1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smith Valley, Lyon, Nevada

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Nevada > Lyon County > 1940 Census of Smith Valley

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbleFrank born about 1894
AcciariJoseph born about 1931
AcciariJudith Jborn about 1940
AcciariLola born about 1934
AcciariPalma Lborn about 1911
AcciariPasquale born about 1902
AguireFrank born about 1900
AlexanderElmer Rborn about 1906
AllardEdward born about 1908
AllardLaurence Pborn about 1907
AllenCharles Rborn about 1884
AllenGeorge Wborn about 1918
AllenGuy Jborn about 1919
AllenIda born about 1877
AllenIda Eborn about 1891
AllenJohn Eborn about 1920
AllenLyndon Cborn about 1922
AllenMarvel Aborn about 1938
AllenMarvel Mborn about 1917
AllenWillis Eborn about 1887
AllrightDorothy Eborn about 1933
AllrightFloris Eborn about 1921
AllrightLester Yborn about 1938
AllrightMina Sborn about 1912
AllrightNellie Yborn about 1876
AllrightSamuel Dborn about 1908
AllrightSamuel Dborn about 1934
AllrightSamuel Gborn about 1866
AlpersBarbara Mborn about 1935
AlpersErnest born about 1904
AlpersFrederick Eborn about 1931
AlpersGeorge Mborn about 1933
AlpersMarian Kborn about 1903
AndersonBenjamin Jborn about 1899
AndersonJune born about 1909
AnnetteAlpha Eborn about 1908
AnnetteNorma Jeanborn about 1937
AnnetteNorman Jborn about 1908
ArentzAlice Cborn about 1929
ArentzGary Eborn about 1936
ArentzHarriet Kborn about 1885
ArentzMary Hborn about 1919
ArentzRuby Corneliaborn about 1916
ArigoniArigo Aborn about 1906
ArreguiLucile born about 1928
ArrogiuJeo born about 1901
AwinnHenry born about 1893
AznarezCatalina born about 1882
AznarezJoe born about 1877
AznarezPaul born about 1913

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B Surnames

BackerCarl Fborn about 1876
BakerAndrew Jborn about 1913
BakerCharles Hborn about 1901
BalluchJoseph born about 1915
BarkeAndrew Aborn about 1866
BarkeGelen Fborn about 1923
BarkeMartha Cborn about 1923
BarkeMary Eborn about 1924
BarkeMattie Eborn about 1874
BatjirCameron Mborn about 1920
BatjirHelene Aborn about 1922
BatjirMary Bborn about 1886
BatjirNaomi Jborn about 1925
BeamanBeverly Iborn about 1925
BeamanClarence Kborn about 1884
BeamanDorothy Rborn about 1930
BeamanEligiah Pborn about 1856
BeamanMyrtle Dborn about 1890
BeamanRobert Kborn about 1921
BennerHelen Mborn about 1920
BennetIda born about 1885
BerneckerEdith Aborn about 1903
BerneckerHugh born about 1900
BertrandMable Cborn about 1908
BertrandNoe Lborn about 1908
BillsonRaymaond born about 1900
BillsonSalvino born about 1898
BisnehiBen born about 1875
BisnehiJosephine born about 1879
BrandonEdward Lborn about 1878
Bregan??? born about 1919
BreyanLeeroy Hborn about 1919
BrownAlice Eborn about 1908
BrownClarence born about 1915
BrownEdwin Rborn about 1905
BrownLouis Cborn about 1926
BrownLucile Dborn about 1903
BrownLucile Mborn about 1924
BrownMaraine Cborn about 1892
BrownNorman Dborn about 1901
BrownRose Hborn about 1938
BunkowzkiAnderw Lborn about 1928
BunkowzkiAugust born about 1890
BunkowzkiHenrietta Aborn about 1904
BunkowzkiKathlyn Aborn about 1936
BunkowzkiMary Eborn about 1934
BunkowzkiSophia Eborn about 1931
BusseyBarbara Lborn about 1930
BusseyEugene Aborn about 1927
BusseyHazel Fborn about 1904
BusseyJimmie Lborn about 1935
BusseyLeone Fborn about 1925
BusseyOral Mborn about 1896

