1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Castle, Westchester, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Westchester County > 1940 Census of North Castle

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsClarence born about 1889
AbramsDora born about 1885
AbramsEllen born about 1920
AbramsFrieda born about 1905
AbramsGeorge born about 1912
AbramsKenneth born about 1930
AbramsLester born about 1896
AbramsLois born about 1926
AbramsMargaret born about 1908
AbramsMargaret born about 1928
AbramsMilton born about 1930
AbramsOrvelle born about 1900
AbramsReginald born about 1924
AcherAnna born about 1871
AcherEdwin born about 1870
AckerJ Fredborn about 1876
AckerJane Eborn about 1875
AckerMarietta born about 1880
AckermanAlice born about 1931
AckermanAnn born about 1931
AckermanBeatrice born about 1938
AckermanClarence born about 1908
AckermanGertude born about 1891
AckermanJames born about 1935
AckermanLillian born about 1927
AckermanMarjorie born about
AckermanMarjorie born about 1910
AckermanRichard born about 1931
AckermanRobert born about 1937
AckermanWalter born about 1919
AckermanWilde born about 1870
AckleyAlice born about 1924
AdamsAugusta born about 1888
AdamsCharles born about 1901
AdamsCharles born about 1932
AdamsCharlotte born about 1924
AdamsConstance born about 1926
AdamsDonald born about 1924
AdamsElener born about 1891
AdamsEnid born about 1914
AdamsFrank born about 1891
AdamsFrank born about 1928
AdamsJanet born about 1940
AdamsJulia born about 1902
AdamsLewis born about 1926
AdamsRichard born about 1921
AdamsRobert born about 1885
AdamsStella born about 1906
AgzigianAnn born about 1924
AgzigianMary born about 1926
AinswrithLucille born about 1910
AinswrithRoberta born about 1914
AlexanderHelen born about 1909
AlexanderJohn born about 1903
AlexanderWilliam born about 1878
AlgerJohn born about 1915
AlgerMarjorie born about 1920
AllenAlma born about 1902
AllenAnn born about 1929
AllenBarbara born about 1934
AllenEleanor born about 1938
AllenFredrick born about 1926
AllenFreida born about 1900
AllenHelen born about 1923
AllenHerbert born about 1928
AllenMaguare born about 1898
AllenPauline born about 1919
AllenRobert born about 1886
AllenRobert born about 1918
AllenRobert born about 1940
AllenRobert Jr born about 1924
AllenRuth born about 1927
AlleviCesari born about 1922
AlleviConchetta born about 1927
AlleviDomenick born about 1884
AlleviJohn born about 1915
AlleviMary born about 1917
AlleviRoger born about 1919
AlleviRose born about 1921
AlleviSanta born about 1939
AllisonAldon born about 1919
AlloFrank born about 1922
AlloJoe born about 1923
AlloMary born about 1902
AlloSam born about 1897
AlloSam born about 1939
AloiAngelina born about 1917
AloiErnst born about 1909
AloiErnst Jr born about 1938
AmonRockous born about 1904
AmorielloClemente born about 1874
AmorielloElizabeth born about 1913
AmorielloFelix Lborn about 1899
AndersonAlfred born about 1930
AndersonAndrew born about 1936
AndersonArthur born about 1935
AndersonArthur Aborn about 1936
AndersonDonald Eborn about 1912
AndersonEdith born about 1924
AndersonEdward born about 1894
AndersonEdward born about 1928
AndersonGeorge born about 1932
AndersonGrace born about 1902
AndersonGrace born about 1934
AndersonGunnar born about 1915
AndersonGustof born about 1906
AndersonHelen born about 1883
AndersonIrene Annborn about 1916
AndersonMildred born about 1926
AndersonNormad born about 1938
AndersonOpal Fborn about 1915
AndersonSarah born about 1906
AndersonWesley born about 1921
AndradaNicolas born about 1880
AngermundSven born about 1909
AntonecchiaInfant Benedict born about 1939
AntonecchiaJ Christyborn about 1906
AntonecchiaKathrine born about 1913
AntonecchiaVincent born about 1937
ArmstrongElizebeth born about 1903
ArmstrongTeresa born about 1914
ArsenaultAlleen born about 1897
ArsenaultShirley born about 1925
ArterSarah Wborn about 1852
AttleyEleanor born about 1909
AttleyEleanor born about 1937
AttleyFrancis Jborn about 1907
AurilioAlma born about 1902
AurilioJames born about 1925
AurilioSalvadore born about 1902
AuslieJohn born about 1892
AustinFrank born about 1854
AustinLilly Wborn about 1890
AustinMary born about 1897
AustinWilliam born about 1894
AustinWilliam born about 1925
AveryWalter Rborn about 1892
AveryWinifred born about 1890
AvesatiHelen born about 1927
AvesatiLucy born about 1902
AxtellGrace born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BacherAnne born about 1937
BacherJoan born about 1939
BacherMarion born about 1910
BacherValentine born about 1904
BachmannLouis born about 1901
BachmannMagaret born about 1902
BachmannRoger born about 1930
BagiMildred born about 1912
BagiRudolph born about 1908
BaileyDavid born about 1937
BaileyHerbert born about 1901
BaileyKathleen born about 1871
BaileyMarie born about 1910
BaileyMuriel born about 1936
BaileyNorman born about 1907
BaileyRalph born about 1892
BaileyRuth born about 1911
BakerCharles born about 1908
BalconCarrie born about 1884
BaloghClara born about 1918
BaloghJohn born about 1914
BaloghJohn Jborn about 1937
BaloghLoretta Jborn about 1940
BalossiniAngelina born about 1895
BalossiniJohn born about 1925
BalossiniLouis born about 1896
BalossiniTheadora born about 1919
BanahanSidney born about 1890
BankeFlorence born about 1914
BankeJoseph born about 1908
BarbaurElla Wborn about 1883
BarbaurPhilip Tborn about 1885
BarderGrace born about 1917
BarderJames born about 1914
BardoBarbara Aborn about 1933
BardoHenrietta born about 1904
BardoW Henrylborn about 1907
BaremoreAnna born about 1916
BaremoreFrank born about 1904
BaretteJean born about 1919
BarkerEarl born about 1912
BarkerLillian born about 1917
BarkerSharm born about 1938
BarrettDavid born about 1916
BarrettElaine born about 1938
BarrettEvrett born about 1896
BarrettFlorence born about 1917
BarrettIda born about 1897
BarrettLester born about 1912
BarrettRita born about 1919
BarrettRita born about 1937
BarrieAgnes born about 1867
BartinBilly born about 1928
BartinLena born about 1906
BashantDavid born about 1939
BashantKenneth born about 1918
BashantMarjorie born about 1918
BatesAgnes born about 1893
BatesAlfred born about 1932
BatesArthur born about 1890
BatesBarbara born about 1920
BatesEdward born about 1931
BatesEvelyn born about 1920
BatesGeorge born about 1925
BatesHarold born about 1912
BatesHenry born about 1889
BatesHenry born about 1923
BatesHerbert born about 1921
BatesJudith born about 1939
BatesKenneth born about 1936
BatesLottie born about 1890
BatesLottie born about 1929
BatesRuth born about 1927
BatesWilliam born about 1918
BattistelliAlexander born about 1912
BattistelliAnnabelle born about 1910
BattistelliAnnunziato born about 1892
BattistelliGetafi? born about 1882
BattistelliJoseph born about 1919
BattistelliLeo born about 1930
BattistelliMary Patriciaborn about 1936
BattistelliNancy Annborn about 1938
BattlesAnn born about 1902
BattlesFrederick born about 1901
BattsMargaret born about 1895
BattsRegenald born about 1900
BauerFred born about 1888
BauerFred born about 1913
BauerFrederick born about 1937
BauerHelen born about 1914
BauerLouis born about 1925
BauerLouise born about 1892
BauerLouise born about 1921
BeairdMinnie born about 1866
BeboutAlan born about 1937
BeboutAlberta born about 1912
BeboutAllen born about 1911
BechCharles Gborn about 1900
BechRoger Cborn about 1924
BechRuth Cborn about 1899
BeckerAlbert Wborn about 1902
BeckerDorothy Eborn about 1931
BeckerKatherine Eborn about 1904
BeckerWilliam Aborn about 1928
BellGrace Cborn about 1885
BellM Elaineborn about 1918
BellMildred Lborn about 1898
BellW Raymondborn about 1921
BellWalter Rborn about 1898
BendilaElina born about 1888
BengeHerbert born about 1881
BengeJessie born about 1881
BennetJulia born about 1888
BennettAnnie born about 1870
BennettFred born about 1899
BennettJoan born about 1933
BennettJohn born about 1864
BennettJohn born about 1933
BennettJulia born about 1903
BennettMarion born about 1924
BennettMarjorie born about 1931
BennisonBanice born about 1933
BennisonMarjorie born about 1908
BennisonWilliam born about 1905
BennisonWilliam born about 1939
BentonOlive born about 1876
BenzLuke born about 1899
BenzMack born about 1936
BenzMargaret born about 1900
BenzMarion Lauiseborn about 1938
BernardEdward born about 1887
BernardLillian born about 1897
BernsteinAline born about 1881
BernsteinTheodore born about 1874
BernsteinTheodore Fborn about 1904
BethumeDoris Mayborn about 1931
BethumeNormand Gborn about 1900
BethumeViola born about 1902
BetzMary born about 1884
BeyesMizzi born about 1900
BickelhauptGeorge Aborn about 1879
BickelhauptJosephine born about 1910
BickelhauptMary Aborn about 1881
BicknellDorothy born about 1933
BicknellElbert born about 1936
BicknellJohn born about 1939
BicknellMildred born about 1909
BicknellRobert born about 1929
BicknellRobinhood born about 1903
BilsonDoris born about 1914
BinchbeckMary Annborn about 1852
BirchwoodGeorge Eborn about 1883
BirchwoodMabel born about 1882
BirchwoodMabel born about 1910
BirdBertha born about 1888
BirdClarance born about 1888
BirdHerbert born about 1916
BirdMary born about 1922
BirdOlivia born about 1887
BirdS Hinmanborn about 1884
BironAlbina born about 1906
BironRaymond born about 1939
BironRosario born about 1903
BishopCharles born about 1877
BishopMary born about 1888
BlackmellAllen born about 1935
BlackmellArthur born about 1934
BlackmellClarence born about 1910
BlackmellClarence Jr born about 1932
BlackmellJames born about 1938
BlackmellLe Ray born about 1937
BlackmellMargaret born about 1910
BlackmellShirley born about 1939
BlankAnna born about 1872
BlankJohn born about 1871
BolenderEvelyn born about 1915
BolenderHenry born about 1871
BolenderMilton born about 1901
BolmerCulver born about 1920
BolmerG Raymondborn about 1908
BolmerG Raymondborn about 1929
BolmerMarion born about 1908
BolmerNeufer born about 1930
BolmerR Eugeneborn about 1935
BondraJohn born about 1913
BordenAgnes born about 1896
BordenErnst born about 1928
BordenPersival born about 1897
BorderAda Sborn about 1894
BorderFlorence Aborn about 1919
BorderMuriel Gborn about 1924
BorderSherman Cborn about 1921
BottcherHelen born about 1915
BottcherRobert born about 1913
BotzowElizabeth born about 1913
BotzowStephance born about 1919
BotzowWilliam born about 1911
BouchouxDorothy born about 1916
BouchouxThomas born about 1914
BoutonCharles born about 1883
BowlinEarl Eborn about 1935
BoydCharles born about 1929
BoydPhilip Gborn about 1883
BoydSheelagh born about 1921
BoydViolet Cborn about 1896
BoylesRuth born about 1905
BoylesVelma born about 1935
BoylesWilliam born about 1901
BradburyBessie born about 1899
BradfordBertha born about 1930
BrannJean born about 1901
BrannKonrad Fborn about 1892
BraughtAlice born about 1926
BraughtDavid Iborn about 1938
BraughtDorothy born about 1924
BraughtGenevieve born about 1923
BraughtGeorge born about 1883
BraughtH Davidborn about 1928
BraughtHarry born about 1889
BraughtMaria born about 1893
BraughtPearl Mariaborn about 1922
BravoCaroline born about 1890
BravoCharles born about 1913
BravoJae born about 1920
BravoJohn born about 1872
BravoRose born about 1924
BridgesGrace born about 1897
BridgesRoy born about 1896
BrigerWallace born about 1924
BriggaFrank born about 1871
BriggsAlice born about 1910
BriggsChester born about 1887
BriggsEdna Pborn about 1880
BriggsHester born about 1882
BriggsStephen Sborn about 1916
BriggsThomas born about 1931
BriggsWilliam Kborn about 1878
BristolFenn Careborn about 1906
BristolMay born about 1914
BrookesFrederick Fborn about 1875
BrownAnnabelle born about 1917
BrownCharlotte born about 1887
BrownChester born about 1909
BrownChester born about 1937
BrownCourtney Cborn about 1905
BrownCourtney Wborn about 1936
BrownEdward born about 1875
BrownElbert born about 1919
BrownFred born about 1910
BrownGeorge born about 1905
BrownHarry born about 1908
BrownJoanne born about 1932
BrownKathrine born about 1910
BrownMargaret born about 1917
BrownMarian born about 1903
BrownMarion born about 1898
BrownMarion born about 1906
BrownMarjorie born about 1909
BrownRose born about 1906
BrownRoxanna born about 1934
BrownSusan born about 1939
BrownWalter born about 1891
BrownWilsen born about 1939
BruceAdele Leeborn about 1922
BruceAdeline born about 1900
BruceDorothy Lborn about 1889
BruceJohn Leeborn about 1924
BruceThomas born about 1893
