1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mount Vernon, Westchester, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Westchester County > 1940 Census of Mount Vernon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlsenGyda born about 1890
AlsenJohn born about 1888
AlsenRichard born about 1914
AmithGeorge Rborn about 1883
AmithNettie Aborn about 1890

B Surnames

BaldwinAudrey born about 1923
BaldwinEstelle born about 1882
BaldwinFrank Iborn about 1877
BeacomAndrew Jborn about 1892
BeacomFrieda born about 1895
BeacomMarilyn born about 1927
BeckersBertha born about 1881
BeuretJohanna Lborn about 1887
BeuretJules Wborn about 1881
BraatzFlorence born about 1907
BraatzJune born about 1933
BraatzWilliam born about 1905
BraatzWilliam Bborn about 1931

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C Surnames

CarnahanArthur born about 1894
CarnahanMarian Eborn about 1902
CarnahanRobert Aborn about 1928

D Surnames

DallowMary born about 1883
DallowWalter Rborn about 1884
DesimoneAngelo born about 1929
DesimoneJoseph born about 1930
DesimoneMarie born about 1925

E Surnames

EmersonEleanore born about 1921
EmersonElizabeth Dborn about 1885
EmersonJoseph Wborn about 1881
EmersonSarah Dborn about 1916

F Surnames

FeldmanFlorence born about 1909
FeldmanHenry born about 1883
FeldmanMary Aborn about 1883
FishBarbara born about 1917
FishBettye born about 1923
FishCharles Sborn about 1891
FishElizabeth born about 1891

G Surnames

GardelaJean born about 1915

H Surnames

HallmanAlice Fborn about 1911
HallmanBertha born about 1877
HallmanWalter Hborn about 1917
HallmanWilliam Hborn about 1867
HutchinGiven born about 1901
HutchinGwendoline born about 1935
HutchinHarold born about 1899
HutchinHastings born about 1923
HutchinJames Rborn about 1926

K Surnames

KalmbachFrederick born about 1911
KalmbachHoward born about 1939
KalmbachJean born about 1934
KalmbachKathryn born about 1911
KleiborAlbert born about 1886
KleiborLeva born about 1886
KnoepkeAudrey Wborn about 1932
KnoepkeDoris Cborn about 1927
KnoepkeMarjorie Wborn about 1904
KnoepkeWilliam Lborn about 1901

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M Surnames

MacfaddenFlorence born about 1900
MacfaddenJames Dborn about 1925
MacfaddenWalter born about 1896
MacfaddenWalter Jborn about 1928
MaranDoris born about 1911
MaranGary born about 1937
MaranHarry born about 1909
MurphyLillian Mborn about 1869
MurphyLillian Mborn about 1903
MurphyVernon born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PertakAlfa Fborn about 1882
PiccirilliJohn born about 1900
PiccirilliLoretta born about 1909
PiccirilliNatalia born about 1933

R Surnames

RiazAlice born about 1904
RiazJohn born about 1938
RiazPeter born about 1933
RiazRichard born about 1929
RiazRobert born about 1903
RobertiBlanche born about
RobertiElizabeth born about 1892
RobertiLouis born about 1889
RonburgAnny Fborn about
RonburgHeinz born about 1902
RonburgJames born about 1939
RuppelAnna Aborn about 1877
RuppelHenry Mborn about 1898
RuppelWalter Aborn about 1900

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S Surnames

SchaeferEdward born about 1875
SchaeferMary Aborn about 1874
ShafrickFrieda born about 1900
StormsBarbara Jborn about 1936
StormsClifford Bborn about 1933
StormsHarold Bborn about 1898
StormsJene Pborn about 1907
Sullivan born about

T Surnames

TaylorEdna Jborn about 1885
TaylorHoward Pborn about 1887
TaylorWashington Pborn about 1854

V Surnames

ValentiLillian born about 1883
ValentiSilvator born about 1883
VancookDonald born about 1933
VancookMable born about 1908
VancookWalter born about 1905

W Surnames

WallClifford born about 1933
WeberAnna born about 1880
WeberHenry born about 1875
WeberRichard born about 1905
WeinstockKatherine born about 1870
WeinstockMichael born about 1874
WistEleanor born about 1925
WoodAlfred born about 1909
WoodEdith born about 1909
WoodJoe Cborn about 1869
WoodSarah born about 1873

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