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C Surnames

CaglieriGloria Hborn about 1931
CaglieriHenry Fborn about 1893
CaglieriHenry Hborn about 1935
CaglieriJosephine Rborn about 1933
CaglieriRose born about 1898
CampaJames Sborn about 1902
CampaMarey Eborn about 1920
CampbellJames born about 1883
CareyJohn born about 1886
CargroveAva Jborn about 1880
CargroveMarrie Dborn about 1881
CarlsonBetty Janeeborn about 1929
CarlsonJohn Aborn about 1881
CarlsonLillian Mborn about 1895
CarryJames Aborn about 1904
CarterHerbert Eborn about 1894
CarterRoena born about 1895
CarterWilliam Tborn about 1893
CastaingAlexander born about 1888
CastaingEdith Eborn about 1883
CavnbiadWidia Hborn about 1902
CerryIra Aborn about 1893
CharlesBelda born about 1861
ChaudieBeverly Mborn about 1935
ChichesterElsie Fborn about 1894
ChichesterGeorg Rborn about 1917
ChichesterRoberta Louborn about 1926
ChichesterRoy Jborn about 1891
ChichesterThoma Eborn about 1929
ChisholmArthur Aborn about 1887
ChisholmArthur Dborn about 1933
ChisholmDavid Eborn about 1936
ChisholmEdith Fborn about 1924
ChisholmFlorance Bborn about 1895
ClaverolJohn born about 1885
CompstonIda Mborn about 1889
CompstonJames born about 1884
CompstonJames Jborn about 1927
CompstonRobert Jborn about 1922
ConnellMae Eborn about 1881
ConnellVirgil Sborn about 1874
ConserCharles Hborn about 1886
ConserEsther Eborn about 1887
ConserJune Eborn about 1924
ConwayNellie born about 1885
ConwayPete born about 1872
CooperJohn Dborn about 1893
CrabruHelen Jborn about 1916
CrawfordBeverly Jborn about 1934
CrawfordConnie Jborn about 1936
CrawfordJohn Fborn about 1912
CrawfordPhyllis Wborn about 1910

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D Surnames

DairsElsrin Jdborn about 1888
DairsMaria Sborn about 1892
DairsRichard Eborn about 1921
DaryEdna Bborn about 1878
DayCharles Eborn about 1922
DayDeborah born about 1876
DayGloria Rabborn about 1923
DayHelen Mborn about 1900
DayJames Hborn about 1874
DayJames Rborn about 1935
DayLeland Jborn about 1918
DayLeland Sborn about 1893
DayRichard Bborn about 1899
DayRuth Eborn about 1901
DeaceyVirgie Rborn about 1886
DeanAnna Jborn about 1935
DeanEarl Jborn about 1929
DeanFrancis Rborn about 1931
DeanHarold Wborn about 1933
DeanIris Jborn about 1937
DeanMargaret Eborn about 1938
DeanMartha Mborn about 1903
DeanMary Rborn about 1934
DecroyBen born about 1934
DecroyDwain born about 1932
DecroyHelen born about 1937
DeedeBen H Sborn about 1910
DellamonicaLouis Cborn about 1904
DickNelson born about 1912
DilgoJae born about 1890
DopoaliRalph born about 1900
DormanJoseph born about 1913

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E Surnames

ElderCalir Mborn about 1911
ElderJoan Jborn about 1929
ElderJudy Lborn about 1938
ElderRalph Rborn about 1907
ErnestCharles Lborn about 1885
ErnestHary Eborn about 1925
ErnestHelen Mborn about 1920
ErnestLora Hborn about 1890
ErreaLouis born about 1911