BruceThomas born about 1919
BrunaidJohn born about 1881
BrundageAdar born about 1891
BrundageAlmira born about 1854
BrundageDonald born about 1919
BrundageElizabeth Mborn about 1877
BrundageHarry born about 1879
BrundageHenrietta born about 1873
BrundageJ Charterborn about 1882
BrundageLilias born about 1877
BrundageMabel born about 1887
BrundageMary Eborn about 1906
BrundageT Williamborn about 1875
BrundegeEdith born about 1916
BrundegeHarold born about 1890
BrundegeMarian born about 1893
BrushDorothy born about 1924
BrushElbert born about 1900
BrushElbert Jr born about 1923
BrushEthel born about 1904
BrushRobert born about 1933
BucchiniArlando born about 1921
BucchiniClara born about 1926
BucchiniFlora born about 1920
BucchiniFlorie born about 1890
BucchiniFrank born about 1928
BucchiniIrene born about 1897
BucchiniJames born about 1917
BuchananCharles born about 1899
BuchananCharles born about 1924
BuchananLilly born about 1897
BuchananRobert born about 1922
BuchananRoger born about 1927
BunchenHugo born about 1875
BunkoyskiBertha born about 1886
BurhardtMay born about 1930
BurhardtMyrttle born about 1927
BurkaPaul born about 1893
BurkeArthur born about 1903
BurkeFlossie born about 1901
BurkeHarold born about 1915
BurkeMarion born about 1921
BurkeRobert born about 1930
BurkeViolet Mayborn about 1926
BurlockBetty born about 1939
BurlockLaura born about 1909
BurlockRay born about 1902
BurnettMichael born about 1869
BurnhamElise born about 1878
BurnhamFrank born about 1867
BurnsArline born about 1929
BurnsLemuel born about 1885
BurnsLemuel Jr born about 1934
BurnsMartha born about 1907
BurnsMary born about 1926
BurnsPatricia born about 1931
BuscagliaAlexander born about 1923
BuscagliaCharles born about 1898
BuscagliaJohn born about 1925
BuscagliaMary born about 1901
ButlerAnita born about 1913
ButlerCharles born about 1932
ButlerOtto born about 1912
BuzelFannie born about 1899
BuzelGeorge born about 1898
BuzelGeorge born about 1924
BuzelHelen born about 1926
BuzelSophia born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaixeiroArline born about 1936
CaixeiroArthurlno born about 1931
CaixeiroAthony Mborn about 1890
CaixeiroAthony Sborn about 1914
CaixeiroAthony Jr born about 1938
CaixeiroEnzari born about 1921
CaixeiroErmenio born about 1895
CaixeiroIrene born about 1929
CaixeiroJ???Uian born about 1925
CaixeiroJohn born about 1934
CaixeiroJoseph born about 1917
CaixeiroKathrine born about 1921
CaixeiroMary born about 1915
CaixeiroTeresa born about 1928
CalabreaAlphonso born about 1926
CalabreaFred born about 1896
CalabreaIda born about 1920
CalabreaJohn born about 1876
CalabreaLilly born about 1924
CalabreaLucille born about 1926
CalabreaRebecca born about 1900
CalabreaRose born about 1922
CalderJohn born about 1939
CaldieKathleen Aborn about 1885
CaldieKathryn Aborn about 1915
CaldieLouis born about 1879
CaldieLouis Jr born about 1920
CalibreMary born about 1918
CameronDail born about 1938
CameronElaine born about 1939
CameronMargaret Lborn about 1916
CameronWilliam Rborn about 1908
CampbellMary born about 1914
CanlersHelen born about 1911
CanlersHelena born about 1939
CanlersJohn Lborn about 1909
CanniceJoseph born about 1900
CanniceJoseph born about 1930
CanniceJulia born about 1904
CappolaEleanor born about 1913
CappolaGeorge born about 1909
CappolaMary born about 1882
CappolaMinnie born about 1907
CapronElsie born about 1894
CapronGeorge born about 1888
CapronLe Ray born about 1921
CardinalliAngelo born about 1932
CardinalliAugust born about 1895
CardinalliMary born about 1898
CarellyClifford born about 1927
CarellyJoseph born about 1916
CarellyMary born about 1889
CarellyMinnie born about 1912
CarettiFrancis born about 1904
CarettiHerman born about 1900
CarettiViola born about 1924
CarinciDomenick born about 1869
CarlsonAlva Lborn about 1886
CarlsonCarl born about 1874
CarlsonFlorence born about 1920
CarlsonLloyd born about 1918
CarnavaleBenne??? born about 1885
CarnavaleCarmela born about 1884
CarnavaleJames born about 1916
CarneyEdna born about 1909
CarneyHelen born about 1931
CarneyJames born about 1906
CarneyJames born about 1929
CarneyMildred born about 1935
CarneyPeter born about 1932
CarpenterGarfield born about 1932
CarpenterGloria born about 1937
CarpenterJasper born about 1927
CarpenterThomas born about 1925
CarrCharles born about 1876
CarrErnest born about 1906
CarrJennie born about 1884
CarrierCatherine born about 1918
CarrierFrank born about 1891
CarrierJoseph born about 1921
CarrierRose born about 1896
CarrollMargaret born about 1876
CarrollWilliam born about 1879
CarterJohn born about 1880
CarterMary born about 1904
CarusoAthony born about 1925
CarusoCarmela born about 1921
CarusoFrancis born about 1885
CarusoFrank born about 1917
CarusoJohn born about 1874
CarusoJoseph born about 1923
CarusoKathrine born about 1912
CarusoMagaret born about 1919
CashettaJack Valantaborn about 1901
CastonCharles born about 1896
CaugheyJohn Lborn about 1905
CaugheyWinifred born about 1909
CayleJane born about 1919
CayleJoseph born about 1884
CaylePatricia born about 1921
CayleRose born about 1886
CedroneEdna born about 1911
CedroneHarry born about 1906
CeroneJohn born about 1912
CeroneMarie born about 1911
ChabanukConrad born about 1882
ChaddeHannah born about 1872
ChakmakianAnna born about 1924
ChaowinkyStanley born about 1893
ChapmanCharles born about 1903
ChapmanCharles born about 1937
ChapmanHoward born about 1889
ChapmanMildred born about 1908
ChapmanMildred born about 1934
ChassonJohn born about 1894
CheretCharles born about 1885
CheretFlorence born about 1931
CheretFrank born about 1923
CheretSophia born about 1887
ChimielJoe born about 1912
ChutkaJohn born about 1934
ChutkaMarjorie born about 1936
ChutkaMary born about 1902
ChutkaMary born about 1939
ChutkaPaul born about 1890
ChutkaPaul born about 1928
ChutkaVirginia born about 1932
ChutkaWalter born about 1925
ChutkaWilliam born about 1923
ClaessensAlice born about 1861
ClaessensLouis born about 1865
ClancyAnna born about 1871
ClapperGeorge born about 1895
ClapperGeorge born about 1929
ClapperWinnified born about 1901
ClarkGeorge Bborn about 1873
ClarkJohn Albertborn about 1890
ClarkMaud born about 1888
ClarkSarah born about 1880
ClarkiDoris born about 1915
ClarkiLewis born about 1912
ClearyHarold born about 1902
ClearyHarold born about 1932
ClearyJean born about 1925
ClearyLillian born about 1900
ClineEmma born about 1886
ClineHelen born about 1900
CoburnAgnes Cborn about 1911
CoburnAlvin Fborn about 1900
CoburnAnne born about 1936
CoburnPeter Dborn about 1938
CoburnTimothy Bborn about 1939
CochranHenry J Jrborn about 1910
CochranVirginia born about 1939
CochranVirginia Wborn about 1912
CoffeyJohn born about 1913
CohaCharles Hborn about 1896
CohaRuth born about 1907
ColemanDolores Dborn about 1919
ColemanIra Fborn about 1914
ComstockCourtney born about 1933
ComstockHerbert born about 1895
ComstockMarie born about 1895
ComstockMarjorie born about 1921
ConklinLibbia born about 1884
ConnallyAnnie born about 1871
ConnallyElizabeth born about 1909
ConnallyJohn Iborn about 1871
ConnaughtonMary born about 1894
ConnollyJoseph born about 1904
ConnorClara born about 1883
ConnorEdward born about 1886
ConnorEllen Constanceborn about 1886
ConstantAnastacia born about 1932
ConstantBasal born about 1909
ConstantLucille born about 1934
ConstantMary born about 1914
ConteAgnes born about 1924
ConteAngelina born about 1907
ConteAnthony born about 1902
ConteAssunta born about 1905
ConteCristofore born about 1878
ConteJohn born about 1908
ConteJosephine born about 1923
ConteLilibresta born about 1915
ConteMaria born about 1877
ConteMarie born about 1926
ConteMario born about 1929
ContePalma born about 1909
ConteRalph born about 1934
ConteSalvatore born about 1900
ConteSilverio born about 1913
ConwaySusan born about 1908
CornettArthur born about 1933
CossolinoAngel born about 1933
CossolinoJoseph born about 1939
CossolinoMary born about 1910
CossolinoPietro born about 1905
CostelloCarolyn born about 1897
CostelloMargaret born about 1908
CostelloWilliam Jborn about 1893
CoteAlice born about 1899
CoteAlice born about 1902
CoteBertha born about 1931
CoteEdward born about 1933
CoteElaine born about 1936
CoteLillian born about 1901
CoteLillian born about 1937
CoteLucille born about 1932
CoteOliver Jr born about 1925
CoteRupert born about 1902
CoupeGeorge Hborn about 1889
CoupeGeorge H Jrborn about 1914
CoupeGladys born about 1927
CoupeMary born about 1890
CoupeRuth born about 1924
CowelAgnes born about 1906
CowelAgnes born about 1939
CowelDoris born about 1933
CowelMarion born about 1932
CowelRichard born about 1909
CowelRichard born about 1931
CowelRobert born about 1934
CoxAlbert born about 1881
CoxArthur born about 1895
CoxEdith born about 1887
CoxEdith born about 1919
CoxJennie born about 1880
CoxMariann born about 1909
CoxMartha born about 1893
CoxSarah Eborn about 1881
CoxWalter born about 1913
CoxWalter Hborn about 1934
CraneBetty born about 1891
CraneCharles born about 1886
CraudellAdeline born about 1922
CraudellAnn born about 1898
CraudellCharles born about 1898
CraudellCharles born about 1920
CraudellMelvin born about 1926
CraveiroManuel born about 1909
CraveiroManuella born about 1936
CraveiroMartha born about 1914
CraveiroRaymond born about 1937
CreedEdith born about 1900
CreedEleen born about 1929
CreedInfant born about
CreedKathleen born about 1931
CreedMarion born about 1927
CreedRichard born about 1897
CreedRichard born about 1935
CrittendenClio born about 1898
CrittendenHarold born about 1897
CrittendenHarold Jr born about 1926
CrittendenJane born about 1928
CrittendenWilliam born about 1928
CroftAlma born about 1901
CroftGeorge born about 1890
CroftGeorge Wborn about 1929
CrossCharles born about 1914
CrossEdna born about 1915
CrossJanice born about 1939
CrossRonald born about 1936
CrowleyAnna born about 1912
CrowleyJohn Mborn about 1903
CrowleyMaryan born about 1939
CrumLeiter born about 1879
CrummingsAlice born about 1908
CrummingsMary born about 1885
CrummingsSharon born about 1929
CrummingsVere born about 1885
CullyJoseph born about 1896
CullyMabel born about 1893
CumminsJean born about 1906
CumminsJohn Cborn about 1897
CunninghamCarol born about 1940
CunninghamFred born about 1908
CunninghamHelen born about 1911
CunninghamVincent born about 1910
CunninghamVincent J Jrborn about 1938
CurryCelia born about 1940
CurryJanet born about 1933
CurryJohn Paulborn about 1940
CurryMargaret born about 1931
CurryMarjery born about 1901
CurryPiers born about 1939
CurryR Eugeneborn about 1901
CurryRenwick born about 1938
CurryRobert Aborn about 1898
CurrySietske born about 1909
CurtinMary Annborn about 1887
CurtisRobert Cborn about 1893
CurtisRose Elizabethborn about 1909
CutchertFrancis born about 1856

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabboMaureen born about 1936
DaffeeApal born about 1905
DaffeeGeorge Wborn about 1923
DaffeeThelma born about 1926
DaffeeWilliam born about 1895
DahmaEugene born about 1923
DahmaHugo born about 1886
DalboRose born about 1880
DaleEdward Leeborn about 1896
DaleEvelyn born about 1900
DaleSamuel born about 1886
DallMary Bborn about 1871
DalloBarbara Aborn about 1937
DalloElizabeth born about 1914
DalloFrank born about 1905
DalyRobert born about 1893
DandreanoEdith born about 1918
DandreanoFrank born about 1920
DandreanoJoseph born about 1915
DandreanoLouis born about 1918
DandreanoMillie born about 1924
DandreanoPeter born about 1921
DandreanoPietro born about 1894
DandreanoRose born about 1920
DandreanoRosina born about 1895
DandreanoSofia born about 1927
DanisAnna born about 1902
DaranoDorothy born about 1914
DaranoPat born about 1917
DavidsonElizabeth born about 1880
DaviesArchibald born about 1914
DaviesJane born about 1913
DaviesPhilip born about 1939
DavisBertrand born about 1893
DavisDavid born about 1898
DavisHelen born about 1903
DavisJacqueline born about 1939
DavisJohn born about 1906
DavisLucille born about 1914
DavisRobert born about 1928
DavisVerginia born about 1930
DealEdward born about 1884
DealNellie born about 1886
DeangelioAngelina born about 1938
DeangelioArmida born about 1931
DeangelioBerdendena born about 1908
DeangelioEdmond born about 1933
DeangelioHarold born about 1935
DeangelioLouis born about 1898
DeangelioLouis born about 1937
DeangelioPatriciane born about 1939
DeangeloAngelo born about 1907
