1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ragtown, Westchester, New York

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > New York > Westchester County > 1940 Census of Ragtown

A SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames
K SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AgtheMary born about 1877

C Surnames

ConlonMary Eborn about 1862
ConlonSarah Aborn about 1901

E Surnames

EnchAlbert born about 1904
EnchJanet born about 1912
EnchMarilynn born about 1932

G Surnames

GoetzJohn born about 1922
GoetzMartha born about 1925
GoetzMary Elisabethborn about 1911
GoetzWilliam born about 1929

H Surnames

HaydenBarbara born about 1930
HaydenEugene born about 1907
HaydenEugene born about 1936
HaydenFlorence born about 1911

K Surnames

KaynerEdward born about 1933
KaynerElmer born about 1908
KaynerMary born about 1908
KellenFisher Jessieborn about 1880

L Surnames

LoughrayCornelius born about 1898
LoughrayDeniel born about 1899
LoughrayMarie born about 1905
LoughrayPatrick born about 1869

M Surnames

MagrinoAnthony born about 1892
MagrinoKatherine born about 1891
MagrinoKatherine born about 1923
MagrinoLuciel born about 1915
MagrinoMichael born about 1913
MagrinoPhileman born about 1920
MagrinoRobert born about 1917
MagrinoRose born about 1924
MontgomeryJudith born about 1940
MontgomeryMarjorie born about 1911
MontgomeryRobert born about 1910
MontgomeryRobert born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicolaisBenedetto born about 1897
NicolaisBenedetto born about 1921
NicolaisMaria born about 1899
NicolaisRalph born about 1928
NicolaisSalvador born about 1928
NicolaisVincenza born about 1923

O Surnames

OrdGeorge Jborn about 1855

P Surnames

ParkerClemena born about 1912
ParkerSarah born about 1875

R Surnames

RenshawDavid born about 1931
RenshawDorothy born about 1923
RenshawEdward born about 1922
RenshawJohn born about 1926
RenshawLillian Fborn about 1894
RobinsonAntionette born about 1909
RobinsonArthur Rborn about 1912
RobinsonArthur Rborn about 1937

S Surnames

SeckerEdith Mborn about 1877
SeckerHerbert Jborn about 1877
SeckerLillian born about 1908
SeckerRobert born about 1914
StoldtCharles born about 1891
StoldtIsabelle born about 1887
StubbeDorothy born about 1939
StubbeFred Hborn about 1860
StubbeHarriet born about 1940
StubbeHarry born about 1890
StubbeMargaret born about 1931
StubbeSophie born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UllrichFrances born about 1908
UllrichFredrick born about 1901
UllrichFredrick born about 1929
UllrichJames born about 1934
UllrichRobert born about 1935

V Surnames

VanlennenAlida born about 1925
VanlennenBobby born about 1929
VanlennenDonald born about 1934
VanlennenJacoba born about 1897
VanlennenJan born about 1892
VanlennenJan born about 1927

W Surnames

WendelHans Rborn about 1871
WendelRose born about 1884

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