F Surnames

FabriAssunta born about 1907
FabriGerald Lborn about 1934
FabriGuy born about 1898
FabriRita Aborn about 1930
FamilsBruns born about 1915
FamilsElsie born about 1917
FamilsNorma Dborn about 1939
FarisAntona Lborn about 1897
FarisFrances Lborn about 1902
FarisLester Mborn about 1923
FellBirdenah Aborn about 1907
FellVerrill Wborn about 1905
FjeldahlJosephine born about 1902
FjeldahlMartin Jborn about 1912
FrancesconiArmanda Lborn about 1935
FrancesconiBruna born about 1912
FrancesconiClarice Eborn about 1938
FrancesconiLuigi born about 1899
FranchristegieJohn born about 1887
FrancisLloyd Eborn about 1913
FrancisMartha Eborn about 1919
FrankAnnie born about 1870
FrazurRichard Cborn about 1902
FredericksIda born about 1873
FredericksJohn Fborn about 1867
FredericksThomas Jborn about 1913
FreisenPete born about 1899
FrendtJirn born about 1911
FrendtJohn Bborn about 1916
FrendtMartin born about 1906
FrendtRaymond born about 1907
FulstoneAnnie Wborn about 1866
FulstoneArthur Cborn about 1895
FulstoneDavid Hborn about 1923
FulstoneEleaner born about 1930
FulstoneFrank Hborn about 1899
FulstoneFred Mborn about 1890
FulstoneFred Mborn about 1921
FulstoneGeorge Hborn about 1866
FulstoneGlenn Hborn about 1915
FulstoneGrace Eborn about 1891
FulstoneHarry Eborn about 1888
FulstoneJean born about 1930
FulstoneMary Hborn about 1893
FulstoneRichard Nborn about 1928

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G Surnames

GabiolaCasilda Dborn about 1910
GabiolaEusebio born about 1900
GabiolaEusebio Jr born about 1930
GageKate born about 1857
GageLois Jborn about 1927
GageMary Aborn about 1900
GageThelma Rborn about 1936
GageWalter Fborn about 1898
GallagherKate born about 1884
GarateAngelina Mborn about 1933
GarateJohn Bborn about 1937
GarateJulian born about 1900
GarateJulian C Jrborn about 1935
GarateRose Maryborn about 1939
GarateRovena born about 1916
GarricaIaidro born about 1897
GelbertDaniel born about 1936
GelbertLucile born about 1912
GelbertMarvin born about 1939
GelbertWel born about 1906
GiannecchiniCharles born about 1924
GiannecchiniDonald born about 1939
GiannecchiniEda born about 1926
GiannecchiniElsie born about 1934
GiannecchiniErnest born about 1894
GiannecchiniErnest born about 1925
GiannecchiniHelen born about 1936
GiannecchiniIrma Lborn about 1904
GiannecchiniJohn born about 1929
GiannecchiniLloyd born about 1937
GiannecchiniLouis born about 1928
GiannecchiniOlga born about 1932
GiannecchiniRichard born about 1930
GiannecchiniRoy born about 1935
GilsonHelen Fborn about 1907
GilsonSamuel born about 1902
GiovaChine Marieborn about 1904
GlazeirJames Cborn about 1915
GlazeirMadeline born about 1922
GlazerJohn Hborn about 1873
GlazerSachi born about 1894
GlazerWilliam Dborn about 1920
GlockAndrew Mborn about 1897
GlockErnest Aborn about 1936
GlockMarie Eborn about 1905
GonderAlbert Aborn about 1903
GonderAnna Iborn about 1886
GonderArnold Wborn about 1876
GonderJoseph Gborn about 1930
GonderLois Eborn about 1902
GonderRichard Lborn about 1915
GoniBen born about 1900
GreenEthel Eborn about 1896
GreenWallace Eborn about 1883
GriffinRobert Hborn about 1921
GrossAngelo born about 1917
GrossCarmen born about 1930
GrossCharles born about 1882
GrossCharles Jr born about 1929
GrossErnest born about 1920
GrossJanet born about 1924
GrossJoseph born about 1872
GrossJosephine born about 1922
GrossMarie born about 1888
GrossMary Annborn about 1926
GuerrePete born about 1898