DeangeloJulia born about 1910
DebenedettoCamilla born about 1909
DebenedettoLeonald born about 1908
DebenhamJames born about 1894
DebenhamLillian born about 1899
DebenhamRichard born about 1935
DebicaediJoseph born about 1878
DebicaediRosie born about 1880
DegeorgeCharles born about 1928
DegeorgeEdith born about 1899
DegeorgeFrank born about 1893
DegeorgeFrank born about 1922
DeginaAngeline born about 1921
DeginaAthony born about 1937
DeginaJoseph born about 1890
DeginaJoseph born about 1926
DeginaKatherine born about 1899
DegranClifford born about 1915
DegranClifford born about 1937
DegranJohn born about 1939
DegranMarjorie born about 1914
DemarcoCamello born about 1889
DemarcoCarl born about 1926
DemarcoMarie born about 1904
DemarcoRose born about 1924
DemarieAngelo born about 1917
DemarieElenor born about 1921
DemarieJohn born about 1892
DemarieJohn Jr born about 1929
DemarieJosephine born about 1924
DemarieLouis born about 1918
DemarieMarian born about 1928
DemarieMichael born about 1922
DemarieRose born about 1896
DemartoDominick born about 1858
DemartoJohn born about 1910
DemartoTeresa born about 1871
DemerestJudson born about 1873
DemiteBetty born about 1928
DemiteJoseph born about 1897
DemiteJosiphine born about 1923
DemiteMary born about 1900
DemiteTeresa born about 1922
DennisonBesse born about 1884
DeooeAlbert born about 1895
DeooeBarbara Jborn about 1927
DeooeEdith Eborn about 1865
DeooeJohn born about 1865
DesommaDaniel born about 1923
DesommaDavid born about 1893
DesommaDavid born about 1923
DesommaFrancis born about 1904
DesommaRobert born about 1926
DettaHans born about 1905
DexterFrederick born about 1923
DezorziAugust born about 1905
DiagLillia born about 1925
DiazOnelia born about 1927
DickMarion born about 1923
DickThomas born about 1896
DickThomas Jr born about 1930
DickVara born about 1895
DickensCharles born about 1886
DickensCharles born about 1913
DickensElizabeth born about 1921
DickensLillian born about 1919
DickensMary born about 1891
DickinsCharles born about 1908
DickinsHelen born about 1883
DickinsWilliam Aborn about 1885
DienstHerman born about 1892
DinhamCarrie born about 1892
DinhamWilliam born about 1884
DobbinsDorothia Fborn about 1883
DobbinsLeo Aborn about 1888
DobrovolskyAnnie born about 1906
DobrovolskyJean born about 1933
DobrovolskyJohn born about 1900
DonadoJean born about 1918
DonadoRowland born about 1915
DonnellyHenry Gborn about 1900
DonnellyMary born about 1878
DonnellyPatrick Jborn about 1870
DouglasJesse Lborn about 1909
DounellgWilliam born about 1888
DowIsobel born about 1911
DowellEdmund born about 1928
DowellLoretta born about 1910
DowellMarie born about 1938
DowellRichard born about 1912
DropchukDelia born about 1894
DropchukJohn born about 1892
DrppoliCecilia born about 1932
DrppoliMary born about 1897
DrppoliMichael born about 1897
DuguetteDolores born about 1918
DuguetteLaura born about 1895
DuguetteMoise born about 1892
DulucJohn born about 1939
DulucMae born about 1915
DulucRaymond born about 1910
DummiskCarolyn born about 1888
DummiskKazemer born about 1877
DummiskNancy born about 1923
DunganBarbara born about 1937
DunganHerbert born about 1909
DunganRichard born about 1932
DunganRose Eborn about 1915
DunhamDaverlyn born about 1939
DunhamDeborah born about 1928
DunhamJanie born about 1901
DunhamSilence born about 1937
DunhamWillis born about 1904
DupontA Rettborn about 1909
DupontGertrude born about 1911
DupontRhett born about 1939
DurhamAffud born about 1917
DurhamEmill born about 1909
DurhamEmma born about 1920
DurhamGeorge born about 1925
DurhamHjalmar born about 1912
DurhamJohn born about 1862
DurhamWendla born about 1880
DusonJames born about 1860
DustmanDaniel born about 1928
DustmanHeather born about 1915
DustmanHerman born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlyMoser Florenceborn about 1895
EarlyWilber born about 1887
EastmanArline born about 1927
EastmanBlanche born about 1903
EastmanElwood born about 1930
EastmanJune born about 1932
EastmanPatricia born about 1936
EastmanWeston born about 1905
EastwickEdith born about 1880
EastwickPhilip Wborn about 1870
EdwardsHattie born about 1872
EganUrsula born about 1923
EhrmanAnita Louiseborn about 1935
EhrmanEdith born about 1933
EhrmanEdith Kborn about 1910
EhrmanFrederick Lborn about 1906
EisermannEmil born about 1888
EisermannEmil born about 1926
EisermannFlorence born about 1929
EisermannMyra born about 1895
EisermannRobert born about 1924
EliasonGunnar born about 1904
EliottEdith Jborn about 1934
EliottForbes born about 1939
EliottHaward Jr born about 1900
EliottHoward Iiiborn about 1936
EliottJustine Pborn about 1910
EllisClaude born about 1890
EllisHarriet born about 1891
EmeryLestie born about 1891
EmeryMarion born about 1893
EmeryMuriel born about 1921
EnglemanMae Eborn about 1896
EnglemanMarton Jr born about 1893
EnglerMabel Sborn about 1890
EpleyDona born about 1934
EpleyGlenn born about 1904
EpleyLois born about 1932
EpleyMary born about 1905
EugenElla born about 1880
EulitzEdwin Cborn about 1883
EulitzElsie born about 1894
EulitzMilton born about 1923
EvenMagaret born about 1875
EviaDom born about 1883
EviaWgn born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FamiaCarmela born about 1864
FargulaeBrian born about 1939
FargulaeLarraine born about 1917
FargulaeOlyon born about 1913
FarlishJames born about 1890
FarquherAlexander born about 1882
FarquherAmilia born about 1906
FarquherArnold born about 1909
FarquherDonald born about 1938
FarquherEarl born about 1923
FarquherHarold born about 1916
FarquherJessie born about 1881
FarquherMuriel born about 1918
FarquherRobert born about 1915
FarquherStephen born about 1906
FarquherTheodore born about 1918
FarrarClayton born about 1938
FarrarCloyton Aborn about 1906
FarrarElizabeth born about 1910
FarrellElizabeth born about 1874
FarrellFrancis Jborn about 1873
FarrellLeonard born about 1915
FarringtonAlice born about 1896
FarringtonLe Roy born about 1897
FarringtonMargaret born about 1921
FarringtonMary born about 1919
FarshawCatherine born about 1897
FarshawDonald born about 1927
FarshawDoris born about 1927
FarshawEleanor born about 1922
FarshawSamuel born about 1895
FategoniAngelo born about 1921
FategoniEmily born about 1884
FategoniGrace born about 1923
FategoniMassino born about 1882
FategoniRaymond born about 1925
FellowsAlbert Fborn about 1922
FellowsBarbara Jborn about 1932
FellowsEdwin Jborn about 1921
FellowsElizabeth Hborn about 1903
FellowsRonald Hborn about 1915
FennellAileen born about 1939
FennellHelen born about 1909
FennellJoseph born about 1905
FennellMary born about 1935
FeoriDorothy born about 1906
FeoriHannibal born about 1905
FergusonCora born about 1915
FergusonK Cborn about 1912
FergusonVela Ruthborn about 1934
FergusonWilliam K Cborn about 1935
FerrisAlbert born about 1922
FerrisAlma born about 1903
FerrisCarl born about 1923
FerrisCharles born about 1921
FerrisEdward born about 1916
FerrisElsie born about 1895
FerrisGeorge born about 1927
FerrisH Cborn about 1894
FerrisHobart born about 1862
FerrisJessie born about 1925
FerrisJoann born about 1898
FerrisJohn born about 1926
FerrisJoseph born about 1891
FerrisJoseph Jr born about 1918
FerrisLester Eborn about 1871
FerrisMary Jborn about 1866
FerrisMatilda born about 1896
FerrisMuriel born about 1920
FerrisNellie born about 1931
FerrisRay born about 1893
FerrisRaymond born about 1897
FerrisRaymond born about 1923
FerrisRobert born about 1929
FerrisWilliam Eborn about 1882
FerrisWinifred born about 1893
FhibodeanRay born about 1910
FilardiAthony born about 1919
FilardiBasil born about 1924
FilardiLulu born about 1893
FilardiNicholas born about 1891
FilardiTeresa born about 1918
FinchCharles born about 1919
FinchCharles Eborn about 1911
FinchCharles Eborn about 1938
FinchElbert born about 1881
FinchElsie born about 1887
FinchEverdell born about 1919
FinchFlorence born about 1892
FinchJessamine born about 1934
FinchMay Hopeborn about 1939
FinchMildred Eborn about 1917
FinchRalph Bborn about 1874
FinchVictor born about 1893
FinckDoris born about 1924
FinckEdward born about 1896
FinckEmma born about 1877
FinckFrederick born about 1924
FinckGeorge born about 1915
FinckJames born about 1895
FinckJames F Jrborn about 1922
FinckRhoda born about 1900
FinckVivian born about 1930
FinckWalter born about 1877
FindlayAdeline born about 1896
FindlayAdeline born about 1920
FindlayAndrew born about 1890
FindlayHarry born about 1923
FindlayLaura born about 1871
FinkAlbert born about 1906
FinkGeorgiana born about 1911
FinkRonald born about 1934
FinneyEleanor born about 1910
FinneyEleanor born about 1931
FinneyHarry born about 1934
FinneyHenry born about 1909
FinneyJoseph born about 1933
FioreLouis born about 1879
FiorePompey born about 1912
FioreRose born about 1880
FischerAmelie born about 1897
FischerAnton born about 1891
FischerCarl born about 1915
FischerElizabeth born about 1867
FischerEthel born about 1915
FischerGottlob born about 1875
FischerJulius born about 1916
FischerPaul born about 1919
FischerPhillips born about 1887
FischerWilliam born about 1914
FisherBetty Annborn about 1930
FisherBlanche born about 1896
FisherFrancis born about 1902
FisherFrancis born about 1928
FisherGeorge born about 1910
FisherHelen born about 1907
FisherLouis Rborn about 1897
FisherPearl born about 1916
FisherVelma Marieborn about 1939
FiumanoAndrew born about 1925
FiumanoMinnie born about 1908
FiumanoPasquale born about 1898
FlashAnna Mayborn about 1918
FlathClara born about 1900
FlemingBeatrice born about 1911
FlintDouglas born about 1887
FlintEmma born about 1889
FloodDennis born about 1869
FlynnJames born about 1897
FlynnJames born about 1933
FlynnJane born about 1908
FlynnKevin born about 1937
FlynnMartin born about 1936
FlynnMary born about 1939
FlynnMichael born about 1934
FlynnPatrick born about 1936
ForkesJesse born about 1879
ForkesJohn born about 1880
ForstnerEmma born about 1894
ForstnerLouis born about 1895
ForstnerMary born about 1866
FosterEthel born about 1894
FosterJean born about 1923
FrackFred born about 1873
FrackMary born about 1870
FranciesMarcel born about 1888
FrankanEthel born about 1886
FranoAlice born about 1910
FranoAnna born about 1892
FranoRalph born about 1889
FraverFrank born about 1917
FraverMary Eborn about 1918
FreachJessie born about 1907
FreachJune born about 1927
FreachThomas born about 1901
FreachThomas born about 1930
FrenchCarl born about 1906
FrenchHiram born about 1886
FrenchKathleene born about 1910
FrenchLester born about 1911
FrenchMargaret born about 1925
FrenchMaude born about 1891
FrenchRoconer born about 1895
FritockBertha born about 1921
FritzGloria born about 1926
FrojdEdward Ernstborn about 1878
FrojdJosefina born about 1878
FrommeltCharlotte born about 1927
FrommeltEleanor born about 1929
FudaFrank born about 1910
FulghamDewey born about 1916
FulghamEdna born about 1918
FullerEthel born about 1881
FullerJulian born about 1919
FullerStanley born about 1884
FusaroMary born about 1929
FusaroPasquale born about 1888
FusaroSalvatore born about 1925
FusaroTerese born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GageAnn born about 1889
GageAnne born about 1927
GageRalph born about 1889
GageRalph Wborn about 1917
GaleElijah born about 1870
GallagherAnthony born about 1877
GallagherEdward born about 1923
GallagherHelen born about 1907
GallagherJames born about 1919
GallagherJohn born about 1897
GallagherLydie born about 1899
GallagherMargaret born about 1899
GallagherWilliam born about 1903
GalletlyJames born about 1904
GambinoCharles born about 1911
GambinoDominick born about 1878
GambinoDominick born about 1915
GambinoFrancis born about 1888
GambinoLillian born about 1916
GambinoMargaret born about 1913
GambinoViolet born about 1923
GarabedianJulia born about 1926
GardHelen born about 1901
GardOlof born about 1909
GardnerJoseph born about 1900
GarlandAlexander born about 1938
GarlandJoseph born about 1908
GarlandJoseph Jr born about 1929
GarlandLa Belle born about 1909
GarlandTheodore born about 1932
GarrattEliot born about 1922
GarrattElizabeth born about 1901
GarrattWalter born about 1887
GarrattWalter Hborn about 1918
GarvinAlice born about 1927
GarvinElaine born about 1932
GarvinHannah born about 1905
GarvinJames Rborn about 1907
GarvinJames Sborn about 1937
GateleyAnn born about 1900
GateleyEdna born about 1930
GateleyEdward born about 1892
