, churches kept records, and there are records of cemeteries, histories, schools, city directories, and other records that can be located by using the city pages on this site. Records specific to minority groups can be found in the Minority Records section.
  • All records: Use the links on this site to locate the online indexes and images of many of the records listed above.
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