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H Surnames

HaffmanEdward Jborn about 1905
HallAlfred Aborn about 1918
HallCalvin Aborn about 1911
HallFrederick Aborn about 1876
HallFrederick Wborn about 1913
HallJulia Sborn about 1876
HallRobert Fborn about 1910
HalsrobMartin born about 1886
HardieDorothy born about 1921
HardieHoward Lborn about 1914
HardieJames Hborn about 1890
HardieJames H Jrborn about 1917
HardieSusan Cborn about 1886
HarrisonBenjamin Aborn about 1917
HarrisonJinda Mborn about 1920
HarrisonMary Mborn about 1882
HilgartJoseph Jborn about 1895
HimesRay born about 1876
HindsBeatrice Eborn about 1906
HindsBirchena Jborn about 1876
HindsCharles born about 1865
HindsCharles Wborn about 1903
HindsClara Nborn about 1900
HindsNorma Jeanborn about 1929
HolbrookHattie Dborn about 1894
HolbrookWilliam Mborn about 1882
HubbellJoseph Aborn about 1901
HubbellThelma Lborn about 1908
HunsingerJennie born about 1877
Hunter??? born about 1917
HunterBud born about 1916

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J Surnames

JanesElla Bborn about 1879
JarnerPatricia Wborn about 1917
JasonAnthony born about 1889
JaunsarasGrace born about 1902
JaunsarasHelen Jeanborn about 1938
JaunsarasJohn born about 1901
JohnWillie born about 1880
JohnsonAlbert born about 1891
JonesAudrey Cborn about 1907
JonesBeverly Mborn about 1918
JonesCarolee born about 1936
JonesCharles Gborn about 1931
JonesCharles Pborn about 1895
JonesEmily Dborn about 1906
JonesGary born about 1934
JonesLeona Aborn about 1927
JonesNorma Cborn about 1929
JoniEugenio born about 1896
JorjensenJoegen Cborn about 1874
JuansarasJae born about 1893
JuaquinDaisy born about 1870
JuaquinSam born about 1865

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K Surnames

KaderlyClarence Eborn about 1916
KaderlyPaul Eborn about 1914
KazacheAmler A Jborn about 1910
KazacheDally born about 1912
KazacheLestir Lborn about 1933
KellerVern Bborn about 1922
KelleyChester Mborn about 1892
KelleyEdith Lborn about 1894
KelleyJohn Hborn about 1925
KelleyMarjorie Mborn about 1928
KelleyTheodore Cborn about 1917
KelleyWilliam Cborn about 1931
KengRay Rborn about 1891
KenoNissa born about 1921
KeyserGladys born about 1907
KeyserMartinez born about 1903
KisslanLilie Mborn about 1901
KisslanSam Lborn about 1907
KluitWilliam Jborn about 1888
KnabkeRobert Aborn about 1915
KoehlerFrank Wborn about 1871
KubFrederica Aborn about 1888
KutchildJohn Dborn about 1897

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L Surnames

LampeAllen Wborn about 1938
LampeCarol Dborn about 1929
LampeEdward Bborn about 1938
LampeEdward Eborn about 1897
LampeHelen Mborn about 1904
LasolaEsther Lborn about 1918
LeanSam born about 1883
LeavendEdith Eborn about 1901
LeveilleAnnetta Lborn about 1901
LeveilleEdna Mborn about 1938
LeveilleEdward Jborn about 1888
LeveilleGladys Aborn about 1934
LeveilleLeah Aborn about 1924
LeveillePauline Eborn about 1926
LinscottAngel Lborn about 1884
LinscottDelores Lborn about 1918
LinscottEarlene Mborn about 1934
LinscottElla Mborn about 1918
LinscottErnest Eborn about 1910
LinscottGeorge Jr born about 1909
LinscottJack Bborn about 1924
LinscottJoanne Gborn about 1939
LinscottJohn Eborn about 1938
LinscottLwelle Cborn about 1883
LinscottNorma Jborn about 1936
LinscottOns Alenaborn about 1914
LinscottTimothy Rborn about 1911
LitsterLouis Aborn about 1889
LugeaPete born about 1900
LundyJennie born about 1873