GateleyGrace born about 1938
GateleyJames born about 1937
GateleyMary Janeborn about 1934
GatleyBridget born about 1855
GatleyCarita born about 1927
GatleyCaroline born about 1912
GatleyCharles born about 1900
GatleyCharles born about 1930
GatleyJohn born about 1894
GattoJoseph born about 1914
GattoMarian born about 1915
GattsAnthony born about 1930
GattsJames born about 1918
GattsJosephine born about 1935
GattsJulia born about 1928
GattsJulius born about 1889
GattsMary born about 1921
GattsNancy born about 1926
GattsPauline born about 1889
GattsThomas born about 1924
GelbaumHarry born about 1889
GenkerellAngelo born about 1925
GenkerellCarmella born about 1911
GenkerellDorothy born about 1934
GenkerellJoseph born about 1916
GenkerellMary born about 1882
GenkerellMichael born about 1901
GenkerellSanto born about 1876
GentileAngelina born about 1925
GentileAthony born about 1889
GentileFanny born about 1926
GentileFrank born about 1923
GentileJenny born about 1930
GentileVincenza born about 1891
GerhardHelen born about 1917
GerhardMary Elizabethborn about 1915
GerhardMelchion born about 1875
GerhardRose born about 1888
GerkeAline born about 1899
GerkeHenry born about 1899
GerkeHenry born about 1926
GerlingAlbert born about 1895
GerlingJohn born about 1920
GerlingKate born about 1913
GerlingRobert born about 1930
GetchellMaxine Bborn about 1892
GetchellWilliam Eborn about 1881
GibbonsAdele born about 1908
GibbonsChadwick born about 1931
GibbonsCynthia born about 1930
GibbonsNancy born about 1933
GierAugeline born about 1904
GierFrancis Dr born about 1911
GilbertGeorge Jr born about 1888
GilbertLily born about 1889
GilothFrances born about 1911
GilothHenry born about 1908
GilothHenry Jr born about 1939
GoffAgnes born about 1904
GoffMargaret born about 1931
GoffMary born about 1927
GoffPatrick born about 1902
GoffPatrick born about 1929
GoldsmidtHerbert born about 1915
GoldsmidtWalter born about 1914
GoldsmithEstelle born about 1894
GoldsmithMax born about 1889
GoldwireMelba Dborn about 1918
GomboEnos born about 1935
GomboEva born about 1903
GomboGus born about 1892
GoodfellowMabel born about 1884
GoodhartAaron born about 1903
GoodhartAaron Jr born about 1922
GoodhartBarbara born about 1913
GoodhartGeorge born about 1900
GoodhartGeorge born about 1935
GoodhartIrene born about 1932
GoodhartMinnie born about 1903
GoodmanBernard born about 1924
GoodmanGeorge Rborn about 1899
GoodmanIda Susanborn about 1937
GoodmanMary born about 1898
GoodmanMarylan born about 1922
GoodmanPatrick born about 1891
GoodmanSusan born about 1902
GordonMargaret born about 1901
GordonMargaret Cborn about 1927
GordonSimon born about 1892
GradyDelia born about 1886
GrantGeorge Eborn about 1904
GrantMarjorie born about 1909
GrantRosa born about 1927
GrapeAlma born about 1927
GrapeElmer born about 1929
GrapeEsther born about 1924
GrapeHarry born about 1920
GrapeHelen born about 1925
GrapeIna born about 1922
GrapeKnutt born about 1871
GrapeLeah born about 1891
GrapeRoger born about 1931
GrastWilliam born about 1887
GrayMargaret born about 1924
GreenConstance born about 1926
GreenFloyd born about 1899
GreenFloyd born about 1922
GreenGrace born about 1900
GreenRoderick born about 1930
GreenacreCarolyn Wborn about 1879
GreeneHarriet born about 1909
GreeneHoward born about 1910
GreeneHoward born about 1934
GreeneJarry born about 1936
GreenfieldHenry born about 1881
GreffenKathryn Wborn about 1906
GreffenRalph Jborn about 1909
GreggEdward born about 1938
GreggElizebeth born about 1912
GreggLouis born about 1912
GresakCarrie born about 1915
GresakDorothy born about 1936
GresakJoan born about 1939
GresakLuhan born about 1897
GreubelLeo born about 1920
GriecoAntoinette born about 1914
GriecoCosomo born about 1914
GriecoJames born about 1938
GriecoMary Annborn about 1936
GriffianNettie born about 1881
GriffianThomas Eborn about 1871
GriffinCharlotte born about 1923
GriffinErnest born about 1918
GriffinHelen born about 1852
GriffinKathryn Wborn about 1906
GriffinMary born about 1897
GriffinRalph Jborn about 1909
GriminDorothy born about 1924
GroalskiBenjamin born about 1911
GuionJoan born about 1931
GuionlyEmma born about 1878
GullonAlex born about 1892
GunaMargaret born about 1890
GurichAnn born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaagGeorge born about 1867
HacheeEmily born about 1881
HacheeErwin born about 1915
HacheeFranz born about 1914
HackmanEleanor born about 1886
HaddaIris born about 1935
HaddaPatricia born about 1935
HadleyAnne born about 1938
HadleyEmily born about 1908
HadleyHamilton born about 1896
HaelleAnn born about 1902
HaelleCarl born about 1903
HaelleCarl Jr born about 1932
HaelleErnst born about 1896
HaelleGertude born about 1906
HaelleHerbert born about 1929
HaelleMary Annborn about 1931
HahnelRose born about 1904
HallCarol born about 1936
HallEsther born about 1905
HallGeoffrey born about 1934
HallLynn born about 1936
HallRichard born about 1931
HallWarren Jborn about 1904
HamlandEleanor born about 1877
HammelGertude born about 1892
HananiCarlton born about 1920
HandricksLillian born about 1912
HandricksWilliam born about 1911
HanleyJames born about 1873
HanleyMary Eborn about 1875
HannanAnne born about 1915
HannanKenneth born about 1911
HannellJoseph born about 1883
HanniganAgnes born about 1895
HanniganThomas born about 1894
HansonJohn born about 1915
HansonJohn Ednaborn about 1916
HanstiaEliott born about 1895
HanstiaMay born about 1898
HarmonFrancis born about 1902
HarmonMary born about 1903
HarperEmmy born about 1879
HarperWilliam born about 1876
HarringtonAgnes born about 1903
HarrisJane born about 1922
HarrisLouisa born about 1912
HarrisRose Jborn about 1911
HarrisRose Jr born about 1939
HarrisonAnn born about 1864
HartElizabeth born about 1881
HartHelen born about 1915
HartNeil born about 1920
HarveyDavid born about 1939
HarveyMary born about 1915
HarveyMary Louiseborn about 1937
HarveyOvern born about 1910
HarveyRobert Michaelborn about 1938
HarvillEdna Rborn about 1882
HarvillEgbert Vborn about 1858
HarvillHarald Tborn about 1882
HarvillRobert Rborn about 1913
HavensKatherine born about 1880
HavilandFrederick born about 1915
HavilandFredrick born about 1939
HavilandLillian born about 1896
HavilandLouis born about 1888
HavilandMarjorie born about 1921
HavilandMarjorie born about 1938
HavilantAugustin born about 1888
HavilantGuy born about 1919
HavilantLillian born about 1885
HavilantLillian born about 1922
HavilantSusan born about 1924
HawkinsFrancis born about 1905
HawkinsSylvia born about 1912
HayesAlice born about 1939
HayesAnne born about 1917
HayesIrene born about 1874
HayesRose born about 1909
HayesSylvia born about 1938
HayesWilliam born about 1875
HeadersdatEleanor born about 1925
HeadersdatEthel born about 1897
HeadersdatHerbert born about 1932
HeadersdatMarie born about 1920
HeadersdatRobert born about 1928
HeadersdatWilliam born about 1897
HeadersdatWilliam born about 1922
HeathJohn Raymondborn about 1921
HegemanAmanda born about 1880
HehtoshSteve born about 1904
HeinaAlma born about 1918
HeinaJohn born about 1911
HeinoJohn born about 1883
HeinoMary born about 1888
HeislerDoughlas born about 1919
HeislerElla born about 1902
HeislerJeanette Lborn about 1921
HeislerPhillip born about 1894
HenceCarl born about 1920
HendersonAnges born about 1911
HendersonCharles born about 1937
HendersonGeorge born about 1908
HendryArthur born about 1896
HendryHoward born about 1931
HendryLucy born about 1905
HendryMildred born about 1927
HendryMuriel born about 1926
HendryVirginia born about 1936
HenryBarbara Annborn about 1929
HenryEleanor born about 1904
HenryGeorge born about 1890
HenryJane Aborn about 1933
HenrySally Mborn about 1932
HergenhamGoldie born about 1913
HergenhamJohn born about 1906
HergenhanCharles born about 1913
HergenhanChris born about 1872
HergenhanKathrine born about 1875
HernterstockerFrank born about 1908
HernterstockerFrank born about 1935
HernterstockerHilder born about 1929
HernterstockerMary born about 1909
HersonPeter born about 1910
HertehCharles born about 1889
HessTeresa born about 1904
HesterJohn born about 1915
HesterKatherine born about 1917
HickeyHelen born about 1915
HickeyJohn born about 1909
HickeyJohn born about 1938
HigginsBetty born about 1939
HigginsEmily born about 1864
HigginsFrazer born about 1916
HigginsGrace X born about 1918
HillHelen born about 1904
HillJames Oborn about 1894
HillJohn born about 1905
HillJudith born about 1939
HillMargaret born about 1862
HinternederAnton born about 1894
HinternederRose born about 1896
HinzerWilliam born about 1883
HippertAlice Bborn about 1927
HippertBarbara Bborn about 1892
HippertCharles Eborn about 1920
HippertFred Paulborn about 1891
HippertFred Rborn about 1914
HobbsJulia born about 1919
HobbsMarie born about 1910
HobbsTheophelus born about 1908
HochmanWilfried born about 1923
HodsonAlfred born about 1899
HodsonBerenice born about 1898
HodsonVirginia born about 1927
HoffmanAdam born about 1886
HogarthJean born about 1891
HogarthRobert born about 1891
HojnackiAlexander born about 1889
HojnackiWaleria born about 1891
HoldrichGrace born about 1873
HollowayBeryl born about 1929
HollowayHarry born about 1894
HollowayHector born about 1930
HollowayJean born about 1925
HollowayMary born about 1895
HollowayNorman Kborn about 1926
HollowayRobert Gborn about 1919
HollowayRoy Dborn about 1923
HollowayVictor Iborn about 1920
HolmanFrank born about 1890
HolmanSadie born about 1895
HolmesAlma born about 1903
HolmesBetty born about 1928
HolmesConstina born about 1930
HolmesGeorge born about 1904
HolmesGloria born about 1918
HolmesLe Roy born about 1915
HolmesMarion born about 1916
HolmesMelvin born about 1916
HolmsGrove born about 1886
HolomsJulia born about 1885
HolppBertha born about 1862
HonKennith born about 1917
HonkanenHelm born about 1901
HonkanenVaino born about 1901
HoodJean born about 1921
HopkinsBertha born about 1912
HopkinsDavid born about 1939
HopkinsErnest born about 1871
HopkinsJames Dborn about 1911
HopkinsKathryn born about 1879
HopkinsMarguerite born about 1916
HopkinsNiles born about 1886
HoranzeviagStanley born about 1912
HortonAnnie born about 1891
HortonLiman Pborn about 1876
HortonLyman born about 1919
HortonMarie born about 1917
HortonWalter born about 1913
HospadorDoris Marieborn about 1940
HospadorGeorge born about 1938
HoughMary born about 1916
HoughMeredith born about 1916
HoughNancy born about 1937
HowardClinton born about 1916
HowardEdith born about 1873
HowardJanet born about 1916
HowardLeslie born about 1940
HowardLinda born about 1939
HubbellDorothy born about 1909
HubbellJohn born about 1938
HubbellWilliam Bborn about 1903
HubbellWilliam Jr born about 1935
HubnerAlfred born about 1921
HubnerMarie born about 1889
HubnerWarren born about 1928
HumbelAurelie Tborn about 1894
HumbelJean Jborn about 1895
HunterEdna Lborn about 1907
HunterHarry born about 1879
HunterLottie Gborn about 1896
HupfeldFlora born about 1910
HupfeldMuriel born about 1938
HupfeldWilliam born about 1909
HussarAugust Mborn about 1890
HussarJames Aborn about 1927
HussarNelle Bborn about 1895
HussarSybil Aborn about 1928
HustedDoris born about 1910
HustedDorothy born about 1915
HustedHoward born about 1909
HustedHoward born about 1938
HustedOrrin born about 1905
HuzzarCharles born about 1866
HuzzarCharles born about 1913
HuzzarEva born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IaquintoCecila born about 1855
IasetedWilliam born about
IbertFlorence born about 1909
IbertJoseph born about 1911
InfantBabara Annborn about 1939
InfantBetty Learborn about 1940
InfantClare born about 1939
InfantDaniel Jr born about 1939
InfantDor born about 1940
InfantDorothy born about 1917
InfantFrancis born about 1939
InfantFrank Jborn about 1883
InfantHarry born about 1938
InfantMichael born about 1939
InfantMinnie born about 1872
InfantPaul born about 1939
InfantRichard Pborn about 1940
InfantRobert born about 1940
InfantRose Marieborn about 1939
InfantSharon born about
InfantShiela born about 1939
InfantSuzanne born about 1940
InfantWilliam born about 1915
InfantWilliam born about 1939
InfantWilliam born about 1939
InfanteJosephine born about 1939
InfanteMarian born about 1940
InfantiCharlotte born about 1939
InfantoJohn born about 1939
IngersollBerthe born about 1898
IngersollDavid born about 1935
IngersollJacqueline born about 1934
IngersollNellie born about 1876
