1940 U.S. Federal Census of Silver, Lyon, Nevada

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nevada > Lyon County > 1940 Census of Silver

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AhernErnest Basilborn about 1919
ArmstrongAda born about 1903
ArmstrongLeland Dborn about 1902
ArmstrongLena born about 1886
AultChas Gborn about 1884

B Surnames

BlairClinton born about 1918

C Surnames

CainClarence Lborn about 1914
CainMary born about 1914
CainRobert Leeborn about 1936
ChoatWm born about 1915
ChristianAnna born about 1905
ClarkMarlow born about 1919
ColesBetty Leeborn about 1929
CoseGeorge Jborn about 1890
CreswellCharlotte Kborn about 1876
CreswellWesley Mborn about 1896

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D Surnames

DavisDelbert born about 1871
DavisLeona born about 1896
DavisNorman born about 1906
DelamareFreda Eborn about 1912
DelamareRodney Wborn about 1909
DicksonA Rborn about 1890
DicksonIva Dellborn about 1899
DierkHarry born about 1895
DonovanGladys born about 1911
DonovanLois Ruthborn about 1935
DonovanWm Mborn about 1894
DonovanWm Michaelborn about 1940
DousleyAlfred born about 1912
DousleyElma Lborn about 1892
DousleyFred Cborn about 1920
DousleyWm Haroldborn about 1914
DowreyLloyd Liptonborn about 1911
DyerDoris Annborn about 1930
DyerFances born about 1901

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E Surnames

EasterwoodJ Cborn about 1914
EckelbargerHarold Iborn about 1909
EckelbargerLaura Fayborn about 1940
EckelbargerZoe Eborn about 1916
EdmondsonClarence born about 1893
EdmondsonEzbel Rborn about 1920
EdmondsonJeff born about 1918
EdmondsonLeland Davisborn about 1939
ElliottChester Wborn about 1910
ElliottMildred Gborn about 1911
EricksonJohn born about 1872

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F Surnames

FinfrockLouis born about 1910
FrankllinDelene Deaneborn about 1925
FrankllinErnest Kborn about 1923
FrankllinGlenn Sborn about 1919
FrankllinMyrtle Adelineborn about 1896
FrankllinTheodore Crottborn about 1894
FrankllinTheodore Warrenborn about 1921

G Surnames

GarnerRay born about 1921
GentryGlenn born about 1881
GentryViolet born about 1888
GeorgeMinnie born about 1881
GeorgeThomas Henryborn about 1881
GetchellClaude Hborn about 1882
GetchellHarold Cborn about 1890
GetchellHettie Jborn about 1885
GetzFred Wborn about 1897
GordonFrank Rborn about 1893
GrussJoseph born about 1886
GrussMartha Cborn about 1921
GrussMartha Lborn about 1886
GrussWarley Wmborn about 1919

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H Surnames

HelleksonElla born about 1903
HiltonJulia Aborn about 1876

J Surnames

JacksonGertrude born about 1915
JacksonLeila Francesborn about 1934
JacksonWilliam born about 1914
JellisonGordon born about 1885
JensenIva La Reeborn about 1924
JoeRaymond Aborn about 1901

K Surnames

KallFeederick Aborn about 1875
KallHeliobos Nborn about 1871
KendallLula Mborn about 1913
KendallMarius Wborn about 1939
KendallSharon Eborn about 1938
KendallW Jborn about 1903

L Surnames

LacroutsA Fborn about 1858
LambersonEllis Eborn about 1918
LambersonJoseph Lborn about 1884
LanbersonJoseph Eborn about 1913
LanceCedric Janborn about 1910
LanceJulia Fborn about 1911
LawsonJames A Jrborn about 1914
LawsonJames A Srborn about 1877
LawsonJames Michaelborn about 1936
LawsonJohn Henryborn about 1939
LawsonLaura Louiseborn about 1918
LawsonMaud Gborn about 1881
LawsonThomas Lindenborn about 1938
LeeLa Rhea born about 1891
LeeWm Aborn about 1885
LefflerGlenn Aborn about 1915
LuotsCarl born about 1890
LuotsLydia born about 1890

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M Surnames

MacleodRobert Lborn about 1914
MainnaringWilliam born about 1893
MardenBert born about 1904
MattmannBertha Aborn about 1912
MattmannJo Ann Nborn about 1936
MattmannJoe born about 1900
MolinariFrank Lborn about 1920

N Surnames

NelsonJohn born about 1890

O Surnames

OgbornArthur born about 1906
OgbornHarriet born about 1904

P Surnames

ParlariDennis Goranborn about 1940
ParlariEdith Mayborn about 1921
ParlariLouis Gborn about 1915
PedroliElsie Fborn about 1895
PedroliGuildo born about 1881
PennellCharles Dborn about 1877
PetersonAlbert Hborn about 1901
PlummerArthur born about 1884
PlummerArthur Jr born about 1929
PlummerEllen Eborn about 1896
PlummerElmer Jborn about 1929
PlummerLois Nborn about 1925

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Q Surnames

QurdyE Stowborn about 1882

R Surnames

RansenSegrid born about 1887
RichardsHoward born about 1908

S Surnames

SchoerEdmund born about 1887
SchrankJune born about 1922
SchrankKenneth born about 1920
ShortBruce born about 1884
SmithF Cborn about 1900
SmithMary Eborn about 1898
SolaeguiDan born about 1918
SolaeguiJeanne Aborn about 1940
SolaeguiLydia Bborn about 1918
SryderJohn born about 1888
StonerRonlie born about 1922
SullivanDaniel Dborn about 1889

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T Surnames

TaylorLily Annborn about 1855
ThomasClarence Haroldborn about 1907
TrimbleAddie May Parkborn about 1872
TrimbleRobert Allenborn about 1875

V Surnames

VergilisRaffaele Deborn about 1886

W Surnames

WeirW Eborn about 1889
WheelockGladys born about 1906
WheelockTed born about 1900
WhiteEd born about 1893
WilliamsEarl Tborn about 1904
WilliamsEarl Vernonborn about 1930
WilliamsJosephine Fborn about 1913
WilliamsWm born about 1894
WilsonArthur born about 1932
WilsonAsa Cborn about 1899
WilsonCharles Leroyborn about 1919
WilsonJuanita Vborn about 1933
WilsonWm Rborn about 1931
WooCharley Thinborn about 1887

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Y Surnames

YoungBarbara Aileneborn about 1939
YoungLee born about 1923
YoungMargaret Lucilleborn about 1915
YoungWm Alfredborn about 1937
YoungWm Lairdborn about 1911

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