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M Surnames

MackCelia born about 1880
MackCorbet born about 1892
MalbartEdward Wborn about 1872
MalbartElamer Wborn about 1873
MankiPeter born about 1894
MannFrank Bborn about 1879
MannFrank B Jrborn about 1915
MannHazel Mborn about 1915
MannJanet Lborn about 1936
MannJara Sborn about 1882
MannJim Jborn about 1939
MannMamie Mborn about 1883
MarconiGuistino born about 1893
MardisEldie born about 1894
MarkovichJohn Rborn about 1880
MarkovishAnka Jborn about 1939
MarkovishBlanko Jborn about 1932
MarkovishJrace born about 1902
MarterRoy Aborn about 1901
MartinezJohn born about 1881
MaryEugene Lborn about 1932
MaryJane born about 1912
MaryRichard born about 1933
MasiniAnnie born about 1911
MasiniAnnie born about 1911
MasiniAntonia born about 1906
MasiniFlorance Aborn about 1935
MasiniLeo born about 1930
McAllisterAlma Mborn about 1883
McAllisterJohn born about 1869
McKayAlta Mborn about 1894
McKayDavid Aborn about 1861
McKayJames Fborn about 1887
McKayLloyd Dborn about 1922
McKayMervin Mborn about 1918
McVicarAnna Belleborn about 1924
McVicarAnna Jborn about 1884
McVicarChristina Aborn about 1858
McVicarGeorge Cborn about 1883
McVicarHannah Mborn about 1891
McVicarNeil Wborn about 1888
McVicarRoy Wborn about 1890
MeltonJohn born about 1876
MeltonMaggie born about 1874
MencarineAmos born about 1892
MencarineAmos Jr born about 1926
MencarineElton born about 1895
MencarinePaulina born about 1896
MencarineTeresa Mborn about 1922
MillerAlexander born about 1896
MillerDon born about 1935
MillerEdmund Aborn about 1929
MillerFern Nborn about 1918
MillerGladys born about 1912
MillerHarry Lborn about 1917
MillerJohn born about 1874
MillerKristine born about 1938
MillerLaura born about 1883
MillerLauralee born about 1931
MillerLester born about 1928
MillerMargaret Aborn about 1926
MillerMarjorie Zborn about 1927
MitchelLaurence born about 1917
MitchelStuart born about 1885
MollartDolly Eborn about 1929
MollartLucille Bborn about 1910
MoriconiAleandro born about 1896
MscoyMary Aborn about 1867
MunugarreAngels born about 1892

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N Surnames

NeddenriefHenry Dborn about 1884
NeddenriefJean Mborn about 1889
NeddenriepGloria Aborn about 1926
NeddenriepKermit Hborn about 1912
NemesioJoni born about 1886
NesmithArthur Mborn about 1885
NesmithJennie Eborn about 1889
NesmithJohn Fborn about 1921
NestiArmando born about 1902
NestiHelen born about 1915
NestiRalph Aborn about 1933
NewcombeCharles Bborn about 1917
NewcombeCharles Bborn about 1939
NewcombeElla Mborn about 1920
NickovichAnna born about 1890
NickovichLado born about 1921
NoonieDaisy born about 1872
NoonieEmma born about 1921
NoonieHelen born about 1938
NoonieHerman born about 1915
NoonieLouis born about 1920
NunerTommie born about 1915

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O Surnames

OrazMartin born about 1902

P Surnames

PardimiJae born about 1892
ParllaHarry born about 1888
ParrEdward born about 1879
ParrEdward Lborn about 1914
ParrGrace Eborn about 1916
ParrHelen Vborn about 1886
ParrWillard Sborn about 1919
PenningtonLloyd Gborn about 1919
PeteClifford born about 1915
PeteEleanor born about 1938
PeteElla born about 1918
PeteHardy born about 1939
PeteLee born about 1910
PeteLee born about 1910
PeteWilma born about 1937
PetersonAlex Hborn about 1914
PintarJohn Frederickborn about 1938
PintarMyra Mborn about 1914
PiperMike born about 1876
PostThomas born about 1881
PrajerVaclan born about 1879
PrmitageLarry Aborn about 1939
PrmitageRuth Kborn about 1911