IngersollRobert born about 1874
IngersollRobert born about 1932
IngersollRobert Aborn about 1899
IngrsollAmanda born about 1910
IngrsollKenneth born about 1937
IngrsollMay born about 1930
IngrsollStephen born about 1903
IngrsollStephen born about 1933
IrmlerCarl Friedrickborn about 1897
IuniErnst born about 1910
IuniGrace born about 1913
IuniMildred born about 1936
IwanskyWaltey born about 1902
IzzoloAlbert born about 1918
IzzoloFrederick born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonCharles born about 1877
JacksonElleen born about 1888
JacksonHarry Sborn about 1879
JacksonJae born about 1907
JacksonRobert born about 1922
JackumAngela born about 1870
JackumGeorge born about 1895
JaeschkerBessie born about 1901
JaeschkerBetty born about 1926
JaeschkerEleanor born about 1921
JaeschkerJoy born about 1932
JaeschkerJulius born about 1899
JaeschkerPauline born about 1923
JalliLucy born about 1898
JalliUmberto born about 1882
JamesJosephine Eborn about 1863
JamesJosephine Eborn about 1933
JayceJames born about 1915
JayceMarie born about 1916
JepsonJerrey Aborn about 1868
JepsonJohn Cborn about 1889
JoegerDorothy born about 1893
JoegerWilliam born about 1892
JoegerWilliam born about 1925
JohnsonAlice born about 1915
JohnsonAngelina born about 1903
JohnsonArlington born about 1906
JohnsonAxel born about 1881
JohnsonFaith born about 1932
JohnsonFrank born about 1892
JohnsonFrank born about 1922
JohnsonFreda born about 1890
JohnsonGeorge born about 1863
JohnsonHaynes born about 1925
JohnsonMarila born about 1899
JohnsonRaymond born about 1916
JohnsonReginald born about 1897
JohnsonSadie born about 1895
JohnsonWalter Hborn about 1896
JohnsonWilliam born about 1888
JohnstonEvelyn born about 1920
JohnstonRichard born about 1914
JohnstonRichard born about 1939
JonesBeatrice born about 1913
JonesDaisy Eborn about 1938
JonesIsaac born about 1910
JonesJohn born about 1918
JonesLena born about 1917
JonesOmega born about 1915
JonesRobert born about 1912
JurandEarl Dborn about 1879
JurandLeslie Wborn about 1916
JurgensonEmily born about 1885
JurgensonKarl born about 1886
JustafsonJohn born about 1884
JustafsonMarie born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaessAlfonce born about 1900
KaessFrank born about 1904
KaessKathrine born about 1870
KaessLudwig born about 1890
KaessMichael born about 1864
KaiserCharles born about 1873
KaiserCharles Jr born about 1894
KaiserCharlotte born about 1934
KaiserCorine born about 1939
KaiserGeorge born about 1914
KaiserGeorge born about 1935
KaiserJulia born about 1875
KaiserMargaret born about 1894
KaiserRose born about 1915
KarthFritz born about 1890
KavanaughDorothy born about 1918
KavanaughWoodrow born about 1914
KawnaekaHelen born about 1880
KeatonCharles born about 1922
KeatonMary Ellenborn about 1896
KeenanPeter born about 1880
KefferAnna born about 1899
KefferAnne born about 1933
KefferKarl born about 1931
KefferKarl Jr born about 1889
KellerFrancis Jborn about 1900
KellerKathrine born about 1912
KellyHope born about 1938
KellyJeanette born about 1910
KellyRobert born about 1907
KendallHarry born about 1886
KendallMary born about 1892
KennidyAlice born about 1890
KennidyMartin born about 1890
KerinBessie born about 1901
KerschinerElizebeth born about 1891
KerslakeElizabeth born about 1925
KerslakeJohn born about 1899
KerslakeJohn born about 1937
KerslakeJosephine born about 1914
KerslakeMartin born about 1939
KiellFrank born about 1905
KiellGeorge born about 1935
KiellHannah born about 1910
KiellJanet born about 1933
KiellJohn born about 1937
KiemleChristian born about 1865
KilborneBarbara Bborn about 1906
KilborneBella Sborn about 1927
KilborneGeorge Bborn about 1931
KilborneRobert S Iiiborn about 1928
KilborneRobert S Jrborn about 1906
KinkelBeatrice born about 1923
KinkelBeatrick born about 1896
KinkelHenry born about 1870
KinkelPhyllis born about 1929
KirdchErnest born about 1921
KirdchHazel born about 1898
KirdchLeonard born about 1925
KirdchPauline born about 1918
KirdchRaymond born about 1898
KirdchRaymond born about 1921
KirkHelen born about 1904
KirkHelen born about 1927
KirkMary born about 1929
KirkMary Eborn about 1921
KirkPaul born about 1900
KirkVera born about 1926
KittFrederick born about 1911
KmappAlice born about 1912
KmappBetty born about 1936
KmappRaymond born about 1907
KmappRaymond born about 1932
KmappRichard born about 1934
KnippingAlbert born about 1897
KnippingIrene born about 1899
KnoxBarbara born about 1937
KnoxCharles born about 1909
KnoxLillian born about 1911
KoenigCarl born about 1891
KoenigCharles born about 1925
KoenigClara born about 1895
KoenigHoward born about 1923
KoenigMartha born about 1890
KoenigRichard born about 1890
KoenigRichard born about 1918
KozyroMary Anneborn about 1935
KozyroPaula born about 1912
KozyroPhilip born about 1892
KransAlbert born about 1915
KransElizabeth born about 1876
KransMartin born about 1878
KrenrichDorothy born about 1924
KristiansenBertha born about 1924
KristiansenElsa born about 1921
KristiansenLouise born about 1896
KristiansenSigurd born about 1900
KristiansenSigurd born about 1929
KromerAndrew born about 1909
KromerKatherine born about 1888
KromerRichard born about 1875
KromerRichard Jr born about 1908
KrouchJohn born about 1924
KrouchJosephine born about 1894
KrouchMichael born about 1890
KrouchPatricia born about 1930
KrupeCharles born about 1938
KrupeErie born about 1905
KrupeMuriel born about 1917
KruseFredericke born about 1899
KuhnRalph born about 1918
KulerArthur born about 1917
KulerGertrude born about 1896
KulerHerbert born about 1895
KulerHoward born about 1924
KulerLe Roy born about 1920
KulerMarie born about 1919
KulersAda born about 1880
KulersHoward born about 1914
KulersLe Roy born about 1918
KulersPearl born about 1923
KulersRussel born about 1921
KulersStandley born about 1873
KulskyDiana born about 1928
KulskyMary born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadamocarskiLaura born about 1899
LadamocarskiValencia born about 1903
LaisonArthur born about 1900
LakeBeatrice born about 1917
LakeBradford born about 1911
LakeE Haroldborn about 1905
LakeE Haroldborn about 1934
LakeGertrude born about 1907
LakemanEmily Gborn about 1889
LakemanErnst Wborn about 1883
LamattinaCarmela born about 1928
LamattinaIsabela born about 1897
LamattinaPauline born about 1925
LamattinaSilvia born about 1896
LandersDorothy born about 1929
LandersJane born about 1893
LandersJanice born about 1933
LandersLaurel born about 1936
LandersMarion born about 1905
LandersNorman born about 1873
LandersRalph born about 1899
LandersRichard born about 1929
LandnesserHugh born about 1922
LandnesserMagaret born about 1913
LandnesserNicholas born about 1882
LandyMary born about 1905
LandyRose Marieborn about 1932
LandyWilfred born about 1898
LapeEdward Aborn about 1885
LapeNellie born about 1885
LarkinMichael born about 1882
LarsonArthur born about 1924
LarsonErnst Aborn about 1908
LarsonHilman born about 1900
LarsonJohn born about 1870
LarsonLouis born about 1896
LarsonViolet born about 1908
LarsonWilliam born about 1937
LaurentMary born about 1873
LaurentPhilip born about 1885
LawrenceDorothy born about 1923
LawrenceHannah born about 1906
LawrenceRalph born about 1895
LawrenceRobert born about 1867
LawsonEva born about 1899
LawsonGerald born about 1918
LazziElizebeth born about 1900
LazziLouis born about 1925
LazziMarie born about 1926
LeahyJames born about 1890
LeahyJulia born about 1900
LeahyKatherine born about 1870
LeasIsadore born about 1904
LeasLester born about 1898
LeasNancy born about 1929
LeasPeter born about 1927
LebasJoseph born about 1895
LebasWilliam Rborn about 1892
LeeAda born about 1923
LeeAlvah born about 1875
LeeArnold born about 1917
LeeBarbara born about 1911
LeeCatherine born about 1883
LeeDonald born about 1922
LeeDorothy born about 1923
LeeEmily born about 1921
LeeEmma born about 1913
LeeEmmanuel born about 1917
LeeEthel born about 1907
LeeGeorge born about 1876
LeeHarold born about 1910
LeeHazel born about 1888
LeeIda born about 1923
LeeMay born about 1900
LeeMelvin born about 1914
LehmannAmo born about 1901
LehmannCarl born about 1938
LehmannKathrina born about 1906
LehmannLudwig born about 1926
LenettiDominick born about 1895
LennemannGeorge born about 1904
LennemannMarianne born about 1905
LeonardAnn born about 1887
LeonardSheldon born about 1918
LeonardThomas born about 1883
LetfussWalter born about 1906
LevackJohn born about 1900
LevenesMadaline born about 1915
LevinssessCharles born about 1892
LevinssessElmer born about 1921
LevinssessEthel born about 1897
LevinssessMuriel born about 1918
LevinssessWilliam born about 1925
LewisJoe born about 1909
LewisyDoris born about 1922
LewisyJoan born about 1932
LewisyRuby born about 1899
LewisyRuby born about 1926
LewisySamuel born about 1899
LewisySamuel Jr born about 1935
LiepinJohn born about 1893
LiepinLina born about 1889
LiepinLorrain born about 1931
LiepinOtto born about 1927
LimmonsAnn born about 1896
LimmonsHoward born about 1921
LinderwellGeorge born about 1881
LinderwellGeorge born about 1913
LinderwellMary born about 1881
LinderwellWalter born about 1911
LindsayAlan born about 1928
LindsayMabel born about 1900
LindsayReid Jr born about 1925
LindsayWilliam Rborn about 1895
LippsSadie born about 1884
LittlifieldEdith born about 1882
LittlifieldHenry born about 1878
LiwisEdward born about 1910
LohseAda born about 1892
LohseGeorge born about 1921
LohseGeorge Jborn about 1879
LohseMarian born about 1928
LombardieAnttoinetto born about 1919
LombardieEvelyn born about 1939
LombardieJames born about 1891
LombardieJohn born about 1927
LombardieJoseph born about 1923
LombardieJoseph born about 1925
LombardieLezai born about 1919
LombardieMary born about 1924
LombardieRose born about 1928
LombardieSadie born about 1906
LombardieSalvatore born about 1916
LombardieTeresa born about 1893
LombardozziJosephine born about 1928
LombardozziMarie born about 1905
LombardozziPasty born about 1893
LombardozziSalvatore born about 1935
LongobarbiAngelo born about 1915
LongobarbiElizebeth born about 1915
LooclyJames born about 1868
LoodlooElla born about 1932
LoodlooGeorge Dborn about 1923
LoodlooGoldie born about 1895
LoodlooJerry born about 1890
LoodlooLillian born about 1931
LoodlooNettie born about 1929
LoreganAlbion Bborn about 1894
LoreganAudrey born about 1926
LoreganNiletta born about 1900
LouisRobert born about 1902
LoveReam born about 1894
LoveWardettas born about 1899
LoweresEdith born about 1874
LoydallJack born about 1894
LundgrewDoris born about 1931
LundgrewEarl born about 1906
LundgrewElsie born about 1907
LurneyIda born about 1914
LurneyRobert born about 1912
LuskClara born about 1912
LydleHane born about 1910
LydleMary born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaachWilliam born about 1892
MacdonaldBarbara born about 1936
MacdonaldGrace born about 1904
MacdonaldHelen born about 1910
MacdonaldRobert born about 1898
MacdonaldRobert born about 1928
MackenzieBlanche born about 1920
MackenziePerley born about 1917
MacmillanAgnes born about 1898
MacmillanDuncan born about 1897
MacmillanDuncan Jborn about 1935
MahoneyArthur born about 1914
MahoneyBridget born about 1879
MahoneyGoldia born about 1891
MahoneyRichard born about 1922
MahoneyShirley born about 1926
MahoneyTimothy born about 1886
MainingDoris born about 1897
MainingLester born about 1892
MairellMarion born about 1904
MairellNorman born about 1890
ManeckyEdward born about 1903
ManeckyEdward born about 1932
ManeckyKatheryn born about 1933
ManeckyMargeret born about 1929
ManeckyMarian born about 1936
ManeckyRobert born about 1938
ManeckyViola born about 1905
MangelloJoe born about 1901
ManginAnna born about 1901
ManginMarie born about 1923
ManginMichael born about 1896
MansonGrover born about 1883
MarascoAlice born about 1919
MarascoGeorge born about 1920
MarascoVinger born about 1881
MaravecMiles born about 1916
MaravecMiles born about 1926
MaravecRose Maryborn about 1919
MarescoErnest born about 1897
MarescoErnest Jr born about 1928
MarescoLucille born about 1908
MarescoRalph born about 1930
MarshallAnita born about 1914
MarshallJames born about 1910
MarshallRobert born about 1936
MarshauilElsie born about 1908
MarshauilHarry born about 1929
MarshauilHenry born about 1934
MarshauilKnut born about 1909
MartinAnna born about 1908
MartinChareles born about 1937