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Q Surnames

QueenLaurence born about 1934
QuiliciAmos born about 1892
QuiliciAmos Jr born about 1930
QuiliciGene born about 1938
QuiliciMarjolaine born about 1936
QuiliciRegina born about 1934
QuiliciShirley born about 1897
QuiliciTheodor born about 1929

R Surnames

RandallAlice Lborn about 1910
RandallEdgal A Jrborn about 1938
RandallEdgar Aborn about 1912
RandallEvelyn Aborn about 1932
RandallNaomi Lborn about 1930
RawleyGloria Pborn about 1922
RitchadCharles born about 1885
RitschelChester Pborn about 1913
RobertCharles born about 1919
RobertEdvige born about 1898
RobertsGuiseppi born about 1888
RomaneJylio born about 1888
RosaschiAmlra born about 1884
RosaschiBelle born about 1891
RosaschiDarlene born about 1934
RosaschiDelia born about 1931
RosaschiJeno Oborn about 1926
RosaschiNorma born about 1923
RosaschiRoma Lborn about 1925
RosmussdnEdna Aborn about 1904
RosmussdnJohn Cborn about 1910
RosmussdnJoyce Dborn about 1938
RoweJames born about 1882
RoweThomas born about 1881
RowntreeElsie Vborn about 1910
RowntreeHerbert Eborn about 1908
RowntreeJanice born about 1937
RowntreeThomasine born about 1934
RsmicosonRobert Jborn about 1922
RuhenstrothFolerie Dborn about 1930
RussellJammie born about 1906

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S Surnames

SaladonnaAndrew born about 1899
SamDeola born about 1925
SamDomenae born about 1921
SamEvelyn born about 1928
SamMattie born about 1862
SamRauley born about 1900
SamSundy born about 1871
SamWillis born about 1900
SantosBilbro born about 1897
SayreAndrew Cborn about 1893
SayreAndrew Cborn about 1923
SayreCara Gborn about 1898
SayreEileen Mborn about 1921
SayreElois Kborn about 1926
SayreEmma Lborn about 1898
SayreGeraldine Sborn about 1921
SayreHerman Wborn about 1895
SayreHerman W Jrborn about 1930
SayreJoseph Fborn about 1908
SayreMarion Bborn about 1920
SayreMeleris Bborn about 1923
SayreSophia born about 1873
SayreVirginia Lborn about 1935
SchaafCharles Jborn about 1914
SchaafDennis Eborn about 1939
SchaafMildred Eborn about 1916
SchmalingEthel Dborn about 1907
SchmalingFrances Nborn about 1931
SchmalingLorraine Rborn about 1928
SchmidAlfred Jborn about 1900
SchreckFrank born about 1877
SchreckJoseph born about 1875
SchrickAlice Vborn about 1884
SchrickHenry Aborn about 1885
SeddonElizabeth Aborn about 1927
SeddonJosephine Vborn about 1918
SeddonMargaret Cborn about 1895
SeddonSamuel Vborn about 1887
SettlemeyerFred Wborn about 1898
SettlemeyerKatie Aborn about 1908
ShaneEarl Cborn about 1892
ShearesWilliam Gborn about 1864
ShepherdClarence Pborn about 1890
ShrinleFloyd Wborn about 1894
ShurzBillie born about 1870
SimpsonFrank Wborn about 1906
SimpsonLucile Mborn about 1907
SimpsonMary Leeborn about 1933
SimpsonSonya Jborn about 1936
SmithAlfred Dborn about 1924
SmithBetty Jborn about 1924
SmithC Burtonborn about 1916
SmithClarence Eborn about 1934
SmithDuane Eborn about 1922
SmithEarl Lborn about 1919
SmithFlorance Eborn about 1872
SmithGeorge Cborn about 1891
SmithGlen Hborn about 1921
SmithJames Wborn about 1936
SmithLala Dborn about 1890
SmithLaurance Sborn about 1934
SmithLeslie Lborn about 1936
SmithLynn Sborn about 1893
SmithMargerith Mborn about 1897
SmithTreva Bborn about 1917
SmithWilliam Cborn about 1926
SomersElwood born about 1934
SommersLloyd born about 1922
SpringmeyerAlbert Aborn about 1921
SpringmeyerEdith Vborn about 1892
SpringmeyerLester Rborn about 1917
SpringmeyerMyra Jborn about 1924
SpringmeyerRalph Aborn about 1892
SpringmeyerRobert Lborn about 1922
SteeleyGesse Rborn about 1887
SteeleyRuth Lborn about 1890
SteffanHenry born about 1882
SteinerEdith Lborn about 1887
SteinerEllie Jborn about 1867