MartinCharles born about 1907
MartinMarie born about 1931
MartinoAndrew born about 1898
MartinoDominick born about 1929
MartinoMary born about 1906
MartinoRose born about 1935
MarxAlvin Jborn about 1938
MarxBeatrice born about 1916
MarxBenjamin born about 1909
MarxLillian born about 1910
MarxMatthias born about 1905
MarxMuriel born about 1939
MaryscukAnna born about 1885
MaryscukCatherine born about 1913
MaryscukFlorence born about 1904
MaryscukJohn born about 1905
MaryscukMarilyn born about 1939
MaryscukMarjorie born about 1922
MaryscukPaul born about 1878
MaryscukThomas born about 1915
MascatelliBaldo born about 1921
MascatelliNancy born about 1923
MascatelliPaul born about 1925
MascatelliPietruccia born about 1894
MascatelliRamond born about 1892
MascatelliWalter born about 1927
MassaGertrude born about 1896
MassaroDominick born about 1880
MassaroDominick born about 1923
MassaroHelen born about 1924
MassaroLucy born about 1926
MassaroMarian born about 1885
MatteySadie born about 1896
MatthensJacqueline born about 1931
MattheusJane born about 1857
MattheusSusan born about 1865
MatthewsHarold born about 1889
MatveyMike born about 1922
MaynarbDorothy born about 1904
MazurakLes born about 1908
MazurakLouise born about 1907
MazurakMary Louborn about 1939
McauleyMary born about 1886
McauleyNeil born about 1888
McclenhanDouglas born about 1934
McclenhanLorna born about 1936
McclenhanRachel born about 1908
McclenhanRichard born about 1904
McclenhanRichard Jr born about 1932
MccluneAnn born about 1920
MccluneElizebeth born about 1924
MccluneEvelyn born about 1922
MccluneKathrine born about 1894
McclureCharles born about 1877
McclureCornelia born about 1909
McclureGeorge born about 1930
McclureGeorge Willetborn about 1932
McclureHerbert born about 1904
McclureHerbert Edwardborn about 1926
McclureJohn born about 1927
McclureLouis born about 1914
McclureMargaret born about 1874
McclureMary born about 1915
McclureRobert born about 1934
MccluseEdith born about 1865
MccluseMilo born about 1910
MccowanJames born about 1921
MccureRichard born about 1893
MccureRose born about 1869
McdonaldEvelyn born about 1907
McdonaldHarold born about 1901
McdonaldHarold born about 1933
McdonaldJames born about 1894
McdonaldJune born about 1920
McdonaldWilliam born about 1885
McfarlandElizabeth born about 1916
McfarlandLawrence born about 1913
McfarlandNancy born about 1939
McfarlandRonald born about 1937
McgovernMary born about 1901
McgovernThomas born about 1899
MchughJohn born about 1866
MchughJohn born about 1866
MckennaEdith born about 1911
MckennaHugh born about 1904
MckennaHugh born about 1935
MckennaJames born about 1937
MckennaJean born about 1934
MckennaMargaret born about 1917
MckennaShirley born about 1940
MclureAnn born about 1871
MclureJames born about 1868
MclureLester born about 1911
McmillanAlexander born about 1897
McmillanAnnie born about 1907
McrobertsKariey born about 1874
McrobertsSamuel born about 1869
MeadAmanda born about 1874
MeadGeorge born about 1864
MeadGilbert born about 1911
MeadeAnna born about 1900
MeadeEdward born about 1898
MeadeLyman born about 1924
MeadeVirginia born about 1923
MeekBeverly born about 1934
MeekDoris born about 1932
MeekHarry born about 1910
MeekHarry Jr born about 1937
MeekLillian born about 1912
MeekShirley born about 1939
MeinkeJohn born about 1908
MeladyDelbert born about 1890
MelisonsiAnthony born about 1882
MelisonsiAnthony born about 1929
MelisonsiLouisa born about 1927
MelisonsiRosa born about 1888
MelisonsiTeresa born about 1923
MelonLawrence born about 1902
MelonMarie Tborn about 1902
MelvinKenneth born about 1918
MeodJames born about 1939
MeodMary born about 1922
MeodVictor born about 1913
MercerCharles born about 1891
MercerElizabeth born about 1900
MercerGrace born about 1922
MercerJean born about 1922
MercerJohn born about 1936
MerglAnton born about 1908
MerglHelen born about 1909
MerglShirley born about 1934
MerloLydia born about 1887
MerloVito born about 1876
MethenyMargaret Sborn about 1867
MetroskiNicholas born about 1891
MeyerHenry born about 1891
MickEllen born about 1900
MickJohn born about 1897
MigginsMargaret Maryborn about 1910
MigginsMary born about 1866
MigginsMichael born about 1909
MigginsThoms born about 1903
MignotteHazel born about 1913
MignotteHenry born about 1907
MignotteHenry born about 1929
MignottePhillis born about 1932
MilleDavid born about 1921
MilleDorothy born about 1899
MilleEdwin born about 1924
MilleJohn Jborn about 1890
MillerBarbara born about 1937
MillerDorothy born about 1911
MillerDorothy born about 1938
MillerElizabeth born about 1870
MillerEvelyn born about 1903
MillerGail born about 1937
MillerJames born about 1920
MillerJames Vborn about 1914
MillerJoseph Fborn about 1903
MillerMargaret born about 1926
MillerPomala born about 1935
MillerRichard born about 1897
MillerStanley Rborn about 1905
MillerStanley R Mrsborn about 1908
MilvaneyDonald born about 1927
MilvaneyEdward Jborn about 1883
MilvaneyFrank born about 1905
MilvaneyFred born about 1899
MilvaneyFredrick born about 1869
MilvaneyMargaret born about 1907
MilvaneyMargerit born about 1892
MilvaneyMinnie born about 1870
MilvaneyWillis born about 1926
MitehellVirginia born about 1905
MoccioAnna born about 1911
MoccioJerry born about 1907
MoenchHelen born about 1900
MoenchMartha born about 1862
MoenchUrsula born about 1927
MogerGladys born about 1919
MogerHenry born about 1871
MogerHenry Jr born about 1913
MogerWayne born about 1937
MoishierEvelyn born about 1921
MolinoAnn born about 1923
MolinoCarmela born about 1921
MolinoFrank born about 1890
MolinoGrace born about 1923
MolinoKathrine born about 1925
MolinoMary born about 1893
MolinoNemzie born about 1918
MombaruzzoGeovanna Douglasborn about 1871
MombaruzzoVirginia born about 1901
MonahanMagaret born about 1898
MonahanPhillips born about 1892
MondscheinFrank born about 1914
MonferatoEdward born about 1913
MonferatoOrmond born about 1915
MonizAthony born about 1937
MonizDolores born about 1932
MonizLester born about 1904
MonizMary born about 1906
MonroeEsther born about 1896
MontagneEster born about 1909
MontagneMay born about 1895
MoravecBarrey born about 1922
MoravecCharles born about 1887
MoravecMarie born about 1893
MorellMay born about 1875
MorockAnna born about 1886
MorockDaniel born about 1890
MorockGeorge born about 1929
MorockPaul born about 1926
MorrisBeatrice born about 1915
MorrisRobert born about 1910
MoshierDorothy born about 1925
MounozAnna born about 1908
MounozDemetere born about 1901
MounozEdward born about 1935
MounozHarold born about 1933
MounozHerman born about 1938
MounozLawrence born about 1931
MounozLillian born about 1929
MounozRosalia born about 1927
MuhanKathrine born about 1891
MuirheadAndrew born about 1905
MuirheadDavid born about 1870
MuirheadDavid born about 1928
MuirheadFlorence born about 1907
MuirheadMargaret born about 1865
MuirheadMargaret born about 1925
MullerRichard born about 1870
MurdockJane born about 1906
MurdockMary born about 1936
MurdockWilliam born about 1909
MurdockWilliam Jr born about 1932
MurphyClement born about 1921
MurphyEstelle born about 1875
MurphyJoseph born about 1890
MurphyMax born about 1915
MurphyRobin born about 1924
MurphyRuth born about 1889
MurrayVerna born about 1933
MurrmanJohn Wborn about 1854

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NackJohn born about 1933
NackPaulina born about 1902
NationVictor born about 1917
NellieFrank born about 1915
NelsonCarl Aborn about 1886
NelsonElizabeth Annaborn about 1939
NelsonFrank born about 1901
NelsonJudich born about 1882
NelsonMary Ellenborn about 1914
NewcombeAvery Fborn about 1896
NewcombeMarion born about 1900
NiccemFlorence Kborn about 1896
NiccemRuth born about 1921
NicholasKathrine Cborn about 1865
NightingaleDorothy born about 1911
NightingaleDorothy born about 1935
NightingaleEdward born about 1884
NightingaleEdward born about 1925
NightingaleFlorence born about 1938
NightingalePaula born about 1891
NightingaleRichard born about 1933
NightingaleRobert born about 1910
NightingaleRobert born about 1931
NilesHarold Nborn about 1903
NilesMary Rborn about 1877
NilesPhilip Cborn about 1906
NippertLouise born about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaklandAlice born about 1903
OaklandLeonard born about 1904
OaklandRobert born about 1932
ObrienAlice born about 1876
ObrienDaniel born about 1860
ObrienElizabeth born about 1865
ObrienJames Pborn about 1910
ObrienKatherine born about 1871
ObrienLeo born about 1898
ObrienPatrick born about 1862
ObrienThomas Hborn about 1933
OgilvieJoan born about 1927
OgilvieMargaret born about 1889
OgilvieMarguerite born about 1928
OgilvieWillaim born about 1932
OneilFlorence born about 1894
OneilJoseph born about 1888
OnofrioDonald born about 1917
OnofrioJoseph Dborn about 1921
OnofrioMary born about 1918
OreficeIrene born about 1930
OreficeMary born about 1910
OreficeNunzia born about 1910
OsepowitchPeter born about 1896
OsheaDennis born about 1893
OstranderEarl born about 1890
OstranderMary born about 1883
OstranderMary born about 1917
OttmanMary born about 1885
OttmanRaelie born about 1911
OttmanTheodore born about 1891
OwensAnn born about 1912
OwensJohn born about 1932
OwensOscar born about 1907
OwillBeatrice Jborn about 1875
OwillWalter Fborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceAngeline born about 1911
PaceCathrine born about 1898
PaceDominick born about 1918
PaceFrank born about 1895
PaceGarey born about 1938
PaceRalph born about 1925
PaceSalvatore born about 1908
PaceSalvatore born about 1909
PaiseIda born about 1875
PaiseWilliam Jborn about 1873
PalamarczukAnthony born about 1930
PalamarczukEddie born about 1904
PalamarczukJulia born about 1938
PalamarczukMary born about 1907
PalamarczukOlga born about 1932
PalamarczukPaul born about 1902
PalamarczukPaul born about 1937
PalamarczukRose born about 1913
PalmeiriAngeline born about 1928
PalmeiriAthony born about 1932
PalmeiriCarmela born about 1897
PalmeiriJames born about 1894
PalmeiriMadaline born about 1924
PalmteuxAlexander born about 1926
PalmteuxJeanne born about 1892
PalmteuxNicolas born about 1882
PalmteuxYuonne born about 1935
PalumboJ Anthaborn about 1890
PalumboJulia born about 1895
PapcsyElizebeth born about 1888
PapcsyJoseph born about 1882
ParcluaKatherine born about 1918
ParcluaWilliam born about 1914
ParcluaWilliam born about 1939
ParkerDolores born about 1921
PattersonEdward Rborn about 1910
PattersonElizabeth Gborn about 1911
PaulingGeorge Jr born about 1912
PearamArnold born about 1926
PearamHerbert born about 1925
PearamMartha born about 1894
PearamRobert Leeborn about 1937
PearsonAgnes born about 1908
PearsonCatherine born about 1895
PearsonHerbert born about 1901
PearsonHerbert born about 1935
PearsonMarian born about 1930
PeckClarence born about 1904
PeckLestie born about 1892
PeckLillian born about 1868
PeckhamJessie born about 1865
PeekLester Vincentborn about 1893
PenariniJulia born about 1920
PenariniMary born about 1895
PenariniRomeo born about 1888
PerghHerbert born about 1891
PerritanoFrank born about 1935
PerritanoJenny born about 1915
PerritanoKathrine born about 1937
PerritanoPeter born about 1908
PerritanoRalph born about 1939
PerritanoTeresa born about 1934
PestelBeatrice born about 1927
PestelMagaret born about 1924
PeterAllan born about 1937
PeterChristina born about 1923
PeterEdmond born about 1888
PeterJoseph born about 1928
PeterKathleen born about 1899
PeterMarjorie born about 1919
PeteranAnn Fborn about 1907
PeteranErnst born about 1902
PeteranErnst Hborn about 1939
PetermanJacob born about 1887
PetermanMargaret born about 1886
PetersJennie born about 1877
PeytonCharles Hborn about 1909
PeytonFannie Mborn about 1911
PeytonHannah born about 1898
PhillipsHelen born about 1923
PhillipsLois born about 1925
PhillipsMary born about 1895
PhillipsPhillip born about 1889
PietsCha?Er Eldonborn about 1885
PietsHarold born about 1914
PietsHarriet born about 1886
PietsHelen born about 1912
PietsHerbert born about 1922
PietsMarvin born about 1912
PisackFrank born about 1905
PlaceFredrick Rborn about 1904
PlaceFredrick Rborn about 1927
PlaceJean Marieborn about 1929
PlaceMarie born about 1905
PlatschekErick born about 1902
PoirierCharles born about 1895
PoirierJulien born about 1906
PoiteventCalla born about 1889
PollenderDavid born about 1886
PoloAngelina born about 1926
PoloDomnick born about 1925
PoloElizabeth born about 1931
PoloGrace born about 1892
PoloPete born about 1921
PoloRocco born about 1890
PorachAlva Cborn about 1910
PorachStephen born about 1906
PresenzaAldo born about 1922
PresenzaIrma born about 1923
PresenzaNicholas born about 1888
PresenzaPauline born about 1896
PriceAnna born about 1864
PrioloAngela born about 1926
PrioloAnttionette born about 1933
PrioloCarmela born about 1898
PrioloFrank born about 1925
PrioloKathrine born about 1923
PrioloLuigi born about 1895
PrioloStephen born about 1931
PurcellRowena born about 1909
PurcellWilliam born about 1911
PurdyBertha born about 1904
PurdyFrank born about 1877
PurdyLoretta born about 1876
PurdySamuel born about 1871
PuskareMary born about 1867
PyneEdward born about 1886
PyneRosetta born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabascoElizebeth Jemelborn about 1918
RabascoErsila born about 1940
RabascoJoseph born about 1915
RamosSimeon born about 1902
RanseyMary Eborn about 1889
RantonenAugust born about 1881
RappoccoDorothy born about 1922
RappoccoKatherine born about 1904
RappoccoPasguale born about 1885
RasoLouis born about 1926
RasoMarie born about 1925
RasoSorato born about 1900
RasoStella born about 1905
RatteArthur born about 1902
RavenJulius born about 1888
RavenMarie born about 1891
RayCara born about 1910
RayLester born about 1908
RaymondAlbert born about 1927
RaymondCharles born about 1889
RaymondCharles born about 1922
RaymondGertude Oborn about 1886
RaymondHenry born about 1925
RaymondIrene born about 1923
RaymondJoseph born about 1918
RaymondMary born about 1919
RaymondRita born about 1921
RedlerHarry born about 1900
RedlerLoretta Fborn about 1909
ReidAlbert born about 1905
ReidLavinia born about 1912
ReidMary born about 1908
ReidPeter Infantborn about 1939
ReidValentine born about 1910
ReidWilliam born about 1910
RemanAlthea born about 1914
RemanLulie born about 1884
RemdtAnita born about 1936
RemdtArthur born about 1901
RemdtDoris born about 1928
RemdtErna born about 1911
RemsenArnor born about 1915
RemsenCreswell born about 1914
RemsenEthel Mborn about 1876
RemsenFay born about 1935
RemsenGeorge Hborn about 1895
RemsenGeorge Wborn about 1870
RemsenHelen born about 1917
RemsenKathleen born about 1900
RemsenLucille born about 1911
RemsenMartin born about 1874
RemsenRachel born about 1883
RemsenWallace born about 1910
RemsenWallace Jr born about 1937
RemsenWarren born about 1922
RemsonErnest born about 1912
RemsonLouise born about 1913
RemsonPatricia born about 1939
ReomjardtMartin born about 1872
ReouxJoseph born about 1872
ReyholecEmile born about 1892
ReyholecOtto born about 1914
ReyholecTimothy born about 1887
ReynoldsClayton born about 1908
ReynoldsMildred born about 1914
ReynoldsRichard born about 1938
RicardiAlsi born about 1902
RicardiHenry born about 1896
RicardiJean born about 1933
RicardiMary born about 1931
RicciardiEda born about 1929
RicciardiFrank born about 1899
RicciardiGuido born about 1923
RicciardiJoseph born about 1905
RichardsCharles born about 1883
RichardsEleanore born about 1867
RichardsIda Jborn about 1891
RichardsonDavid born about 1937
RichardsonFred born about 1885
RichardsonJames born about 1938
RichardsonLucy born about 1917
RichardsonMerl born about 1913
RifferGertrude born about 1902
RifferRaymond Fborn about 1890
RingwoodAndrey born about 1933
RingwoodBarbara born about 1939
RingwoodEdith born about 1940
RingwoodFrederick born about 1918
RingwoodJanet born about 1936
RingwoodJoan born about 1938
RingwoodJulia born about 1877
RingwoodRose born about 1912
RingwoodVirginia born about 1935
RingwoodWilliam born about 1877
RingwoodWilliam born about 1908
RinkelAlice born about 1904
RitoccoAngelo born about 1917
RitoccoFrances born about 1917
RitoccoFrank born about 1901
RitoccoLena born about 1915
RitoccoMary born about 1877
RitoccoPhyllis born about 1935
RitoccoTheodore born about 1923
RizzonDomenick born about 1892
RizzonElia born about 1930
RizzonLevio born about 1922
RizzonMaria born about 1900
RizzonMary born about 1925
RobbineJames born about 1882
RobbineLaura born about 1884
RobbineMillard born about 1925
RobbinsAddie born about 1882
RobbinsAgnes born about 1908
RobbinsAnnie born about 1884
RobbinsAnnie born about 1922
RobbinsAntonnette born about 1911
RobbinsEdward born about 1879
RobbinsIda born about 1915
RobbinsJames born about 1914
RobbinsJames born about 1934
RobbinsJoan born about 1935
RobbinsLee born about 1910
RobbinsLillian born about 1870
RobbinsMary Anneborn about 1934
RobbinsRobert born about 1912
RoccheEdward born about 1912
RoccheEleanor Aborn about 1915
RoccheHarold Eborn about 1938
RoccheHarry Hborn about 1883
RoddInfant born about
RoddThomas born about 1911
RoddThomas 3Rd born about 1914
RoddWendy born about 1915
RoddWendy Mborn about 1917
RodenHugh Vborn about 1902
RodenShelia born about 1912
RodgeiaMaria born about 1870
RodgersLucille born about 1916
RodgersWilliam Eborn about 1907
RodgriaDora born about 1895
RosaAntoinette born about 1917
RosaJoseph born about 1866
RosaLouis born about 1914
RoseIrace born about 1926
RoseMarion born about 1903
RoseMarion born about 1929
RosePerlie born about 1905
RosseterElizebeth born about 1918
RosseterKensitt born about 1882
RosseterMargaret born about 1882
RotenLaura Belloborn about 1884
RowanHelen born about 1909
RowanLoretta born about 1932
RowanVincent born about 1936
RubonAnne born about 1912
RuscoeEleanor born about 1905
RuscoeFloyd born about 1899
RuscoeG Irvingborn about 1905
RuscoeHelen born about 1911
RuscoeJeanne born about 1939
RussoTeresa born about 1895
RussoThomas born about 1890
RyanFlorence Gborn about 1901
RyanMary Aborn about 1857
RyanWilliam Aborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlonHelen born about 1924
SadlonJohn born about 1916
SageHoward Jborn about 1902
SageMary Dborn about 1905
SalinkaJohn born about 1896
SalovaaraHilma born about 1896
SalvatiA Mariaborn about 1892
SalvatiBerardino born about 1921
SalvatiNicola born about 1890
SandersAmey born about 1892
SandeyFrank born about 1929
SantosAlfred Cborn about 1919
SantosElizebeth born about 1925
SantosGeorge Cborn about 1916
SantosJack born about 1924
SantosJoaquina born about 1883
SantosManuel born about 1909
SapeyAnnie born about 1897
SapeyDougles born about 1921
SapeyErnest born about 1896
SapeyMarie born about 1925
SarlesAlice born about 1869
SarlesJames born about 1897
SarlesWilliam Aborn about 1868
SatelyDorothy born about 1908
SatelyJoseph born about 1898
SatelyThelma born about 1926
SaulmeierOttilie born about 1901
ScarpaAmelia born about 1916
ScarpaAnthony born about 1910
ScarpaVincent born about 1940
SchaergesConstance born about 1935
SchaergesHarold born about 1909
SchaergesRuth born about 1915
SchaergesValeri born about 1939
SchardLena born about 1883
SchaurerAgnes born about 1903
SchaurerEdward Jborn about 1901
SchaurerSusanne born about 1864
SchiefJoseph born about 1892
SchildtHenrietta born about 1901
SchildtHerbert born about 1924
SchildtLouis born about 1895
SchildtLouise born about 1926
SchlegelHerbert born about 1910
SchlegelHerbert born about 1938
SchlegelValdahe born about 1916
SchlickmanAdolph born about 1911
SchlickmanBertha born about 1933
SchlickmanFreda born about 1911
SchmalingAlice born about 1905
SchmalingGeorge born about 1901
SchmalingGeorge Jr born about 1924
SchmidtAdolph born about 1865
SchnoorBetty born about 1925
SchnoorEsther born about 1891
SchnoorHarry born about 1889
SchnoorHenrike born about 1861
SchnoorJohn born about 1917
SchnoorLois born about 1917
SchnoorRichard born about 1914
SchnoorSandra born about 1939
SchollCatherine born about 1878
SchollFrederick born about 1872
ScholzJohn born about 1910
ScholzJohn Jr born about 1931
ScholzRichard born about 1934
ScholzRose born about 1910
SchoraederBlanche born about 1912
SchoraederEdna born about 1922
SchoraederMary born about 1891
SchoraederWilliam born about 1885
SchultisBessie born about 1889
SchultisDean born about 1927
SchultisGeorge born about 1889
SchwisherArthur born about 1874
ScolandArnold born about 1925
ScolandBenony born about 1901
ScolandEilif born about 1897
ScolandEva born about 1919
ScolandOscar born about 1913
ScolandRoy born about 1938
ScruggsCalla born about 1909
ScruggsEdward born about 1902
ScurzzelliSandy born about 1895
SearlesCharles born about 1931
SearlesGeorge born about 1906
SearlesGeorge Jr born about 1930
SearlesMary born about 1913
SeeAloah born about 1898
SeeCaroline born about 1890
SeeClara born about 1902
SeeDaniel born about 1871
SeeElizabeth born about 1937
SeeFrederick Josephborn about 1915
SeeGeorge born about 1904
SeeGrace born about 1897
SeeJames born about 1935
SeeLeonard born about 1904
SeeLoise Janeborn about 1932
SeeMarion born about 1908
SeeMarion Belleborn about 1929
SeeWilliam born about 1892
SeeWilliam born about 1921
SeraphinMary born about 1870
SeraphinMinnie born about 1869
SeraphinRichard born about 1905
SergeHenrietta born about 1913
SettgastGib born about 1916
SheaEvelyn Eborn about 1905
SheaHenry Gborn about 1904
SheldonEdward born about 1908
SheldonEdward born about 1923
SheldonMary born about 1888
SheldonRaymond Mrs born about 1879
ShelleyAdelaide born about 1887
ShelleyFrank Hborn about 1877
SheureuxBeatrice born about 1906
SheureuxBetty born about 1928
SheureuxElizebeth born about 1928
SheureuxFrancis born about 1925
SheureuxLarraine born about 1926
SheureuxNancy born about 1932
SheureuxSalem born about 1902
ShinnerIda Eborn about 1863
ShortMary born about 1900
SiedlJohn born about 1910
SiedlJohn born about 1938
SiedlRose born about 1912
SiegelEmil born about 1913
SiegelGeorge born about 1906
SiegelJohn born about 1937
SieselElizabeth born about 1888
SieselWilliam born about 1877
SiloermanGertrude born about 1895
SiloermanStanley born about 1896
SimmonsBert born about 1883
SimmonsEdward Bborn about 1914
SimmonsJohn born about 1903
SimmonsLeanor born about 1927
SimmonsMame born about 1883
SimmonsPauline born about 1907
SimmonsStella born about 1907
SinistoreMargaret born about 1936
SinistoreMarian born about 1935
SinistoreMaude born about 1909
SinistoreMaude born about 1933
SinistoreMerion born about 1911
SinistoreMichael Jborn about 1939
SinonMay Elsieborn about 1890
SinonWilliam born about 1869
SintrateCharles born about 1909
SkaalandA??Sal born about 1919
SkaalandGunda born about 1898
SkaalandK Gertudeborn about 1920
SkaalandLauucel born about 1895
SkaalandSlyvia born about 1923
SkanMarian born about 1896
SkarpeGrant Allen Jrborn about 1917
SkarpeMargaret born about 1918
SkarpeRussell born about 1938
SledgeBlanche born about 1911
SledgeVictor born about 1902
SlomonElizabeth born about 1881
SlomonJohn born about 1881
SlomonTheodor born about 1918
SlusarzAnna born about 1890
SlusarzAnthony born about 1889
SlusarzAnthony born about 1932
SlusarzEdward born about 1919
SlusarzGeorge born about 1920
SlusarzHelen born about 1924
SlusarzJoseph born about 1917
SlusarzKasmer born about 1923
SlusarzLucas born about 1926
SlusarzMary born about 1918
SlusarzStanley born about 1930
SmithAgnes Mborn about 1892
SmithArthur born about 1889
SmithBeatrice born about 1915
SmithBessie born about 1888
SmithClara born about 1913
SmithDorothy Mayborn about 1929
SmithElla Fborn about 1866
SmithElsie born about 1918
SmithFlorence Aborn about 1880
SmithGeorge born about 1911
SmithGeorge born about 1920
SmithHarold born about 1926
SmithJames born about 1864
SmithJames Henryborn about 1914
SmithLeonard Tborn about 1900
SmithLester born about 1886
SmithMae Dborn about 1899
SmithMary Margaretborn about 1897
SmithMay Aborn about 1877
SmithPeter born about 1898
SmithPeter Johnborn about 1939
SniffenAlfred born about 1914
SniffenEliott born about 1895
SniffenEugenie born about 1869
SniffenIretta born about 1898
SniffenKanneth born about 1918
SniffenStanley born about 1891
SniffenWillett born about 1881
SnyderAnn Wborn about 1934
SnyderCarroll Mborn about 1902
SnyderCatherine Wborn about 1907
SommavillaAffa born about 1900
SommavillaJen born about 1921
SommavillaJohn born about 1893
SommavillaJohn born about 1925
SonckMary born about 1905
SonckWilliam born about 1906
SoperAnn born about 1934
SoperDavid born about 1891
SoperMarjorie born about 1909
SpenaeJames born about 1914
SpenaeLois born about 1920
SpiconardiConnie born about 1922
SpiconardiJames born about 1915
SpoffordDorothy born about 1900
SpoffordEdward Vborn about 1895