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T Surnames

TalryJohn born about 1860
ThiemannRachel Hborn about 1861
ThomasArthur born about 1881
ThomasDole Lborn about 1924
ThomasErmalee born about 1926
ThomasMary Aborn about 1896
ThomasMoae Aborn about 1922
ThomasNeal Dborn about 1933
ThompsonIrene born about 1912
ThompsonRaymond born about 1914
ThompsonRaymond born about 1915
TillayEldrid Wborn about 1925
TillayMarina Mborn about 1899
TillayRoy Wborn about 1901
TillayVernon Dborn about 1929
TomCline born about 1934

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V Surnames

VaughanEdgar Hborn about 1887
VralkerRamsey born about 1913
VrdertzCara Hborn about 1901
VrdertzElmer Sborn about 1889

W Surnames

WaightCharles Hborn about 1888
WaightLorraine Eborn about 1892
WallaceDanel born about 1890
WallaceSadie born about 1890
WallsArthur Gborn about 1886
WedertzAnnie Mayborn about 1920
WedertzCharles Eborn about 1867
WedertzGordon Lborn about 1925
WedertzJuanita Hborn about 1897
WedertzLau Mborn about 1880
WedertzLorane Lborn about 1897
WedertzWarren Rborn about 1922
WellsMartin born about 1906
WelshJames Cborn about 1897
WernerAlbert Rborn about 1886
WernerJean Mborn about 1922
WernerLaura Mborn about 1883
WernerWilliam Eborn about 1925
WhiteClifton born about 1896
WhiteDolly born about 1903
WickmanPeter Lborn about 1881
WilkersonEva born about 1900
WilkersonHoward Rborn about 1900
WilkersonLouis Jborn about 1909
WilkersonMaggie Mborn about 1875
WilkersonMary Lborn about 1912
WilkersonRobert Lborn about 1939
WilkersonSharon Aborn about 1938
WillherGeroge Oborn about 1911
WilliamsClifford Jborn about 1933
WilliamsDorothy born about 1923
WilliamsElena born about 1921
WilliamsEthel Jborn about 1902
WilliamsGeorge Jborn about 1884
WilliamsJames Dborn about 1908
WilliamsJim born about 1890
WilliamsLeland Eborn about 1934
WilliamsRachel born about 1910
WilliamsStanley born about 1930
WilliamsTom Jr born about 1906
WilliamsWilliam born about 1929
WilsonDrew Mborn about 1888
WilsonRuth Cborn about 1898
WinesAlbert Cborn about 1915
WinesCarroll Fborn about 1921
WinesClyde Jborn about 1887
WinesFrances Mborn about 1935
WinesHelen Fborn about 1907
WinesLeonard Aborn about 1912
WinesMary Mborn about 1937
WinesVerna Hborn about 1892
WoodRobert Rborn about 1876
WorlineWarren Eborn about 1867

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Z Surnames

ZaherJohn born about 1906
ZaticaLouis Kborn about 1928
ZaticaRichard Nborn about 1931
ZimmermanAlbert Cborn about 1890
ZimmermanEmma Vborn about 1890

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