SpoffordEdward Wborn about 1861
SpoffordHester born about 1872
SpoffordJane born about 1925
SpoffordMary born about 1927
StamC Johnborn about 1938
StamCyrua born about 1902
StamJames born about 1925
StamJulia born about 1931
StamMary born about 1904
StamMary Northborn about 1927
StanfieleFrances born about 1904
StanfieleJames born about 1893
StanfieleJames born about 1933
StanfieleRichard born about 1935
SteereClaude born about 1894
SteereClaude Jr born about 1917
SteereEleanor born about 1921
SteereGorden born about 1924
SteereGutude born about 1894
SteereNorman born about 1931
SteereWilliam born about 1923
SteinbornCatherine born about 1909
SteinbornCatherine born about 1936
SteinbornJoseph born about 1934
SteinbornPatricia born about 1938
SteinbornPeter born about 1907
SteinbornPeter born about 1931
StephensEmily born about 1911
StevensAnita born about 1890
StideVirginia born about 1924
StillaHallie born about 1898
StillaHenry born about 1875
StilsonJames born about 1893
StilsonJane born about 1893
StipoAdeline born about 1910
StipoEdward born about 1908
StipoGenoveffa born about 1873
StipoLouis born about 1912
StocchettiBetty born about 1930
StocchettiClarace born about 1934
StocchettiCorrado born about 1922
StocchettiElda born about 1927
StoekertCharles Jborn about 1928
StoekertHelen born about 1904
StoekertRichard born about 1930
StrattonBessy born about 1877
StrattonGeuld born about 1877
StraudCharles born about 1916
StrideDorothy born about 1925
StrongBenjamin born about 1897
StrongBenjamin Jr born about 1925
StrongJohn born about 1932
StrongLaura born about 1902
StrongLaura born about 1934
StuartDorothy born about 1926
StuartEdna born about 1910
StuartEdward born about 1888
StuartHarold born about 1918
StuartHelen born about 1889
StuartJanet born about 1929
StuartMuriel born about 1928
StuartRalph born about 1911
StuartRamond born about 1924
StuartRichard born about 1922
StuartRussell born about 1920
SuierveldAnna born about 1934
SuierveldGertrude born about 1903
SuierveldJacob born about 1903
SuierveldJohn born about 1928
SullivanDaniel born about 1906
SullivanElizabeth born about 1937
SullivanKathrine born about 1934
SullivanMarian born about 1913
SwetsElizabeth born about 1935
SwetsJohanna born about 1907
SwetsJohn born about 1901
SwinehaetJerry born about 1904
SwinehaetJerry born about 1939
SwinehaetLouise born about 1907
SylviaAnthony born about 1923
SylviaDelvina born about 1901
SylviaDolores born about 1933
SylviaHenry born about 1922
SylviaVitalina born about 1927
SyverudAthelie born about 1886
SyverudAthelie born about 1886
SyverudChristian born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TampkinsBeverly born about 1915
TampkinsDonald born about 1939
TampkinsValentine born about 1904
TarrasGrace born about 1922
TattagliaAnna born about 1904
TattagliaJerry born about 1923
TattagliaLouisa born about 1924
TattagliaNicholas born about 1897
TattagliaPhyllis born about 1931
TattagliaRobert born about 1927
TattagliaYolando born about 1925
TawmleyGertrude born about 1935
TawmleyLucy Gertrudeborn about 1897
TawmleyWalter born about 1898
TawmleyWalter born about 1924
TaylarClara born about 1923
TaylarErling born about 1917
TaylarViola born about 1891
TaylarWilliam born about 1882
TaylorGeneva born about 1923
TaylorGladys born about 1925
TaylorNellie born about 1907
TaylorTom born about 1903
TeaznaJoseph born about 1886
TeclawFlorence born about 1908
TeclawHenry Tborn about 1900
TeclawJoseph born about 1868
TeclawJoseph born about 1910
TeneickArthur born about 1912
TeneickRobert born about 1938
TeneickViola born about 1913
ThompsonBobby born about 1931
ThompsonCharles Eborn about 1935
ThompsonEdna born about 1912
ThompsonElsie born about 1909
ThompsonFloyd born about 1904
ThompsonJessie Jborn about 1938
ThompsonJoy born about 1930
ThompsonThomas Jborn about 1933
ThompsonWillard born about 1910
ThompsonWilliard Jr born about 1937
TiburziAnna born about 1907
TiburziJulian born about 1897
TiburziLaurie born about 1928
TiburziRobert born about 1926
TiburziVincent born about 1938
TimmonsJohn born about 1915
TimmonsMarie born about 1922
ToddAlice born about 1911
ToddAlice born about 1938
ToddJames born about 1905
ToddJames born about 1939
ToddLouise born about 1935
TomontoGladys born about 1909
TomontoJames born about 1908
TomontoRobert born about 1932
TompkinsAlmeda born about 1923
TompkinsCharles born about 1899
TompkinsClaire born about 1902
TompkinsDaniel born about 1925
TompkinsEliza born about 1895
TompkinsEmma born about 1902
TompkinsGeorge born about 1896
TompkinsGeorge born about 1924
TompkinsJohn Lborn about 1902
TompkinsMarie born about 1930
TompkinsMary born about 1934
TompkinsRegina born about 1925
TompkinsRobert born about 1921
TompkinsSara born about 1931
TorlishDeborah born about 1916
TorlishJames born about 1914
TorlishJames Jr born about 1935
TorlishThomas born about 1939
TownendFrank born about 1888
TownendGeraldine born about 1888
TownendLouie born about 1926
TracyElbridge born about 1888
TracyElbridge born about 1923
TracyPauline born about 1861
TravisFloris born about 1909
TravisFrank born about 1907
TrerotolaJoan born about 1936
TrerotolaJohn born about 1882
TrerotolaKatherine born about 1905
TrerotolaKatherine Rborn about 1934
TrerotolaNicholas born about 1904
TrerotolaPeter born about 1906
TrerotolaRose born about 1884
TrerotolaVivian born about 1938
TroeberOtto born about 1891
TursinaSteve born about 1921
TvedtFred born about 1903
TvedtIngrid born about 1895
TvedtMarian born about 1934
TydonEdith born about 1926
TydonWilliam born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UllmanEulalie born about 1890
UllmanJohn Eborn about 1917
UllmanMargery born about 1922
UllmanRose Maryborn about 1927
UllmanWilliam born about 1889
UsetedCharles born about 1889
UsetedCharles Jr born about 1926
UsetedIda born about 1868
UsetedJay born about 1935
UsetedJoseph born about 1867
UsetedNelley born about 1894
UsetedPhyllis born about 1929
UshyPeter born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineBailey born about 1907
ValentineCharles born about 1898
ValentineCharles born about 1919
ValentineIrene born about 1905
ValentineIrene born about 1928
ValentineRuth born about 1910
ValentineRuth born about 1935
ValentineWarren born about 1926
VanWart born about 1871
VanrayBettey born about 1927
VelsorSidney Charlesborn about 1875
VelsorSusan born about 1874
VermetteLucian born about 1905
ViolaAndrew born about 1917
ViolaEugenia born about 1909
ViolaFrank born about 1880
ViolaJoseph born about 1908
ViolaJoseph born about 1934
ViolaRuth born about 1918
VogelMarrie born about 1891
VosatkaEdna born about 1931
VosatkaFrederick born about 1927
VosatkaFredrick born about 1904
VosatkaHelen born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeClarance born about 1904
WadeElizeth born about 1936
WadeElsie born about 1928
WadeGarnett born about 1925
WadeGlenn born about 1934
WadeStellar born about 1910
WadlinEvelyn born about 1926
WadlinMarian born about 1927
WadsworthHarriett born about 1918
WadsworthJohn Eborn about 1912
WagnerJohn born about 1883
WagoElizabeth born about 1892
WagoJoseph born about 1882
WagoJoseph Jr born about 1909
WagoL Charlesborn about 1915
WalcottFredrick born about 1938
WalcottHelen born about 1912
WalcottJames Dborn about 1910
WalfordLouis born about 1877
WalfredMatilda born about 1872
WalkerGeorgia Aborn about 1912
WalkerWalter Eborn about 1899
WallerHerbert born about 1907
WallerMallory born about 1907
WallerThomas born about 1935
WardMary Eborn about 1880
WardenGrace born about 1890
WardenHerbert born about 1883
WardenJohn born about 1922
WardenMarie born about 1914
WardenWilliam born about 1917
WashburnGeorge born about 1908
WashburnJeanne born about 1938
WashburnJenny born about 1917
WashburnMary born about 1939
WaterburgAlma born about 1911
WaterburgC Edwardborn about 1891
WaterburgJacqueline born about 1931
WaterburgJohn born about 1908
WaterburgMabel born about 1898
WaterburgPhillis born about 1936
WaterburyCharles Eborn about 1860
WaterburyDolores born about 1930
WaterburyEleanor born about 1914
WaterburyErnest born about 1885
WaterburyFrances born about 1884
WaterburyIsabelle born about 1894
WattDorothy Eborn about 1912
WattMarian Eborn about 1888
WattWilliam Cborn about 1884
WayneRobert Cborn about 1902
WayneRobert Cborn about 1902
WeaverDora born about 1910
WeberClaire born about 1928
WeberEdwin born about 1892
WeberEdwin Jr born about 1932
WeberMarie born about 1926
WeberMildred born about 1907
WeberShirley born about 1936
WellHelmet born about 1905
WellJoannah born about 1938
WellPauline born about 1911
WellRoger born about 1937
WellsHelen Marshallborn about 1880
WendoloskiTom born about 1922
WernerDygne born about 1907
WernerJohn born about 1909
WespCharles born about 1902
WespHermina born about 1905
WestEdward Hborn about 1893
WestHelen born about 1893
WhaleyAnn born about 1878
WheelerAlice born about 1892
WheelerGeorge born about 1913
WheelerMinnie born about 1920
WheelerWillard born about 1892
WhippleLula born about 1904
WhippleWilliam born about 1866
WhiteEstella born about 1909
WhiteG M Mrsborn about 1863
WhiteHector born about 1894
WhiteIsabelle born about 1892
WhiteJohn born about 1919
WhiteRaymond born about 1907
WhiteRaymond W Sborn about 1887
WhitfordAlice born about 1885
WhitfordAlvah born about 1881
WhitfordRaymond born about 1903
WhitleyLola born about 1928
WienckoAntonette born about 1880
WienckoCaroline born about 1920
WienckoHelen born about 1906
WienckoVky Benjaminborn about 1878
WiffenNora born about 1913
WilksAlwine born about 1902
WilksElsie born about 1879
WilksJohn born about 1877
WillcoxCarleton born about 1937
WillcoxEdith born about 1868
WillcoxJean Aborn about 1903
WillcoxNancy Annborn about 1939
WillcoxSeth Cborn about 1906
Willett born about 1864
WillettDaisy born about 1907
WilliamsCharlotte born about 1931
WilliamsElsie Lborn about 1894
WilliamsElsie Mborn about 1927
WilliamsHarry born about 1888
WilliamsHarry R Jrborn about 1927
WilliamsNorma born about 1933
WilliamsRobert born about 1933
WillyJane born about 1930
WillyMeritt born about 1924
WillyMerritt born about 1901
WillyMuriel born about 1927
WillyRuth born about 1908
WilsonAlberta born about 1924
WilsonAnna Edithborn about 1891
WilsonCarl born about 1914
WilsonClarence born about 1918
WilsonHelen born about 1879
WilsonJames Hborn about 1898
WilsonJosephine born about 1937
WilsonLaurence born about 1937
WilsonLyyra born about 1913
WilsonMagaret born about 1907
WilsonMarie born about 1915
WilsonMary Jborn about 1923
WilsonPauline born about 1913
WilsonWilliam born about 1860
WingerathPaul born about 1877
WinkerEmily born about 1866
WinklerEdward born about 1925
WinklerEdwin born about 1931
WinklerFrederick born about 1919
WinklerFreida born about 1923
WinklerJacob born about 1898
WinklerOlga born about 1897
WolfeilWalter born about 1897
WolfreyCorrine born about 1928
WoodDoris born about 1923
WoodFlorence born about 1924
WoodHarold born about 1899
WoodMadolyn born about 1923
WoodMargaret born about 1896
WoolfordBendewt born about 1873
WoolfordCasper born about 1919
WoolfordSuzewtte born about 1881
WoolfordThomas born about 1917
WoolseyAlice born about 1875
WoolseyHarry born about 1885
WospadoeEuvice born about 1920
WospadoeGeorge born about 1910
WrobelAlice born about 1930
WrobelKatherine born about 1891
WrobelMichael born about 1878
WrobelStanley born about 1922
WursincerCarl born about 1899
WursincerRuth born about 1932
WuttkaCharles born about 1930
WuttkaElizebeth born about 1936
WuttkaHerma born about 1895
WuttkaMarie born about 1906
WyandHenry Cborn about 1862
WyandHenry Cborn about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaconelliAugustina born about 1916
YaconelliJulia born about 1921
YerkaGeorge born about 1862
YerkaMartha born about 1879
YerkaOlive born about 1908
YettitoPaul born about 1877
YoungLena born about 1916
YoungLeonard born about 1911

Z Surnames

ZimmerJoan born about 1928
ZygmontAlbert born about 1932
ZygmontAnna born about 1876
ZygmontAnthony born about 1909
ZygmontEgan born about 1914
ZygmontFrank born about 1926
ZygmontGeorge born about 1877
ZygmontGeorge born about 1927
ZygmontHelen born about 1911
ZygmontMary born about 1914
ZygmontMichael born about 1913
ZygmontRose born about 1913

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